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Home remedies for heartburn: ARD shows secret recipe made from four ingredients


Highlights: Home remedies for heartburn: ARD shows secret recipe made from four ingredients. ARD: "Magic potion" made from caraway, potato, flaxseed and water. Heartburn symptoms can be alleviated with the help of simple home remedies. Germany-wide vegetable recall started: Rewe and Kaufland affected read “Table 17” and other signs. The healthiest vegetables in the world – list shows surprising 1st place reading: Helmpflicht beim Fahrradfahren.

As of: January 24, 2024, 11:24 a.m

By: Julian Mayr




Heartburn can turn even the tastiest of meals into a nightmare.

However, a “magic potion” made from common household ingredients can help.

Kassel – First a delicious meal, a good glass of wine – then a burning pain in the stomach and esophagus.

Heartburn affects many people.

A nap after a meal, in particular, can promote heartburn.

Lying down can cause stomach acid to flow back into the esophagus.

Anyone who often suffers from heartburn can resort to tried and tested home remedies that almost everyone has at home.

“Magic potion” for heartburn made from these four ingredients

A remedy called Kü-Ka-Lei-Wa is said to help against heartburn.

Please what?

This is not a pharmaceutical product from the pharmacy.

The acronym stands for caraway, potato, flaxseed and water.

In the




the four ingredients are presented as a true miracle weapon against annoying heartburn.

Heartburn symptoms can be alleviated with the help of simple home remedies.

(Symbolic image) © xaliced/Imago

However, in order to develop the full effect of home remedies, it is not enough to consume potatoes and linseed boiled with a little caraway and water.

Rather, the show advises brewing a “magic potion” from the ingredients.

“This will help you get rid of the annoying burning sensation without having to resort to expensive remedies from the pharmacy,” promises presenter Yvonne Willicks.

Home remedies for heartburn: This is how you prepare the secret recipe

In order for the home remedies to have their full effect against heartburn, they must be turned into a decoction.

To do this, peel two medium-sized potatoes, cut them into small cubes and put them in a pot.

Add two teaspoons of unground caraway seeds and two to three teaspoons of uncrushed linseed.

The whole thing is poured with two liters of water.

The mixture should then be brought to the boil for around 20 minutes and then drained through a sieve.

According to the television report, the approximately 1.5 liters of Kü-Ka-Lei-Wa brew should now be enjoyed warm every few hours for two days.

The brew is said to not only provide relief for acute symptoms, but also prevent heartburn.

It's not just the "magic potion" made from caraway, potatoes, linseed and water that can help with symptoms.

Eating other foods is also recommended for heartburn.

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Bei häufigem Sodbrennen empfiehlt sich Gang zum Doktor

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Die in diesem Artikel genannten Informationen ersetzen nicht den Gang zu einem Arzt oder einer Ärztin. Nur Fachleute können die richtige Diagnose erstellen und eine geeignete Therapie einleiten. Die Einnahme von Medikamenten oder auch Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln sollte vorher mit einem Arzt oder einer Ärztin abgesprochen werden.

Die aufsteigende Magensäure ist nämlich nicht nur unangenehm und schmerzend, sie kann auch den Schlaf stören und dauerhafte negative Auswirkungen auf die Speiseröhre haben. Durch die ätzende Wirkung der Säure können Schleimhäute gereizt und Entzündungen hervorgerufen werden. Bei Refluxkrankheit stellen laut der AOK Experten bei 40 Prozent der Menschen sichtbare Schäden an den Schleimhäuten der Speiseröhre fest. Dies kann in rund fünf von 100 Fällen zu einem sogenannten „Barrett-Ösophagus“, einer Vorstufe von Speiseröhrenkrebs, führen, heißt es auf

Source: merkur

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