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Healing fatty liver: Which four factors make a decisive contribution


Highlights: Healing fatty liver: Which four factors make a decisive contribution.. As of: January 23, 2024, 1:38 p.m By: Natalie Hull-Deichsel CommentsPressSplit Even slim or slightly overweight people can develop a fatty liver. Those who do not adapt their lifestyle risk serious consequences. Fatty liver disease or steatosis hepatis is widespread in Germany. Around a third of adults have an enlarged liver due to too much fat storage. Even one in three overweight children develops fatty liver disease.

As of: January 23, 2024, 1:38 p.m

By: Natalie Hull-Deichsel




Even slim or slightly overweight people can develop a fatty liver.

Those who do not adapt their lifestyle risk serious consequences.

Fatty liver disease or steatosis hepatis is widespread in Germany.

There is non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFL) and alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFL), although it is often difficult to make a clear distinction.

Causes of fatty liver disease, often in combination, include poor diet, lack of exercise, obesity, regular to heavy alcohol consumption and diabetes mellitus.

If the liver has to process more toxins and fats than it can break down or store, fat is deposited in the liver tissue, as the

German Liver Foundation


The risk of liver cirrhosis, liver cancer and other complications, such as high blood pressure, is greatly increased.

Around a third of adults have an enlarged liver due to too much fat storage, and the trend is rising.

Even one in three overweight children develops fatty liver disease.

What are the symptoms of fatty liver disease?

A diseased liver can develop over a long period of time and cause few or rather unspecific symptoms such as exhaustion and tiredness.

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A fatty liver does not cause pain and does not cause any clear symptoms for a long time; possible non-specific symptoms are often not associated with the organ.

If the fatty liver is already more advanced, functional tissue is destroyed and there is insufficient blood circulation.

The fatty liver can then lead to the dreaded liver cirrhosis, which is often accompanied by non-specific symptoms:

  • Tiredness and exhaustion

  • Loss of appetite

  • weight loss

  • Feeling of pressure in the upper abdomen

  • Itching of the skin

  • Muscle tremors (tremors)

  • Yellowing of the skin and eyes, called jaundice

  • Finest, visible blood vessels - also called liver stars - under the skin, primarily on the face, nose, neck, chest or arms

  • So-called raspberry tongue or lacquer tongue, i.e. a smooth, shiny red tongue, is the first visible indication of impending liver failure in liver cirrhosis

What is the best remedy for fatty liver disease?

According to the German Liver Foundation

, it is not yet possible to reverse or cure the long-term symptom-free liver disease with medication


Obesity can be reversed through four factors such as categorical changes in diet, controlled weight loss, regular exercise and alcohol abstinence.

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What can you eat or not eat if you have fatty liver disease?

Since fatty liver disease is also caused by poor nutrition, especially increased carbohydrates, it makes sense and is important to consume less bread, pasta, rice, pastries and puff pastry products.

Oatmeal helps against fatty liver disease: Eat a portion at least once a week

Oat days can help prevent fatty liver disease: take an oatmeal diet at least one day, and at best three or even four days a



On the oatmeal treatment days, only oatmeal with minor flavor additions such as fruit or vegetables should be consumed with meals.

As soon as the liver becomes fatty, harmful foods should be avoided.

The Logi method (




Insulinemic Diet)


support here.

This form of nutrition keeps blood sugar and insulin levels low, thus relieving the strain on the liver.

When choosing carbohydrates, special attention should be paid to fiber, such as whole-grain bread, whole-grain pasta and whole-grain rice.

The basis of the Logi diet includes vegetables (rhubarb, carrots, peppers, potatoes, broccoli), unsaturated fats (nuts, legumes, eggs, fish) and vegetable oils (olive oil, rapeseed oil, linseed oil, safflower oil), as well as fruits with a low fructose content ( Avocado, strawberries, blackberries, clementines, plums).

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication.

It in no way replaces a visit to the doctor.

Our editorial team is not allowed to answer individual questions about medical conditions.

Source: merkur

All life articles on 2024-01-23

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