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Negative calories: Are there foods that consume more calories when digested than they contain?


Highlights: Negative calories: Are there foods that consume more calories when digested than they contain?. As of: March 1, 2024, 11:30 a.m By: Jasmina Deshmeh CommentsPressSplit Losing weight just by choosing the right foods: does it really work? What “negative calories” is all about. Certain foods are said to have negative calories, also known as minus calories. This means that the body burns more calories through chewing and digesting than are contained in the food.

As of: March 1, 2024, 11:30 a.m

By: Jasmina Deshmeh




Losing weight just by choosing the right foods: does it really work?

What “negative calories” is all about.

Certain foods are said to have negative calories, also known as minus calories.

This means that the body burns more calories through chewing and digesting than are contained in the food.

But is it really like that?

Or are negative calories just a myth?

Foods with negative calories: do they really exist?

Celery is said to burn more calories when digested than the vegetable contains (symbolic image).

© Westend61/Imago

Cabbage, celery, asparagus and spinach are examples of foods that are said to contain fewer calories than the body needs to digest.

According to the proponents of the “minus calorie diet”, with these types of vegetables the weight will practically fall off on its own.

Fruits such as pineapple, strawberries and grapefruit also have a reputation for helping you lose weight thanks to their low calories.

The idea for a minus calorie diet came about in America, but there are now guides to this weight loss method in Germany too.

But what's wrong with the diet?

There is no scientific proof of the minus calorie effect.

Chewing and digesting requires energy and the body actually burns calories even when drinking water, as the

Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung


But it's questionable whether it can actually be used to lose weight.

But what is true: Fruit and vegetables are rich in fiber, which, according to

the German Nutrition Society (DGE),

ensures that the chyme stays in the stomach and intestines longer, that we feel full for a long time, that we can absorb nutrients optimally and that our intestinal bacteria, the so-called Microbiome, can be strengthened.

All factors that can contribute to a healthy weight.

Studies show that adequate fiber intake reduces the risk of certain diseases, including:

  • Heart disease

  • diabetes

  • Cancer

  • high blood pressure

  • Overweight

Because fiber keeps the intestines healthy and lowers cholesterol levels.

In addition, intestinal bacteria form short-chain fatty acids from the plant fibers, which reduce the negative effects of high blood pressure on the body.

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Pay attention to the thermal effect of food

Also correct: How much energy the body needs for digestion, absorption of nutrients from the intestines into the blood, transport, conversion and storage varies from food to food and is called the “thermal effect”.

According to the DGE,

this is

higher for proteins than for fats and carbohydrates.

Protein-rich foods therefore have a better calorie balance.

Protein is mainly found in lean meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, but also legumes and oatmeal.

Losing weight is possible with exercise and a healthy diet

If you want to lose weight, you shouldn't rely on the thermic effect of food.

Experts from the Federal Ministry of Health

recommend that the best way to lose weight is with a combination of exercise and a change in diet


The following applies:

  • Eat plenty of vegetables, fruit and whole grain products and supplement with low-fat dairy products and meat

  • Prefer vegetable fats over animal fats

  • Avoid finished products if possible.

    Studies show that they increase the risk of certain types of cancer

  • Drinking lots of water can reduce cravings

  • Avoid alcohol if possible

  • Lose weight slowly to prevent the yo-yo effect

  • Move!

    It doesn't work without it.

    Physical activity facilitates fat loss and increases the basal metabolic rate.

    Three sports are particularly suitable for this

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication.

It in no way replaces a visit to the doctor.

Our editorial team is not allowed to answer individual questions about medical conditions.

Source: merkur

All life articles on 2024-03-01

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