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If you want happy children, you should give them a cell phone as late as possible, advises an expert


Highlights: If you want happy children, you should give them a cell phone as late as possible, advises an expert. According to the “German Society for Child and Adolescent Medicine e. V. (DGKJ)”, primary school children should not spend more than 30 to 45 minutes of screen time per day. The later children use their own mobile phone - at the earliest at the age of 13 it would make sense, says Dr. Laurie Santos. It would have a positive impact through: Lower risk of anxiety and depression More sleep and better sleep quality.

As of: January 23, 2024, 8:30 p.m

By: Natalie Hull-Deichsel




When and how much time on the smartphone or tablet makes sense?

Media time should not be underestimated in terms of health consequences, as the expert emphasizes.

How old should a child be before they get their first cell phone (“cell phone”)?

These days it seems that access to digital devices and video consumption among young people is increasing.

If you want your offspring to lead a happier and more successful life, there is only one right answer, according to psychology professor Dr.

Laurie Santos of Yale University: “Wait as long as possible.”


According to the “German Society for Child and Adolescent Medicine e.

V. (DGKJ)”, primary school children should not spend more than 30 to 45 minutes of screen time per day.

© Monkey Business 2/Imago

Not only frequent media time, but also early use of digital devices can have a lasting impact on mental health - social media also contributes to this.

“Teens today receive up to 200 notifications from apps on their phones,” she says.

“Children’s brains are still developing, so it’s difficult to focus on learning and paying attention at school,” explains Dr.

Santos told CNBC.

In addition, using social media would increase the risk of children being exposed to cyberbullying, hate speech and discrimination.

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The later children use their own mobile phone - at the earliest at the age of 13 it would make sense, says Dr.

Santos – the lower possible psychological and physical effects would be.

This would have a positive impact through:

  • Lower risk of anxiety and depression

  • More sleep and better sleep quality

  • More focus can be placed on physical activities, so that the risk of becoming overweight decreases

  • Avoiding headaches

  • Prevention of Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), which causes burning eyes and blurred vision

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Cell phone use: Parents as role models for children

Parents should set a good example: the less busy they are with their smartphone, the better they can justify to their child why it makes sense not to have one yet.

Furthermore, reduced screen time and even not having your own device until you are a teenager would have the following advantages:

  • Better development of social skills:

    Excessive use of screen media can hinder the development of social skills.

    Children who spend a lot of time in front of screens may have less opportunity to practice their social skills face-to-face with their peers.

  • Behavior and character are less negatively influenced:

    Violent or inappropriate content can have a negative impact on emotional development.

    Parents should keep an eye on their children's media usage and choose age-appropriate content.

  • Risk of addiction is reduced:

    The constant availability of media can lead to a certain level of dependence in children.

    It's important to set clear rules around media time and ensure children have other activities in their lives.

How much time on your cell phone?

Tips for children and parents

Children's media time should be managed consciously and in moderation.

Parents and guardians play a crucial role in controlling the type and duration of screen time.

A balanced mix of screen activity, physical exercise and social interactions will help minimize the negative effects and promote the positive aspects.

But your own cell phone or tablet can also be used sensibly when it comes to high-quality screen content that promotes education and learning.

There are numerous educational apps and programs that can support children in their cognitive development.

Certain rules for children and parents can make it easier for the family to use smartphones and tablets:

  • The amount of screen time should be discussed in advance and defined together.

    This can make it easier for the child to cooperate when it comes to putting the smartphone or tablet away.

  • Instead of banning it outright, parents should also express interest in the child's videos and online games to get an understanding of their child's interests.

  • The family should have screen-free time during meals together in order to be able to concentrate better on each other.

  • Avoid using screens that emit blue light before bed.

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Source: merkur

All life articles on 2024-01-23

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