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Enough officer with nervous finger on the trigger Israel today


the Middle East

About three hours before the crash of the Ukrainian plane, Iran attacks, with 22 missiles, US bases in Iraq • It is impossible to disconnect between these two events • Interpretation

  • Airplane crash scene // Photo: Islands. Nose. times

Although officially all options, as they say, are still on the table, the United States seems at least to believe that what toppled the Ukrainian Boeing 737 in Tehran - is a Russian-made Iranian missile that was accidentally shot, to quote President Trump.

As we wrote here yesterday, a missile is an option that cannot be ruled out. Some claim that such rocket fragments are found in one of the photographs that came from the crash site. It was also alleged that some of the plane's fractures were perforated, resulting from a missile blast. However, how can one explain a civilian plane crash taking off from an international airport identified by Tehran Flight Control? Let's try:

The Ukrainian plane crash

Remember, about three hours before the crash of the Ukrainian plane, Iran attacked, with 22 missiles, US bases in Iraq. One could very likely rule out the possibility that the missile that dropped the aircraft was one of those 22 missiles. There is no doubt that this rocket barrage was controlled, accurate and well-defined.

Still, there is an indirect relationship between the two events. Due to the attack, the Iranian army, and in particular its anti-aircraft forces, was on high alert. The missile batteries sat "with their finger on the trigger" in case the Americans rushed to respond to the attack that night. It is unlikely that if this is indeed the case, one of the battery officers " M was more nervous than the others, and when the Ukrainian plane showed up on his radar screen - he was wrong to think it was an American enemy aircraft, and fired a missile at him.

More on:

Suspicion: Iran dropped the Ukrainian plane

The Ukrainian plane crash: Iran refuses to deliver the black box

The Iranians have shown that they fear the United States

This, as mentioned, is now just a hypothesis. The key to revealing the truth lies in Iran, and specifically - in the black boxes of the plane, which it refuses to deliver to the West. She may be hiding the truth, and Tehran may simply not want to hand over the boxes to the hated Americans.

Ukraine may claim the boxes - in the end, the aircraft, on its systems, is its property. But it is not certain that it has an efficient diplomatic lever in hand. If the boxes nevertheless reach the West, France is also a good alternative, we will know.

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2020-01-09

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