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The 1200 mayors of Ile-de-France receive instructions to deal with the coronavirus


In partnership with the Regional Health Agency, the mayors of the region received a methodological kit on the behaviors to adopt for

Faced with the fear of an epidemic of coronavirus in Ile-de-France, the region is organizing.

This Wednesday afternoon, the 1,200 mayors of the region received a methodological kit written by the Regional Health Agency (ARS), listing the good behaviors to adopt, in order to be able to relay information to their constituents reliable, and which is the same in all municipalities.

"We need clear instructions"

"We need clear instructions", underlines Stéphane Beaudet, the president of the association of mayors of Ile-de-France (AMIF), and first magistrate of Evry-Courcouronnes (91), "even if these technical documents will have to evolve constantly, depending on the situation. ”

In the booklet, advice to give to municipal officials, staff of nurseries and educational and sports establishments, travelers returning from risk areas, which are constantly expanding: Mainland China, Singapore, South Korea, the regions Italian from Lombardy or Veneto.

The instructions are as follows: monitor your temperature twice a day, watch for symptoms of respiratory infection, wear a surgical mask and wash your hands regularly. Children from risk areas, on the other hand, should not go to school for 14 days after their return.

“The situation is changing from hour to hour. For the moment, we are able to slow down the installation and spread of the virus, ”underlines for his part Aurélien Rousseau, the president of ARS. "But Ile-de-France is preparing for an epidemic period, which if it occurs, will require more significant measures, the distribution of masks in particular to all healthcare staff and the activation of all hospital resources".

"Today, continues the president, the virus does not circulate, it is thus a question of giving priority to the preventive measures and the first of them: hygiene on which it is necessary that we progress".

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This Wednesday morning, the mayor (PS) of Paris Anne Hidalgo also invited the 20 mayors of the capital's borough for an information session on the safety instructions to be observed, in the presence of representatives of the ARS and the regional prefecture.

An Oise teacher died on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday at the Pitié Salpêtrière hospital in Paris. Before him, an 80-year-old Chinese tourist died in the capital after being admitted to Bichat hospital. Out of 17 confirmed cases in France, 11 patients are cured and four are hospitalized.


The Paris half-marathon will take place

“All the tests will take place normally. ASO (Amaury Sport Organization), the organizing company of the Paris half-marathon, confirmed on Wednesday that the 28th edition of the pedestrian race will take place this Sunday in the streets of the capital.

At the beginning of the week, Patrick Pelloux, president of the association of emergency physicians of France, had publicly questioned the advisability of maintaining large gatherings of this type taking into account the risk of propagation of the epidemic of coronavirus.

The Paris prefecture of police, which relies on the recommendations of the General Directorate of Health, has so far not received requests to cancel the event. "The organization remains attentive to all the recommendations that may be given to it by the health authorities", specifies ASO.

Sunday morning, 44,000 runners (a record) should line up at the start of the race which will cross the 12th arrondissement, the Bois de Vincennes and the 4th arrondissement.

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2020-02-26

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