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In a different reality, the government would have fallen last night at the end of Shabbat - voila! Real estate


Highlights: In a different reality, the government would have fallen last night at the end of Shabbat - voila! Real estate. The Minister of Construction and Housing reprimanded the Prime Minister last night for working on the Sabbath even though it was not a matter of supervision. Two governments fell in the past because of "Shabbat crises" The most famous of them resulted in the great H-P in 1977. Torah Judaism cannot today allow herself to overthrow the government, with all this "good" she receives.

The Minister of Construction and Housing reprimanded the Prime Minister last night for working on the Sabbath even though it was not a matter of supervision. Shabbat riots have already brought down two governments in the past - this could have been the third time

Yitzhak Goldknopf, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu/image processing, Haim Goldberg/Flash 90

The government, which lives in the face of repeated protests, could have entered into a crisis after the reprimand issued last night (Matchash) by the Minister of Construction and Housing, Yitzhak Goldknopf, to his direct manager, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. "The Prime Minister's announcement on Saturday regarding the credit rating was out of place .

This is not a case of soul control, not an emergency issue, and not a response that could not be published at the end of Shabbat," wrote the minister, while ignoring the main point, some will say. There is a certain hypocrisy in

the message issued by the minister. First of all, when is activity on Shabbat considered a crisis and when is it not, and what does the Halacha state? Here? Do Modi's "anti-Semites" justify the overthrow of the government through a Shabbat crisis? And what about receiving fighter jets? Or train work on Shabbat for the benefit of the entire nation of Israel? True, these are narrow interests that are not related to religion and faith alone. Torah Judaism cannot today To allow herself to overthrow the government, with all this "good" she receives.

The Prime Minister's announcement on Saturday regarding the credit rating was out of place.

This is not a matter of supervision, not an emergency issue, and not a response that could not be published at the end of Shabbat.

— Minister Yitzhak Goldknopf (@DOVRUTGoldknopf) February 10, 2024

It could have been the third time

A little history of religion and state:

two governments fell in the past because of "Shabbat crises".

The most famous of them resulted in the great H-P in 1977.

Let's remember, in December 1976, a state ceremony to receive the first F15 aircraft in Israel took place at the Tel Nof base at noon on a Friday and was extended after the beginning of the Sabbath - which caused the desecration of the Sabbath by ministers in the government.

MK Rabbi Kalman Kahane, of the Agudath Israel workers, immediately submitted on the first weekday a motion of no confidence in the government in which two of the three Ministers of the Israel Defense Forces abstained.

The prime minister at the time, Yitzhak Rabin, took a step that was later called 'the brilliant exercise': he chose to see their vote as a resignation and dissolved the Knesset, which led to early elections in May 1977 and the election of the Likud and Menachem Begin for the first time in history (which actually made the name "the brilliant exercise" ironic ).

The second case is related to a "monster".

In September 1999, the Shabbat crisis erupted around an operation to move fuel that cannot be moved on weekdays - huge parts of the electric company's turbines - which was decided to be held on Shabbat in order to reduce traffic disruptions as much as possible.

The result was the withdrawal of Torah Judaism from the coalition of the Ehud Barak government.

This is how the coalition, which was considered the shortest in the country's history, came to an end.

So, the ultra-Orthodox did not have a good enough reason to keep her.

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Since then, we live in threats

In 2017, on one Friday, the Minister of Health, MK Yaakov Litzman, informed Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu that if infrastructure works were carried out on the train this coming Saturday, he would resign on Sunday from his position in the government. On that Saturday, work was planned between the Dimona and Be'er Sheva stations, which began on Thursday. Sunday morning submitted his resignation.

In April 2023, a discussion was held again about the railway crisis on the Sabbath. Finance Minister Smotrich came out against work on the Sabbath: "If Ayalon is closed due to protests - the train is also allowed" He also claimed: "They don't build roads on the Sabbath - and so they won't build a train either". Ministers Katz and Akunis from the Likud clarified the importance of working on Shabbat, Goldknopf threatened even then: "There is no blessing in this.

If they work - a superior force will delay."

We will return to Moody's in a different reality. It is easy to overthrow a government, but not this time - and not because it is mind control.

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  • real estate

  • credit rating

Source: walla

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