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Accredited centers continue to accept university preference applications


Damascus, (SANA) - About 800 students arrive every day to the center of the Faculty of Civil Engineering at Damascus University to accept applications


Around 800 students flock daily to the Faculty of Civil Engineering Center at Damascus University accredited to accept applications for differentiation.

The Civil Engineering Center is one of 75 centers designated by the Ministry of Higher Education to accept applications for university admissions trade-offs for the academic year 2019-2020 Various branches and direct registration of the literary branch are distributed in the universities of Damascus and its branches in (Daraa, Sweida and Quneitra) and Aleppo, Tishreen, Baath, Hama, Euphrates and Tartous.

SANA monitored the registration environment for the trade-off at the Center of the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the University of Damascus, where Eng. Ammar Al-Basyouni from the supervisory team of the Center to take the necessary measures to ensure the trade-off "in the shortest possible time" and provide facilities for students, which includes 45 computers and a team of engineers to deal with large numbers Accurate ”in addition to providing free guides and brochures to familiarize students with how to register and the sequence of desires and numbers.

Bassiouni pointed out that after the introduction of desires to the differentiation card, we invite students to check and review them before fixing them and advise them to write down 35 desires to be able to settle their situation in the event that their wish has not been realized, indicating that about 800 students apply for trade-off at the center daily, especially after the issuance of the results of the admission competitions At the Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts The number has increased from 400 to 800 students a day since the beginning of the trade-off.

For her part, Eng. Abeer Ali said that their role is to help students to register their wishes in the trade-off card in accordance with the instructions to avoid any error and enter it to the computer and check them while engineer Michel Salhab: “We try to advise students to choose their wishes according to their preferences and not listen to the views of others”, indicating that the students' questions are concentrated About the future of study in each discipline or college.

In turn, Riyad Al-Ather, who is responsible for receiving applications from students, said that the administrative staff and staff at the center are in a state of complete readiness to facilitate the registration process from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm.

Tamam Saifan of the National Union of Syrian Students pointed out that voluntary youth committees from the federation were distributed to the different centers to organize students' entry well and distribute them on computers according to specific numbers to ensure that there is no problem and answer their questions and guide them to the differentiation instructions.

The students' wishes were varied, with Ahmed Walid Matar and Sally Al Samman expressing their hope to enroll in the preparatory year for medical colleges and Karim Al Khatib. He wanted to study architecture, informatics or Russian language, while Sayyeh Kokash tends to study automotive or mechatronics engineering. Public organization and that procedures are easy.

The trade-offs offered by the students include “the general trade-off for the scientific branch, the preparatory year for medical colleges (general and parallel), the eastern governorates, the families of martyrs, the wounded, the missing, the children of faculty members, the disabled, Arab and foreign students, non-resident Syrian and professional secondary schools”, in addition to the direct registration of GCSE students from the literary branch. (General and Parallel).

The Ministry of Higher Education issued on 28 August last year the differentiation of university admissions of all kinds and direct registration of the literary branch for the academic year 2019-2020 and set the date of submission of applications to the registration centers accredited in universities between the 2 and 18 of September.

Indian Helena

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Source: sena

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