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Coronavirus: danger far greater than previously thought - death toll exceeds sad mark


The death toll in China is now higher than that caused by Sars - and leads to violent protests against the government. There are new findings at the incubation period.

The death toll in China is now higher than that caused by Sars - and leads to violent protests against the government. There are new findings at the incubation period.

  • The corona virus * has already claimed more than 1,000 lives in China , and two were also killed in Hong Kong and the Philippines.
  • More than 45,000 people are infected with the virus.
  • All previous information about the corona virus in China can be found in this news ticker.

Update of February 11, 9.23 a.m .: The coronavirus has cracked a new harrowing brand in China : More than 1000 people have already died as a result of the viral disease . The number of deaths increases dramatically and at ever shorter intervals. Over the past 24 hours, another 108 people have died from the lung disease, bringing the death toll to 1,016. This was announced by the Health Commission in Beijing.

Around 100 new casualties were reported from the isolated Hubei province . The Chinese authorities were also able to announce a positive report: for the first time since the outbreak of the disease, fewer new infections were reported on Monday than on the previous day.

Researchers make coronavirus discovery: incubation time significantly longer than 14 days

Update from February 10, 3:58 p.m .: Apparently the incubation period for the corona virus can be up to 24 days. The Spiegel and Tagesspiegel report with reference to China Daily . Until now, experts had assumed that the symptoms would appear after two weeks at the latest , which is why quarantine was maintained for 14 days in suspected cases.

The average time between infection and the appearance of the first symptoms is three days, i.e. two days shorter than previously assumed. These new findings are the result of an evaluation by the renowned scientist Zhong Nanshan , head of the national panel of experts for the control of lung disease. His team had examined 1,099 cases from 52 hospitals in China .


Keeps China in suspense: the corona virus has already killed more than 900 people.

© dpa / -

Meanwhile, there is another virus threat in Bavaria, as * reports.

Corona virus in Bavaria: "Deadliest day" since the outbreak

Update 12.30 p.m .: The corona virus has a firm grip on China . As the Tagesschau reports, referring to the Chinese authorities, 97 people across the country died yesterday of the corona virus. The authorities therefore speak of the “deadliest day” since the outbreak of the corona virus in Wuhan, China.

February 10 update: The number of people killed by the novel corona virus has now risen to over 900. 910 people have now officially died from the novel virus . The vast majority of them are in mainland China. Only two deaths have been registered outside of China . One in Hong Kong's Chinese Special Administrative Region and one in the Philippines. The total number of infected people has now risen to around 40,500, and the majority of those infected also come from China.

Coronavirus in China: Reporter reports conditions like after "zombie disaster" - open criticism of government All authors

Update of February 9 : The anger against the government in China is growing: After the death of the doctor, who was one of the first to warn of the new corona virus (see below), two open letters are now circulating in the Chinese internet service Weibo . In them, activists demand freedom of expression from the Beijing leadership. Chinese censorship largely stopped the distribution of the scriptures, according to the AFP news agency .

A letter was published by ten professors from Wuhan . They emphasized that the use of the ophthalmologist Li Wenliang , who had meanwhile died of the coronavirus, served the "interests of the country and society". The second letter was published by former students from the famous Tsinghua University in Beijing. The anonymous authors urged the government to safeguard the Chinese rights guaranteed in the constitution. They opposed making "political security" a top priority. The number of fatalities in China due to the novel corona virus has risen to 811.

Coronavirus in China: Reporter reports conditions like after "zombie disaster" - animal as a carrier?

Update from February 8, 1:18 p.m .: There is a state of emergency not only in Wuhan . The corona virus keeps all of China in suspense. According to Stern correspondent Philipp Mattheis, the metropolis of 24 million people in Shanghai is also in an “extreme exceptional situation”. The journalist reports for the newspaper in the video blog from Shanghai .

Accordingly, the city is in an “absolutely exceptional location . It looks something like you imagine a zombie disaster . " According to this, all the shops had closed with a few exceptions, the huge multi-lane streets of the metropolis were deserted . If you did meet people on the street, everyone would wear masks and avoid people so as not to get too close. Law enforcement officers would also ensure that breathing masks were worn on the streets.

The journalist also has the impression that the Chinese government is trying to cover up certain circumstances of the corona virus. The case of a doctor who already warned of the virus in December, was subsequently indicted by the government for spreading rumors and eventually died of the coronavirus itself is currently causing a lot of attention in China. Many people see it as a symbol of cover-up.

Coronavirus claims the first foreign deaths in China

Update of February 8, 8:17 a.m .: After the outbreak of the corona virus , the first foreign victim in China has been confirmed. As the US embassy in Beijing confirmed on Saturday, a 60-year-old US citizen infected with the virus died in the particularly severely affected city of Wuhan on February 6.

A Japanese also died in Wuhan, according to Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Accordingly, it was a man in his 60s who was suspected of being infected with the virus. The patient had suffered from severe pneumonia.

Out of respect for the privacy of the victim's family, no further details would be disclosed. The number of infections and deaths caused by the novel corona virus in China had risen again rapidly until Saturday. The Beijing Health Department has reported 86 new deaths in the past 24 hours.

Coronavirus in China: Researchers with a completely new approach - Was the first patient infected with this animal?

Update from February 7, 2:35 p.m .: So far it is unclear how exactly the first person in China was infected with the corona virus. Chinese researchers now have a new suspicion, as reports on the Chinese news agency Xinhua: Was the dangerous virus, which has already claimed 636 lives in China, transmitted by a pangolin ?

The rare pangolins are strictly protected mammals that are illegally traded in China, Africa and other parts of the world for their meat. Specimens of the rare breed have already reached Germany in this way. For example, the smoked meat of a pangolin was discovered at Munich Airport, as * reports


The rare pangolin pangolin could have transmitted pathogens to humans.


Researchers at the South China Agricultural University are now speculating that trading in pangolines may have exposed people to the virus. The genome of the novel corona viruses 2019-nCoV is 99 percent the same as the genome of corona viruses that were discovered in the pangolin . It is therefore very likely that the pangulin acted as an intermediate host . "This new discovery is very important in order to get a grip on the origin of the pathogen and prevent new infections," the scientists explained.

However, at the beginning of the outbreak, snakes had also been linked to the virus. Researchers warn of hasty conclusions that it cannot yet be said with certainty that the cause of the coronavirus has been found.

The Chinese government is now under attack due to shortcomings in handling and initial cover-up related to the corona virus. After the death of a doctor who had warned in December, China is now launching a coronavirus crisis management investigation.

Update of February 7, 11:31 am: The Chinese national soccer team of women under the age of 23 won the Olympic qualifier against Thailand after the quarantine period ended. China beat Thailand's selection 6-1 (4-0) on Friday (local time). The Chinese players were quarantined for almost two weeks in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak at their hotel in Brisbane.

February 7 update, 8:16 a.m .: The Chinese government has launched an official investigation after the death of Chinese doctor Li Wenliang , who had given early warning of the outbreak of the novel corona virus. With the approval of the party's central committee, the state oversight commission sent an investigation team to Wuhan, the agency said on Friday. The death of the 34-year-old ophthalmologist, who had died of the lung disease on Thursday evening, had sparked great sympathy across the country.


Chinese Coronavirus Whistleblower Dr. Li Wenliang this.

He said
"A healthy society should not have only one voice."

Everyone will remember you forever.
Rest in Peace .. # LiWenliang # 李文亮

- 사람 사는 세상, 사람 이 먼저 다 (@RMMJMH) February 7, 2020

For many Chinese, his fate symbolizes the consequences of the inactivity or slow reaction of the authorities to the outbreak. The investigation is about people's questions about this event, it said. Li Wenliang warned on December 30, in an online discussion group of doctors and students of a growing number of mysterious virus cases in Wuhan, that the Sars virus would return, causing the pandemic of 8,000 people infected and 774 killed 17 years ago would have.

Eight participants in the chat group were then summoned and warned by the police about the spread of "rumors". They also had to sign that they no longer reveal anything about the outbreak . A few days later, the doctor infected herself with a patient.


This picture from the video shows a selfie by Dr. Li Wenliang. The Chinese government has launched an official investigation into the death of Chinese doctor Li Wenliang, who warned early about the outbreak of the novel corona virus.

© dpa / -

Corona virus in China: prominent death - but suddenly there is also good news

Update from February 7, 6:39 am: The corona virus keeps the world in suspense. 31,161 infections have now been confirmed, 3143 more than on Thursday. The number of deaths in China increased by 73 to 636 overnight.

But: There is also good news : It was the second day in a row that no more infections were reported than the day before. It remains open whether a new trend in the contagion can already be identified with the new numbers, since the statistics can also fluctuate with the number of ongoing examinations.

Coronavirus: the number of infections and deaths is increasing - but more slowly

In addition, more than 26,000 suspected cases are registered. From the perspective of the World Health Organization (WHO), the course of the epidemic is also difficult to predict. Outside of the particularly affected areas in central China, the situation in China currently appears to be relatively stable , said WHO expert Michael Ryan in Geneva.

A prominent opera became eye doctor Li Wenliang on Thursday evening, who had already warned of the virus on December 30, 2019. After the first Chinese media reports about his death were denied, the Wuhan Central Hospital confirmed the news of the death to Chinese media at night. Li Wenliang and seven other members of a medical group were first summoned and warned by the police after being warned and had to sign that they would not disclose anything about the outbreak.

Coronavirus: antidote found? Patients take part in tests

Update of February 7, 6:07 am: Chinese authorities have approved the anti-virus drug Remdesivir for clinical trials with the new coronavirus, Xinhua reported.

The first group of patients should take the drug on Thursday. It has shown good results with other corona viruses such as Sars or Mers and, at least at the cell level, with the new virus 2019-nCov. 761 patients take the tests.

Coronavirus in China: Baby tested positive hours after birth

Update of February 6, 11:51 a.m .: Coronavirus was detected in a newborn 30 hours after birth. The baby was born in Wuhan on February 2, reports the British news channel BBC, the youngest to be infected with the virus. Before the birth, the mother had tested positive for the pathogen. It is unclear whether the baby was infected with the virus in the womb or after birth.
The infection was announced by the state media in Xinhua on Wednesday. The baby weighed 3.25 kilograms at birth, was stable and under observation. Doctors suspect that the infant has been infected in the womb.

Update from February 6, 8:01 am: The number of deaths from the new corona virus in China has increased faster than before. The Chinese Health Commission in Beijing reported that 73 new deaths were reported within one day by Thursday.

As a result, the number of deaths in China rose to 563. The confirmed infections with the lung disease also rose sharply by 3,694 to 28,018 cases. The commission spoke of more than 24,000 suspected cases. There are also many infections among doctors and nurses.

Coronavirus in China: the number of infections and deaths is increasing faster - WHO raises the alarm

Update of February 5, 7:08 p.m .: In China , the number of infections and deaths from the corona virus has increased faster than in the days before. By Wednesday, the number of patients rose by 3,887 to 24,324 in one day, the number of deaths rose to 490.

The World Health Organization is now sounding the alarm. WHO says it will need an additional $ 600 million to curb the new corona virus over the next three months. According to the calculations, $ 675 million is needed to help poorer countries prepare for a possible outbreak, said WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in Geneva. "$ 675 million is a lot of money, but it's much less than what we could face if we don't invest in the arrangements now."

Coronavirus: WHO Director General insists: "Not the time for fear or panic"

He expressed understanding for people worldwide. "We understand that people are concerned," he said. "But this is not the time for fear or panic. This is a time for rational action, as long as we have a window to control this outbreak. "

Update of February 5, 1:01 p.m .: Pregnant women who are infected with the coronavirus can apparently pass the disease on to their newborn. The news agency China News Service reports. Accordingly, a corresponding case of infection was found in an infant 30 hours after birth. The child therefore has pneumonia and a slightly changed liver function. The signs of life are stable.

However, infected mothers had previously given birth to children who had failed a coronavirus test, it continues. Infection of the newborn by infected mothers is therefore not mandatory.

Coronavirus in China: Videos depict dramatic conditions - dead people in hospital aisle next to patients

Update from February 5, 10.11 a.m .: The fear of the corona virus can be felt worldwide. A cruise ship is now quarantined off Japan. The current situation is certainly worst for the Chinese themselves. Travel restrictions and curfews have brought economic life to a standstill in large parts of the country. Not only in Wuhan , the metropolis of millions that is considered the starting point of the corona virus . Beijing also seems to be deserted, most of the shops in the country are closed.

How dramatic the situation in China really is for the population is shown by videos that are circulating on the Internet and that are available to ARD, among others. It shows how Chinese civilians themselves cordon off their villages. Improvised roadblocks are being built and guards with spears want to prevent strangers and possibly infected people from entering the village.

#RT @QuickTake: Workers in #Wuhan, China rushed to convert a convention center into dorms for #coronavirus patients amid a #CoronavirusOutbreak # 新型 肺炎 #coronaviruschina

- (@yuvi_nation) February 5, 2020

Coronavirus in China: Citizens' anger at the state grows - Dramatic conditions in clinics

Added to this are the government's own locks. The closer you get to the city of Wuhan, the more drastic they become. Nobody is currently supposed to leave the corresponding Hubei region. This leads to sometimes dramatic situations: Der Spiegel published video recordings that show a mother crying in front of a lock. Her daughter was suffering from leukemia and had to be treated. However, this is currently not possible in Hubei due to the corona virus .

This statement makes sense if you take videos from social media for showing how overloaded the clinics in Wuhan are. It shows long lines, clinic staff at the limit and chaotic conditions. A local Chinese told ARD that only about 100-200 test sets for the coronavirus were available in hospitals. This would lead to people moving from clinic to clinic, hoping to be tested. Another Chinese says that cold in hospitals is a problem. The heaters are turned off so that the virus does not spread.

Coronavirus in China: Videos paint a dramatic picture - dead people in hospital aisle next to waiting patients

All of this cannot be seen in the Chinese state media. Only pictures of hurriedly built hospitals are shown here. State television shows many doctors who care for a few patients. On the other hand, private videos that were supposedly filmed in hospitals in Wuhan paint a completely different picture: it shows, for example, how dead people lie next to living patients in a clinic. Even in the waiting room, according to the recordings, dead bodies are buried in chairs in body bags, while a few meters away people are waiting for treatment. "This is the reality," writes a Twitter user about the video, which is said to be from a Wuhan resident.

video from #Wuhan resident @fiteray
look at how many corpses left in the corridor of local hospital
forget about the fast bulit new hospital
forget about the low death rate of #Coronavirus
forget about all propaganda from China

this is the reality!

- 巴 丢 草 Badiucao (@badiucao) February 4, 2020

The ARD daily topics also spoke to a Chinese journalist. This confirms that Chinese state television does not reflect the reality on the ground. He also shows videos of body bags in the funeral car and shots from a hospital in which dying patients are all housed in one room.

The people of China are therefore increasingly angry with the state. This is probably why President Xi Jinping has just admitted errors in the reaction to the virus (see update from 9.42 a.m.). ARD Ms. Caren Miosga already spoke of possible “devastating consequences” for the government of the People's Republic in the presentations on the daily topics.

The corona virus meanwhile has drastic consequences for many pets. Also, because the rumor persists that the corona virus would be transmitted by dogs and cats.

Coronavirus in China: Critical statistics - number of deaths is increasing rapidly

Update of February 5, 9.42 a.m .: The Chinese government has sent delicate self-critical messages because of the corona virus . A rather unusual process. As the Irish Times reports, China's President Xi Jinping described the crisis at a special session of the Politburo as "a great test of China's system and its ability to govern". For the paper, this is an "express admission that the official response was inadequate".

The newsreview confirms this and reports that the Chinese leadership on state television has acknowledged shortcomings and deficits in the response to the virus. Accordingly, a corresponding text was read out on TV.

Update of February 5, 7.15 a.m .: The number of infections and deaths due to the new corona virus has increased faster in China than in the previous days. By Wednesday, the number of patients rose by 3,887 to 24,324 in one day, the health commission in Beijing reported .

The death toll increased by 65 to 490. Outside of mainland China, there are around 220 other cases in more than two dozen countries, including twelve in Germany. Two patients also died in Hong Kong and the Philippines .

Corona virus in China: death toll increases exorbitantly - a person dies in Hong Kong, too

Update from February 4, 1:55 pm : Can the corona virus still be stopped? China is now expanding the quarantine to a neighboring province of Shanghai . The measure affects twelve million people in the Chinese province of Zhejiang. Hangzhou is located in Zhejiang Province, where the Chinese Internet giant Alibaba is based. It is only 150 kilometers from there to the Chinese business metropolis of Shanghai.

The corona virus has spread from China (Hubei Province) to at least 24 countries worldwide . According to the World Health Organization (WHO) , the cornoavirus epidemic is not yet a pandemic , reports the AFP news agency . “We are not currently in a pandemic,” said WHO director of infection control preparation, Sylvie Briand, told reporters in Geneva on Tuesday. It is currently an epidemic with "multiple focal points".

Coronavirus: alarming deaths in Wuhan

Update of February 4, 12:06 p.m .: The number of coronavirus deaths jumped on Tuesday by 64 to 425 deaths , the number of confirmed virus cases to 20438.

The average mortality rate for the new type of lung disease in China is 2.1 percent . This means that around every 50th patient who has been proven to die dies of the virus.

In the severely affected metropolis of Wuhan in central China, however, it reaches 4.9 percent, as Jiao Yahui from the Health Commission reported on Tuesday in Beijing. In the entire province of Hubei, whose capital is Wuhan, the figure is 3.1 percent.

Coronavirus in China: boy dies because father has to be quarantined

Update of February 4th, 10:27 am : A boy tragically died in China fighting the corona virus . The 19-year-old was severely disabled and dependent on a wheelchair. His father was quarantined on January 22, and was diagnosed with the virus five days later.

The father desperately published a call for help on the online networks and asked that someone look after his helpless son. However, the call for help came too late: the adolescent, who suffered from the consequences of early childhood brain damage, died on January 29, the government of the Hongan District now announced.

After the incident, the local chairman of the Communist Party and the mayor were removed. Anger and outrage broke out in the online networks. "I'm so angry and sad," wrote one user. "It's too disgusting."

Corona virus: Macau temporarily closes casinos

Update of February 4, 8 a.m .: The Chinese Macao Special Administrative Region closes its casinos for two weeks due to the spread of the new corona virus . This was announced by Macau's Prime Minister Ho Iat-seng on Tuesday. The gambling metropolis is a popular destination for travelers from mainland China.

Coronavirus in China: peak not yet reached - first death in Hong Kong

Update from February 4, 6:43 am: For the first time, a patient from Hong Kong has also died as a result of the novel corona virus . The hospital authority of the Chinese special administrative regions confirmed the death of a 39-year-old on Tuesday. As the Hong Kong newspaper South China Morning Post reported, the man had previously visited the particularly severely affected city of Wuhan. Since the outbreak of the new lung disease, it is only the second confirmed death outside of mainland China. A patient had previously died in the Philippines. There are now 426 fatalities and more than 20,000 illnesses in China.

Corona virus in China: politics with surprising confession

Update, February 3, 10:30 pm: China's leadership has admitted "mistakes" in dealing with the epidemic in view of the ever increasing number of contagions . The response to the virus epidemic has revealed "mistakes and difficulties" in national emergency management, it said on Monday (3.2.) From the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the ruling Communist Party in Beijing.

According to new information from the Chinese government , more than 17,200 people have now contracted the corona virus. 361 infected people died.

Coronavirus in China: experts with terrifying prognosis - number of deaths increased

Update, February 3, 7:55 p.m .: Chinese experts expect the coronavirus epidemic to peak in ten to 14 days. Preventive measures need to be strengthened, said Zhong Nanshan, head of the national team of experts in the fight against the virus. The first of two emergency hospitals in Wuhan, which is considered the starting point for the epidemic, was built in less than two weeks.

The Health Commission in Beijing reported Monday's highest rate of infection and death within a day. The number of deaths in China rose to 361, and the number of confirmed infections in China jumped by 2829 to 17,205 cases.

Meanwhile, the virus has brought China's stock markets the biggest losses in years. The Shanghai Stock Exchange reported a drop of 7.72 percent on Monday (3.2.), Losing 2.8 trillion yuan in value within one trading day - that is around 360 billion euros.

Corona virus in China: Hong Kong closes border crossings to China

Update of February 3, 4 p.m .: Hong Kong is closing border crossings to China, reports the AFP news agency . Hundreds of Hong Kong hospital workers previously went on strike to close the border. According to Prime Minister Carrie Lam on Monday, only the airport, the bridge to Shenzhen and the bridge to Zhuhai and Macao remain open. As of Monday, 15 confirmed coronavirus cases were reported in Hong Kong.

Lufthansa extended its flight stop to and from China. Lufthansa and its subsidiaries Swiss and Austrian Airlines will not fly to Beijing and Shanghai until the end of February. Nanjing, Shenyang and Qingdao will not be served until the end of March.

"So frightening": Doctor in China wanted to warn everyone about coronavirus because it escalated

Update of February 3, 2:18 p.m .: Did China want to cover up the outbreak of the new corona virus ? The New York Times has made an article against the government.

The Chinese government had known about the new virus for weeks. A doctor who tried to warn his colleagues of a mysterious lung disease was apparently even silenced.

The doctor accordingly wrote in an online chat group on December 30, 2019 of seven patients in his clinic with a mysterious illness . The patients were quarantined in the emergency room, the doctor wrote, according to the New York Times.

"So frightening," replies a member of the chat group. And then he immediately asked "Is SARS coming back?" The Sars pandemic (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) in 2002/2003 had 349 deaths in mainland China, 774 worldwide.

According to the article, health officials had already contacted the doctor at night and wanted to know why he had spread the information about the virus . Three days later, the police forced the doctor to sign a statement saying that his warning was "illegal behavior."

The New York Times authors' criticism: "The government's initial handling of the epidemic allowed the virus to persist." At these critical moments, the government decided to keep the growing crisis secret in order to apparently public panic and to avoid political embarrassment, the authors suspect. In their view, there was a " concerted offensive " against reports of a virus outbreak by the Chinese authorities. The authorities have downplayed the danger to the public.

The New York Times authors have reconstructed the seven weeks since the first symptoms appeared in early December and the decision to cordon off Wuhan. To do this, they conducted interviews with citizens, doctors and city officials, as well as government statements and Chinese media reports.

Incidentally, the world was first informed on December 31 of the mysterious lung disease. On January 7, Chinese experts successfully identified the 2019 nCoV pathogen.

Update of February 3, 10:49 am: And again the number of deaths has increased by another sad record. As the Chinese authorities announced on Monday, the number of deaths rose by 57 to 361. Fifty-six of the new deaths were recorded in Hubei Province, where the epidemic started. There is also a death in the southwestern metropolis of Chongqing.

The number of deaths from the novel corona virus is already higher than during the Sars epidemic in 2002 and 2003. According to the official balance sheet, 349 people had died from this pathogen in mainland China at the time.

The number of infected people is also increasing dramatically. According to new information from the Chinese government's Health Committee, 2,829 more cases of the new coronavirus infection were registered nationwide by Monday morning. The official total number of cases increased to more than 17,200.

Coronavirus in China: Trump safe - "Have it turned off"

Around 180 diseases worldwide have been confirmed by the virus in two dozen other countries. After the US stopped entry for all Chinese and other foreigners who were in China, US President Donald Trump was confident. "We pretty much switched it off to come from China," Trump told Fox New on Sunday night. US citizens who have been in the severely affected Wuhan region or surrounding Hubei province are required to be quarantined for two weeks. Eight cases have been confirmed in the United States.

In the fight against the corona virus, China hoisted the first of two emergency hospitals in Wuhan in less than two weeks. The "Huoshenshan" ("Mountain of the Volcanic God") called quick-build hospital has around a thousand beds and was opened on Monday. A second hospital with more than a thousand additional beds is scheduled to open on Wednesday.

First report from February 2, 2019: Beijing - The corona virus in China is spreading more and more. Recently, a record increase in infected people was reported. Despite the constant emphasis on keeping calm , the bad news has increased in recent days. The coronavirus has already claimed more than 300 lives in China, on Sunday the number was 304. The total number of infected people rose to 14,380 . There was said to be a record increase in the night to Sunday - with 2,580 new cases, the number rose faster than ever in one day.

Corona virus in China: there is a state of emergency in another city of millions

In addition, for the first time since the outbreak of the virus, a metropolis outside the severely affected Hubei province was banned from going out . In the city of Wenzhou, the approximately nine million inhabitants are only allowed to go out to a limited extent. As the city government reported, each family could choose a member who was allowed to go shopping every two days. "Others should never leave the house." Wenzhou is more than 800 kilometers east of the place of origin of the epidemic in Wuhan.

Coronavirus is spreading in China: schools and universities remain closed for the time being

Local public transport was also shut down - including interurban bus transport to other regions. Operation has been temporarily suspended in schools and universities. With more than 660 sufferers, Zhejiang Province, in which Wenzhou is located, has the second highest number of detected virus cases after Hubei Province .

Exceptions to the basic ban on going out only apply to medical care and tasks to contain and prevent lung disease.

There was also the first death outside of China to be attributed to the corona virus. The number of infected people in Germany has also increased.

The Webasto company in the Starnberg district has sent the employees to the home office. This is now felt by a local gastronomy, since significantly fewer guests come.


* is part of the Ippen-Digital editors network

Rubric list picture: © picture alliance / dpa / -

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-02-11

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