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Florist reveals how bouquets of flowers last really long


Highlights: Florist reveals how bouquets of flowers last really long. Give the bouquet fresh water every two days and wipe out the vase. Place where bouquet is tied must be clean and there must be no leaves trapped there that could cause rot. The pressure test is not the most sophisticated type, but it is still a very good method for testing the degree of freshness of roses. If the rose head is really firm when pressed and does not give in softly, the roses are fresh.

As of: February 16, 2024, 10:00 a.m

By: Ines Alms




Giving flowers is easy, keeping them alive in the vase for a long time is an art.

An expert provides assistance and has good tips for cut flowers.

Whether for Valentine's Day, Mother's Day or as a loving gesture every now and then - a bouquet of flowers is always a nice gesture.

But not everyone has a knack for ensuring that the flowers in the vase survive for a long time.

You should expect at least a week of flowering joy.

It's best to ask professionals who are familiar with this sort of thing.

A florist talked about her secrets.

Don't forget: cut the stems of the cut flowers

When buying the flowers, you should pay attention to their freshness so that they last as long as possible.

© Addictive Stock/Imago

Florists are experts in cut flowers.

Heike Günnemann revealed in the program “Life - People, Moments, Stories” on


what you have to pay attention to in order for the bouquet to last for a long time.

The florist gives the following tips:

  • Cut the stems long and at an angle, as this increases water absorption and extends the bouquet's shelf life by a few days.

  • Give the bouquet fresh water every two days and wipe out the vase.

  • The place where the bouquet is tied must be clean and there must be no leaves trapped there that could cause rot.

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Of course, you should also pay attention to quality when purchasing.

The pressure test is not the most sophisticated type, but it is still a very good method for testing the degree of freshness of roses, for example: If the rose head is really firm when pressed and does not give in softly, the roses are fresh, explains the florist.

In addition to the flowers, you should also look for healthy leaves and stems when buying.

Home economics master Yvonne Willicks advises on her blog

not to place the flowers near apples, pears, plums or peaches.

This is because they secrete the ripening gas ethylene, which causes the bouquet to wilt more quickly.

Source: merkur

All life articles on 2024-02-16

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