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DHL employee opens “suspicious” package – and finds a huge snake inside


Highlights: DHL employee opens “suspicious’ package – and finds a huge snake inside. Snake expert: Seeing a snake in the wild or in your own home is rare - but not completely impossible. The animal survived the journey and is now able to eat for the first time, a snake expert says. It was exposed to low temperatures, “it was below zero in Carinthia at the time of shipping,” said the expert. The snake was hypothermic and therefore in poor health, who feared pneumonia.

As of: January 25, 2024, 7:10 p.m

By: Kai Hartwig




What a DHL apprentice found in a package initially made him run away screaming.

An expert classifies the case – and gives valuable tips.

Klagenfurt – Anyone who sends a package hopes that the process will go smoothly.

This doesn't always happen; it often causes trouble for the sender or recipient.

But sometimes there is also a friendly exchange between parcel carriers and customers - as was recently the case with a DHL shipment.

A DHL employee in Austria had to deal with a completely different problem.

In the distribution center in Klagenfurt-Ost, he could hardly believe his eyes when he randomly opened a package.

According to service center manager Joachim Schuster, the package appeared “suspicious” to the DHL employees there because it had various “air holes,” he told


The inscription “porcelain figurine” on the package also made one wonder why would this need air holes?

And so it was up to apprentice Marcel to get to the bottom of the matter.

He found a plastic box under some strips of paper, which he immediately opened - and let out a scream: "A snake!"

Parcel discovery in Austria: DHL apprentice discovers large snake and runs away screaming

The apprentice fled in fright.

After the initial shock, an expert was called in to examine the snake.

“There was a young boa constrictor in the package that was traveling from Carinthia to Germany,” explained Helga Happ, certified expert for reptiles and venomous animals, in an interview with



It was a young animal about 70 centimeters tall.

After the initial shock, DHL employee Marcel was able to laugh again.

The apprentice found this boa constrictor in a package.

© Helga Happ

Despite the DHL apprentice's shocking discovery, the situation was not life-threatening for him.

“This non-venomous snake species is not dangerous to humans as young animals,” emphasized Happ: “Although any snake can bite and cause bleeding wounds.

Giant snakes only pose a life-threatening threat to humans when they are three meters long, as they can ensnare and strangle humans from this length onwards.”

Snake expert Helga Happ finds “young boa constrictors” in poor condition

On the other hand, the snake's life was in acute danger; its condition initially turned out to be very critical.

“The animal was hypothermic and therefore in poor health,” said Happ, who feared pneumonia.

The snake was exposed to low temperatures, “it was below zero in Carinthia at the time of shipping,” said the expert.

This was life-threatening for the animal and “far too cold for a reptile that originally comes from the tropics”.

According to the expert, “the minimum temperature for the boa constrictor must be 22 degrees Celsius”.

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The animal released from the DHL package was correspondingly weakened afterwards.

According to the snake expert's descriptions, it hardly moved in the first few days after it was found and "only lay in a hiding place under the heating lamp" in its terrarium.

There was a boa constrictor in a DHL package that was sent from Austria to Germany.

The animal survived the transport.

© Helga Happ

Despite the snake's life-threatening package journey, the animal probably survived unscathed in the end.

Snake expert Happ was now able to give the all-clear: “The snake ate for the first time, a small, dead mouse,” Happ told


On Friday (January 19th) it looked out of its hiding place for the first time.

That means she’s slowly getting better.”

Snake expert: DHL employee's life was not in danger - caution is still advised

Seeing a snake in the wild or in your own home is rare - but not completely impossible either.

Snake expert Happ recommends behaving carefully in this case: “If you come across a snake you don’t know, stay away!

Don't touch!"

In addition, you should “in

“Stop at a safe distance, call the emergency number (police, fire department) and ask for help,” says the reptile and poisonous animal expert.

It is advisable not to let the animal out of your sight.

If it hides, it's hard to find.

If a snake is discovered in a room, close the windows and doors so that it remains fixed in that room.” Recently, another case in Austria caused a stir when a snake suddenly emerged from a hotel toilet.


Source: merkur

All life articles on 2024-01-25

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