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A Boston doctor sent a desperate help message to a friend. Moments later, he and his fiancee, a Colombian doctor, were dead


In the last moments before his death, 49-year-old anesthesiologist Richard Field sent a text message to a friend asking for help.

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Lina Bolaños and her fiance Richard Field.

(CNN) - In the last moments before his death, 49-year-old anesthesiologist Richard Field sent a text message to a friend asking for help.

"He was confused for the first few minutes," Matthias Heidenreich testified last week in the early days of the trial for the double murder of Field and his 38-year-old fiancé, Lina Bolaños.

“I didn't realize what it means (the message), I wasn't sure what it was,” said Heidenreich.

The couple, both known anesthesiologists in the region, was stabbed to death in May 2017.

In the texts, Field tried to ask Heidenreich to call 911 because there was an armed man in his house.

Heidenreich testified that he responded but got no response.

READ : New details about the murder of Colombian doctor and her fiance in Boston (2017) revealed

'Looking, waiting, stalking'

Prosecutors say Bampumim Teixeira found the right time to sneak into the building for which he worked briefly as a janitor and killed the two doctors inside the Boston penthouse on the 11th floor. Teixeira has pleaded not guilty.

"(I was) looking for, waiting, stalking, in front, behind, the right opportunity to come forward," said deputy district attorney John Pappas during the opening remarks.

Teixeira was familiar with the design of the building because of his time working there, the Suffolk County District Attorney's Office said in a press release in 2017. And prosecutors allege that this is how he also got access to the couple's penthouse. , according to WCVB, affiliate of CNN.

Teixeira's defense lawyer said there is no evidence to support the prosecution's case.

"Without video, without audio, without scientific evidence, no credible evidence will tell you that Bampumim Teixeira broke into the house of Lina Bolaños and Richard Field and murdered them," defense attorney Steven Sack said at the trial. "And that's because he didn't do it."

A hooded person quietly entered the building

On May 5, a person wearing gloves, a hooded jacket and a backpack and a bright yellow shirt sneaked into the building's garage around 4 pm, according to the press release from the district attorney's office. Bolaños arrived around 5 in the afternoon and her fiance followed her about an hour and a half later, according to the statement.

Bampumim Teixeira

Police first contacted around 8:30 pm that night of the janitor, who had been alerted by a concerned friend, after a text message he received from Field, according to the statement.

Inside the penthouse on the 11th floor, the authorities found a spooky scene.

“(Field was found) dead in a puddle of his own blood. His hands tied behind his back with handcuffs, ”Pappas said at the trial, according to WCVB. "Lina Bolaños was also in a pool of blood after being repeatedly stabbed in the neck."

Police found a carving knife near the penthouse

After police entered the department, they met Teixeira dressed in dark clothes and gloves, according to the press release from the district attorney's office.

Thinking he aimed or shot a gun at them, two police officers shot and wounded him, according to the statement. The police provided help and Teixeira was transported to a nearby hospital.

Outside the apartment, police found a backpack with a replica gun and jewelry, according to the statement.

Nearby, they also found a bright yellow shirt and a carving knife, according to the statement.

"Although the reason for this story will never be fully explained to your satisfaction, who will never have doubts," said Pappas.

The trial resumes this week. On Tuesday, jurors will visit the doctors' penthouse, WBZ reported.

Source: cnnespanol

All news articles on 2019-11-25

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