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Trump challenger: Leftist Bernie Sanders wins primary in New Hampshire


According to US media, Bernie Sanders wins the Democratic area code in New Hampshire. One is the big loser.

According to US media, Bernie Sanders wins the Democratic area code in New Hampshire. One is the big loser.

  • The election of the US President on November 3, 2020 is already casting its first shadow
  • Pete Buttigieg wins first area code in Iowa ahead of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren
  • Bernie Sanders wins second area code on February 11, 2020 in New Hampshire

Update from Wednesday, 02/12/2020, 06.35 a.m .:

The left senator Bernie Sanders has won the presidential election of the opposition Democrats in New Hampshire, according to US channels. This was extrapolated from the ABC and NBC stations based on the counting of around 90 percent of the votes. In these counting results, Sanders was 26 percent, followed by the moderately pragmatic applicants Pete Buttigieg at around 24 percent and Amy Klobuchar at around 20 percent.

Sanders: "This is Trump's End"

"This win here is the beginning of the end for Donald Trump," said 78-year-old Sanders to cheering fans.

Sanders is non-party, but is close to the Democrats' left wing. Left-wing Senator Elizabeth Warren was now able to outperform New Hampshire as well as in the first area code in Iowa last week. Warren was fourth in New Hampshire with about nine percent.

The evening was even more disappointing for former Vice President Joe Biden, who was fifth with only around eight percent. The middle politician had already suffered a setback in Iowa by only finishing fourth.

The Democratic candidate field continued to shrink after the New Hampshire vote. Andrew Yang and Michael Bennet announced their exit. After poor results in New Hampshire, as in Iowa, entrepreneur Yang and Senator Bennet saw no chance of being nominated for the White House.

Update from Tuesday, February 11, 2020, 4:40 pm: The US Democrats continue to look for a challenger for US President Donald Trump - this time in the State of New Hampshire . In the Northwest Elementary School's gymnasium in Manchester, dozens of voters made their crosses behind blue and red plastic curtains in the early morning with the statue of the Liberty. Pete Buttigieg in a black winter coat greeted the first voters in front of a polling station and posed for selfies in the snow.

Billionaire Michael Bloomberg surprisingly won in Dixville Notch in northern New Hampshire, where the votes cast by the five voters were counted right after midnight. The ex-mayor of New York was not on the ballot papers. The 77-year-old had announced that he would skip the first votes in February to focus on Super Tuesday on March 3, when 14 states hold primaries at the same time.

By area code in Iowa: Donald Trump pulls over Democrats

Update from Tuesday, February 11th, 2020, 9:25 am: Donald Trump had every reason to be happy. The chaotic preselection of the US Democrats in Iowa was added to the acquittal in the impeachment process - the first week of February could hardly have gone better for the US President. Of course, Trump did not miss the opportunity to once again relish the Democrats.

The Democrat Caucus is an unmitigated disaster. Nothing works, just like they ran the country. Remember the $ 5 trillion Obamacare website, that should have cost 2% of that. The only person that can claim a very big victory in Iowa last night is “Trump”.

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 4, 2020

Trump may have enjoyed something else as well: the unexpectedly low turnout in Iowa. While almost 240,000 votes were cast in Obama in 2008, this time it was only slightly more than 176,000. The opposition is already a little worried that the Democrats could not motivate so many people in a year in which the opponent was called Trump.

But the president has his own concerns at the moment. Donald Trump's long-time confidant Roger Stone faces many years in prison for crimes related to the Russia affair.

Bernie Sanders is the favorite in the US area code in New Hampshire

The Democrats are now hoping that the second prefix on Tuesday (February 11th) in New Hampshire will do better than in Iowa. This time the favorite is left-wing Senator Bernie Sanders, who is at the top of the polls. He will be closely followed by the new favorite Pete Buttigieg in northeastern New Hampshire. After that, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden and Amy Klobuchar should fight for third place.

Even if only 24 delegate votes are cast in New Hampshire, the election should be particularly important for Joe Biden. The former vice president, who has been leading national surveys for a long time, has already warned his supporters about poor performance. Biden is now also troubled by the advance of Mike Bloomberg , who never competed in Iowa and New Hampshire. Bloomberg focuses on a candidacy in the larger states that give significantly more delegate votes.

The first polling stations in New Hampshire are scheduled to open at 6:00 a.m. (12:00 p.m. CET), the last at 8:00 p.m. (2:00 a.m.CET Wednesday). The first results are then expected.

US primaries: US Democrats officially confirm Buttigieg's victory in Iowa

Update from Monday, February 10, 2020, 6:25 a.m .: The first area code for the US Democrats in Iowa was chaotic. Who actually won remained unclear for a long time. But now the Democrats have announced an official result, confirming Pete Buttigieg's victory. However, Bernie Sanders wants to have the results from some constituencies checked. This was announced by his campaign manager Faiz Shakir, according to the TV station CNN.

The reason for this is a technical breakdown in the transmission of the results, which is why there are doubts about their correctness. According to the results published so far, Buttigieg has 14 national delegates who will be sent to the decisive nomination party conference in the summer - two more than Sanders. Third-placed Senator Elizabeth Warren has eight delegates. Former Vice President Joe Biden ranks fourth with six delegates.

Update from Saturday, February 8th, 2020, 1:08 p.m .: Seven Democratic candidates had an exchange of blows in a TV round in Manchester in the US state of New Hampshire. The next primaries are scheduled for Tuesday, February 11 in New Hampshire. According to Der Spiegel, it was Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders in particular, who had fought head-to-head in the Iowa area code, that other candidates attacked.

USA primaries: Biden disappointed in Iowa

Buttigieg was mainly accused of his inexperience and his little support among African Americans and Latinos. Senator Klobuchar accused Sanders of not being able to take the people of the country with him. Sanders replied that an agenda was needed that was there for people and not just for the benefit of individual billionaires.

Biden, who finished fourth in Iowa, said he was likely to suffer another defeat in New Hampshire. But he could still catch up in the long race of the primaries. He tried to downplay the disappointing result in Iowa. The US primaries run until June. Biden was recently ahead of his opponents in national surveys.

Area codes in Iowa:

Update from Friday, February 7, 2020, 6:37 a.m .: In the meantime, the US Democrats have published the final result of their presidential election 2020 in the state of Iowa after a delay of several days. Accordingly, the pragmatic-moderate ex-mayor Pete Buttigieg narrowly beat left-wing Senator Bernie Sanders . As the regional section of the Democrats in Iowa announced on Thursday evening (local time), Buttigieg won 26.2 and Sanders 26.1 percent. Senator Elizabeth Warren , also left-wing, reached third place with 18 percent. The moderate candidates Joe Biden (15.8 percent) and Senator Amy Klobuchar (12.3 percent) took the remaining places.

So far, neither the Democrats nor the US media have declared a candidate the winner. According to AFP, this is due to the scarce result. For this reason too, the party headquarters of the Democrats called for the results to be checked again. "Enough is enough," party leader Tom Perez wrote on Twitter. The public's trust in the result had to be ensured with a new review.

Enough is enough. In light of the problems that have emerged in the implementation of the delegate selection plan and in order to assure public confidence in the results, I am calling on the Iowa Democratic Party to immediately begin a recanvass.

- Tom Perez (@TomPerez) February 6, 2020

Update from Thursday, February 6, 2020, 5.48 p.m .: After counting almost all votes from the first area code of the US Democrats in Iowa, ex-Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Senator Bernie Sanders are practically on a par. Buttigieg came after counting 97 percent of the vote on Thursday to 26.2 percent and was only 0.1 percentage points ahead of Sanders. Third place went to Senator Elizabeth Warren with 18.2 percent. Ex-Vice President Joe Biden, who is leading the poll, was only fourth with 15.8 percent.

Buttigieg's good performance had surprised observers of the US election campaign. The 38-year-old former mayor of the 100,000-inhabitant city of South Bend, Indiana, was hardly known before announcing his application for the presidential candidacy just under a year ago. He is considered a moderate candidate alongside Biden, while Sanders and Warren are further to the left.

Iowa primaries: Biden registers "punch in the stomach"

The 77-year-old Biden described his weak result as a "punch in the stomach", but said that he wanted to continue despite the defeat. The next US Democratic area code will be held in New Hampshire next Tuesday.

Update from Wednesday, February 5, 2020, 11:52 a.m .: Ex-Mayor Pete Buttigieg is in the lead in the first preselection of the Democrats in the US presidential race. Buttigieg got the most delegate votes after counting 62 percent of all Iowa constituencies - followed by left senator Bernie Sanders, the Democratic Party in Des Moines said on Tuesday after a long wait. Chaos in the counting had extremely delayed the announcement of results. "I have never believed so much in our campaign, in our team and in our vision that got us to this point," said Buttigieg in Laconia, New Hampshire.

Senator Elizabeth Warren is ranked third. Former US Vice President Joe Biden, who is one of the favorites, occupies a weak fourth place.

Election chaos in Iowa: serious breakdowns with the Democrats, malicious joy with the President

Update from Tuesday, February 4, 2020, 4:21 pm: The Democratic Party in Iowa has now mentioned a programming error as the reason for the chaos in the counting of the area code results. But she wants to publish the election results as soon as possible during the day.

The previous studies had shown that there was no problem in entering the data from the individual districts via an app, it said in a new statement by the party on Tuesday, which the US media reported unanimously.

Democrats and Republicans in Iowa voted at hundreds of party rallies Monday night (local time) about who they thought was the best presidential candidate for their party. The Republicans ridiculed the chaotic election.

Iowa primaries: Donald Trump mocks Democrats' chaos

Update from Tuesday, February 4, 2020, 2:06 p.m .: US President Donald Trump has described the badly shadowed area code of the Democrats in the state of Iowa as "complete disaster".

"Nothing works, just like they ruled the country," Trump wrote on Tuesday with a view to the opposition Democrats. Referring to the parallel Republican area code in Iowa, the US President wrote that he was the only one who could claim a “very big victory”.

Update from Tuesday, February 4, 2020, 1:06 p.m .: After the chaotic start of the Democrats in the US primaries, there are now mocking comments from the republican camp. Donald Trump's campaign manager, Brad Parscale, wrote on Twitter that the Democrats could not even run a primary code, but wanted to take over the government.

Democrat party meltdown.

They can't even run a caucus and they want to run the government.

No thank you.

- Brad Parscale - Text TRUMP to 88022 (@parscale) February 4, 2020

Democratic presidential candidates appeared in front of their supporters in Iowa's capital Des Moines on Monday evening without knowing the result of the primary. They used the time to attack US President Donald Trump.

Primaries in Iowa: coin flip decides in case of election chaos

Update from Tuesday, February 4th, 2020, 11.45 a.m .: The start of the primaries in Iowa was more than chaotic. Although there was still no result, several candidates declared themselves the winner, including leftist Senator Bernie Sanders. According to figures from his campaign team, he won the presidential election of the Democrats in the state of Iowa. After counting just under 40 percent of the vote, the 78-year-old was 28.6 percent ahead of former Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who came to 25.7 percent, Sanders' campaign team said early Tuesday morning, citing internal calculations.


A press representative is waiting for the results to be announced.


The left senator Elizabeth Warren was third with 18.4 percent. Former Vice President Joe Biden only finished fourth. It came to 15.1 percent. Biden had seen polls in second place behind Sanders.

The transmission of the election results was particularly problematic. Democrat candidates waited hours for the votes of US citizens. The local organization reacted helplessly, the candidates outraged. In some polling stations, the result was even decided by tossing a coin, as reported by a video from the provider "KameraOne".

Update from Tuesday, February 4, 2020, 6:00 a.m .: After the presidential election of the US Democrats in the state of Iowa , the announcement of the election results is delayed. The Democratic Party justified this on Monday evening (local time) with "inconsistencies" in three different data sets on the election results, according to US media. In addition to the technical system for recording the results, there are also photos of the voting results and written documents.

It should now be ensured that the results before publication are correct, the Democrats said.

Several of the applicants stepped in front of their supporters before the results were published, assuring them that they had succeeded. The leftist Senator Bernie Sanders, who had led polls for Iowa, Vice President Joe Biden and Senators Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar made statements.

Meanwhile, US President Donald Trump won the area code in Iowa, as his Republicans said. That had been a matter of form: the incumbent had no promising challengers.


An illustration depicting President Trump adorns the wall of a building.

© Jack Kurtz / ZUMA Wire / dpa

First report of the month, 03.02.2020, 11.30 a.m .: Des Moines - Iowa is kicking off: In the US state in the Midwest, the first preselection in the US presidential race is scheduled for Monday evening (7 p.m. local time / Tuesday 2 a.m.CET). In rallies across the state, Democrats and Republicans vote on who they consider to be the best candidate for President of the United States. The incumbent President Donald Trump will stand for the Republicans.

Primaries in Iowa: Large field of applicants to the Democrats

Unlike the Democrats, Donald Trump * has little competition. For the Democrats, there were almost 30 candidates, 17 have already dropped out, 11 remain. A leadership trio is ahead: the moderate ex-US Vice President Joe Biden and the two left senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.

I promised to restore hope in America. That includes the least among us. Together, let's KEEP AMERICA GREAT!

Text TRUMP to 88022 if you liked our Super Bowl ad!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 2, 2020

In Iowa, Biden was in first place for long distances. Bernie Sanders was able to pull past him last and secured the role of favorite. Democratic presidential applicants in Iowa held electoral campaign events until the end. Biden warned four more years ago with Donald Trump. Warren emphasized whoever the Democrats nominated: "We have one goal: we will defeat Donald Trump!"

US primaries: Iowa kicks off the presidential race

With its three million inhabitants, Iowa is a small light compared to other states and only sends a few delegates to the nomination party conferences of Democrats and Republicans in the summer. In the small country, however, it has often been shown in the past who ultimately wins the race as a candidate for his party. So the signal effect is great. The next area code will follow on February 11, 2020 in New Hampshire. The actual presidential elections will begin on November 3, 2020.

Donald Trump recently demonstrated geographic weaknesses. He congratulated the winners of this year's Super Bowl - and embarrassed himself *. Before that, Shakira and Jennifer Lopez had criticized Trump's migration policy.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

List of rubric lists: © AFP / Joseph Prezioso

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-02-12

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