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Sgarbi: I am sending my resignation to Meloni - News today


Highlights: Sgarbi: I am sending my resignation to Meloni - News today. The undersecretary will appeal to the TAR regarding the Antitrust resolution. Matteo Renzi must be one of the many who were taken aback by Sgarbi's new outburst. The majority continues to keep a low profile in an attempt to dampen the controversy. While Gennaro Sangiuliano continues to entrench himself in the most rigorous silence, at least in public. But several of the parties in the government coalition comment, without exposing themselves, on the usual "SGarbi-show"

The undersecretary will appeal to the TAR regarding the Antitrust resolution (ANSA)

I am finishing writing the letter of resignation and I will send it to Giorgia Meloni today, thanking her for being extremely sensitive and respectful". Vittorio Sgarbi said this subsequently speaking to Zona Bianca on Rete 4 and clarifying that he will appeal the resolution to the TAR of the Antitrust. In the meantime he will evaluate whether he will be able to continue to act as undersecretary in the time necessary for the appeal. Even if the final decision rests only with the prime minister because that of the Authority - he remarks - is only a resolution and not a sentence.

For further information Agenzia ANSA Sgarbi: 'I resign with immediate effect as undersecretary.

Sangiuliano, a man without dignity' - News - 'In the next few hours I will communicate this to the prime minister' said the undersecretary.

'I received a letter from the Antitrust that based on two anonymous letters I cannot hold a conference at Porro'.

'I will certainly appeal to the TAR against the Antitrust' he announces.

Insults to the press?

'I don't have to apologize to anyone' (ANSA)

Sentence announced last Friday with the consequent, and long-awaited, first announcement of the resignation by the well-known art critic.

But no, everything needs to be redone and understood.

With the sword of Damocles of the motion which still hangs over his head because, while awaiting the Athority, it had only been postponed to February 15th in the Chamber of Deputies but never cancelled.

And the possibility that Giorgia Meloni, in agreement with Minister Sangiuliano, decides on the revocation of the delegations of the undisciplined representative of the Ministry of Culture.

The Antitrust had announced on Saturday the device that would pin Sgarbi to his responsibilities, as someone also commented in the centre-right.

"He has carried out professional activities as an art critic, in matters connected with the government position, as specified in the motivation, in favor of public and private entities", in violation of the Frattini Law on conflict of interest", is the gist of the document. And it is enough to unleash the opposition and make the Democratic Party ask for the intervention of Minister Sangiuliano in Parliament to clarify the whole matter anyway. The majority continues to keep a low profile in an attempt to dampen the controversy

"It's his choice", said Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani.

While Gennaro Sangiuliano continues to entrench himself in the most rigorous silence, at least in public.

But several of the parties in the government coalition comment, without exposing themselves, on the usual "Sgarbi-show".

The Democratic Party with Irene Manzi asks that the head of Culture explain to Parliament "the criteria with which he attributed the delegations to the undersecretary as the minister is aware of the plethora of tasks and the numerous positions in cultural institutions held by Sgarbi, promptly listed in the resolution ".

The M5s leader Giuseppe Conte was also harsh as he took it out directly on the prime minister who, according to her, was guilty of not having intervened to put an end to a situation that had "damaged the image of Italy".

"The resignation of Undersecretary Sgarbi is a necessary and necessary act after the Antitrust decision. It would be a gesture of political and institutional hygiene - underlines the co-spokesperson of the Greens, Bonelli - if these were also followed by the resignations of Santanche' and Delmastro involved in embarrassing judicial investigations".

Matteo Renzi must be one of the many who were taken aback by the undersecretary's new outburst: in his editorial in the Riformista he underlined how, unlike other members of the Executive, he resigned, with this comment: "a dignity that in this government they really have in few".

But given the direction the story is taking he too may have changed his mind.

As Action exponent Osvaldo Napoli did publicly with a lapidary phrase: "We're kidding aside."

And as Carlo Calenda added: "This unseemly pantomime must end. @GiorgiaMeloni intervene. Enough", writes the Action leader on social media.

While the co-spokesperson of the Greens reiterates: "It is urgent for Prime Minister Meloni to take a position, the decorum of the institutions is at stake, which are not a market!".

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Source: ansa

All life articles on 2024-02-04

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