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If you can answer yes to seven questions, it's time to quit


Highlights: If you can answer yes to seven questions, it's time to quit. Toxic working conditions, lack of appreciation, dissatisfaction and mistrust: sometimes it's better to look for a new job. Generation Z and the Millennial generation in particular are more focused on work-life balance. If your own life circumstances have changed, for example due to children, a death, a move or other things, and the job simply no longer fits, then you should quit and reorient yourself. If the job is not yet as satisfying as you would like, it could be your stepping stone to your dream job.

As of: March 1, 2024, 4:59 a.m




Toxic working conditions, lack of appreciation, dissatisfaction and mistrust: sometimes it's better to look for a new job.

It may be the attitude of older generations that sometimes you just have to grit your teeth at work.

Nowadays, however, this no longer counts as a reason to make yourself permanently unhappy at work or at work.

Generation Z and the Millennial generation in particular are more focused on work-life balance.

One of the things that comes to mind is that you don't have to put up with everything from your employer.

You should pay attention to these warning signs at work and if you find enough of them in your own professional environment, quit as quickly as possible.

Toxic environment at work: When you're at a dead end in your career

Certain red flags at work should make any employee quit immediately.

© Imago

According to a list from

Forbes Magazine

, there is a checklist that employees can do to test whether their current job is really the best choice for their career aspirations and opportunities.

1. Sign of a job change: Are you dissatisfied?

It sounds simple, but it's not.

Many people rush from one appointment to the next in their everyday lives, wanting to get their work over with and just make it home to the couch.

Few people stop every now and then and ask themselves: Am I actually satisfied with what I'm doing?

I'm happy?

If that's not the case, you should consider why.

And if it's really the job that you seem unmotivated to do every morning and that just doesn't satisfy or fulfill you, you should think about changing.

2nd indication: Is there a bad work-life balance?

“The only people who will remember your hard work and long hours in years to come are your children.” You have probably read this saying or something similar before.

Do you feel like you no longer have anything to do with your life, your family, your friends because you're constantly working?

Then you clearly see a red flag there that you should react to.

Overwork can also lead to burnout and other mental illnesses.

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also recommends

changing jobs if the life part of the work-life balance has changed.

If your own life circumstances have changed, for example due to children, a death, a move or other things, and the job simply no longer fits, then you should quit and reorient yourself.

3. Is the work environment toxic?

A work environment is toxic when there is no respect, good communication or support for employees, often combined with large amounts of stress being passed on to employees without their efforts being appreciated.

Does that sound like your job?

Then it could well be that you work in a toxic work environment that literally poisons your mind.

also describes this phenomenon as “Monday morning sickness”.

If you go to the office with a stomach ache, it's better to look for a job that doesn't require you to endure five days a week.

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4. Is your commitment not valued?

Part of a toxic work environment is a lack of appreciation.

Do you feel like all the work and commitment you put into the company is not seen, or worse, seen but taken for granted or even inferior?

Then you might want to look for an employer who will appreciate your efforts.

5. Do you have no opportunities for advancement in your company?

If the job is not yet as satisfying as you would like, you should look to the future.

What would be the pros and cons of staying in this job that makes you unhappy for a while longer?

For example, it could be that your current job is just a stepping stone to your actual dream job.

However, if it is the case that your current job is unlikely to lead anywhere and you have no opportunities for advancement in the company, you have to ask yourself whether it is actually still “worth it”.

The same applies if there are opportunities for advancement but these consistently go to other employees.

According to,

if you keep being passed over for the promotion you want, it may

also be time to look for a new job.

6. Do you feel uncomfortable or unfulfilled with the company culture?

This point is also quite simple: If the company represents values ​​or a certain culture that do not match your own, you should look for a new job.

Otherwise, you will end up unhappy both with your employer and vice versa.

7. Do you distrust your boss or management?

Trust is an important component in a good employee relationship.

If your boss doesn't manage to win yours or has already lost it through underhanded actions, that's not a good basis.

If you cannot trust your employer or management or are downright afraid of their statements and actions, you should look for another job.

Source: merkur

All life articles on 2024-03-01

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