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Election campaign in the US: Trump wants to exclude Bloomberg journalists from his performances


A week ago, Michael Bloomberg declared his presidential candidacy. Trump considers the Democratic news agency partisan - and wants to ban her entry to his performances.

The campaign team of US President Donald Trump accuses the media group of Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg partisanship and wants to draw conclusions. The Republican team said they would no longer issue accreditations to representatives of Bloomberg News for Trump's campaign appearances and other events. Whether and how the team handles requests from the media corporation or individual reporters will be decided on a case-by-case basis.

The reason given was that the media company publicly stated that they were not impartial. "Since they have openly expressed their bias, the Trump campaign will no longer accredit representatives of Bloomberg News for rallies or other campaign events," said Brad Parscale, Trump's campaign director, in a statement.

Typically, reporters will be allowed press releases for rallies and other campaign events ahead of the November 2020 elections. Other citizens must purchase tickets for the campaign or wait in long queues to attend the events.


Michael Bloomberg in Phoenix, Arizona

Bloomberg had officially announced a few days ago that he wants to enter the presidential race of his party and Trump wants to challenge the 2020 election. Regardless, he spends $ 100 million of his own digital advertising money on Trump. Read an analysis of Bloomberg's presidential candidacy.

Bloomberg does not want to research Democrats - but to Trump

The 77-year-old is the founder of the named after him financial and media company and is considered one of the richest men in the world. He is considered a moderate Democrat and makes so in the race for the presidential candidacy of the Democrats, especially the former US Vice President Joe Biden competition.

The television channel CNN published on Monday a statement of the editor-in-chief of Bloomberg News, John Micklethwait, in which the vehemence reproaches vehemently rejected: "The accusation of bias could not be further from the truth." They have always reported fairly and impartially on Trump and will continue to do so - despite the restrictions announced by the Trump camp.

After Bloomberg had announced his candidacy for the White House, Micklethwait issued a memo, in which the news agency stated, "our tradition of not investigating Mike (and his family and foundation) and continuing the same policy on his rivals in the primaries of To expand democrats ". He said, however, that the economic-oriented news organization would continue to "report on the government in question, currently the Trump administration."

Source: spiegel

All news articles on 2019-12-02

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