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Strike: RATP and SNCF summoned by Valérie Pécresse to reimburse the December Navigo card


The president of Ile-de-France Mobilités will receive the directors of SNCF and RATP this Wednesday. With a simple message: that all u

Thirty-four days of very followed strike and 150 euros less on the bank account. This is the situation experienced by 2.5 million Navigo card subscribers. The strike days follow and subscribers continue to watch for a possible "commercial gesture" from SNCF and RATP ...

From November, however, the leaders of the two companies unequivocally promised: there will be many reimbursements, but only after the strike. When will the first payments take place, and for what amounts? None of the stakeholders dares to give a date and figures.

She refuses to wait for the movement to end

Valérie Pécresse, the president of Ile-de-France Mobilités, has decided to hit the table. It requires that the two Ile-de-France transport operators reimburse the 75.20 euros for their December Navigo card for all travelers who have subscribed, without restriction. And this without waiting for the end of the movement. This is the message it should deliver to the two bosses summoned to the headquarters of the region, this Wednesday afternoon, rue Barbey-de-Jouy in Paris (VIIe).

As she had hinted at her wishes, Ile-de-France Mobilités will set up a unique internet platform, currently under construction, to allow this reimbursement by the end of January at the latest. Her name ? "Mondédommagementnavigo".

"An unacceptable situation"

“The situation that we have been experiencing since December 5 is simply unacceptable, we are assured in the entourage of Valérie Pécresse. The minimum service is faulty, the contractual commitments not respected. Some, at the regional council, even denounce "communication tricks on the opening of lines". "We are led to believe that certain metro lines are open even though they only operate for a few hours during the day," says a manager. What exasperate even more users already badly abused ... "

Who will pay what?

And indeed, while the social conflict dragged on and the service remained extremely disrupted, several user associations began to lose patience. "For us, the priority is first of all the return to a service that puts an end to the daily stress that we have experienced since December 5," said Arnaud Bertrand, the president of the association Plus de Trains. But of course, we also expect clear commitments on compensation. We require full reimbursement for December. "

Same claim with the Association of transport users (AUT) in Ile-de-France. Its president Marc Pélissier demands compensation in the form of a month offered automatically to all subscribers, without them having to do any procedures on the Internet.

The cost of reimbursing Navigo subscriptions for December is estimated at 200 million euros. It remains to be seen who will pay for what? The answer to this simple question is complicated. The contract which binds Ile-de-France Mobilités to operators does not provide clear answers. Nothing would oblige, in the law, the RATP like the SNCF to reimburse their users impacted by a strike.

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On the other hand, the two companies are linked to the Ile-de-France region by a contract, which provides for running “50% of trains” at RATP during rush hour and a little more than 30% at SNCF during social movements. In December, we were far from it ...

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2020-01-07

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