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The hatred of the left for Netanyahu is greater than the love of the homeland


Haim Shane

Many voters of the Blue-and-White bloc know for sure that Benny Gantz and Gabi Ashkenazi are incapable and capable of leading the State of Israel at this time.

Political, economic and parliamentary experience is required to run such a complex project as Israel. As well as being able to negotiate, persuade, interview and explain. Blue-white businessmen admitted to me that because of Gantz and Ashkenazi's proven skills in managing the fifth dimension, they would not let them run a small subsidiary. When I ask how they are willing to entrust The state's definitive answer is "just not Bibi."

For twenty years, and especially over the past four years, Israeli citizens have been exposed to incessant brainwashing, a product of collaboration between law enforcement officials, the left-wing media, and politicians who have been discouraged by democracy. Bolshevik propagandists and politicians in Stalinist Russia could receive guidance from the media's tantalizing, defending professors and decadent Israeli cultural icons.

One goal and no end: to make Benjamin Netanyahu the enemy of the people. Another Israeli Henrik Ibsen universe will write a play about a prime minister who has struggled for years with extraordinary vigor and strength for the sake of security and prosperity of the homeland, and with a biased and malicious keyboard turn him into an enemy, to which art students offer guillotine and "teachers" throw an apple. The brainwashing disrupted judgment, measure, and awakened gratitude. It is precisely those who enjoyed the prosperity in the days of the right-wing government, who were taken captive and blindness leads them in a suicidal path.

Gantz and his friends in the indictment against Netanyahu's unwavering indictment deliberately disregard the presumption of innocence of the prime minister, the fact that the trial can last for at least four years (including an appeal from either party) and most of the harsh allegations of the prosecutor's and the government's arguments Publishing recordings.

The delusional hatred of the left for Netanyahu is far greater than their homeland love. Good citizens are ready to support a confused, contradictory, devoid of serious statements, such as those supported by the joint list and Lieberman. Their vote is an expression of their decision to punish themselves. A distinct masochism that Amos Oz described in his book "Black Box".

Choosing a white blue can explain the decline in IDF recruitment, the Israelis who prefer to live in Berlin, the lowering of the state flag, and the contempt for anything Jewish called "religion". For them, Israel is not above all. Hatred instead of hope, petty accounts instead of a bright future .

It is important to internalize that those who want the state of all its citizens and nationalities, instead of a Jewish state, will soon discover that there are no young people who are ready to give up their souls. No one would be willing to give up on another Mediterranean country. Many of my friends were killed in the wars of homeland protection and I was seriously injured in the Yom Kippur War on the banks of the canal. We fought for the only nation-state in the world for the Jewish people. The beloved homeland must not be abandoned for hate. Israel faces tremendous historical challenges, and many Israelis are affected by the poor communication that has made cigars and baseless allegations the essence of our being in our ancestral land. Anyone who prefers Tibi to Bibi will not come up with allegations when he finds out what will happen to the generation of sons and grandchildren.

Our responsibility to Jewish history is important, reason must not be abandoned only because of hatred of hatred. The Jewish people paid dearly for free hatred, which once again stands up and threatens to devastate the entire enterprise. Hatred that leads with a whole to nothingness and resilience.

For more views of Haim Shane

Source: israelhayom

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