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The City registers eight consecutive days on red alert due to the heat wave and strong storms are announced


Highlights: The City of Buenos Aires registers eight consecutive days on red alert due to the heat wave and strong storms are announced. The Federal Capital continues with warnings for high temperatures along with ten provinces. But this Friday it added a yellow alert for rain along with 16 other points in the country. The day started with 25 degrees of temperature, although it is expected that the maximum will reach 32º as the hours go by. For Saturday, the SMN predicts a day with cloudy skies and a high probability of isolated storms throughout the day.

The Federal Capital continues with warnings for high temperatures along with ten provinces. But this Friday it added a yellow alert for rain along with 16 other points in the country.

Despite the deluge unleashed this Thursday at noon, the

heat wave does not let up

in the City of Buenos Aires, which this Friday maintained a

red alert for the eighth consecutive day

due to high temperatures.

The National Meteorological Service also added another yellow level warning

for strong storms for the Federal Capital and orange for a large part of the Province.

The sky turned gray from the early hours of the morning in the Metropolitan Area that combines the Buenos Aires ejido and the Buenos Aires suburbs.

The day started with 25 degrees of temperature, although

it is expected that the maximum will reach 32º

as the hours go by.

Due to the string of days with high temperatures, the agency maintained the

red alert this Friday for CABA, Greater Buenos Aires and the northeast of the Province


and the entire territory of

Entre Ríos


Corrientes and Formosa.

It also included the northwest and southeast of



northeast of



northeast and south of

Santa Fe


to sectors of the west and east of


, in the towns of Pocho, San Alberto, San Javier and San Justo;

and northwest of

San Luis

, in the low areas of Chacabuco, Junín and Libertador General San Martín.

The maximum alert level of the SMN implies "very dangerous" temperatures that

"can affect all people, even healthy ones"

, so it is recommended to increase

water consumption

and not expose yourself to the sun excessively or in central hours ( between 10 and 16).

According to the SMN, during the next 48 hours, "little by little an

air mass

with lower temperatures will advance and

relief will come

after so many days of suffocating heat."

The heat map with red alert level for the City and the north of Buenos Aires.

Storm alert in the suburbs, the City and 16 provinces

In the midst of the suffocating heat, the SMN predicted a

yellow alert for storms

that could be accompanied by abundant falls of water in short periods,

strong electrical activity

, occasional hail and intense gusts.

In addition to the

Federal Capital

, it applies to other parts of the country such as the center and south of

Corrientes, Chaco and Santiago del Estero


all of Tucumán;

the east of Jujuy;

much of Catamarca and Mendoza;

and a small sector northeast of San Luis.

In the northwest, accumulated precipitation values ​​are estimated between 20 and 40 millimeters, in the center and Mesopotamia between 30 and 70 mm, and in Patagonia between 15 and 30 mm.

For these areas, the agency suggested

not taking out the trash

, removing objects that prevent water from draining, avoiding outdoor activities,

not taking shelter near trees

and electricity poles that may fall, and not staying on beaches, rivers, lagoons or pools. , be alert to the possible fall of hail and get information from the authorities.

Meanwhile, the agency launched another

orange alert for storms for the center, north and west of Buenos Aires

, the south of Entre Ríos and Santa Fe;

much of La Pampa, northern Río Negro and eastern Neuquén.

Some of these rains can be locally strong or severe, with accumulated precipitation values ​​between 60 and 90 millimeters, and be accompanied by occasional hail, strong electrical activity, intense gusts and abundant falls of water in short periods.

Alerts in much of the country for storms of varying intensity.

Consequently, "dangerous meteorological phenomena for society, life, property and the environment" are expected, which is why the SMN recommended staying in closed constructions such as houses, schools or buildings,

staying away from electrical appliances

and avoiding the use of corded phones, stay inside the vehicle if traveling, avoid driving on flooded or affected streets.

In addition, cut off the electricity supply if there is a risk of water entering a house, contact local emergency agencies if you are affected by this phenomenon, and always have an emergency backpack ready with a flashlight, radio, documents and telephone. .

Heat wave and rain: how the weather continues in AMBA

For tomorrow, Saturday, the SMN predicts a day with cloudy skies and

a high probability of isolated storms throughout the day

, winds from the eastern sector rotating to the north, with gusts of up to 50 kilometers per hour during the early morning, and a temperature that will be between

24 degrees minimum and 30 maximum.


no rain is forecast on Sunday


A partially cloudy to mostly cloudy sky is expected, winds from the northwest sector rotating to the north, and

a minimum temperature of 23 degrees and maximum of 30.


Source: clarin

All life articles on 2024-02-09

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