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Prime Minister Meloni remembers the Shoah, a Nazi-fascist crime - Politics


Highlights: Prime Minister Meloni remembers the Shoah, a Nazi-fascist crime. President of the Senate Ignazio La Russa: 'With Israel without ifs or buts' Pope: 'the logic of hatred and violence denies humanity' EU Commissioner Ursula von der Leyen: 'On Holocaust Remembrance Day, we remember the victims and say their names aloud. Today, anti-Semitic acts are on the rise, alarmingly so. It is our duty to protect and prosper Jewish in Europe'

La Russa: 'Absolutely bad, it won't happen again'. Tension in Italy over pro-Palestine demonstrations (ANSA)

"On January 27, 79 years ago, with the demolition of the gates of Auschwitz, the world saw with its own eyes the horror of the Shoah, the deliberate Nazi plan for the persecution and extermination of the Jewish people."

This was stated by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on Remembrance Day.

"With the Shoah, humanity reached its abyss. A historical event whose uniqueness - in terms of assumptions, scientific planning and methods of execution - must be clearly reiterated", adds Meloni.

For further information Agenzia ANSA Mattarella: 'The extermination of the Jews was "the most abominable of crimes" 'Anti-Semitism returns, the Republic will not tolerate it'

The Shoah Museum "is an institution that will deal with handing down the memory of the Shoah and which we are certain will make a decisive contribution so that the wickedness of the Nazi-fascist criminal plan and the shame of the racial laws of 1938 do not fall into oblivion".

This was stated by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on Remembrance Day.

For further information Agenzia ANSA 'In the square all the same', clash over the postponement of the marches - News - Meloni: 'The demonstrations are worrying'.

Chef Rubio arrested in Rome (ANSA)

Pope: 'the logic of hatred and violence denies humanity'

"May the memory and condemnation of the horrible extermination of millions of Jewish people and people of other faiths, which occurred in the last century, help everyone not to forget that the logic of hatred and violence can never be justified, because it denies our very humanity. #WeRemember".

Pope Francis states this on X on the occasion of Remembrance Day.

La Russa: 'Shoah, absolute evil, let it never happen again'

"On the occasion of Remembrance Day I would like to renew the feeling of sincere closeness to the Jewish people and bow to the memory of those who are no longer here. The Shoah is without a shadow of a doubt absolute evil, an immense tragedy, the symbol of bestial hatred which must never happen again. A shared memory that forcefully repudiates every form of hatred, racism, anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism is necessary, indeed indispensable. Remembrance Day and the crimes of the Shoah must enter into everyday life, in schools, in hearts of young people, so that every day of the year is Remembrance Day".

Thus the President of the Senate Ignazio La Russa.

Salvini: 'With Israel without ifs or buts'

"This Day of Remembrance is not like all the others: the horror of the Holocaust found a new echo in the monstrous crimes of October 7 against defenseless Jewish citizens carried out by the Islamic cutthroats of Hamas. Rapes, beheadings, massacres in unspeakable detail", he writes Matteo Salvini on social media.

For the leader of the League, the accusations of "genocide" are "grotesque and unspeakable", even more so on a day like this. On the side of the Jewish people, against Islamist terrorism, against those who fuel the conflict, for the final objective of coexistence peace between two peoples in two states, without anyone being able to advance the hateful intention of erasing Israel from the map".

For further information Agenzia ANSA Ddl Lega, stop demonstrations if anti-Semitic symbols and slogans are used - News - Salvini: 'With Israel, no ifs or buts.

Bulwark of democracy' (ANSA)

Von der Leyen and the EU Commission remember the Shoah 

 “On Holocaust Remembrance Day, we remember the victims and say their names aloud. Today, anti-Semitic acts are on the rise, alarmingly so. It is our duty to protect and prosper Jewish life in Europe.”

The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, writes this in a message on loud voice.

In the film, with a sign shown by Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni, little Vittorio Modigliani is also remembered, born in Florence in 1935 and murdered in Auschwitz in 1944 together with his father and mother.

Urso: 'Renewed commitment against anti-Semitism'

"On Remembrance Day we must keep the memory of the Shoah alive, especially among the younger generations, against every form of indifference and discrimination, a warning forever, so that it never happens again".

Thus the Minister of Business and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso on ".

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Source: ansa

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