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Swedish writer reveals facts about terrorist war against Syria to Western public opinion


DAMASCUS, (SANA) -The Swedish writer and journalist Patrick Powlof said that the Western economic measures against Syria are one of the most important


The Swedish writer and journalist Patrick Powlof stressed that the Western economic measures against Syria are one of the chapters of the war against them and primarily target the Syrian people, noting that what some Western countries failed to achieve in Syria through terrorism is trying to achieve through these measures.

In a seminar in Stockholm on his latest book, Voices of Syria, which is absent, Powloff pointed to the deliberate absence of what is happening in Syria from the Western media, pointing out that the US administration contributed to events in Syria by training and arming terrorists and supporting them with money.

According to the writer, terrorists from 100 countries belonging to extremist organizations such as Al-Nusra Front and Daesh have been recruited to Syria and the terrorists of the so-called White Helmets, supported by Western countries, are fabricating lies and false stories to escalate the situation internationally.

He pointed out that the US administration and a number of Western countries in addition to "Israel" and the Turkish regime and a number of Gulf regimes and sheikhs support terrorist organizations that tried to target the components of the Syrian state, stressing the right of Syria to defend its people and sovereignty.

Regarding the position of the Kingdom of Sweden on the events in Syria, the author considered that his country was subject to the policies of the European Union and the US administration, pointing to official documents in his possession that he mentioned in his book proving that Sweden paid very large amounts to terrorist organizations in Syria under the names of supporting the so-called "opposition" and directing the Swedish media and politicizing it to distort the facts. About events in Syria and hiding them from public opinion.

The writer noted the steadfastness of the Syrians and their championships in defending their homeland, calling on the Swedes to stand with the Syrian people to form a public opinion to expose the causes of the war on Syria and stop lies and misinformation.

The seminar was attended by many journalists and followers of the Syrian issue from the Swedes in addition to a number of members of the Syrian community in Sweden.

Maha Atrash

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Source: sena

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