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On the lookout: Unusual places in the home where pests can hide


Highlights: Bed bugs are one of the worst pests in the house - and they live in unusual places. Dried fruit moths and fruit flies can also be found in the kitchen. Basement rooms with high humidity are a true paradise for pests. You can prevent the spread of the animals by reducing the humidity in the room and ventilating it regularly. The German cockroach retreats as soon as a light is turned on and seeks shelter behind refrigerators or under coffee machines and dishwashers.

As of: February 3, 2024, 8:01 a.m

By: Marco Blanco Ucles




Bed bugs are one of the worst pests in the house - and they live in unusual places.

© Nature Picture Library/IMAGO

Pests in the house are annoying.

But where are the tormentors actually located?

Some of the answers to this are quite surprising.

There are numerous pests that can invade your home and cause problems.

But fortunately, most of them can be gotten rid of with simple home remedies.

The only question is: Where do the different types of pests actually live?

A simple look into the laundry room is far from enough.

There are numerous places where pests hang out, especially during the day.

Bed frame/upholstered furniture

Of course, the bed bug is particularly important here.

During the day, the animal, which is a maximum of 8.5 millimeters in size, usually stays in crevice-shaped, dry hiding places such as mattress seams, slatted frames, upholstered furniture or mattress furniture.

They can sting people at night, usually in the stomach or back area.

While some people experience no reactions, others struggle with itching, pustules and allergic reactions after a sting.

You cannot get rid of bed bugs with home remedies; specialists are required for this, advises



Bed bugs are also often found in hotels.


Clothes made of wool, silk, cashmere, fur and leather are particularly susceptible to moth infestation in the wardrobe.

They contain keratin, which the moth larvae need to develop.

But the moths, which grow to around 1.5 centimeters in size, can also feed on human skin flakes or hair.

You can particularly recognize a moth infestation by the holes in your clothing.

To combat the moth plague, “” recommends moth traps, releasing parasitic wasps or washing clothes under extreme heat.

Incidentally, moths can also occur in other places in the home, such as in the pantry.

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The increasingly rare wallpaper on the walls is also popular with pests - they can hide behind it undisturbed during the day.

In addition to bed bugs, silverfish, which can be between seven and eleven millimeters long, particularly like to hide here.

They can also damage the wallpaper by eating holes in it.

Similar to bed bugs, specialist personnel should be called in if silverfish are to be combated on a large scale.

You can prevent the spread of the animals by reducing the humidity in the room and ventilating it regularly.

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Many pests prefer high humidity

Basement rooms

Basements with high humidity are a true paradise for pests.

No matter whether woodlice, silverfish or flour beetles - they all prefer dark rooms where there is high humidity.

It's good that other animals, such as spiders, also live in many basement rooms and have pests on their menu.

Kitchen rooms

Food almost magically attracts pests.

So it's no wonder that many of them can also be found in the kitchen.

The German cockroach retreats as soon as a light is turned on and seeks shelter behind refrigerators or under coffee machines and dishwashers.

Dried fruit moths and fruit flies can also be found in the kitchen.

Here it is crucial that you close your food well or do not leave it lying around openly.

There are simple home remedies for fruit flies to get rid of them.

Source: merkur

All life articles on 2024-02-03

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