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From the crackdown on charity to help for the elderly, but also taxes and election day - News


Highlights: Green light from the Council of Ministers to the new rules, sanctions also for influencers. Ferragni: 'Happy, filled a regulatory void'. One thousand euros more for the elderly. Revolution for VAT numbers, green light for the two-year composition with creditors. Administrative and European elections: voting on 8 and 9 June. For Agcom they will have to respect the same rules as the audiovisual sector. For the inclusion allowance "we acquired 651 thousand applications". Those who submitted them by January 7, "450 thousand families will be able to collect the card"

Yes from the Council of Ministers to the new rules, sanctions also for influencers. Ferragni: 'Happy, filled a regulatory void'. One thousand euros more for the elderly. Revolution for VAT numbers, green light for the two-year composition with creditors. Administrative and European elections: voting on 8 and 9 June (ANSA)

Green light from the Council of Ministers - according to what we learn - to the bill on transparency in charity with stringent rules and sanctions also for influencers and to the bill on cybersecurity.

For further information ANSA Agency Transparency and advertising, restrictions on influencers - News - For Agcom they will have to respect the same rules as the audiovisual sector (ANSA)

For further information Agenzia ANSA Ferragni: happy with the government decree, it fills the regulatory void - News - "It is essential to have clear rules for charitable activities" (ANSA)

Green light for rules for the elderly

The Council of Ministers "has approved a very important and long-awaited provision regarding the elderly, in the exercise of a delegation of a law that Parliament approved practically unanimously a few months ago".

Thus the

undersecretary of the presidency Alfredo Mantovano

in a press conference at the end of the meeting.

"After the launch of the delegation - he recalled - a working group was set up between the various administrations involved, work, health and the presidency in particular, and the outcome of this work was a draft legislative decree approved on a preliminary basis which now it will be examined by parliament."

The universal benefit intended for non-self-sufficient elderly people over eighty with "a very serious level of care need" and an ISEE under 6,000 euros arrives on an experimental basis, from 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2026.

This is provided for in the draft legislative decree today in the Council of Ministers.

The benefit is made up of a fixed monetary portion corresponding to the accompanying allowance and a supplementary portion defined as "care allowance", equal to 1,000 euros per month, aimed at remunerating the cost of care and assistance work carried out by domestic workers or purchase of care and assistance services provided by qualified companies

For the inclusion allowance "we acquired 651 thousand applications".

Those who submitted them by January 7, "450 thousand families will be able to collect the card from tomorrow and then payments will be made. The process is being completed".

This was stated by the

Minister of Labor and Social Policies, Marina Calderone

, at the end of the Council of Ministers who gave the green light to the legislative decree implementing the delegation on policies in favor of elderly people.

Calderone recalls that the potential audience is 737 thousand families and that "applications are subjected to preventive control" to then proceed with payment.

For non-self-sufficient elderly people "important work has been done", with the launch of a two-year trial of a universal benefit chosen by the citizen "beginning to protect the most needy, fragile and over-80s. will go from a care allowance currently equal to 531.76 euros to 1,380 euros, which can be spent on services, care and assistance".

This was stated by

the Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Policies, Maria Teresa Bellucci,

in a press conference at the end of the Council of Ministers, on the legislative decree implementing the delegation on policies in favor of elderly people.

Ok election day, change the mandate limit for small municipalities

Green light from the Council of Ministers to the legislative decree for election day, which sets the European elections for 8 and 9 June with the possibility of merging administrative and regional elections.

With the provision, the limits for the mandates of the mayors of small municipalities also change: between 5 thousand and 15 thousand inhabitants the third mandate can be reached, below 5 thousand the limit is eliminated. 

In the law decree which determines the possibility that the administrative elections, merged with the European elections, will take place on 8 and 9 June, an increase in the compensation for polling station workers is also envisaged.

The Minister of the Interior,

Matteo Piantedosi,

said this

in a press conference after the Council of Ministers which approved the provision which also liberalizes the mandate of mayors for municipalities with less than 5 thousand inhabitants and brings it to three mandates for those between 5 thousand and 15 thousand.

The increase in compensation for polling station workers, explained Piantedosi, is due to the fact "we are recording an ever decreasing attractiveness" for this activity, with a "poor participation which we are often forced to remedy with emergency measures in last days".

Hence the decision to "increase the attendance fee".

Calderoli: "The League wins a historic battle".

"Green light from the Council of Ministers to the Elections decree, which not only provides for the combination of administrative and European elections on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 June to encourage maximum participation in the vote but above all provides for the removal of the limit on the number of mandates for the mayors of municipalities with up to 5 thousand inhabitants and the possibility of a third consecutive mandate for the mayors of municipalities with up to 15 thousand inhabitants. It is the culmination of another historic battle of the League, in the interests of the territories and citizens".

This was announced by the Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomies, Roberto Calderoli, at the end of today's meeting.

Tax: green light from the CDM to the two-year agreement

The Council of Ministers has definitively approved the legislative decree on the assessment, which among other things also contains the biennial preventive agreement for VAT numbers.

Leo, emergence resources for further reduction of Irpef


The resources that will be collected with the biannual composition with creditors "will also be used to complete the subsequent phases of reform. Our objective is that through the emergence of this taxable matter we can further influence the reduction of Irpef rates".

Deputy Economy Minister Maurizio Leo said this while illustrating the legislative decree on the assessment definitively approved by the Council of Ministers.

"The two-year preventive agreement affects a large number of taxpayers, over 4 million", said Leo, illustrating the legislative decree definitively approved by the Council of Ministers at the press conference.

"In the world of VAT numbers there are two categories, the ISA subjects who are around 2.42 million and the world of flat rates (1.7 million): these will be made a proposal by the financial administration", said Leo, underlining that in the legislative decree "we have extended - at the request of the parliamentary commissions - the deadlines for the taxpayer, who will be able to join by 15 October in order to put taxpayers in a position to gradually exit the world of incorrectness in tax relations".

"We have to do it gradually because we have seen that the control activity of the financial administration focuses only on a limited number of controls, 5%", said Leo.

"The objective is precisely to counteract elusive phenomena."

The deputy economy minister said this while responding in a press conference on the elimination of the threshold for access to the biennial preventive composition.

"The aim we wanted to pursue by eliminating the 8 (in the Isa indices, ed.) is to gradually bring everyone higher, so as to be able to combat the phenomenon of tax evasion, where it were to be found. The problem is linked to the number checks for those with a score lower than 8: since not many are carried out, either we take them all higher or we risk them continuing to not declare".

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Source: ansa

All life articles on 2024-01-25

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