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The Economic Committee in the Presidency of the Council of Ministers is considering amending the list of imported materials to support the local industry and provide foreign parts


DAMASCUS, (SANA) - The Economic Committee of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers followed its meetings to discuss ways of reducing the negative effects of


The Economic Committee in the Presidency of the Council of Ministers continued its meetings to discuss ways of reducing the negative effects of exchange rate variables on the living conditions of citizens, securing basic materials and controlling the movement of markets.

The Committee discussed at its eighth meeting of its kind during the last two weeks under the chairmanship of Eng. Emad Khamis the Prime Minister to amend the list of imported materials more effectively to contribute to support the domestic industry and provide more foreign exchange required by the import process.

Discussions focused on the need to reconsider allowing the import of ceramics, leather and household appliances to encourage their manufacture on a large scale, especially with the recovery in the industrial sector and its ability to provide the needs of local markets of these materials.

According to the presentation discussed by the Committee, the number of items allowed to be imported to 3731 basic items, which constitutes 58 percent of the customs tariff items and focused on the requirements of agricultural production, industrial and foodstuffs not produced locally, while the number of materials not allowed to import 2672 luxury items can be dispensed to import because of the availability of alternatives Her local.

The Committee also discussed the presence of the Minister of Justice and concerned in the Ministry of Interior and the Director General of Customs and the head of the customs police to develop a plan to combat smuggling and a decision was taken to secure the necessary requirements and logistical support for customs from all concerned authorities for the success of this plan and combating smuggling On the exchange rate.

Over the last two years, several steps have been taken to revise the list of imports to help meet the daily needs of citizens and face the economic blockade imposed on the Syrian people, where imported raw materials accounted for 64 percent of the list of imports in 2016, rising to 76 percent in 2017 and 2018 as efforts continue The aim is to continuously review the list of imports in line with the challenges posed by the war.

Source: sena

All news articles on 2019-12-03

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