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Children in the household: Which ten dangerous risks parents should definitely avoid


Highlights: Children in the household: Which ten dangerous risks parents should definitely avoid. Over 70 percent of drowning cases occur in the home bathtub between the ages of one and three. Cleaning and laundry detergents, dishwasher tablets and other chemical products are stored under the sink. From toddlerhood onwards, children usually want to explore everything, open drawers and cupboards, grab objects and try to open them. Household blenders can be a disaster for children - especially if you go with them and expose them to additional dangers.

As of: February 7, 2024, 12:21 p.m

By: Natalie Hull-Deichsel




Living with children doesn't just mean joy and fun, there is also responsibility, stress and worry associated with raising them - especially when it comes to protecting the child from dangers in the household.

1 / 10A danger that parents underestimate when having their first child is the water temperature when bathing in the bathtub.

However, what feels warm to an adult's hand can be hot for a baby.

It becomes fatal when parents let the water run in in the heat of the moment and put the baby in without checking the water temperature first - at least by hand or ideally with a water thermometer.

The water should ideally be at a temperature of 37 degrees or 38 degrees Celsius so that your child cannot cool down or overheat.

Bath thermometers, which are available in common drugstores, specifically indicate which temperature is suitable for babies and children.

Water can cause scalding at temperatures as low as 50 degrees - even lower for babies and children with sensitive skin.

© jcdiazhidalgo/Imago

2 / 10Most children love to bathe and splash in the water.

What parents should definitely pay attention to: Children can drown even if the water is just a few centimeters high, so they should never splash around in the bathtub unsupervised.

Statistically, over 70 percent of drowning cases occur in the home bathtub between the ages of one and three.

© mitarart/Imago

3 / 10 Another danger is particularly present when the baby is sleeping in bed.

According to pediatricians' recommendations, newborns and babies should wear a sleeping bag until at least the first year of life in order to significantly reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

It is important that the sleeping bag fits well and that the baby's head cannot slip through the opening.

In addition, additional pillows, towels or cuddly toys should not be placed in the baby bed as barriers to prevent turning.

In an emergency, the opposite can actually happen: the pressure from the objects forces the little one into a side or stomach position and prevents them from turning back onto their back.

Blankets in bed are also dangerous because the baby could pull them over their head while sleeping.

© xSaraxMonikax/Imago

4 / 10In many households, cleaning and laundry detergents, dishwasher tablets and other chemical products are stored under the sink.

With small family members, this can quickly become a life-threatening danger: from toddlerhood onwards, children usually want to explore everything, open drawers and cupboards, grab objects and try to open them.

Then it is not uncommon for people to put what they have discovered in their mouths and “try it out”.

To avoid the risk of poisoning, any chemical agents should be kept out of the reach of children - ideally in a tall cupboard where little ones cannot reach.

However, if your child swallows cleaning products or gets them in their eyes, call the poison control center immediately.

© Ute Grabowsky/

5 / 10From toddlerhood onwards, little ones want to explore their surroundings, get to know everything, touch it, handle it, try it out.

There are dangers lurking in the kitchen that parents are not always aware of straight away.

For example, the stove can become a major danger if your child reaches the stove knobs for the first time, turns them, and turns the plate on.

It becomes particularly dangerous if the child can reach and touch the hot stove or if something is on the stove and, in the worst case, starts to burn.

The same applies here: avoid sources of danger; a barrier in front of the stove or a playpen can help to keep the little one safe if the parent has to be absent for a moment.

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6 / 10Most children are generally interested in helping, many especially with cooking.

But even in this case, the little ones should be involved with caution, i.e. not without parental supervision, especially if there are hot dishes or boiling water on the stove.

In an emergency, this could result in injuries such as severe scalding.

© YAY Images/Imago

7 / 10The kitchen and cooking together brings joy, but also poses dangers, especially for children.

This doesn't always have to be the hot pot on the stove; a sharp knife can also quickly and inexperiencedly fall into children's hands.

When cooking with children, make sure that sharp objects such as knives are kept out of reach.

© AndreyPopov/Imago

8 / 10Not only knives, but also scissors can be a disaster for children in the household - especially if you go exploring with them and expose yourself to additional dangers.

Household items such as scissors, hand blenders, sharp knives, lighters, kettles and the like should be kept out of the reach of children, preferably in drawers or cupboards that cannot be reached by children.

Sockets near your feet can also be tempting, especially for crawling children, to reach into.

Objects such as scissors or knitting needles are conductive and could cause a life-threatening electric shock - we definitely recommend a socket fuse, also available in drugstores, to protect children.

© CharlesxGullung/Imago

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9 / 10What may look strange or unsightly to some can protect children from serious injuries: corner protection.

Sharp edges on cupboards and tables, for example, can pose a real danger to children.

People are happily running around at home and suddenly they run into the table.

Especially for children whose head is at the level of the corner edge, the game can quickly become serious and become “eye-catching” in the truest sense of the word.

© Antonio Gravante/Imago

10 / 10For many people, the urge to explore is unbridled from childhood onwards.

Too many adventures are waiting “out there” to be explored.

Parents need to be particularly careful once toddlers are able to crawl and walk.

People pull themselves up on furniture, climb, and open windows can then become a real danger.

Here, too, care should be taken to ensure that balcony doors and windows are not open when the child is alone in the room.

There are simple door and window locks that can protect against serious accidents.

© xDavidxJaklex/Imago

Before a couple becomes parents, they almost naturally see the world through the eyes of an adult, with experience, knowledge and an awareness of certain dangers.

Parents see every day how difficult it can be to move to the level of a completely inexperienced little person who does not yet know or assess dangers.

At almost every moment you have to think, pay attention, be careful - especially with children who are particularly adventurous and eager to explore.

The dangers that arise for children in a supposedly safe home are often underestimated, because adults know how to classify things appropriately and correctly based on their experience - but the little ones don't yet.

Parenting: The biggest dangers for children in the home

According to the savings bank insurance, the greatest dangers for children in the household include burns from the hand on the hot stove, cuts, falling from the landing and reaching for the socket.

Whether it's a newborn baby, a toddler, a school-age child or an older offspring going through puberty - parents instinctively want to protect and protect their offspring.

Every age has its pitfalls and poses dangers: starting with the topic of “Sudden Infant Death Syndrome”, through “My child doesn’t hear” and “What to do if your own child gets lost” to “How should my child react if a stranger it appeals.”

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication.

It in no way replaces a visit to the doctor.

Our editorial team is not allowed to answer individual questions about medical conditions.

Source: merkur

All life articles on 2024-02-07

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