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Left essay: Yair Golan will be placed third in a Democratic camp - Walla! 2020 elections


Meretz renewed the agreement with the former chief of staff and agreed with him that he would be placed third on the list, as he was in the previous elections. At this point, the disconnection with MK Shapir, who heads the party, continued ...

Left connection: Yair Golan will be placed third in a democratic camp

Meretz renewed the agreement with the former chief of staff and agreed with him that he would be placed third on the list, as he was in the previous elections. At this point, the disconnection with MK Shapir, headed by the Green Party, continued. MK Peretz called for a triple union in the left together with blue and white: "We must not lose any voice"

Left connection: Yair Golan will be placed third in a democratic camp

Edit: Saul Adam

Meretz on Tuesday agreed with former Deputy Chief of Staff, Maj. Gen. (res.) Yair Golan, on an agreement to renew the Democratic camp. Chairman Meretz Nitzan Horowitz agreed with Golan to place him third on the Democratic camp list, just as he was in the previous election.

At this point, there is a disconnect between Meretz and Knesset Member Shafir from the Green Party. In the background of the pressures for unification in the center-left, Horowitz approached Labor Party chairman Amir Peretz and urged him to "come with us for a connection to unite the left in this election."

He said, "Only a great connection on the left can bring about the establishment of the left-center government and the removal of Benjamin Netanyahu. Only a great connection on the left can bring social justice, a political solution, to the struggle to end the occupation and the conflict. . Horowitz's call for a union comes while discussions have taken place in the Labor-Bridge party to decide whether to join the Democratic camp ahead of the elections, or run for two different parties.

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Will be placed third. Nitzan Horowitz and Yair Golan, today (Photo: Democratic Camp Spokesmen)

Former Deputy Chief of Staff Gen. (res.) Yair Golan Democratic election campaign signed today with Meretz to renew Democratic Camp, January 7, 2020 (Photo: Democratic Camp Spokesmen, official website)

In the background of calls for unification on the left, Labor-Bridge chairman Amir Peretz today called on Blue and White chairman Benny Gantz to run on one list with the Labor Party and Meretz. Peretz today met with the Hakim Hashem factions and presented them with an "outline for replacing Netanyahu" in which all the center-left will run in one ballot in the next election, saying that tomorrow morning he will present the outline to Gantz. "The ball is now in a pitch of blue and white. I want to make sure that if there is a makeover it will be a makeover of change and hope, and so, I appeal to Benny Gantz tonight and urge us not to lose any voice," he said.

So far, Peretz has refused to discuss the merger of the work-bridge with Meretz seriously and is now transferring responsibility on the issue to Gantz. "This move will wake Israeli citizens in the change and bring them to the ballot in droves. I see half a million people in Rabin Square support the list. It will bring new energies to the bloc. Such a thing has not yet happened in Israel, we will change the rules of the game. "We are for change and hope, or Bennett and Smutrich for annexation and social deprivation," he said. Blue and White are not expected to adopt Peretz's outline and do not intend to make any dramatic changes to the list until the lists are closed next week.

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To the full article

Calls to run on one list of all center-left parties. Amir Peretz (Photo: Reuven Castro)

Amir Peretz during his speech at the Labor Party Conference, Lago Convention Center, Rishon Le Zion December 25, 2019 (Photo: Reuven Castro)

Yesterday, Shapir read an interview to Walla Studio! NEWS Gantz "Intervene Massively Intervening" Occurs in Left Parties to Prevent Loss of Votes Below Blocking Percentage. In an interview, Shafir criticized Blue and White and said that the responsibility for the unions was also on their shoulders. "Netanyahu hangs a second picture of Baruch Goldstein in the living room to bring partners from the Kahanist right," she said. "There can be no one who leads the camp and needs the camp support to be the prime minister, which we obviously recommended, do not intervene on this issue in the deepest possible way."

In addition, Shapir blamed that "Meretz, as of now, has dismantled the 'Democratic Camp' arrangement and entered into a series of negotiating steps with all sorts of factors, so the Democratic Camp does not currently exist as it was." However, she expressed optimism that by the time the lists closed next week, "We will see the Democratic camp return to a unified and orderly state as we ran in the previous election, because that is the obvious thing to do because that is what our public is asking us to do."

In response to Peretz's outline proposal, Horowitz stated that "we will support every connection in the center-left bloc. But, the strategic, vital, immediate and necessary connection is between the work and the democratic camp to create the left."

23rd Knesset Election Schedule (Photo: Official Website)

Source: walla

All news articles on 2020-01-07

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