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Rape and sexual harassment: the serious complaints against the network star Elad Levy - voila! celebs


Highlights: Network star Elad Levy is accused of alleged serious allegations of sexual harassment and alleged rape. Two of the complainants filed police complaints against Levy, who denies the allegations. "As I was raised and in my faith, I respect women and will never treat them with disrespect or any violence," says Levy. The response of the Israel Police: "As a general rule, the police examines every complaint received and if there is a suspicion of a criminal offense, an investigation is opened accordingly"

Network star Elad Levy, who maintains an Instagram account with hundreds of thousands of followers and owns an advertising and production office, is accused of alleged serious allegations of sexual harassment and alleged rape

Elad Levy/screenshot, Instagram

About a week ago, the name of the network star

Elad Levy

, who has successful Instagram and YouTube accounts among teenagers and owner of an advertising and production company, came up after the laser company "Momento Laser", for which he and his wife

Lehi Benin

served as presenters, went bankrupt.

The two called on their followers not to continue working with the company and even claimed that they suffered large financial losses.

But during the weekend, the network's investigator Daniel Amram revealed that Levy was a partner in the company, and in addition published that Levy allegedly harassed one of the company's employees.

And so, in addition to various complaints about alleged fraud, other complaints began to surface against the network star from young women accusing Levy of alleged sexual assault and rape.

The acts attributed to Levy were committed a few years ago, but one of the complainants was only 16 years old when the alleged acts were committed, and some even claim that they have evidence of the star's actions.

In recent days, two of the complainants filed police complaints against Levy, who denies the allegations.

Elad Levy's response:

"As I was raised and in my faith, I respect women and will never treat them with disrespect or any violence. I deny all the claims that I hurt or harassed and this is a blood plot. My wife Lehi is my rock, and even at this time she stands by me and knows that there is nothing In a world that I love more than her and the family we built. I believe in the rightness of my way. I reserve the right to file a lawsuit regarding libel, slander and damage to the good name. I am confident that justice will be served!"

The response of the Israel Police:

"As a general rule, the police examines every complaint received and if there is a suspicion of a criminal offense, an investigation is opened accordingly. Given the classification of the offense and the date of filing the complaint today in the morning hours, it is not possible to go into detail beyond that."


Celebs strengthen and embrace the victims.

If you have fallen victim to sexual violence, there is someone to contact: the emergency lines for victims of sexual assault 1202, and for victims of sexual assault 1203.

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Source: walla

All life articles on 2024-02-26

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