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In the accusation game, Gantz steps into Netanyahu's ambush Israel today


Israel This Week - Political Supplement

The meeting between the blue and white chairman is not intended to achieve a breakthrough, but to embarrass Gantz - who fell into the trap of the final gospel before the Knesset's dissolution and the election campaign, all trying to blame each other. • And how the court tried to interpret itself Of the State Attorney Appointment Act?

  • Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz // Photos: Ohad Zuigerber and Oren Ben Hakun

Just before the Knesset loses its mandate and the third election is officially underway, the prime minister needed a move to turn the bowl around. One that will take him out of the reluctant position and the one to whom the accusatory fingers are directed and bring the responsibility to the blue and white. Both Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz failed in their efforts to form a government when they had the mandate. Voters don't like losers. Tzipi Livni, the first to fail to form a government in the last decade, has failed to shake off his dubious title until her last day in politics. But if this is also blamed for the election, and other thirds, it may charge a high price for those who are perceived as guilty.

Netanyahu knew that he would not be able to pass all the responsibility to advance his election to Benny Gantz and Yair Lapid. But at least some of the responsibility seems possible to his method. Total sought equality of burden. The meeting with Gantz this week in Tel Aviv was a well-planned ambush. An ambush in the style of a commander patrol that left the innocent paratrooper fighter, former chief of staff, battered and bruised.

Like Fathi, Gantz went into the trap that the prime minister faced, and when he left, nothing came back to be as it was. Suddenly arrows of guilt are directed at him from his camp. This is something that is not used to. The fact that the top of the blue and white, in the back benches on the list, as well as the accompanying journalists, mock him behind his back, is nothing new to him. But openly, in the media and for all to see, it's another matter.

Let's go through the winter

If by Wednesday no government is formed and the election campaign begins, Netanyahu will serve as prime minister for at least another five months. Three months of campaign and another two months of coalition train. Therefore, the refusal of his proposal to allow him to serve for six months and then pass the baton to Gantz was not accepted in the camp. Two minutes after the meeting ended, the Likud announcement blamed Gantz. The message was prepared in advance. The Likud knew that Gantz would refuse. Yair Lapid, and also Moshe Ya'alon, refuse to sit with Netanyahu as prime minister even one day. Sitting with him, in their view, would "whiten" him and create a precedent that a prime minister could serve under indictment.

Presidential venture - Ice cream with the caption "Third time ice cream" // Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

Over the past week, there have been a variety of reasons and excuses for Netanyahu's insistence on serving in the first six months. From the plan to annex the Jordan Valley exposed in "Israel Today" to strange and varied political and legal explanations. The simple truth is that this time is enough to reveal the true face of blue-and-white heads who refuse unity government.

What would happen if surprisingly Gantz would have agreed? Or then the business could be blown away by something else. No topics are missing. Netanyahu would argue that he had already given the most significant concession when he agreed to move the presidency in six months, which would run smoothly in political terms, and any further insistence by Gantz and his friends was seen as petty and a cause for the explosion.

It is believed that in terms of priorities, Netanyahu would have preferred a narrow right-wing government with Avigdor Lieberman as a first priority. He does not commit suicide over this scenario, does not try to bring Lieberman closer or impose his weight on it, because he does not trust him and believes Lieberman to tell him. The next preferred option is elections. A government of unity might, if Gantz come alone. Dissolving blue and white is a good cause for holding back elections, setting up a government with a rotation, and in six months, time to pass the baton, we'll see how to cope.

Imaginary visit to the boss

Lieberman also made a small move this week, and if he eventually enters a narrow right-wing government, the event will be remembered as the turning point. It was when two Knesset members from our home approached him and told him that after the unity efforts failed, and the fact that there were only two options left on the table: a narrow right-wing ultra-Orthodox government or an election, it is better to strive for the right-wing government.

Members of the Israeli House of Knesset for their generations are mainly characterized as faceless and there. It is true that they hold an ID card with a name given to them by their parents and a picture with their face, which they carry over their necks, but upon being elected to the Knesset they all become identityless, void and void of leader.

In recent weeks, Lieberman has sent his troops to the front of the media, given them a set of commands in the form of general-law clusters that do not always follow a rational and orderly statement and sent them into battle in the radio interviews and television studios. Most did not return safely. As the questions became ingrained and tightened about their future intentions and the many contradictions that emerged from the leader of the group, it became clear to those unidentified soldiers that the random-gathering of sentences that they put in was insufficient. That was not yet half an interview and ammunition was out of stock.

In Israel, our home has no realities of MKs "offering" to Supreme Commander political proposals // Photo: Yehuda Peretz

And this week it was reported that two of them, the faction's chairman and another MK, dared, for the first time since the party was founded, to turn themselves in to the leader and propose that he enter a narrow right-wing government with the ultra-Orthodox to avoid elections. You can imagine the class. Two Israeli Knesset members from our home stand in front of the doorstep in Lieberman's office in the Knesset, excited and sweaty, asking to enter. The secretary is frightened by the direct appeal and finds it difficult to decide what to do, whether to allow the two impostors, whom she has never seen, to enter the holy place or remove them from her face.

Just before choosing the second option, Lieberman realized what was going on. "What's going on there?" The bad guys in his voice. Three terrified, paralyzed faces were addressed to him at once. Who the hell are you? It's us boss, the two MKs said in a quivering voice. Oded Forer, chairman of your faction, answered first. And I, Hamed Amar, the Druze representative, have been with you for years, the second shook. Yes, what do you want? Lieberman impatiently shot at the two frightened characters he vaguely remembered after trying to stir the memory cells in his head. In a force and quake, the two MKs fled their bid to enter a narrow right-wing government and fled as long as they left the room.

The event, of course, never happened. In Israel, our home has no reality for MKs who "make" political proposals for the commander-in-chief.

The entire move was initiated by Lieberman. As far as we know, this is not a decision that has already been made to enter a narrow government, but rather a tool experiment. Balloon inflated. The spirit that has been leading him from then until Wednesday is what will determine where he is headed.

So who is in conflict?

The legal system, from the prosecutor's office to the executive branch, to the courts, which belong to the judiciary, has never excelled in self-awareness. Even now, when the winds are turbulent and the blood boils, following what has been revealed so far in the line of failures and wonderment in Netanyahu's investigations, these systems continue to run like nothing. Their public status at low tide. Trust collapsed. And they are theirs.

The Supreme Court's announcement that he is the one who will appoint the attorney general is detached and delusional. For years, we have become accustomed to the fact that the Judiciary and the courts know when it is good for them to turn the language of the law into a dead letter. It is not the legislator who sets the law but who is authorized to interpret it. Thus, dozens of laws and sections of the law were disqualified based on one basic law that passed a small majority in the Knesset plenum. Fundamental: Human dignity and liberty, in the interpretation that the Basic Law is superior, half the Constitution, and all other laws are repealed. More than two decades have passed and the Knesset has passed, in large and solid, another Basic Law, the National Law. The semi-constitutional - as they have stated - constitutional or not, and did not reject the petition outright but discussed the matter.

The law states that he is the attorney general for three months from her. Mandelblit adheres to the language of the law. He did not announce that he himself is the next advocate. He merely instructed the minister to appoint the specific attorney he was interested in. He did not give three options, Or even two, just one, everything else, Mandelblit stated, is out of the realm of reasonableness.

The court explained that the minister is in conflict. In the original detection committee, the one that did not convene because the government is a transitional government, no political representatives. Just forgot to mention Mendelblit that the troll that prevents the establishment of a detection committee, and the fact that there is no commissioner, no appointments and paralysis is everywhere , He and his predecessors together with their judges formed. If the transition government exists for three months or six months, the state can be stopped once every few years and be cautious on sensitive issues such as appointments and budgets. But to paralyze the country for more than a year in the name of the same caution, it has been system madness. That is what goes beyond the range of reasonableness, much more than the appointment of the attorney general by the minister. In general, perhaps who is at odds with the appointment of the attorney is Mandelblit himself? In the nature of their joint work and power relations, the lawyer's identity is no less important than the minister and perhaps even more . Who knows what considerations come into Mandelblit's mind when we count our days. And whether the net professional considerations, or foreign and crooked.

Prohibited materials

For years, the Prosecutor's Office has avoided allowing any supervisory body to restrict its actions. The group, which believes in exposing the truth, law and order, firmly refuses to pry anyone and reveal its fate, if any. Only with regard to Netanyahu's interrogations was the feature of mutual guarding, crowding the lines, and preventing any outside party from examining, investigating and exposing what was happening there on Saladin Street in East Jerusalem.

Matanyahu Engelman // Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

Of course it didn't start now. About three weeks ago, the State Comptroller and the Ministry of Justice solemnly announced an agreement signed between the parties, including a new procedure for collecting materials by the State Comptroller. "The identification of information and documents contained in the information systems of controlled entities in the executive branch and collected by the State Comptroller," the head of the new agreement reads. Among other things, as a result of the agreement, the comptroller will be able to enter the e-mail boxes of the audited bodies and to extract materials for the audit reports. The need for a new procedure came when the old document collection procedure became irrelevant as most audit materials are not in binders and folders at all, but in computer files. , Cloud folders, and email boxes.

But behind the joint solemn announcement by the Comptroller's Office and the Department of Justice, there was a drama of smears and delays, hand bending and taunts, and a threat exchange between the two bodies. The person who initiated the new procedure is former critic Joseph Shapiro. When the Ministry of Justice saw the wording, their eyes went dark. In a moment, they realized that signing the document would also expose them, the Attorney General's Office and the Judiciary, to the intrusive procedure they believe the auditor wanted, and Miano to sign. For more than a year, she tried, imploring the previous auditor to sign the procedure and leave, but the letter sent to the Judea orphan.

Until the new visitor enters. When Matanahu Engelman learned that the Prosecutor's Office refused to sign, he decided to exercise all his weight in the matter. While during the Shapiro period, any attorney, senior as a junior, and any police investigator, from chief to commissioner, could contact the state comptroller and find materials under him for investigation, Engelman ruled that it was illegal and would be arrested. All this until a formal procedure was formulated. While not yet complete, the State Attorney's Office holds investigatively worth of gold, pressuring Engelman to end this procedure, Engelman on the other side pressures them to sign that procedure. The USSR, who realized the war was lost, surrendered and signed.

The Ministry of Justice said that "the claim that the Court's signature on the procedure was" delayed "for non-material reasons, not least for reasons related to the State Attorney or the Attorney General, is false. The process of formulating the procedure, which was done in collaboration and dialogue between the Ministry of Justice and the State Comptroller's Office, continued for a considerable period of time in light of the sensitivity and complexity of the legal issues that were first raised there and in light of the male exchange in the role of the State Comptroller. "

The State Comptroller's Office said: "There was no connection between the State Comptroller's examination of the process of transmitting audit material to the enforcement authorities, and the procedure for arranging the state audit work on computerized information systems. Upon taking office, Comptroller Engelman sought to accelerate the regulation of this procedure. Great in promoting reviews of computerized information systems and he thanks the COO to the government for the fruitful cooperation that resulted in the completion of the procedure soon. "

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2019-12-05

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