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[Wuhan Pneumonia. 1.28 epidemic] Hong Kong Airlines announces cancellation of 214 flights between China and Hong Kong in the next two weeks


The outbreak of new coronavirus related to Wuhan pneumonia has continued to spread. The number of confirmed cases in the Mainland has reached nearly 4,400, with 106 deaths. Hong Kong and Macau have confirmed 8 and 7 cases respectively. In addition, the National Health Commission issued an outbreak risk assessment, saying that the current evidence suggests that the main route of transmission of the virus is respiratory droplet transmission and close contact transmission. The government announced in the morning that from tomorrow (29th) to February 2nd, it will work from home except for the necessary personnel, and called on the private sector to adopt the same arrangement, and companies have arranged employees to work from home. Lin Zhengyue held a press conference at 4:30 to announce anti-epidemic measures.

Social News

Written by: Wang Jieen, Li Enci, Chen Shuxia

2020-01-28 00:20

Last updated: 2020-01-29 00:51

The outbreak of new coronavirus related to Wuhan pneumonia has continued to spread. The number of confirmed cases in the Mainland has reached nearly 4,400, with 106 deaths. Hong Kong and Macau have confirmed 8 and 7 cases respectively. In addition, the National Health Commission issued an outbreak risk assessment, saying that the current evidence suggests that the main route of transmission of the virus is respiratory droplet transmission and close contact transmission.

The government announced in the morning that from tomorrow (29th) to February 2nd, it will work from home except for the necessary personnel, and called on the private sector to adopt the same arrangement, and companies have arranged employees to work from home. Lin Zhengyue held a press conference at 4:30 to announce anti-epidemic measures.

↓↓ The government pushed more than 10 measures to stop the outbreak of the epidemic ↓↓




[23:50] The Chief Executive, Mrs. Lin Zhengyue, held a press conference today (28th), announcing the suspension of the issuance of free travel visas in order to reduce staff turnover from the source. However, there are policies and countermeasures. In addition to business and family visit visas, mainlanders can still use passports to transit. As long as you go to Taobao for 150 yuan, you can present a ticket for Hong Kong to a third country. You can enter Hong Kong with your passport for a stay of up to seven days. When you return, you only need to report the itinerary change with the port staff. .

[Wuhan Pneumonia] Stopping freely and having loopholes, Taobao 150 yuan can buy fake tickets to Hong Kong with a passport

There are a large number of Hong Kong customs clearance services on Taobao. As long as 150 yuan, they can present a flight itinerary for Hong Kong to a third country without passing the Hong Kong and Macau Pass.

[23:36] Hong Kong Airlines announced that in response to the emergency response measures implemented by the Hong Kong Government, it will cancel 214 flights to and from China from January 30 to February 11. Affected passengers will be exempted from the cost of rebooking, rerouting and refund of air tickets to and from Mainland China. Please refer to special ticket arrangements for details.

[Wuhan Pneumonia] Cathay Pacific Dragon Express Port Company 4 Reduces Mainland Flights to 240 Flights Per Week

[23:30] Yuan Guoyong, Professor of Infectious Diseases and Professor of SARS at the Department of Microbiology, HKU Medical College, pointed out today (28) that the Department of Microbiology of HKU has initially developed a new coronavirus vaccine based on a nasal spray vaccine. It will not be known if the vaccine is effective when tested on animals.

[Wuhan Pneumonia] Yuan Guoyong: HKU's preliminary vaccine will be tested in animals

[23:30] Macau announced that local banks will be closed for two days on Thursday and Friday.

[22:00] The Hospital Authority announced that in order to comply with the latest government policy, starting from 0AM tomorrow (29th), it will charge "non-eligible persons" who meet the new coronavirus reporting conditions. The new measures will apply to all confirmed diagnoses And suspected cases. The HA will charge the patients in accordance with the existing "non-eligible person" charging mechanism.

[22:00] According to the surging news from the mainland media, from now on, the immigration management department of the national public security organs will suspend the acceptance, approval, and issue endorsements for mainland residents to travel to Hong Kong and Macao for group travel and personal travel (including one week in Shenzhen) Recovery time will be announced separately.

[Wuhan Pneumonia] The Mainland will suspend the issuance of tourist visas to Hong Kong and Macau from now on

[21:54] The Immigration Department stated that as government employees do not need to return to the office after the Lunar New Year holiday, only emergency and required public services will be provided from tomorrow to Sunday (February 2). The other offices of the Immigration Department, including all smart identity card redemption centres, district offices, other personnel registration offices, birth registration offices, marriage registration offices and Admiralty death registration offices, will be temporarily suspended during the above period Provide services.

As for the services of various control points, except for the arrangements announced by the government, all others will continue to operate normally, and the Hong Kong residents' helpline 1868 in the event of an incident will continue to operate as usual, providing appropriate and feasible assistance to citizens in need.

[Wuhan Pneumonia] Immigration Department Birth Registry, Marriage Registry, etc. Partial Adjustment Services Suspended

The High Speed ​​Rail West Kowloon Station will be closed from 00:00 on the 30th. (Photo by Yun Xiaobin)

[20:00] The Hospital Authority stated that there were no new confirmed cases in Hong Kong in the past 24 hours as of noon today; public hospitals have received 78 patients who meet the reporting criteria, and 103 people are currently in hospital for isolation treatment.

[Wuhan Pneumonia] The Hospital Authority today added 78 new reported cases and 31 contacts are living in isolation camps

[19:52] The Hospital Authority stated that it was aware of the government's call for employers to provide flexibility to employees' work arrangements according to the needs of the organization's operations, except for those who provide emergency and necessary public services. The spokesman said that the Hospital Authority and public hospitals and clinics played a key role in the epidemic prevention work. All frontline and logistics staff connected to the headquarters and hospitals will continue to maintain their duties and serve the public after the Lunar New Year holiday. .

The spokesman said that the HA has set up a staff hotline and social media platform to actively listen to their opinions and follow up the concerns and demands of staff.

[19:37] Zhong Nanshan, the leader of the high-level expert group of the National Health and Medical Commission and a SARS expert, said in an "authoritative interview" by Xinhua News Agency that it is difficult to absolutely estimate when the epidemic will reach its peak. "But I think it should be about a week or ten days "Peak" will not increase on a large scale.

Zhong also pointed out that the first coronavirus was found in a bat, and the intermediate host that scientists are looking for has not been determined. Fever is still a typical symptom of an infected person.

[19:20] Customs solemnly clarified that there were rumors on the Internet that the government had listed mask products as embargoed items due to political reasons, and the spokesman emphasized that this would never happen. The Customs stated that based on risk assessment and intelligence analysis, customs / sampling inspections of passengers, goods, transportation vehicles and postal parcels were carried out at various immigration control points in accordance with relevant Hong Kong laws, blocking illegal products and controlled items entering and leaving Hong Kong illegally, surgical masks It is not a contraband or a controlled item. The Customs will not prevent the legal import of surgical masks into Hong Kong.

[19:08] The Judiciary announced that due to public health considerations, hearings originally scheduled in all courts / tribunals from tomorrow (29) to February 2 will be postponed. Courts / Tribunal registries and offices will also be closed during the period; emergency hearings will be handled in accordance with the existing mechanism.

[Wuhan Pneumonia] Multiple government public services are suspended

[19:00] MTR stated that Hong Kong West Kowloon Station will be thoroughly cleaned after it is temporarily closed in the early hours of Thursday (30th). Passengers who have purchased high-speed rail tickets to and from Hong Kong West Kowloon Station and Mainland Stations need to retain relevant documents such as tickets and receipts. After the Hong Kong West Kowloon Station reopens, they can go to the station for a full refund. MTR will announce details of the refund arrangements; passengers who purchase tickets through the 12306 website can apply for a refund directly on the website.

For intercity trains, passengers who have purchased tickets to and from Hung Hom Station and the Mainland station can go to the original point of purchase (including Hung Hom Station Intercity Express passenger service) from now until 30 days after the departure date of the purchased flight Center and ticket agent sales points) for refund procedures, passengers will also receive a full refund.

[18:40] High-speed Rail West Kowloon Station will be closed from the early morning of the sixth day (30th). MTR has restricted entry to ticket holders this afternoon. The entrance staff stated that there is no on-site ticket purchase.

[Wuhan Pneumonia] High-speed Rail West Kowloon Station Closes Shanwei Passengers Tonight and Goes Northward Tonight

↓↓ Review of government press conference in full text ↓↓



▼ Consumer Council tests 29 masks cost-effective ▼




[18:10] As for the personnel in Wuhan Office? Lin Zhengyue said that as far as she knows, the relevant personnel are still in Wuhan, have not gone out, still provide services by phone, and appease the local Hong Kong people who are still stranded. As for the people in Hong Kong and Hubei, the government will actively contact them. If there is a physical condition during the referral, it will be referred when further treatment is needed. Lam Cheng said frankly that the announcement of the measures would be inconvenient for Hong Kong people on the "road", and I hope everyone will understand.

[18:06] The Macao government exempts civil servants from going to work on the sixth and seventh day of the year, calling on private institutions to refer to it; the government announced that it has prepared a new round of 10-day mask usage.

[17:50] Li Jiachao: The endorsement of the personal tour involves 49 cities in the Mainland, and the mainland agrees to suspend, meaning that the freedom of travel will be reduced. It is believed that hundreds of people from Hubei can be reduced daily.

The Director of Immigration, Zeng Guowei, reiterated that the number of visitors to Hong Kong dropped sharply in January, the number of Hong Kong people going abroad dropped by half, and the number of visitors to Hong Kong dropped by two-thirds. With the new measures restricting the issuance of free travel endorsements, he believes that mainland visitors will be reduced by at least half .

[Wuhan Pneumonia] Suspension of free travel endorsement for West Kowloon Station and Hung Hom Station will be closed on Thursday

[17:32] Qiu Tenghua, director of the Bureau of Commerce and Economic Development: mask supply is tight, and in terms of production, it may be less affected by annual leave and logistics suspension. There may also be an increase in demand in the Mainland. It is stressed that the government has always had procurement supplies and will ensure front-line personnel. It is necessary to contact the central government and the customs directly to follow up and follow up so that supplies can come to Hong Kong. Therefore, millions of supplies can come to Hong Kong during the holiday.

[17:32] Zhang Yongchun, director of the Department of Administration and Legal Affairs of Macao, said that as soon as the Central Government has received the notice, the endorsement of the Mainland's free travel to Macao will also be suspended.

[17:20] Li Jiachao, Director of the Security Bureau: Manual instruments will be deployed to ports that are not yet closed. As more Hong Kong people are expected to return to Hong Kong today, and more passengers will leave Hong Kong, they will pay attention to the situation during the peak period of today and tomorrow and the suspension of ports. In the circumstances, consider further controlling the opening hours of individual ports to reduce the flow of people. The hotel industry has also been contacted to follow up with visitors from Hubei, and proactively contacted and recorded their contact methods. "We will give them (epidemic prevention) leaflets," asking them to contact the government and follow health advice.

Lin Zhengyue announced that from the early morning of January 30, the Hong Kong section of the high-speed rail and the Hung Hom Intercity Express will be closed, and services for multiple cross-border ships will be suspended. Passenger crossings including West Kowloon Station, Hung Hom Station, Man Kam To Port and Sha Tau Kok Port will also be suspended. , Freight will not be affected until further notice. (Photo by Zhang Haowei)

[17:23] Chen Fan, Secretary of the Transport and Housing Bureau: The high-speed rail West Kowloon Station will be closed from 00:00 on January 30, that is, no high-speed rail can come to Hong Kong. In order to reduce risks, the frequency and frequency of GMB (including yellow buses) will be adjusted. The public is urged to pay attention to the arrangements. In addition, flights from inland cities and Hong Kong will be halved starting from the 30th. Both the Hong Kong government and the mainland government will communicate with airlines to urge the public to pay attention to changes. As for the cross-border ferry, it will be stopped immediately on the 30th, but the outer port terminal between Hong Kong and Macau will remain in operation.

[17:04] Chen Zhaoshi, Secretary of the Food and Health Bureau: The number of confirmed cases remains 8, all of which are imported. There has been no increase in the past day. More than 30 people are currently living in the LCSD Lady MacLehose Centre.

Chen Zhaoshi: In terms of immigration control, the government fully cooperates with the country's work direction, and will jointly control and control all ports in the mainland, including airports, to set up temperature detection and health applications, as soon as possible to take temperature detectors at departure airports, and will deploy manpower and resources. Strengthen entry and exit work. In addition to health declaration forms, there are also health recommendations. Hong Kong residents in Wuhan will be arranged by the Department of Health.

Finally, she thanked the frontline medical staff and the staff of the Department of Health who co-ordinated the work of epidemic prevention and isolation. She made it clear that her colleagues were worried that "you are not alone" and expressed deep gratitude for the selfless contribution of medical care.

[17:00] Lin Zhengyue: The non-patients or patients admitted to the quarantine center are close contacts found during medical care or follow-up. The past practice was to do a holiday camp or build a public house that was not occupied. Fanling Huiming Village is After consideration, it was decided that criticizing someone for causing damage to the quarantine center would also affect future residents. Considering the damage to the village, he abandoned the use of Huiming Village and will not requisition public housing villages in the future.

[Wuhan Pneumonia] Lin Zhengqi Huiming Village warns of quarantine facilities: society needs to prepare home isolation

[17:00] Lin Zheng Yue'e: The government currently receives about 107 Hong Kong people asking for help, all from Hubei Province, mainly stranded in the locality because of no traffic. The local government departments are trying to assist.

Lin Zheng Yue'e: Anyone from the Mainland to Hong Kong should stay at home within 14 days and should wear a mask when going out. He once again urges Hong Kong people not to go to places with epidemics and not to travel because they don't have to go to work or school. She also urged Hong Kong people to wear masks when going out and companies to make flexible arrangements, and civil servants, except for emergency and must provide public services, will stay home from tomorrow until February 2 after the Spring Festival holiday, and the government will review the situation. Departments will also announce the closure of facilities, including relevant departments such as SWD, LCSD, Environment, Agriculture and Fisheries.

[16:53] Lin Zheng Yue'e: I noticed that the community paid attention to the exemption of charges for non-local patients infected with Wuhan pneumonia by the Hospital Authority. Under the public health policy, in order to reduce the spread of infectious diseases, charges will be reduced or exempted due to high costs. This arrangement. She understands that it is necessary to adapt to the current situation and avoid attracting incentives, so she announces that non-compliant persons will be charged from now on.

Lin Zhengyue announced that from the early morning of January 30, the two major cross-border transportation services of the Hong Kong section of the high-speed rail and the Hung Hom Intercity Through Train will be closed. (Photo by Zhang Haowei)

[16:50] Lin Zheng Yue'e: From the early morning of this Thursday (30th), train services at West Kowloon-Kowloon High Speed ​​Rail Station and Hung Hom Station, as well as passenger clearance at Sha Tau Kok and Man Kam To will be suspended. Freight will not be affected until further notice. She explained that it would take time to cooperate, so it was postponed to the 30th. Overall, the traffic between the two places will be significantly reduced. This includes halving the number of flights to and from the Mainland, the suspension of ferry services between the Mainland and Hong Kong's terminals by multiple sea routes, and the reduction of cross-boundary buses.

[16:45] Lin Zheng Yue'e: Approved by the Central Government to agree to 49 cities to suspend the issuance of personal travel visas (according to historical data, about 50% of mainlanders who come to Hong Kong with personal travel visas). However, business endorsements are maintained, and these tourists account for about 20% of the arrivals in Hong Kong.

[16:45] The Chief Executive, Lin Zhengyue, reports on the latest government prevention and control work and measures. The Steering Committee meetings chaired by her are held daily. The third meeting was held today. She first thanked the frontline and logisticians for medical care, and said that she regretted many false news on the Internet and said that there would be unnecessary panic. For example, yesterday (27th), she claimed that she personally agreed to assist the country to divert patients. She described it as ridiculous rumors "It is impossible to do something with the Hong Kong medical system." It was also stated that the rumors required the government to handle the matter manually.

[16:43] Hongkong Post announced today (28th) that post office counter services, mail delivery services, and mailbox receiving services will be suspended after the Chinese New Year holiday, that is, January 29 to February 2. Maintain the delivery of inbound express mail. Mail sent during this period will be processed after the postal service returns to normal.

[Wuhan Pneumonia] Multiple government public services are suspended


[16:36] CUHK announced that special work arrangements will be implemented after the Lunar New Year holiday (ie from the 29th). Except for those who provide the necessary services and where feasible, all faculty members do not need to return to the office to work after the holidays, but stay at home to work. The arrangement is tentatively implemented until February 2, and the university will review the situation at that time. During this period, the University Medical Center will operate normally. On-campus shuttle bus services will only be maintained on holiday H-line services, while fee-based minibus services will remain unchanged.

[16:25] According to political reports, Lin Zhenghui announced that from January 30 (Thursday), the West Kowloon Station of the High Speed ​​Rail will be closed, and it will be decided when to reopen depending on the epidemic situation.

[Wuhan Pneumonia] 01 Exclusive: Government Closes High Speed ​​Rail West Kowloon Station from January 30

[16:24] In addition to Chief Executive Lin Zheng Yue'e, the officials attending the press conference also included: Chen Fan, Director of the Transport and Housing Bureau, Chen Zhaoshi, Director of the Food and Health Bureau, Qiu Tenghua, Director of the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, Zeng Guowei, Director of the Immigration Department, and Health Chen Hanyi, the Director, Gao Shengsheng, the Chief Executive Officer of the Hospital Authority, and Deng Yihai, the Commissioner of Customs and Excise.

Lin Zhengyue will lead a number of officials to attend the press conference. (Photo by Chen Shuxia)

[16:17] Two more cases were confirmed in Singapore, with a total of 7 cases.

[15:41] KMB has reported on social media that it will only provide limited services. It adjusts the number of working days to four days a week. KMB hereby clarifies that the message is purely rumor, and KMB and Long Win will continue to serve as usual.

[15:25] CCTV reported that from today to 2 pm in Shaanxi Province, 11 confirmed cases were newly added, and the total number of cases in the province was 46. By 9:00 in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, there were also 2 additional cases and 15 confirmed cases.

"Qilu Evening News" reported that Shandong Province had added 8 confirmed cases by 12:00 noon, and the total number of cases in the province has increased to 95, with another 48 suspected cases. The report quoted experts pointed out that the next week is the key time to control the province's epidemic prevention .

[15:10] The Chief Executive Lin Zheng Yue'e held a press conference at the underground lecture hall of the Government Headquarters at 4.30 pm today (28th) to announce anti-epidemic measures.

▼ That is, Wuhan closed the city, the situation after driving in the forbidden city ▼




[14:55] The Education Bureau stated that regarding the "Education Bureau Letter" circulating on the Internet, the Bureau has announced that it has postponed the school resumption date until February 27. An Education Bureau spokesperson today (28) clarified that the news was a fabrication. And reiterated that all schools in Hong Kong (including kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools and special schools) will extend the Lunar New Year holiday until February 16th, that is, classes will resume on February 17. The spokesman appealed to all sectors of the community to fight against the epidemic, and no one should cause rumors and troubles in Hong Kong when the epidemic is difficult, let alone confusion among school staff, students and parents.

[14:30] Hong Kong's stock, futures and derivatives markets will resume trading as usual tomorrow. The Financial Secretary, Chen Maobo, called on financial institutions to provide special arrangements for employees to work when feasible to reduce the risk of epidemic spread in the community.

[14:00] The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced that it will suspend the holding of sports and fitness activities, including training classes, fun days, carnival activities and fitness classes, starting tomorrow.

[13:20] Hong Kong and Taiwan reported that the Japanese government has designated the epidemic as a "designated infection" and will arrange charter flights to pick up Japanese citizens stranded in Wuhan.

[11:30] The government announced that in order to minimize the risk of epidemic spread in the community, special work arrangements will be implemented after the Chinese New Year holiday tomorrow (29th). Except for those who provide emergency and essential public services, civil servants work from home after the holidays and are tentatively implemented until February 2. The government calls on the private sector to make similar arrangements where feasible. Individual government departments will make announcements about the affected public services.

[09:55] The Health and Health Commission released the "2019 New Coronavirus Epidemic Progress and Risk Assessment", indicating that the current evidence suggests that the main route of transmission of the virus is respiratory droplet transmission and close contact transmission, which is highly infectious There is no reliable evidence that the disease is contagious during the incubation period.

[09:30] More than 4,400 people in the Mainland have been diagnosed with Wuhan pneumonia and the death toll has increased to 106. Among them, the number of confirmed diagnoses in Hubei has soared to more than 2,700, of which 1,590 have been confirmed in Wuhan.

▼ Emergency situation in Wuhan ▼




[01:00] The LCSD announced in the early morning that the following facilities will be closed from Wednesday (29th) until further notice:
Suspended land and water sports facilities include all stadiums, sports fields, grass courts, artificial grass football pitches, tennis courts, squash courts, bowling greens, golf facilities, public swimming pools, beaches, Tuen Mun Recreation and Sports Centre, water sports Center and holiday camp. Cultural facilities include all museums, performance venues, public libraries and attached study rooms, mobile libraries, and the Music Centre's Music Centre. Refund / payment arrangements will be announced by the agency later.

▼ Wuhan Fengcheng ▼




[00:24] The Hong Kong Government issued a statement saying that the Chief Executive, Mrs Lam Cheng Yuet-o, agreed on the Internet that "the use of Hong Kong's medical system to assist the country to handle the epidemic is required." The spokesman stated that the content was completely unfounded.

The spokesman also pointed out that measures were being explored to further reduce the movement of people from the Mainland and Hong Kong to reduce the chance of infected persons entering Hong Kong. The SAR Government regrets that some people have spread rumors. At present, the epidemic situation is severe. The SAR government appeals to the public to fight against the epidemic and pay close attention to the information distributed by the government, so as not to be misled by rumors.

[00:16] The Macau Daily reported that according to Macau Airways, more than 100 flights were cancelled from January 27 to February 1, mainly involving mainland and Taiwan routes to and from Macau. Related flights include Macau to Taipei, Kaohsiung, Beijing, Beijing Daxing, Shanghai Hongqiao, Shanghai Pudong, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Xiamen, Guiyang, Chengdu, Nanning, Taiyuan, Jieyang Chaoshan, Zhengzhou, Chengdu, Tianjin, Wenzhou, Hefei, Changzhou, a total of 101 flights. Affected passengers can rebook or refund their tickets, waiving the fees for rescheduling and refunding.

[00:05] The University of China Medical College issued a statement that, in view of the severe development of the new coronavirus, in order to control the epidemic, the Hong Kong Government is urged to further tighten its immigration policy to reduce the risk of cross-border transmission, including proposals to further expand the scope of restrictions on entry Other epidemic-prone areas outside Hubei Province, strengthen quarantine and medical surveillance.

[Wuhan Pneumonia] Flight attendants and confirmed patients were on the same machine at Pok Oi Hospital for refusal to quarantine for hours.

[Wuhan Pneumonia] City University will resume online teaching until further notice in February

[Wuhan Pneumonia] Shatian District Council plans to allocate 1.5 million to fight the epidemic

[Wuhan pneumonia] Is there a shortage of protective products? Wuhan Mayor and Hubei Provincial Government respond to different opinions

[Wuhan Pneumonia] 5 new confirmed cases in Guangdong Province, 2 in Meizhou, Guangzhou each, 1 in Zhongshan

Wuhan Pneumonia 01 Video

Source: hk1

All news articles on 2020-01-28

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