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They threaten a teacher who reported irregular management of funds in the schools of the Province: "You are a dead man"


Highlights: Oscar Spadari had denounced irregularities and corruption in the National School Transfer System (Sitrared) A little over a month ago, he was relieved of his position due to a complaint made by colleagues for "harassing female students" “Your days are numbered,” was the intimidating message spray-painted on one of the walls in front of the teacher's house. “He is a man who had been making complaints since last year about pressures,” confirmed a source from the Mar del Plata School Council.

Intimidating graffiti appeared on the front walls of his house in Mar del Plata. Oscar Spadari had denounced K officials and inspectors for irregularities in the "Sitrared" distribution program. A little over a month ago, the director of EES No. 31 He was removed from his position due to a persecution campaign for "harassing female students."

The house of a teacher in

Mar del Plata

was the point of attack of an act of vandalism this Tuesday night.

They threatened him with graffiti and tried to set his house on fire.

The target was

Oscar Spadari

, director of EES N°31, who some time ago had denounced irregularities and corruption in the National School Transfer System (Sitrared) involving K officials and inspectors.

A little over a month ago, Spadari had been relieved of his position due to a complaint made by colleagues for

"harassing female students"

, a cause that is being investigated by Justice.

“Your days are numbered Spadari.

"You are a dead man

," was the intimidating message spray-painted on one of the walls in front of the teacher's house, according to the newspaper

La Capital.

In addition, the action of firefighters was required since the attackers set fire to one of the blinds of the house on 4800 Ayacucho Street, which at the time of the attack was empty.

The violent attack on the teacher's house coincides with an extension of the complaint that Spadari made against K school district officials and inspectors for

the management of funds to repair schools

: he denounced embezzlement of economic management and hierarchical irregularities in the charges.

The attack on Spadari also had repercussions on the networks.

The municipal councilor of the UCR, Daniel Núñez, linked the attack to the teacher's complaints and expressed solidarity with his personal situation.

“I repudiate political violence in all its forms and we demand that Justice and the School Council investigate the ongoing complaints,” he urged, through a post on the social network X (exTwitter).

The Mar del Plata official accompanied the post with videos and photos of the vandalism.

All my solidarity with the teacher Oscar Spadari who suffered this attack last night in his home in MdP, after ratifying and expanding his complaint against K school district officials and inspectors for the management of funds from the SITRARED program for school repairs.

— Daniel Alberto Nuñez (@DanielN_UCR) February 28, 2024

Police sources confirmed that the home on Ayacucho Street was vandalized and that firefighters had to be called in after a 911 call alerted that the house was

"catching on fire."

“He is a man who had been making complaints since last year about


,” confirmed a source from the School Council, according to the Mar del Plata newspaper.

Firefighters work at the teacher's house that was vandalized this Tuesday night.

Photo: Courtesy of La Capital

The complaint began in 2022

Spadari made his first complaint for "irregularities in the appointment of hierarchical positions in the district" and acts of "corruption" at the beginning of 2022.

The director of secondary school No. 31 in Mar del Plata had pointed out some officials and provincial inspectors K. But the provincial educational regulatory body gave support to the teachers and officials involved and dismissed the complaint for "non-compliance with the duties of a public official".

At that time, one of those targeted was Vanesa M. - former director of the Spadari school - who

could not explain what had been done with the money

that the provincial program "Plan Mejoras" had sent during 2017.

"That money was not used to improve and this harmed the school," Spadari explained in the complaint.

Far from sanctioning her for her lack of transparency in the management of funds, she was protected by the district head of Education in General Pueyrredón, Sebastián Elías, due to "her status as a woman" and Vanesa M. was removed from said school and transferred to another position as inspector.

"These inspectors are used by Elías to legitimize other types of things, such as the appointment of teachers who do not meet the requirements and who are placed in hierarchical positions even violating the regulations," added Spadari, who explained that all the people named have political links with Kirchnerism.

After the complaint, Spadari began to be persecuted online.

They treated him as a "harasser of female students" and some colleagues raised complaints about "the mistreatment" received by the then director of school 31, who was removed from his position a little over a month ago and his case is being investigated by provincial educational authorities. .

Now, with the expansion and ratification of the complaints, graffiti and intimidation of the teacher's house appeared.


Source: clarin

All life articles on 2024-02-28

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