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Preparing for spring cleaning: tips to make cleaning easier


Highlights: With a few tips and a checklist, the work will be quick, easy and sustainable. Cleaning everything in the spring is a tradition that is practiced in many cultures. Make a list of what you want to do, clean and clear out. Clean windows: Clear the window sills, push the blinds or curtains aside. If limescale cleaners fail, a dab of toothpaste will help. Clean the bathroom: Nobody likes this task, but it still has to be done regularly.

As of: February 23, 2024, 9:29 a.m

By: Carina Blumenroth




Every year spring cleaning comes around.

With a few tips and a checklist, the work will be quick, easy and sustainable.

Cleaning everything in the spring is a tradition that is practiced in many cultures.

For example, if heating was previously done with wood stoves, a lot of dirt was created.

Ash, soot and dust have settled everywhere.

A major cleaning was required after the heating season, especially wherever there were mild winters.

Even today, many people take time in spring or before to properly clear out and clean.

With a few tips, spring cleaning will be easier for you.

Spring cleaning checklist

In some households, the big spring cleaning will soon be coming up.

A few tricks make it easier.

© Aleksei Isachenko/Imagebroker/Imago

Make a list of what you want to do, clean and clear out.

This has the advantage that you have a clear view of what you need to do.

What's even more important is that you can cross out what you've already accomplished.

This way you can keep a clear overview and see your successes in front of you.

What utensils you could use:

  • Garbage bags

  • Feather dusters or dusters

  • cleaning rags

  • sponges

  • Bucket

  • mop

  • Vacuum cleaner

  • Broom, hand brush and dustpan

  • if necessary, rubber gloves

  • Pömpel

Then you need cleaning products of your choice.

If you want to use home remedies, then baking soda and vinegar essence should be on your list.

This allows you to clean the drain without any chemicals.

If you want to remove limescale deposits, you can also use citric acid or lemon juice.

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Spring cleaning step by step

  • Clean up:

    If you want to clean, you can only do it if there is nothing lying around on the floor or on the surfaces you want to clean.

    You can also use this opportunity to decide directly which items will stay with you, which will go into the basement or attic, or be sold or thrown away.

    Also think about magazines and paperwork that accumulates over time and decide what you really still need.

  • Clean windows:

    Clear the window sills, push the blinds or curtains aside - the first rays of sunshine reveal it: the windows need to be cleaned again.

    You actually don't need any special cleaners.

    Use some dishwashing liquid and a soft sponge to clean your windows streak-free.

    While you're at it, your curtains will definitely be happy about being washed.

  • Dusting and vacuuming:

    Once everything is cleared, you can dust.

    Also think about the radiator, if you clean it you can also save electricity.

    For example, use a hairdryer for this.

    In general, you should make sure that you work your way from top to bottom, otherwise falling dust will make your life difficult.

  • Vacuuming:

    Now you can thoroughly vacuum all corners.

    You should also think about the area under the bed or sofa.

    You should also move lighter furniture and vacuum behind it.

  • Cleaning

    the bathroom: Nobody likes this task, but it still has to be done regularly - the bathroom has to be cleaned, and with these tools it's easy to do.

    You can clean the fittings and the sink with vinegar, cola can help against brown deposits in the toilet and you can use glass cleaner to get shiny floor tiles.

  • Hygienic kitchen:

    You should be particularly thorough here because this is where you prepare your food.

    Once you have cleaned the coarse dust and dirt, you should wipe the cabinets inside and out.

    Sort out your refrigerator and wipe everything through.

    If you clean glass shelves or plastic parts, you can do this in the dishwasher.

    In this context, you should not forget the extractor hood and the microwave.

    Depending on the condition, some parts can also go in the dishwasher.

    Baking soda mixed with a little salt and water can also help you clean your oven.

    Let the creamy paste work for a while and then wipe out the oven.

  • Source: merkur

    All life articles on 2024-02-23

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