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Sabbath News Summary | Israel today



Yoaz Handel is attacked following his remarks • A killing spree near Bangkok • Corona continues to charge victims

  • Yoaz Handel // Photo: Joshua Yosef

Yoaz Handel snatches right and left

The new stocking? A harsh criticism of Knesset Member Yoaz Handel (blue and white), after his statement in Haaretz yesterday (Friday), said that the residents of the Eastern testimony "came with a drugstore mentality", compared to Ashkenazi who came with a "concert mentality". The Likud attacked Handel, claiming that the Knesset was a "stocking up of 2020," adding "he refers to Likud voters as a 'derbuk mentality'. This is his attitude toward people returning home, to Israel, with a rich and luxurious culture. Shame!"

But the attacks came not only from the right, but also from the left, and even from his party. Knesset Member Ofer sent a valid statement: "Yoaz Handel's remarks are a miserable statement, which would have been nice if it had not been said and does not reflect the spirit of blue and white." Handel himself claimed after the interview that his words were misunderstood.

"Will the rich be able to spend their money in hell?"

Entering Mall and Murder: A Thai Army soldier enters a shopping mall in a nearby city of Bangkok today, killing at least 20 people on a mass killing spree. The soldier documented himself during the killing spree, calling out calls against the richest in the country. "Those who get rich cheat and exploit other people, do you think they can spend their money in hell? You can't escape death," he said during the killing spree while broadcasting the massacre on Facebook.

Soldier opened fire at a shopping mall near Bangkok - 12 killed on the spot

The corona virus bypassed the death toll from the SARS epidemic

Corona virus continues to charge victims: China's authorities reported this morning that only 81 people died in the last day, and according to a recent quota, the number of people killed in the epidemic has exceeded 720 people. In doing so, the SARS virus bypassed the death toll in the SARS epidemic that broke out 17 years ago. According to the World Health Organization, about 35,000 people have contracted the disease so far, 18% of them in serious or human condition.

Last night, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that the United States would donate about $ 100 million to help China and other Corona-affected countries through funds, nonprofits and aid organizations. Pompeo said, "This commitment - along with the hundreds of millions generously donated by the US private sector - demonstrates strong American leadership in response to the virus outbreak."

Trump is thoughtful with the witnesses against him

"Out": US President Donald Trump last week ousted Colonel Alexander Windman, an official of the White House National Security Council, and Gordon Sundland, the US ambassador to the European Union, after the two testified against him in the impeachment proceeding against him in Congress, and his acquittal in the Senate. According to some media reports, Windman was expelled from the White House with escorts.

Trump attacked the media reports, referring to Windman's rank, saying that CNN and NBC TV networks, considered critical of the president, "talk about 'Colonel' Windman as if I should think only of how wonderful he was. But I never talked or met him, And he was very disobedient, reported the details of the conversation with Ukraine inaccurately, and submitted a shocking report about it to his commander - who himself said he had a problem with discretion, and leaked. " Trump summed up his tweet: "Out." U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi commented on the move: "A cheeky retaliation show that Trump is afraid of the truth."

Senate decides: President Trump will not be rejected // Photo: Reuters

A Palestinian threw a Molotov cocktail in Tulkarm - and was shot

Security warming: 19-year-old Palestinian killed by IDF forces on Friday, during order violations in Kaffin town near Tulkarm, after throwing a Molotov cocktail at security forces. IDF reported: "Violence order broke out on security fence near village Kafin in the Menashe Spatial Brigade, during which dozens of Palestinians threw stones and threw Molotov cocktails at IDF fighters and endangered the forces. During the breach of the fighters' order, a Palestinian identified them as throwing a Molotov cocktail and responded by firing at the threat removal. This is a violation of a violent order that posed a threat to IDF soldiers and security infrastructure. "

This is the fifth Palestinian death in Judea and Samaria, in the riots and disruptions that have occurred since the announcement of US President Donald Trump's Centennial Plan.

Riots in Judea and Samaria

Snow in the north, suspected of flooding in the south

Winter returned: snow fell in the northern mountains, and the Hermon site closed to visitors following a heavy snowstorm, and heavy rains, accompanied by thunderstorms and high winds, fell in the north and in the middle of a wintry weekend. The Sea of ​​Galilee rose another three inches on Friday.

In the aftermath, a 22-year-old woman was struck by an iron rod that was severed at a Carmiel shopping center and sustained moderate injuries.

Hermon site closed to visitors due to rainstorm // Photo: Hermon site

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2020-02-08

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