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More and more forgetful? It doesn't have to be dementia - which illnesses trigger similar symptoms


Highlights: More and more forgetful? It doesn't have to be dementia - which illnesses trigger similar symptoms. Up to 90 percent are primary and usually irreversible dementias. Secondary dementia is a consequence of other underlying diseases, such as metabolic diseases, vitamin deficiencies and chronic symptoms of alcohol poisoning. If these underlying diseases are treated successfully, the symptoms of dementia often disappear. Early diagnosis is important, according to the Federal Ministry of Health. Only a specialist can determine whether the symptoms are caused by dementia or whether an underlying disease is triggering the symptoms.

As of: February 3, 2024, 3:10 p.m

By: Juliane Gutmann




Dementia cannot be cured.

Those affected lose more and more of their abilities.

There are diseases that manifest themselves in a similar way - but can be treated.

In the advanced stages, people with dementia no longer recognize their own children.

Mental decline often begins gradually.

At the beginning of the disease, only short-term memory and the ability to remember are often impaired.

As the disease progresses, long-term memory begins to suffer and those affected lose more and more of the skills and abilities they have acquired throughout their lives.

As the Federal Ministry of Health further informs, doctors differentiate between primary and secondary forms of dementia.

The latter are reversible, meaning they can be treated and theoretically cured.

However, this only accounts for around ten percent of all dementia diagnoses.

According to the Federal Ministry of Health, up to 90 percent are primary and usually irreversible dementias.

Secondary dementia is a consequence of other underlying diseases, such as metabolic diseases, vitamin deficiencies and chronic symptoms of alcohol poisoning.

If these underlying diseases are treated successfully, the symptoms of dementia often disappear.

However, early diagnosis is important, according to the Federal Ministry of Health.

Reversing secondary dementia: Which underlying diseases can be cured

People affected by reversible dementia show typical symptoms of dementia.

But the causes can be treated and often even completely curable.

In a press release, the Alzheimer Research Initiative eV (AFI), a non-profit association, lists a number of causes that can result in reversible dementia:

  • Age-related intracranial pressure

    : In those affected, the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid in the head is disturbed.

    As a result, this puts pressure on the brain, which can trigger memory problems.

    Weak bladders and unsteadiness when walking are also typical signs that can also indicate dementia.

    Age-related intracranial pressure can be treated with surgery.

  • Delirium

    : According to the Alzheimer Research Initiative, this is a temporary state of confusion.

    Disorders of consciousness and attention and memory problems are typical for this.

    Delirium can be triggered by physical stress factors such as a surgical procedure, but also emotional stress factors such as a shocking experience.

    Delirium is temporary and usually improves quickly with early treatment.

Do you have to write a reminder for everything?

Still no reason to suspect dementia.

© Anne Tessin/DALL-E (AI generated)

  • Brain tumors

    : A cancerous tumor in the brain can also cause dementia-like symptoms such as memory problems and personality changes.

    If a tumor in the brain is successfully removed surgically, those affected can live life free of symptoms again.

  • Vitamin deficiency diseases

    : It is not uncommon for older people to eat too little or too little vitamins, which can result in deficiency symptoms.

    These can be similar to the symptoms of dementia.

    For example, when vitamin deficiency manifests itself in the form of memory problems and behavioral changes.

  • Depression

    : Symptoms of depression can also be confused with signs of dementia.

    The mental illness can manifest itself in the form of difficulty making decisions, forgetfulness, lack of motivation and a lack of concentration.

    If depression is successfully treated with medication and therapy, the typical symptoms also disappear.

Only a specialist can determine whether the symptoms are caused by dementia or whether an underlying disease is triggering the symptoms.

Therefore, always have dementia-like symptoms checked by a doctor.

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This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication.

It in no way replaces a visit to the doctor.

Our editorial team is not allowed to answer individual questions about medical conditions.

Source: merkur

All life articles on 2024-02-03

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