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Detect osteoporosis early: interpret back pain correctly


Highlights: Detect osteoporosis early: interpret back pain correctly. Over 6.3 million people suffer from this disease in Germany. The earlier you detect the loss of bone density, the sooner bone loss can be counteracted. Calcium-rich diet via dairy products, vegetables, legumes, fish and mineral water. Lots of fresh air in daylight, which stimulates the body's own vitamin D production. A diet rich in calcium is an important factor in preventing bone loss. Osteopenia affects primarily postmenopausal women.

As of: February 20, 2024, 10:35 a.m

By: Natalie Hull-Deichsel




In many cases, osteoporosis is only recognized or diagnosed when those affected go to the doctor with pain or even a broken bone.

What are the first signs you can look out for? 

“The problem with osteoporosis is that you don’t notice it.

You often only notice it when it is too late.” The statement from Birgit Eichner, who suffers from osteoporosis herself, has an impact.

She knows the pitfalls of the disease all too well.

Through exchanges with other sufferers through the osteoporosis self-help group in Wertheim, she knows how difficult it is in many cases for osteoporosis to be recognized in time.

Bone loss often goes unnoticed for a long time and the symptoms are not always interpreted correctly.

It is not for nothing that osteoporosis is called the “silent thief of bones”.

Ultimately, the severity of bone loss can be delayed by changing your diet and exercising in everyday life, as well as medication.

The earlier you detect the loss of bone density and osteoporosis, the sooner bone loss can be counteracted.

There are signs that those affected should be aware of and should see a doctor in good time.

Avoiding or delaying osteoporosis: prevention through diet and exercise

Anyone over 50 years of age who suffers from persistent back pain should see a doctor to have a bone density measurement carried out if necessary.

© Frank Röder/Imago

According to the

German Society for Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery.

V. (DGOU),

osteoporosis is widespread in Germany.

Over 6.3 million people suffer from this disease.

This causes bone mass to break down, making the bones weak and fragile and increasing the risk of bone fractures.

According to the

International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF),

approximately one in three women and one in five men aged 50 and over suffers an osteoporotic fracture worldwide.

It doesn't always have to come to this point if the first signs are interpreted and treated correctly and early on.

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Building bone mass is possible and necessary at any age.

Prevention for a stable musculoskeletal system begins in childhood and should continue into old age.



calls for precaution and appeals for:

  • Lots of movement.

    Exercise can build muscles, preserve bones, reduce bone loss and even stimulate bone growth.

  • Calcium-rich diet via dairy products, vegetables, legumes, fish and mineral water.

  • Few foods that can promote osteoporosis.

  • Lots of fresh air in daylight, which stimulates the body's own vitamin D production.

A diet rich in calcium is an important factor in preventing bone loss, osteoporosis.

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German Society for Nutrition (DGE) recommends:

Children aged ten to twelve need 1100 mg of calcium per day.

Adolescents aged 13 to 18 should consume 1200 mg of calcium per day due to rapid growth.

Adults need around 1000 mg of calcium per day.

Recognize osteoporosis early: Five important symptoms – back pain can also be an indication

Beginning bone loss can manifest itself as acute, persistent back pain.

If you suffer from recurring pain and are over 50 years old, you should consult a doctor.

Depending on your symptoms, hormonal status and previous illnesses, it is advisable to have a bone density measurement carried out.

This makes it possible to detect existing osteoporosis or its precursor, so-called osteopenia.

The most important cause of the precursor to osteoporosis is a falling estrogen level - which can begin in some women as early as age 40 - and a lack of exercise.

Osteopenia primarily affects postmenopausal women.

Other signs of impending osteoporosis and bone loss include:

  • Loss of height of more than four centimeters within a year.

  • Loose teeth or tooth loss.

  • Very low body weight or unwanted weight loss of more than ten percent.

  • Reduction of the rib-pelvis distance to less than two finger width.

Patients in particular who are being treated with thyroxine for a thyroid disorder should also pay attention to the first signs of osteopenia or even osteoporosis, as the hormone influences bone density.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication.

It in no way replaces a visit to the doctor.

Our editorial team is not allowed to answer individual questions about medical conditions.

Source: merkur

All life articles on 2024-02-20

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