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[Wuhan Pneumonia. Live broadcast] Two residents of Kangmei Building, Changkang Village have been diagnosed and all the residents in Room 07 have been evacuated.


The pneumonia epidemic in Wuhan has spread. There are 42 confirmed cases in Hong Kong today (11th). One of the 19 people in the sideburner family has two more confirmed cases. This is by far the largest family infection group. Dr. Huang Jiaqing, Director of the Center for Health Protection of the Department of Health, Xie Zhanhuan, Deputy Director of the Environment Bureau, and Professor Yuan Guoyong, Chair Professor of Infectious Diseases, Department of Microbiology, Li Ka Shing School of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, met with the media at 12.45 am to report the latest situation of new cases of coronavirus infection.

Social News

Written by: Chen Shuxia, Li Enci, Zhang Meilan, Chen Yongwu, Liu Dingan, and Zhou Jingwen

2020-02-11 00:15

Last updated: 2020-02-11 02:26

The pneumonia epidemic in Wuhan has spread. There are 42 confirmed cases in Hong Kong today (11th). One of the 19 people in the sideburner family has two more confirmed cases. This is by far the largest family infection group.

Dr. Huang Jiaqing, Director of the Center for Health Protection of the Department of Health, Xie Zhanhuan, Deputy Director of the Environment Bureau, and Professor Yuan Guoyong, Chair Professor of Infectious Diseases, Department of Microbiology, Li Ka Shing School of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, met with the media at 12.45 am to report the latest situation of new cases of coronavirus infection.

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There were two elders in their seventies who lived in Unit 07, feeling frustrated at the sudden need to evacuate, and frankly said, "I'm surprised, I don't know where to go." (Photo by Zeng Ziyang)

[01:25] Kangmei Building, Block A, Unit 407 has two chronically ill patients, including Guan Tai in his 70s and Guan Sheng in his 80s. He received media interviews through the window. They have lived on the site for more than 30 years, and non-resident children have called to learn about the incident. Guan Taizhi said that the two had no symptoms such as discomfort or fever. "I was shocked, I didn't know I wanted to go." She also mentioned that the masks were inadequate. "Put back and forth, buy and buy."

[01:15] As for why all residents of Kangmei Building were not evacuated, Yuan Guoyong pointed out that both cases currently live in Unit 07, "it is impossible to evacuate all thousands and thousands of people because of two people."

He also pointed out that there is reason to believe that the patients living above have virus in the faeces, and now the exhaust pipe of the newly diagnosed unit in the building is found to be leaking. When the toilet is turned on, the air with the virus will be discharged. Draw into the unit.

[01:05] Yuan Guoyong said that the 07 units of the building involved 2 to 35 floors, and the two confirmed cases were 10 floors apart. However, it was not possible to rule out whether there was another patient above. Therefore, all the 07 room residents of all floors needed to be evacuated.

Huang Jiaqing said that there are environmental samples taken, the laboratory takes several days for testing, and the other is to take the canal samples, and the residents must be checked from house to house for symptoms. It is believed that some residents need to be sent to the hospital, and some are sent to the quarantine center. He acknowledged that because the existing three quarantine centres would be full, some of the quarantined residents had to be sent to the Cui Ya Mountain House of Rao Zongyi Cultural Museum, which is estimated to hold about 50 people.

Yuan Guoyong said that at this stage "there are all possibilities. It is possible to touch the same door handle and hit the side stove all at once." However, it cannot be ruled out that droplets or contact spread. He reiterated that even though it was transmitted through the canal this time, "however, it is not the case of Amoy Gardens, because there is no problem with the U-shaped canal this time, and there is something wrong with the exhaust pipe."

[01:01] Huang Jiaqing said that he would check with residents of 07 units on each floor of Kangmei Building. Those with symptoms will be sent to hospital, and those without symptoms will be sent to quarantine center for isolation. He admits that it is difficult to judge whether the two cases are in close contact at this stage, but all relevant households will be sent to four quarantine centers first. The government will arrange an engineer tomorrow to inspect the exhaust pipe of the unit.

[00:52] [00:52] Xie Zhanhuan pointed out that the design of the building was connected by the same dung, and there was a "U-shaped" water level, but after the initial inspection, there was no problem with the water level, but the ditch was connected. One exhaust pipe, and the exhaust pipe is indoors but not completely sealed, so it cannot be ruled out that the virus can be transmitted from the exhaust pipe. It needs to be checked by an engineer, and the possibility cannot be ruled out for the time being.

Yuan Guoyong said that the transmission of the new coronavirus has not been fully understood so far, and that droplet transmission is a common method recognized by everyone, and may also involve direct transmission, including "flank flying" by the sideburner. According to SARS experience, there are special circumstances in which coronaviruses can be transmitted through the air. One is that in hospitals, instruments such as ventilators can be used to atomize droplets and cause airborne transmission. He pointed out that at the time of SARS, Amoy Gardens did not separate the U-shaped canals with water, and as a result, the virus could be transmitted through dung channels.

He also pointed out that there were two cases in Room 07 of Kangmei Building. The units upstairs developed the disease first, and the units downstairs developed the disease later. The two cases developed symptoms during the incubation period. In addition, it is believed that it is possible to open the exhaust fan in the toilet. The air was drawn into the room, but tonight was "exhausted and it is impossible to inspect the exhaust pipes on each floor." The only safest way for residents is to evacuate immediately. The Housing Department will first review the exhaust pipe design and wait until it is safe for the residents to return home. If you have a fever or other illness, you will be isolated first.



[00:48] Dr. Huang Jiaqing, Director of the Center for Health Protection of the Department of Health, Xie Zhanhuan, Deputy Director of the Environment Bureau, and Professor Yuan Guoyong, Chair Professor of Infectious Diseases, Department of Microbiology, Li Ka Shing School of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, met with reporters.

Huang Jiaqing said that the new 62-year-old female patient case today is the 42nd new case. She lives in Hong Mei House, Cheung Hong Estate, Tsing Yi. She developed a cough on February 3, February 3, February 5, and February 7. He consulted a private doctor on the day and went to Princess Margaret Hospital yesterday for treatment and was admitted to the hospital for treatment. The test confirmed the diagnosis. The son and daughter-in-law living with him have symptoms and have been sent to hospital for examination.

Huang Jiaqing pointed out that she was living in room 07 of the same building as the 12th confirmed case. He pointed out that the two cases must be handled with great care, whether they have the same epidemiological history, and that they live in the same building to investigate whether environmental infections have occurred. Therefore, tonight with Xie Zhanhuan and Yuan Guoyong, they visited the scene.

[00:30] Member of the Legislative Council, Chen Henghuan, said that two confirmed cases were living in Unit 07 of Kangmei Building. He also pointed out that the residents of Room 07 of the entire building had to be inspected, involving 180 people. He also pointed out that the Department of Health had arranged for doctors to take door-to-door visits, conduct preliminary examinations for residents, and send them to the hospital if necessary.

[00:23] It is understood that many residents of Kangmei Building in Changkang Village need to be evacuated. It was visually observed that more than 10 police cars surrounded Kangmei Building, and residents on two floors on the middle floor were not allowed to enter and leave, and the remaining floors were not blocked. It is reported that all residents with symptoms will be sent to Queen Elizabeth Hospital first, and then to Guanghua Hospital when full. Some police officers who went upstairs put on protective clothing.

After reviewing the information, 2 of the confirmed cases were living in Kangmei Building, Changkang Village. It is unknown whether they are related. It is reported that the new cases have vomiting symptoms.

It is understood that a number of public hospitals have urgently called doctors to return to the hospital for consultation.

Changkang Village. (Profile picture)

[00:01] Dr. Huang Jiaqing, Director of the Center for Health Protection of the Department of Health, Xie Zhanhuan, Deputy Director of the Environment Bureau, and Professor Yuan Guoyong, Chair Professor of Infectious Diseases, Department of Microbiology, Li Ka Shing School of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong. The three met the media at 12:45 in the morning to report the new coronavirus Update on infection cases.

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Source: hk1

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