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Abbas and Haniyeh spoke: "We will reject the deal and fight it together" Israel today


Haniyeh called the PA chairman and called for a meeting of all factions this evening • Abu Mazen: We will work all ways to fight a security deal

Haniyeh called the PA chairman and called for a meeting of all factions tonight • Abu Mazen: We will work all ways to fight the deal

A report on Al-Aqsa TV talks about a conversation on Tuesday between Palestinian Authority Chairman Abu Mazen and Hamas political bureau chairman Ismail Haniyeh after Hania called the PA chairman.

According to the report, Abu Mazen said in a conversation to Hania: "Our position is clear, we reject the Centennial Plan. I welcome our joint work in our territories and abroad to confront the plan. I call for a meeting of all factions this evening. "

Lebanese television network Al-Miadin reported that Kitt Haniyeh added: "We are together in preserving the Palestinian issue and Palestinian rights, and we emphasize the importance of unity and the readiness for joint, political and civilian work."

Abbas replied to Haniyeh: "We would welcome joint work both inside and outside Palestine to fight the century deal. Our position is to reject the deal, and to take all possible steps to confront it.

Earlier, government ministries in Gaza announced Tuesday the cessation of work beginning at 1pm to allow workers and workers to participate in protests against the Centennial Plan. At the same time, the IDF decided to reinforce the "Baka and Valleys" division with infantry.

Until noon, a few dozen Palestinians threw stones at IDF forces in the Ramallah, Nablus and Jerusalem area. The soldiers in the area dispersed most of the demonstrators and were not injured in our forces.

Tal Oz / Ministry of Defense

In preparation for the presentation of the centenary program, Defense Minister Naftali Bennett and Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi today held a special status assessment in the Judea and Samaria Area.

In assessing the situation, part of the Central Command was taken by Maj. Gen. Nadav Padan, Commander of the UN General Staff Brigadier General Yaniv Elalouf and all the commanders of the regional divisions, who presented the Minister with an up-to-date snapshot of what is happening in the sector and the implications of the plan's publication.

Minister Bennett directed the forces to prepare for an immediate escalation scenario as well as for the unrest in the absence of cooperation from the Palestinian Authority.

"The State of Israel is facing crucial days of establishing its permanent borders and applying sovereignty to Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria," the minister added. "I hear threats from the Palestinian side. Nothing will deter us. The security system and the IDF are prepared for every scenario. The Israeli government should make decisions and not be deterred. "

Minister Bennett and Chief of Staff Kochavi assessing the situation, today // Photo: Ariel Hermoni / Ministry of Defense

On the other hand, Hamas sends threats to Israel. "The overall and united opposition can thwart all initiatives to eliminate the Palestinian issue, most notably the Centennial Plan," Hamas spokesman Hazem Qassem stated. "Israel will not gain security with the centennial plan or with any other promise as long as it occupies our land. The Palestinian resistance movements will expel Israel from all our land, and the illusions of the century plan will evaporate with the help of our people's resistance operations, which is fighting for its rights."

However, the presence of the Palestinian security forces is felt. Despite the alleged declaration by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas yesterday not to prevent protests, meanwhile, the Palestinian street is quite indifferent.

In Ramallah, Palestinian security forces have set up checkpoints in the main traffic lanes in preparation for the upcoming marches and rallies. Fatah Central Committee officials told "Israel Today" ahead of the emergency meeting that is taking place at this time that reports in Lebanon of quotes that Rais had scolded US President Donald Trump and said he would not betray the Palestinian people are false: "These reports are false. We have yet to discuss our ways of responding to the Trump program. We will discuss the details in depth and make an informed decision. "

Photo: Reuters

Regarding the indifference on the Palestinian street, Fatah officials said: "The Palestinian people will speak. We have no interest in a wave of violence but we won't sit back. If we need to, we will know how to protest people against this devastating plan that buryes the Palestinian national vision. No one will remain indifferent while our national rights are being trampled. "

Meanwhile, Hamas officials in Judea and Samaria are expected to join the crowd at 19:00 tonight at the Abu Mazen emergency meeting in Muqata in Ramallah with the Palestinian leadership, after calling on all organizations to attend the meeting. On a formal level, Hamas has not yet approved their participation, but given the messages that are also flowing from Gaza regarding the need for "unified Palestinian unity", it would be very surprising if they did not go to Ramallah.

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2020-01-28

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