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Does the “I love you” stretch demonstrate affection? What dog owners need to know


Highlights: Does the “I love you” stretch demonstrate affection? What dog owners need to know. You can find even more exciting animal topics in the free partner newsletter from, which you can subscribe to right here. For example, if pain is the trigger for the stretching, pay attention to whether your dog is stretching an area or limb more than usual. If your four-legged friend's movement becomes lame, you should consult a veterinarian. It is possible that the stretch is hiding arthritis or joint pain, for example.

As of: February 25, 2024, 5:45 a.m

By: Sophie Kluß




Dogs often greet their people with a long stretch.

But owners should be careful, say two veterinarians.

"Did you know that this greeting is also called the 'I love you' stretch?" British


user Steph aka @moosethecockapoo_ asks her followers in a video that has been viewed more than 15 million times.

The dog mom explains that dogs would only greet their owners this way if they were special to them.

“They only dedicate this greeting to those they love and who they feel comfortable around,” says Steph.

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And in the video you can actually see Moose, the brown Cockapoo, bowing deeply to his owner while he looks up at her, wagging his tail.

By the way: Do you know these five signs that your dog is unhappy at home?

Dogs’ “I Love You” Stretch: What’s It?

However, numerous users contradict dog owner Steph in the comments.

One user writes: “Stretching is also a calming behavior when something causes too much anxiety.” Another user explains: “Something similar could certainly be a fear reaction, but it would be accompanied by other signs that indicate stress.

Normally, as suggested in this post, this action is a sign of trust." "It just means my dog ​​woke up from a nap and is now going to the kitchen to eat a snack," reassures another user.

In most cases, an extended stretch in the dog indicates a feeling of well-being.

But owners should be careful.

(Symbolic image) © Cavan Images/Imago

You can find even more exciting animal topics in the free partner newsletter from, which you can subscribe to right here.

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But what is behind the stretch that all dog owners probably know from their favorites?

The British TV veterinarian Dr. explains this.

Emma Milne at


“In the vast majority of cases, stretching is a completely normal and largely beneficial activity for dogs.

There are several reasons why they stretch every day, and often several times,” writes the veterinarian there.

Almost like yawning, stretching is a reflexive behavior in dogs to stretch their muscles.

But when exactly do four-legged friends actually stretch?

Big Stretch: Why do dogs stretch?

Dogs stretch for these harmless reasons:

  • To relax muscles after sleeping or lying down.

    Some dogs also stretch before going to sleep.

    Find out here what the sleeping position reveals about the well-being of dogs.

  • As a play challenge for human or animal buddies.

  • As a kind of displacement activity due to boredom.

    If the dog nudges you or puts his head in your lap, he wants to do something with you.

    Did you actually know what it means when your dog puts his paw on you?

But in some cases, stretching can indicate problems or illnesses, says Dr.


For example, if pain is the trigger for the stretching.

  • Joint or muscle pain:

    Pay attention to whether your dog is stretching an area or limb more than usual. If your four-legged friend's movement becomes lame, you should consult a veterinarian.

    It is possible that the stretch is hiding arthritis or joint pain, for example.

  • Severe abdominal pain:

    “Dogs with abdominal pain tend to stretch in a similar arch-like manner – rear end up, front end down, lying flat on the floor,” informs Dr.


    If there is no other dog nearby and the dog stays in this position longer than usual, dog owners should pay attention, according to the veterinarian.

    If the dog is crying in pain or is afraid to be touched, you should go to a veterinary practice as soon as possible.

    In this situation, minutes could make the difference in your dog's life.

You can recognize the so-called prayer position in dogs when they suffer from severe stomach pain by these features:

  • The dog stretches its front legs forward while its hind legs stand upright.

  • The dog alternates frantically between sitting, lying down and standing.

  • The dog's stomach is bloated.

  • The dog may be doing a cat hunchback.

Veterinarian Franziska Gütgemann adds on

that panting, excessive salivation and vomiting as well as refusing food and treats are also symptoms of abdominal pain.

These signs also show that your dog is in pain.

How do you distinguish the prayer pose from a regular stretch?

By wagging its tail while stretching, the dog signals that it wants to play with other dogs or two-legged friends.

On the other hand, if he suffers from severe stomach pain, his tail will no longer wag.

If you are not sure what your four-legged friend's stretch means exactly, you should definitely consult a veterinarian.

This article only contains general information on the respective topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication.

It in no way replaces a visit to the vet.

Unfortunately, our editorial team cannot answer individual questions about illnesses in your animal.

Source: merkur

All life articles on 2024-02-25

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