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[Wuhan Pneumonia. 1.30 outbreak] Two more preliminary confirmed cases awaiting review


The outbreak of a new coronavirus related to Wuhan pneumonia continues. As of Wednesday (29th), 10 cases have been diagnosed in Hong Kong. Many citizens have snapped up masks in recent days, and this port mask has been snapped up. When the Chief Secretary for Administration Zhang Jianzong met with reporters in the evening, he pointed out that 8 million masks have arrived in Hong Kong so far this month, and it is expected that 24 million masks will arrive in Hong Kong in the future.

Social News

Written by: Huang Yongyu

2020-01-30 07:15

Last updated: 2020-01-31 00:04

The outbreak of a new coronavirus related to Wuhan pneumonia continues. As of Wednesday (29th), 10 cases have been diagnosed in Hong Kong. Many citizens have snapped up masks in recent days, and this port mask has been snapped up.

When the Chief Secretary for Administration Zhang Jianzong met with reporters in the evening, he pointed out that 8 million masks have arrived in Hong Kong so far this month, and it is expected that 24 million masks will arrive in Hong Kong in the future.




[23:21] The University of Hong Kong has announced that the suspension period will be extended to February 17. The University of Hong Kong today issued a statement saying that due to the epidemic situation, classes will be postponed until March 2.

[23:35] A metropolitan householder had a fever and went to Tseung Kwan O Hospital to seek medical treatment. However, he left the hospital by himself and is still unable to find his whereabouts. Saigon District Councillor Fang Guoshan said the patient had reportedly been to Hunan.

[22:30] The news indicates that two newly confirmed cases were diagnosed. One patient was from Queen Elizabeth Hospital and the other patient was from Princess Margaret Hospital. It is understood that in the initial confirmed case of Princess Margaret Hospital, the patient was admitted to the medical ward on January 24th, 30 days after the incident, and until today, the initial diagnosis was made, and she has been transferred to the Infectious Disease Center for isolation.

The patient at Queen Elizabeth Hospital was a female patient, while the patient at Princess Margaret Hospital was a male patient. It is reported that the female patient at Queen Elizabeth Hospital was the daughter of the Wuhan couple who was diagnosed yesterday.

Haitong International responded to the inquiry and pointed out that currently an employee is a suspected case of the new coronavirus pneumonia and is currently observing in the hospital, pending further examination results. The employee works on the 23rd floor of Li Baozhang Building. It is reported that in the afternoon of the 22nd, she contacted relatives and friends who came from Wuhan on the Cathay Dragon Dragon KA853 flight. Since the employee was on vacation at the time, she did not return to the office after contacting friends and relatives and did not contact other colleagues. Check the information, the above description is consistent with the Wuhan couple case confirmed yesterday.

Haitong International stated that it has launched an employee care fund that will cover the medical expenses of the colleague, his relatives and friends. At present, many employees of our company have organized donations on their own initiative, hoping to help this colleague through the difficult times.

[21:55] The mainland surging news network reported that Tang Zhihong, the director of the Health and Health Committee of Huanggang City, Hubei Province, was dismissed from his post.

An earlier snippet from the official media in the Mainland shows that when the central inspection team asked Tang Zhihong about the admission capacity, number of beds, and nucleic acid testing capabilities of the local designated hospital, Tang Zhihong often kept silent, and repeatedly answered "unclear" and "don't know" , "Not under my control", etc., and even called on the spot to ask subordinates.

[21:25] Sources report that there are two more "highly suspected" initial confirmed cases in Hong Kong.




[19:00] Japan Town announced on Facebook at 6pm tonight that masks will be returned. Each person can purchase a box of 26 masks per person. At 7 pm, the reporter visited the Tsuen Wan Japan Town branch to check the situation. The branch posted a notice indicating that the allocation had been completed. The clerk revealed that a total of 500 boxes of masks were returned today, and the number has been allocated in less than half an hour. Customers need to hold the purchases.

Dozens of people have been waiting in line outside the store after some suggestions. Some citizens said that they had arrived at 8 o'clock this morning, hoping to have a chance. Some citizens also criticized that although the Hong Kong government held a press conference to ensure the supply of masks, He believes that it is difficult for Hong Kong people to reassure them that "the amount of money is not enough. Hong Kong people use one of them, and they have no sun!"

[20:00] The Baptist University said that in view of the worsening of the epidemic, it will be suspended until March 2 and will be taught online. All students and staff must complete an online health declaration form before returning to school. Faculty members are also required to work from home until February 2.

[18:30] In terms of local production, Zhang Jianzong pointed out that the Correctional Services Department can produce 50,000 masks per day in Luohu, and it will immediately increase overtime to 70,000, and monthly production will increase from 1.1 million to 1.8 million. He also pointed out that startups can provide 1.6 million masks, and it is estimated that 3 million masks can be provided locally each month, with an annual supply of more than 30 million. He also said that the government would help set up factories in Hong Kong to produce masks.

[18:25] Regarding whether Macao will request the departure of tourists from Hubei with reference to Macao, Zhang Jianzong reiterated that he would advise Hubei people to leave Hong Kong and isolate themselves. Do not go to densely populated areas. If you are unsuited to contact the authorities, "persuasion Figurative form. "

[18:20] Asked if he would introduce a "purchase restriction" measure on masks, Qiu Tenghua said that he is currently facing supply issues and needs to be based on supply conditions. He said that importers are taking a different approach now. Millions of batches of masks will be shipped to Hong Kong by plane on weekends, also known as ensuring adequate supply in the short term.

He also pointed out that most buyers are people who need masks. As for the existence of people who come to Hong Kong to purchase masks, he said: "A large number is temporarily available."

[18:10] When asked when masks "should be available", Zhang Jianzong said that 8 million masks have come to Hong Kong so far this month, and about 24 million masks will be shipped to Hong Kong in the private market in the future. Asked about the government's position on "customs clearance", he said that the Chief Executive would have a press conference to explain the situation to review the entire epidemic situation.

The Director of Commerce and Economic Development Qiu Tenghua added that mask supplies have been tightened in some overseas markets, such as Taiwan and Japan, but acknowledged that masks are produced in the Mainland, and some supplies may not be paid as scheduled. He also pointed out that through the statistics of the customs, it was learned that 2 million masks had been delivered to Hong Kong and the market, and that 24 million masks could be shipped on schedule in the future. He also said that 8 million masks could be delivered to Hong Kong by plane or ship today to Saturday.

Zhang Jianzong also pointed out that Hubei passengers will be asked to wear masks, and they should leave Hong Kong as soon as possible. He also urged the public: "Please don't go out of the street if not necessary."

[18:05] Zhang Jianzong pointed out that he has noticed the public's need for masks. He is now purchasing globally and has contacted more than 140 suppliers. The overseas economic and trade office is also looking for suppliers and has purchased 5 million for the government. Masks will come to Hong Kong in the future.

He said that so far this month, 8 million masks have been shipped to Hong Kong as a private retail market, and will be allocated to private clinics and law enforcement officers in need in the future.

He also said that the Correctional Services Department will increase the production of masks and supply about 5,000 additional filtering masks per day to the Logistics Department. In the future, full-time operation of the mask factory will be implemented to increase the production of masks. The full-day production capacity of the workshop depends on the number of inmates who eventually volunteer to work night shifts. The Correctional Services Department is working closely with relevant departments to open an additional mask workshop in Luohu Correctional Institution as soon as possible, in order to further increase production to 1.8 million per month.

[18:00] The Chief Secretary for Administration, Zhang Jianzong, met the media in the underground lobby of the west wing of the government headquarters. The Director of the Financial Services and the Treasury, Liu Yixiang, the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Qiu Tenghua, and the Chief Executive of the Hospital Authority, Dr. Gao Basheng, attended the meeting.

Zhang Jianzong pointed out that the main source of supply of Hong Kong masks is the Mainland, which is mainly used by medical staff. He also pointed out that masks are in global shortage and the current situation is severe. After meeting with the government today, the expert group considered that reducing public contact was an effective measure, and the government had previously announced a series of measures, such as suspending the opening of government facilities.

He said the government will actively review the supply of masks and will announce them in due course. He said that the HA had three months in stock, but the usage rate had surged five to six times in the past one to two weeks.

[17:45] The Chairman of the Hospital Authority, Fan Hongling, called on the government to immediately introduce decisive measures to further reduce the flow of people in China and Hong Kong in order to reduce the chance of infection.

[17:39] The Hospital Authority stated that as of noon today, public hospitals had informed the Department of Health that in the past 24 hours, a total of 95 people had been received, including 49 men and 46 women, aged 14 months to 100 years. Patients who meet the reporting criteria for "Severe New Infectious Pathogen Respiratory Diseases" and send samples to the Department of Health for testing.

Currently 139 people are being hospitalized for isolation, 135 are in stable condition, three are serious and one is in critical condition.

[17:15] Zhang Zhujun said that of the two cases confirmed yesterday, five hotel staff members needed to be quarantined, and another close family member was in quarantine. In addition, Zhang said that he had contacted the driver because they had been picked up by a special car.

Zhang also pointed out that if travelers have been to Wuhan, they now need to take the initiative to declare or register at the port before the authorities can call them to understand their situation and send them to the hospital if necessary.

[17:05] Multiple sources reported that two patients in Tai Po Nethersole Hospital had a positive initial test for the virus, but the second test was negative. Zhang Zhujun said that they had taken a sample of the respiratory tract of the patient. The first result was "not significantly negative." Later, they took a sample of the respiratory tract and the result was also negative.

Zhuang Huimin also said that the second confirmed case is currently being admitted to the ICU. Although it does not require throat insertion, it needs to "smell oxygen" and is receiving medical treatment.

[17:02] The Chief Secretary for Administration, Zhang Jianzong, met the media in the underground lobby of the West Wing of the government headquarters at 6 pm. The Director of the Financial Services and the Treasury, Liu Yixiang, the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Qiu Tenghua, and the Chief Executive of the Hospital Authority, Dr Gao Shengsheng, will be present.

The Logistics Service Department issued a statement stating that there are rumors that the government will distribute masks to the citizens free of charge at the mask storage location and use real-name systems for citizens to register and extract them. The department clarifies that it is absolutely nothing and reminds the public to be more vigilant. Do not trust rumors.

[17:01] Two more cases were confirmed yesterday in Hong Kong, involving a 73-year-old female patient and a 72-year-old male patient from Wuhan, Hubei. When asked about their whereabouts in Hong Kong, Zhang said that the information in the middle could not be asked in great detail, and said, "Patients are good at cooperating." As for which floor of the W Hotel they had stayed in, Zhang Wei answered positively.

[16:55] An earlier report pointed out that some A & E doctors were unwell after coming into contact with confirmed cases. Zhuang Huimin said that two doctors working at the Wells Hospital had worn protective clothing when contacting patients and had been tested negative after testing. The other health care provider worked at Queen Mary Hospital and reported results tonight. The three doctors are now in stable condition.

[16:48] Zhuang Huimin acknowledged that more colleagues in the hospital had asked for sick leave in the past two days, and bluntly said, "more than ever." She also said that there are computer systems to monitor the situation of sick leave, and that emergency services can still be maintained. She also pointed out that if a colleague finds a problem with an expired mask, she should report it to her supervisor.

[16:45] There are 9 and 10 confirmed cases. Some people have reported to the Department of Health that patients may be "recruited", but the Department of Health stated that they could not follow up, Zhang Zhujun explained, even if the related diseases are listed as notifiable infectious diseases. , But without the doctor's consultation, the authorities failed to "force" the person to the hospital. She also pointed out that if Hubei tourists came to Hong Kong, they could not be forced to ask for medical treatment.

[16:40] For 13% of the suspected cases of non-residents earlier, Zhuang Huimin admitted that there were no figures in hand, and "the real numbers were in trouble." As for the accommodation arrangements for medical care, Zhuang said, At present, about 260 dormitories are reserved in various hospitals. The Hospital Authority is liaising with various hotels to arrange for medical staff to take advantage of allowances.

The Philippines has its first confirmed case today, with patients transiting from Wuhan via Hong Kong. Asked how many close contacts the patient has, etc., Zhang Zhujun only said that follow-up was needed, and the flight number was temporarily unknown.

[16:30] Dr. Zhang Zhujun, Director of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Center for Health Protection, Department of Health, and Dr. Zhuang Huimin, Chief Administrative Manager (Infection and Emergency Affairs) of the Hospital Authority, met with the media to explain the latest epidemic situation.

Zhang Zhujun said that as of noon today, 10 cases were still diagnosed and there was no increase. The confirmed cases involved 3 women and 7 men, of which there were 3 older couples, and 41 close contacts are now in isolation camps.

Zhuang Huimin said that 95 reported suspected cases have been added. 139 patients are still under isolation treatment in the hospital. Nine of the confirmed cases are in stable condition, one is serious and needs to use a ventilator "smell oxygen" to assist breathing in the ICU. The number of reported medical staff increased to 14, two more than yesterday, but the virus was negative and 11 patients were discharged from hospital in stable condition. Zhuang also pointed out that the current utilization rate of negative pressure wards is 65%.

[16:25] Macau announced that in response to the continued outbreak of the new coronavirus, in order to protect the health of students and faculty and staff, to avoid crowds, and to prevent the epidemic from spreading further, the start dates of various institutions of higher learning, primary, secondary and early childhood schools, as well as private schools The date on which supplementary teaching aid centers and continuing education institutions will begin operation will be further delayed. The formal resumption schedule will be announced one week before the resumption. Parents are expected to understand the relevant measures to protect students' health and work together to prevent epidemics.

[16:00] The first case was confirmed in the Philippines. The patient arrived from Wuhan via Hong Kong.

[15:20] The police issued a statement saying that people with ulterior motives would once again release false information on the Internet. District police stations will distribute masks to the public for free. They also claimed that the government would distribute a large number of masks to police families. Police clarified that this was never the case, and citizens should not misrepresent false information.

[15:10] The Labour Department urges foreign domestic helpers to stay at home on their rest days to protect personal health and reduce the risk of new coronavirus transmission in the community.




[14:55] No Boundary-Tsuen Wan, a restaurant in Tsuen Wan, announced that the owner brought 1,000 surgical masks from Taiwan a few days ago, and plans to distribute them free of charge at 3 pm tomorrow (31st) Hong Kong people to solve the urgent needs. The owner emphasized that surgical masks are made in Taiwan, but they are ordered by the factory and are not individually packaged. In addition, the number is limited to a maximum of 3 per person, and Hong Kong people are preferred. Recipients must present their Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card, pay attention to hygiene and safety, and bring their own containers such as fresh-keeping bags to store the masks.

[14:30] Uber also urges all drivers to pay attention to personal hygiene and wear masks while riding.

[13:37] The staff of Zhuoyue explained to the queuing people that all the chips have been dispatched today and urged the public not to "wait." Most of the citizens left without notice, and there was no confusion, and the people who had already been prepared were gradually purchased and began to disperse.

[13:00] There are still a lot of queues outside Zhuoyue. The clerk emphasized that the distribution has been completed, and the goods will not be returned in the afternoon.

[12:40] There are an estimated 500 people outside the branch of Zhuoyue Mong Kok Centre. They are informed and continue to line up. People who are late can't find a way to do it. They are dissatisfied with the poor handling of the government and demand that the government make decisive decisions.

[12:15] Masks at Tsuen Wan Home Store are sold out. There are two boxes of damaged masks in the store, both of which have been snapped up. Some customers said that the boxes were not worn, so both were required. Customers who have successfully bought a "rotten box" say "Everything is bad." A customer who bought it said that his mood was still unstable. "I wear it alone, and there are many people in the housing company, and two or three boxes are left. The mosquito stem is expensive, usually 50 mosquitoes."

[12:10] Bonjour also announced on Facebook today (30th) that approximately 2,000 boxes of Japanese airlift spot masks will be delivered to 4 stores in Mong Kok, Tsim Sha Tsui and Causeway Bay at noon today, indicating that all masks will never increase their prices. However, due to the limited number, each person can buy one box at a price of 55 yuan.

[Wuhan Pneumonia] 2000 boxes of Bonjour Japanese masks arrive at No. 9 branch in Hong Kong at noon.

[12:00] A home product store in Tsuen Wan launched several boxes of masks, each costing 120 yuan and 50 boxes. There were more than a hundred people in line. There was only one box left in the store. Some neighbours said that the store will return the goods in the afternoon, but the price will be half as expensive as 198 yuan.

▼ Sales of Mong Kok Watsons Masks ▼




[11:20] Kangtai announced that in response to the increasing number of pneumonia infections in Wuhan, in order to protect the health of employees and customers, it decided to extend the cancellation of all Chinese tour groups departing from February 1 to February 29. The society has successively notified affected customers that they can choose to transfer to other regions immediately, retain the tour fee for 6 months, or refund the tour fee in full without any handling fees.

[Wuhan Pneumonia] Kangtai: Cancellation of passengers departing from China in February can be refunded

[10:15] The mask originally sold out to Watson's nearby Joyson, and the masks were also sold out.

[10:00] Watson's Portland Street store opened at 10:00 on time, and there were more than 100 people waiting outside the door. The staff said that they had not yet returned the goods.

[08:31] The Watsons staff near HSBC in Mong Kok is preparing to raise funds. Some people in the queue quarreled and questioned that some people were "tipped". Others questioned that Watsons did not specify that only 20 boxes of masks were available. The staff explanation was announced on Facebook.

[08:07] The outbreak of pneumonia in Wuhan spread to all provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in the country. Tibet announced the first confirmed new coronavirus on Thursday (30th) in the morning. Following the “primary first-level response to major public health emergencies” in 30 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities across the country, the first suspected case occurred on Wednesday (29th) in Tibet, and a first-level response to major public health emergencies was initiated immediately.

[07:45] Close to 8 am, Watsons near HSBC in Mong Kok increased to nearly 80 people in line. Citizens at the top said that they had waited outside the branch at 4 am.

[07:15] At 7am in Mong Kok this morning, nearly 50 people have lined up in the Watsons near HSBC, and more than ten people have lined up in another Nathan Road branch.

Most people in the queue bring folding chairs for easy sitting and resting. However, today's weather is cold and the lowest predicted temperature is only 12 degrees Celsius. Many queuing citizens wear cold hats and down to protect themselves from the cold.



[07:10] Hubei Province confirmed another 1032 new cases of new coronavirus pneumonia, Wuhan added 356 new cases, the total number of mainland cases increased to 7,184, and the death toll totaled 170.

[06:15] Internet search company Google said it will temporarily close all offices in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan due to the spread of a new coronavirus-infected pneumonia epidemic.

[03:50] Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization, said on Twitter on Wednesday (29th) that an emergency committee will be held on Thursday (30th) to discuss the new crown virus epidemic This is the third emergency meeting of the WHO within a week, at which time the Director General will be advised on whether to list Wuhan pneumonia as an "international public health emergency".

[01:15] Watsons, a pharmacy chain, said on Facebook at about 1 am on Thursday (30th) that "230 branches across Hong Kong will only be able to temporarily provide about 20 boxes of surgical masks today (January 30). Moreover, the arrival time of each branch is not the same, and the clerk will allocate funds after the arrival, while stocks last. It is recommended not to line up overnight or early in the morning to avoid crowding people and increase health risks. "

▼ The government pushed more than 10 measures to stop the outbreak of the outbreak ▼




▼ Hong Kong Wuhan pneumonia epidemic ▼




[Wuhan Pneumonia] Staff in protective clothing at Central Station clean the cab MTR: a captain is unwell

[Wuhan Pneumonia. Guangzhou strikes] Hong Kong people rush to buy tickets before returning to West Kowloon Station

[Wuhan pneumonia] Non-Hong Kong patients admitted to hospital today are still exempt from charges

[Wuhan pneumonia] The government said that short-term supply of masks has reached more than 140 suppliers in many countries

Wuhan pneumonia Watsons

Source: hk1

All news articles on 2020-01-30

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