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[12.21. Live broadcast] Silver-haired people rally, more panminin-elected district councillors speak to criticize political mediocrity


Today (21th), another group opened a silver-haired rally entitled "Name and Shame to End Political Remuneration" in the open space of the Edinburgh City Hall in Central. They objected to recent reports that Chief Executive Lin Zheng Yue'e would be elected to part of the establishment. District councillors have given public office as compensation, criticizing the move as political retribution, and stated that if public institutions, etc., use political remuneration to appoint unsuccessful constitutionalists to enter the board of directors or decision-making or grant positions, they will initiate actions and stop everything Donations, cooperation, etc. The rally was held from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and a notice of no objection had been issued by the police. "Hong Kong 01" live rally.


Written by: Huang Fengyi Pan Xiqiao Chen Chuolan

2019-12-21 13:11

Last updated: 2019-12-21 15:27

Today (21th), another group opened a silver-haired rally entitled "Name and Shame to End Political Remuneration" in the open space of the Edinburgh City Hall in Central. They objected to recent reports that Chief Executive Lin Zheng Yue'e would be elected to part of the establishment. District councillors have given public office as compensation, criticizing the move as political retribution, and stated that if public institutions, etc., use political remuneration to appoint unsuccessful constitutionalists to enter the board of directors or decision-making or grant positions, they will initiate actions and stop everything Donations, cooperation, etc.

The rally was held from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and a notice of no objection had been issued by the police. "Hong Kong 01" live rally.

[15:15] Tsui Wan Litao District District Council Member-elect Xie Maoze said that he hopes that the voter turnout rate in the future will maintain this year's momentum. Even if one of the five major demands is won, citizens will continue to speak out for other social issues. He believes that the functions of many government advisory committees are redundant and redundant. In today's society, the government can easily collect citizens' opinions and consider these political rewards redundant.

[15:06] About 200 people attended the meeting. When Leung Kwok-ho, a district constituency member of Cheung Chau, Islands District, took the stage, he reminded other elected constituencies to listen to criticism from the outside world and the public, as members may "change" during their term of office and forget their original intentions. He also pointed out that citizens should take into account the yellow economic circle when entering and leaving the country. Although it is inconvenient, they should insist. The more the officials criticize the yellow economic circle, the more they reflect the effectiveness of this approach.

[14:55] Chen Zhenzhe, a District Council Member-designate of Lincun Valley, Tai Po, said that many citizens were "Hong Kong pigs" in the past, but today they need to be aware of "walking out" and participating in all aspects of the community. He encouraged owners to participate in owners' corporations and mutual aid committees, and parents could participate in school councils to avoid being monopolized by the establishment school and become the base for the establishment school's "snake flat cake". He emphasized not to place the burden on district councillors only. I hope that I can ignore what I can do if I vote.

[14:33] Fan Guowei, who was canceled the seat of the Legislative Council, came to the stage to speak, citing the cancellation of the seat as one of the challenges in his political career. He had long been expected to be suppressed. He criticized the Hong Kong government for suppressing the assembly of Hong Kong people And freedom of expression. Public posts that were originally used to make up for the deficiencies of the parliament, such as advisory committees, were used to "compensate" the defeated formations. He also urged the elected Democratic District Councillors to do a good job in the region and serve Hong Kong people, because every ballot has "blood and tears."

[14:16] Long Xin appeared at the "Silver Haired" rally and brought the Chinese flag across the rally. They screamed at the audience and left after 10 minutes of disturbance.




[13:52] Chen Zhiquan, member of the People ’s Power ’s Legislative Council, and Chen Shuzhuang of the Citizen Party came to the stage to thank the silver-haired people for their efforts and encouraged citizens to write to arrested demonstrators in prison so that they know they have not been forgotten. In addition, Chen Shuzhuang used the example of "Political Remuneration" by Liu Jianghua, the director of the Hong Kong Home Affairs Bureau and Cai Ruolian, the deputy director of the Education Bureau. She was defeated when she was elected to the Legislative Council in 2016. She was also employed by the government as the Deputy Secretary for Education.

[13:49] Chen Baoqiong, a district constituency candidate for the Quarry Bay constituency in the Eastern District, took the stage, saying that the public office is capable, and said that she had also held a public office in the Department of Health. If the government appoints a public office to those who are abandoned by voters, it is equivalent to suffocating voters. She also hopes that in the future, the Eastern District Council will be transparent in its deliberations and invite more citizens to participate.

[13:35] The General Assembly read a letter from the arrested person in the anti-revision to the Hong Kong people. The writer stated that he was a college student arrested on November 2. In the letter, he was grateful to every Hong Kong demonstrator who was willing to come out to confront and hoped that everyone would stick to it. When he wanted to give up, he said that he thought of the people who died in this movement, the people in prison, and kept his faith and died. People recover justice, eluting grievances for those in prison.

[13:10] Tan Guoxin (Tan Sir), the representative of the silver-haired, said the rally officially started. He said that after the district council elections that have just ended, the democratic factions have taken the lead in 17 districts and have achieved the "restoration of district councils." Then read the declaration of the conference, saying that if Chief Executive Lin Zheng Yue'e appointed some public officials to compensate the lost constitutionalists, it would completely distort public opinion, political remuneration, and personal acceptance, making the election meaningless.

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Source: hk1

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