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[Wuhan pneumonia · 123 epidemic] Yinhu Tianfeng and his wife have a total of five cases


The outbreak of a new coronavirus related to Wuhan pneumonia has continued to spread. Hong Kong has two confirmed cases as of yesterday (23). Two patients who have had close contact with the patient are being isolated. The Education Bureau is considering extending the Lunar New Year holiday. The Centre for Health Protection announced three new cases of new coronavirus pneumonia confirmed on the 24th. All three lived in Wuhan. They took the high-speed rail to reach Shenzhen North, and then transferred to another high-speed rail to reach the West Rail Hong Kong Station of the high-speed rail. A total of 5 were recorded in Hong Kong. Confirmed cases. Three patients had previously lived in the Southern Tower of Yiling in Tuen Mun and Yinhu in Ma'anshan. At Tianfeng, the co-resident daughter of the Ma On Shan patient began to have a fever and will be sent to Prince of Wales Hospital for isolation. The number of infected people in the Mainland has exceeded 800, and the death toll has increased to 26. Many provinces and cities have closed recreation facilities, including Shanghai Disneyland, Guangdong Chimelong Paradise, and Guangdong has closed all theaters.

Social News

Written by: Golden Chess Chen Qianting Hu Jiaxin Lao Minyi Zhang Meilan

2020-01-24 07:19

Last updated: 2020-01-25 02:23

The outbreak of a new coronavirus related to Wuhan pneumonia has continued to spread. Hong Kong has two confirmed cases as of yesterday (23). Two patients who have had close contact with the patient are being isolated. The Education Bureau is considering extending the Lunar New Year holiday.

The Centre for Health Protection announced three new cases of new coronavirus pneumonia confirmed on the 24th. All three lived in Wuhan. They took the high-speed rail to reach Shenzhen North, and then transferred to another high-speed rail to reach the West Rail Hong Kong Station of the high-speed rail. A total of 5 were recorded in Hong Kong. Confirmed cases. Three patients had previously lived in the Southern Tower of Yiling in Tuen Mun and Yinhu in Ma'anshan. At Tianfeng, the co-resident daughter of the Ma On Shan patient began to have a fever and will be sent to Prince of Wales Hospital for isolation.

The number of infected people in the Mainland has exceeded 800, and the death toll has increased to 26. Many provinces and cities have closed recreation facilities, including Shanghai Disneyland, Guangdong Chimelong Paradise, and Guangdong has closed all theaters.

Personnel wearing a full set of protective equipment went to Yinhu in the same district. Tianfeng sent a patient to the hospital. According to the district council member, the middle-aged man felt unwell after returning to Hong Kong from Wuhan, and reported it to the hospital. (Huang Shengkang posts to Friends of Ma'anshan)

[Wuhan pneumonia] Three additional confirmed cases in Hong Kong have arrived from Wuhan via Shenzhen via high-speed rail

[23:59] The Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health is investigating three newly confirmed imported cases of new coronavirus infection today (24). The centre once again urges citizens to maintain personal, food and environmental hygiene at all times, whether during local or overseas travel.

[23:33] The Education Bureau has circulated a "press release" on the Internet, stating that it has announced the extension of the school's Lunar New Year holiday. A spokesman for the Education Bureau clarified that the "press release" was a fabrication. The Authority stated earlier today that the Education Bureau is actively discussing and implementing the necessary prevention and control measures with various stakeholders in response to the latest developments in new coronavirus infection cases, including considering extending the Lunar New Year holidays in schools, and Other corresponding arrangements. The Education Bureau will announce the details as soon as possible, and call on the public to pay attention to the official announcement by the Bureau.

[Wuhan pneumonia] News: The couple who want to escape initially diagnosed in Wuhan to visit Ma'anshan daughter

[23:07] It is reported that the two newly diagnosed couples were patients who had earlier fled from the Accident and Emergency Department of Prince of Wales Hospital. The news indicates that the two were from the Mainland and came from Wuhan to Hong Kong to visit the Tianhu Peak in Yinan Lake, Ma'anshan. daughter. Both couples have been transferred to Princess Margaret Hospital for isolation.




[Wuhan Pneumonia] Police officers from East Kowloon Transport Department have fever and are quarantined

[23:04] A police officer from the East Kowloon Traffic Department of the Police Department had visited Futian to visit his wife earlier and developed fever and cough symptoms after returning to Hong Kong. He was observed in the isolation ward of Renji Hospital yesterday (23th). The officer was confirmed not infected with the new coronavirus.

[21:45] CUHK announced that in consideration of the latest situation of new coronavirus infections, after careful assessment of the risks, the school decided to take the health and safety of students as the primary consideration, cancel the exchange student program in the mainland this term and suspend short-term students Communication activities. The University Academic Exchange Office has sent an email to notify students who are scheduled to participate in the Mainland Exchange Student Program this semester. CUHK also stated that the school is also negotiating the resumption of classes after the Lunar New Year holidays.

[19:45] The news indicates that the female patient who was initially diagnosed by the Weiyuan Hospital had a positive test result from her husband and is waiting for the second test. There are currently five cases of infection in Hong Kong.

[Wuhan Pneumonia] There are no on-site betting venues at the New Year's Day.

[19:40] The Jockey Club: There is no public admission for the New Year's Cup at the beginning of the year, and Liuhecai changed to Saturday (February 1).

[19:30] Two more cases of infection were diagnosed in Taiwan. One female tourist in Wuhan in her 50s contracted the disease and the other was a Taiwanese male in her 50s. There are currently three cases of infection in Taiwan.

[18:38] Standard Chartered Marathon responded to Xu Shuchang's suggestion: Pay close attention to the development of the epidemic. Zama was originally scheduled to be held on February 9.

[18:04] Huang Jiaqing, director of the Center for Health Protection: laboratory test, two new cases were positive , and the second test is being carried out. The two patients met the reporting criteria and believed that they had visited Wuhan within 14 days before the onset of illness, without further details. The two patients were in Tuen Mun Hospital and Prince of Wales Hospital. Both were women, 62 years old . Other epidemiology is under investigation.

The second confirmed patient in Japan, KA855, arrived in Hong Kong from Wuhan on January 19, and then transferred to CX500 to Narita, Tokyo, Japan . Tracking close contacts. However, there was no KA855 flight on January 19, only January 18 or 20, and the incoming flight from Wuhan to Hong Kong on January 19 was KA853. Huang Jiaqing pointed out that he only knew that the patient was transferring from Wuhan to Hong Kong on January 19th. For the time being, this information, flight number, etc., may need to be revised. The Department of Health subsequently corrected it to KA853.

Professor Xu Shuchang, Chairman of the Scientific Committee on New Discoveries and Animal Infectious Diseases, called on public events to consider risks, including marathons .

A reporter asked Huang Jiaqing if any officials suspected the infection. He said that it involved privacy and was not suitable for answering. He also did not have information on this.

When asked about the closure of all parks, theaters, libraries, etc. in the Mainland, Xu Shuchang pointed out that there were no community cases in Hong Kong, all of which were imported cases. The current measures should be maintained.

Huang Jiaqing and Xu Shuchang suggested that you can wear a mask when taking public transportation, and you can take it off after returning to work. Wearing a mask all day is not feasible for most people.

On the evening of January 24, the Center for Health Protection's press conference, the Director of the Center for Health Protection, Dr. Huang Jiaqing (left), and the Chairman of the Scientific Committee of New Discoveries and Animal Infectious Diseases, Professor Xu Shuchang (right), met with the reporter. (Photo by Luo Junhao)

[17:40] Education Bureau: Considering the extension of the Lunar New Year holiday will be announced as soon as possible

In response to the latest developments in new cases of coronavirus infection, the Education Bureau is actively discussing and implementing the necessary prevention and control measures with various stakeholders, including considering extending the Chinese New Year holiday in schools, and other corresponding arrangements to reduce the spread of the virus on campus. Risks to protect the health of students, and at the same time take care of the needs of students and parents in response to the impact of these measures. Details will be announced as soon as possible.

The Education Bureau has been in close contact with the Department of Health and informed the school of the latest information on infectious diseases provided by the Department of Education and the recommended preventive measures. The school has forwarded nine letters from the Centre for Health Protection to schools in early January. Be alert and take defensive measures. This Council will again send a letter to schools today to remind them to implement the recommendations of the Centre for Health Protection and strengthen preventive measures.

[17:15] Taiwan Tourism Bureau announced that it will temporarily suspend group tours to mainland China.

[16:10] The University of Hong Kong reports three suspected cases. One of them visited Wuhan and the other two sought medical treatment in the Mainland.

The University of Hong Kong confirmed that in accordance with the latest guidelines of the Centre for Health Protection on new coronavirus, today (January 24) arranged for three students to go to the hospital for examination. The school then cleaned according to anti-infective measures.

None of the three students sent to hospital today had fever, but had mild upper respiratory infections. One of them had recently visited Wuhan, and the other two had not recently visited Wuhan, but had consulted a mainland hospital for other injuries. Therefore, it meets the minimum notification requirements of the Center for Health Protection.

[16:00] Caixin reported that many medical staff in Beijing were infected. They were infected medical staff who went to Wuhan for business trips and were infected by colleagues after returning to Beijing. In addition to the expert group member, Peking University Doctor Wang Guangfa, there are other medical staff in Beijing infected. Guangdong, Hubei, Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing, Anhui, Hunan, Zhejiang and other provinces have entered the "first-level response" state.

[15:58] Shanghai Disneyland and Beijing Forbidden City were closed. Hong Kong Ocean Park and Hong Kong Disneyland responded that they would open as usual.

[15:55] The Education Federation calls on the government to announce a two-week suspension of classes as soon as possible to ensure the safety of teachers and students.

[15:27] The Tourism Industry Council stated that 20 travel agencies cancelled the Lunar New Year inland tours, involving 2,600 groups, affecting 90,000 people.

[15:26] The Education Association urges the government to respond rigorously to the pneumonia epidemic in Wuhan. Schools in Hong Kong will resume classes at least one week after February 10th and ask the Education Bureau to formulate measures as soon as possible to assist schools to cope with the epidemic.

[15:15] Two new confirmed cases were reported in Singapore. One man and one woman came from Wuhan. The number of confirmed cases in Singapore increased to three.

[14:39] Ocean Park: The normal opening hours will be maintained, and the developments will be closely monitored and reviewed to make timely adjustments and corresponding measures.

Ocean Park has immediately improved sanitation and epidemic prevention measures in the visitor area and behind-the-scenes facilities to remind visitors and employees to pay attention to personal hygiene. Visitors in need can also obtain masks at the visitor service center and first aid station in the park. At the same time, the frontline staff of the park will also strengthen the monitoring of the visitor's health and will be assisted by rescuers when necessary.

[14:38] Mainlanders went to Mong Kok pharmacy to sweep N95 masks, and other citizens bought eye masks.

[14:10] In order to cooperate with epidemic prevention, Shanghai Disneyland will be closed tomorrow until further notice. Earlier, the Forbidden City of Beijing also announced its closure. Movie theaters in Guangdong province are closed during the Lunar New Year holidays.

[13:45] Today, some citizens returned to Hong Kong Airport after traveling today, and found that the temperature detection personnel were sleeping. Chen Zhaoshi said yesterday that temperature detection is the first line of defense. Zhang Zhujun, director of the Infectious Diseases Division of the Center for Health Protection, said today that he would remind the front line.

[12:38] Press conference of the Center for Health Protection

Zhang Zhujun, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Center for Health Protection, pointed out that the first confirmed 39-year-old male patient was closely tested at MacLehose Isolation Camp. One of them had a fever and was transferred to Princess Margaret Hospital. The fever patient was the first patient. Passengers in front and back of the high-speed rail. The second confirmed 56-year-old patient, two close contacts were in an isolation camp, and his wife and another close contact were in the hospital because of symptoms and were awaiting test results.

As of 8am today, 66 new cases have been reported in Hong Kong, with a total of 236 suspected cases. 570 isolated beds and 309 isolated negative pressure wards have been activated.

The Director of Quality and Safety of the Hospital Authority, Chung Kin-li, said that he was arranging accommodation for front-line doctors, and some hotels cooperated and some had concerns. He appealed to the hotel industry to help.

Zhang Zhujun pointed out that there is no official answer on the incubation period, and there is no information on whether the incubation period will be transmitted. After discussing with the experts, the suspected cases are generally isolated on the 14th. She said that the WHO said that there was a fourth-generation transmission in Wuhan, but Hong Kong still had to observe whether close contacts had developed the disease, and if so, the second-generation transmission.

[12:30] State Council: Concealed clues of under-reporting and reporting of epidemic situation will be dealt with seriously, and personnel will be dispatched for inspection.

[12:00] Taiwan restricts export of two types of masks such as N95 for one month.

[11:45] Xingchen and CTS also canceled all Mainland tours from the first day to the seventh day.

[11:25] WHO Representative in China: At this stage, we cannot say whether "closing the city" is effective.

[11:00] Kangtai announced today (24th) that it will immediately cancel all Chinese tour groups that depart from New Year's Day (25th) to New Year's Day (31st). Customers who have registered can choose to transfer and retain 6 group tours. Monthly or after deducting the handling fee, return to the group, which involves about 80 groups, about 2,500 group friends.

[10:50] Medical teams from Guangdong, Beijing, Shanghai, Sichuan and other places went to Wuhan to support, and Guangzhou fights against SARS veterans "combat".

[10:20] Zhang Zhujun, director of the Infectious Diseases Division of the Center for Health Protection of the Department of Health and Zhong Jianli, director of quality and safety of the Hospital Authority, will hold a briefing on the latest situation of new cases of coronavirus infection at 12:30.

[10:00] India clarified that an Indian nurse accused of being infected in a Saudi Arabian hospital was not infected with the new coronavirus pneumonia but was infected with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS).

[09:55] Ma Zhongyi, president of the Association of Public Medical Physicians, pointed out that the doctors and nurses have completed the lottery. When the HA starts the procedure, a special medical team will go to the isolation ward to take care of the patients. Rest and live in hospitals to avoid transmitting the virus to family members. The Association is urging relevant departments to arrange enough rooms for medical care.

[09:38] Macao Education and Youth Affairs Bureau announces that non-higher education schools will postpone classes on or after February 10, 2020 (Monday) after the Lunar New Year holiday. The Education and Youth Affairs Bureau has informed the school to arrange appropriate programs for students to study at home. At the same time, private supplementary teaching auxiliary centers and continuing education institutions should cooperate to postpone operation until February 10 (Monday) or later.

[Wuhan pneumonia] Confirmed case Wife is sick and 66 suspected cases have been added in Hong Kong

[Wuhan pneumonia] Two confirmed cases 7 Close contacts Three people have no medical diagnosis

[Wuhan Pneumonia] Airport temperature detection staff Sleep Health Protection Center: will prompt the front line

[Wuhan Pneumonia] Mainlanders visit Mong Kok pharmacy to sweep N95 masks, and citizens buy eye masks

[Wuhan Pneumonia] China Travel Service, Xingchen and Kangtai Cancel Mainland Groups from Day One to Day Seven

[Wuhan Pneumonia] Hong Kong Wishing Festival Cancels Some Programs Including Pot Vegetable Feast

[Wuhan Pneumonia] The Hospital Authority is contacting the hotel for medical stay and non-close contact masks are sufficient for protection

▼ Wuhan Fengcheng ▼




[09:14] South Korea confirmed the second case of pneumonia caused by a new type of coronavirus infection, and several suspected cases in Australia.

[08:20] The National Health and Health Commission announced on Friday (24th) that 830 confirmed cases of pneumonia of new coronavirus infection were received in 29 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities), including 177 severe cases and 25 deaths; deaths 24 cases were from Hubei Province and 1 case was from Hebei Province.

[07:01] The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan said on Friday (24th) that there was a second confirmed case of Wuhan's new coronavirus pneumonia in the local area. The 40-year-old male patient came from Wuhan, visited Tokyo, and is currently in hospital.

[07:00] As of 7 am, the number of confirmed diagnoses nationwide increased to 653, and 18 people died.

[03:50] CCTV News reported on Friday (24th) that as of 12:00 midnight on Thursday (23rd), 4 new cases of pneumonia confirmed by new coronavirus infection had been added in Beijing. The patients were all male and all were Has Hubei contact history.

[03:00] The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Thursday (23) raised the alert level for Wuhan travel to the third level. It is recommended that citizens avoid traveling if necessary.

[02:40] The World Health Organization (WHO) announced on Thursday (23) that the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic in Wuhan does not constitute a public health emergency of international concern. It also said that the move was "too early", but they The mutations are being closely tracked.

[02:10] The People's Daily reported on Friday (24th) that as of 12:00 midnight on Thursday (23rd), the number of confirmed pneumonia cases of the new coronavirus infection in Guangxi had increased to eight. A total of 113 close contacts have been tracked by the authorities, all of whom are undergoing medical observation.

[02:00] On the evening of Thursday (23) in Guangdong Province, a first-level response to a major public health emergency was initiated. The Zhuhai City's Leading Group Office for Prevention and Control of Epidemics made an announcement in accordance with the requirements of a first-level emergency response, including stopping the market, flower market, and rally. , Theater performances, and other crowd gathering activities, all festivals and events in the city are temporarily suspended. Citizens must take good personal protection to reduce visits to relatives and friends and places with many people. High-risk groups should consciously complete community registration and comprehensively strengthen traffic health quarantine. All bus stations, water transportation terminals, urban rail stations, Zhuhai Airport, and other transportation stations and entry-exit ports in the city are subject to health quarantine. Entry-exit personnel must cooperate with the detection of body temperature.

[00:30] The Hebei Province Health and Medical Commission said on Thursday (23rd) that the second confirmed case of pneumonitis associated with a new coronavirus infection was confirmed. The 80-year-old male patient, Chen, was from Nanpi County, Cangzhou City, and went to Visited relatives in Wuhan and lived there for about 2 months. After returning to Nanpi County, he developed symptoms such as chest tightness and dyspnea. He was admitted to the hospital for isolation treatment, accompanied by hypertension, chronic bronchitis, emphysema and other diseases. He was rescued on Wednesday (22th) Ineffective death.

▼ Hong Kong's first confirmed case of new coronavirus ▼




▼ National Alert on the Spread of Pneumonia in Wuhan ▼




[Wuhan pneumonia] India clarifies that nurses infected with MERS is not "Wuhan pneumonia"

[Wuhan Pneumonia] The Jockey Club decides that the New Year's horse will be held as scheduled to strengthen the sanitary measures

[Wuhan Pneumonia] News: Someone in the camp sent fever to Margaret for isolation treatment

[Wuhan Pneumonia] was questioned without filming Lin Zheng fb filming explanation: high-level meeting was called after returning to Hong Kong

Wuhan Pneumonia Public Health Food and Health Bureau

Source: hk1

All news articles on 2020-01-24

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