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Günther Jauch (RTL) private: He talks about his illness - his family also made fun of himself


Günther Jauch gave one of his rare interviews. He also talked about his illness - but his family was still making fun of it.

Günther Jauch gave one of his rare interviews. He also talked about his illness - but his family was still making fun of it.

  • Günther Jauch normally refrains from spreading private information in public.
  • Now Barbara Schöneberger elicited a few secrets from him.
  • He talked about his "male flu" and didn't feel taken seriously.

Update from February 15, 2020: The radio interview with Günther Jauch at Barbara Schöneberger has now been broadcast after several quotes had been published several days earlier. "I made myself up a bit because Günther Jauch is actually here today," Schöneberger introduced the conversation. She can't believe what a big star is joining her. And in fact, she gets Jauch chatting again and again.

Günther Jauch (RTL) about Barbara Schöneberger: "As long as we still wear clothes ..."

This is evident from the start. The moderator remembers when they last saw each other and what clothes they were wearing. "As long as we still have clothes on, we can be happy," countered the RTL man. "Whatever program ideas are presented to us." The two have already had a lot of work together. "We could already be closer," flirts Barbara Schöneberger. "The barrier still holds," says Jauch.

He broke off his vacation to get on the Schöneberger Show. "It was good that it was over now. We had a classic Christmas , which I often do because I generally don't get sick during the year, because you shouldn't, because you have appointments. Then when the last work is done, that was our program that we did together, then I go home and then I realize ... mmh no, I have a little cold, and my ears hurt , and I got it in my throat. And then I regularly fall over around Christmas. Sometimes between Christmas and New Year, sometimes between New Year and January 6th. That is two or three days that I only lie in bed. And if men have a cold or it stings a bit in the throat, that's near-death experience for us. We want someone to look after us all the time. ”


One of her rare appearances together: Günther Jauch with wife Dorothea on an archive photo.

© Soeren Stache / dpa

Günther Jauch talks about GANZ difficult times: The poor RTL man had male flu

Günther Jauch tells more details about his " male flu " and says that he is very "mimosa-like" because he is only surrounded by women at home. "They don't take it seriously at all, on the contrary make fun of it, it makes my subjectively felt lot worse again." Any man who has ever had a severe cold , who was not taken seriously enough, can do well with the RTL moderator sympathize ... "It would still work if it was ignored, but if the illness was not taken seriously and if one made fun of it ..." Another of his children had been sent up every two hours. "The room has to be darkened to underline once again that you are really bad," emphasizes Jauch. The two TV greats Schöneberger and Jauch had a lot of fun with the male flu chat.

There is also a lot to learn about Hausmann Jauch. He has to take on “low jobs” in the household, as the TV presenter puts it. “Clear the dishwasher, put the dishwasher in, for example, dry it off, if you have to. Or change a light bulb and then put it on the chair. ”

In addition to Barbara Schöneberger, it becomes clear that Günther Jauch likes to flirt, which only makes him more likeable. And shows himself as a normal private person. Like a Schlager singer, by the way, who strolled normally through Salzburg.

Günther Jauch (RTL): Private unveiling of the TV star is totally surprising

Our article from February 13, 2020:

Cologne - Barbara Schöneberger always makes it. In her radio show " With the waffles of a woman " she gets the really big stars - and makes them chat. Mark Forster recently had a chat about Helene Fischer * . And Günther Jauch , who does not give many interviews and certainly not about private matters, now got involved with Schöneberger. Even Lena Meyer-Landrut * was already a guest on the show.

Günther Jauch: RTL moderator is not that nice

There was an amazing confession! Günther Jauch is not the sociable type that many consider him to be. The moderator (including “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?” At RTL) is one of the most popular celebrities in German-speaking countries. The label " nice " is gladly attached to him, which he himself finds almost a shame, as he confesses to Barbara Schöneberger. “There are people on television who are incredibly nice and who are despised in part for their kindness. Such people are sometimes scary to me. Then they have other abysses. ”Given this knowledge, he would probably not describe himself as“ nice ”. Jauch warns: "Anyone who has been out with me for a day is disillusioned."

Günther Jauch is more at war with social media

Of course, it was also about professional matters. And about his social media consumption. For Jauch, personal communication is part of everyday work. But he prefers to hold back on the latest forms of information exchange. On the popular social media platforms under the name " Günther Jauch " you can only find fake accounts: "I am nowhere there," he emphasized in an interview with Barbara Schöneberger. "But if I were on Twitter , for example, I would follow Trump out of interest. Just to see what he's doing now - just to know it as quickly as the world press. ”

However, Günther Jauch has already taken a look at the wonderful world of internet-based communication: "I'll take a look at that, ten, twelve minutes and then I think: unfortunately a quarter of an hour is wasted." In this context, however, he adds: "Here I can look out of the window. I can't do anything at all. ”Even a podcast of his own was out of the question for him:“ I don't think I had so much to tell. And certainly not three times a week. ”Even his fans will wait in vain for an autobiography in book form:“ My need for communication is somewhat limited. ”

Günther Jauch (RTL) admits: "I am not athletic, I can be trained"

Anyone who still believed that Günther Jauch was a sports cannon as a former moderator of the " Current Sports Studio " should also be disappointed. In conversation with Barbara Schöneberger, he admits: "I am not athletic, I can be trained." He could ride a bike, walk five kilometers and swim quickly. He learned tennis because of Boris Becker - but he can't play football.

The complete interview with Günther Jauch will be available on Saturday, February 15, 2020, from 11:00 a.m. on the radio talk show "With the waffles of a woman" on barba radio. The format runs every Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and on Sundays from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. barba radio can be received at and via the app.

Barbara Schöneberger recently climbed into a lake wearing light clothing - and her trousers slipped as well.

* is part of the Ippen-Digital editors network

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Rubric list picture: © Soeren Stache / dpa

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-02-15

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