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Forza Italia locks down Bardi in Basilicata. Speranza, I'm not running - News


Highlights: Forza Italia locks down Vito Bardi in Basilicata. Speranza, I'm not running - News. In the background remains the idea of ​​a civic candidate (ANSA) For BasilicATA, while waiting for the date of the regional elections to be made official (14 and 15 April or with the election day of 8 and 9 June) On the centre-left, however, the former Minister of Health, Roberto S peranza, categorically denies the rumors about his possible candidacy for governor.

Waiting for the election date. In the background remains the idea of ​​a civic candidate (ANSA)

For Basilicata, while waiting for the date of the regional elections to be made official (14 and 15 April or with the election day of 8 and 9 June), Forza Italia is trying to definitively close the game of candidacy for the presidency, once again locking down, and again through the words of the group leader in the Chamber, Paolo Barelli, the outgoing Vito Bardi.

On the centre-left, however, the former Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza from Potenza, categorically denies the rumors about his possible candidacy for governor and confirms his full support for the founder of the Auxilium cooperative, Angelo Chiorazzo.

    After a few days in which the issue of the small Basilicata had returned somewhat to the background for the balance of the national centre-right, today it was Barelli who brought attention to Lucanian political affairs: "After Solinas in Sardinia, Meloni will also eliminate Bardi from Basilicata? Bardi has done very well, he will be the candidate, there is already consensus on this. There will be no further tensions, just as there won't be any in Abruzzo and Piedmont. The birds of ill omen who want a center-right in crisis".

Words that seem to make a point, but which will certainly be a topic of discussion on Friday 9 February, when Matteo Salvini is expected to arrive in Basilicata.

The leader of the League has never stopped pushing the Lucanian party commissioner, the former senator Pasquale Pepe.

    In these eight days the final decision could also be made on the date of the elections, which is up to Bardi: the feeling is that with the certainty of his re-nomination (at this point increasingly probable) his choice will fall on 14 and 15 April.

However, without setting aside Fratelli d'Italia who, if they had to choose the candidate, could focus on a civic figure such as the president of Lucanian Confindustria, Francesco Somma, or the vice-rector of Luiss Francesco Di Ciommo.

    In the center-left everything still seems to be in high seas, with increasingly difficult relations between the Pd and M5S which put Chiorazzo's candidacy at risk, so far officially supported only by the Dems.

Speranza's name would certainly have found the approval of the five-star leader, Giuseppe Conte, with whom he shared the experience of government in the times of Covid.

But the former minister's 'no' is clear and therefore new, sensational twists cannot be ruled out.

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Source: ansa

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