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Corona virus: First death in the US - new restrictions for Iran


The situation is getting worse worldwide in view of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Now the virus is spreading more and more in Europe. All information in the global news ticker.

The situation is getting worse worldwide in view of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Now the virus is spreading more and more in Europe. All information in the global news ticker.

  • The fight against the spread of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 * has been a challenge for the global community since January 2020.
  • In China , more than 2,800 people (as of February 27) have now died from an infection with the pathogen that triggers the lung disease Covid-19 *.
  • The virus is extremely contagious and is now spreading across Europe.

Update at 11:01 p.m .: New restrictions for Iran have been issued in the USA. Foreigners who have been to Iran in the past 14 days are no longer allowed to enter the United States. Pence heads the White House Coronavirus Working Group on behalf of President Donald Trump. Americans should be particularly cautious in Europe right now, Trump said shortly afterwards in a speech.

Update at 10.44 p.m .: The corona virus has now also arrived in Ireland and Luxembourg . According to information from the daily newspaper Luxemburger Wort, the case in the Benelux state was an approximately 40-year-old man who was infected on a trip to Italy. The Corona case from Ireland also originated from a stay in northern Italy, as the Irish Ministry of Health confirmed. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the virus has been detected in more than 50 countries worldwide.

Coronavirus: First casualty in the United States

Update at 19:24: In the United States, a person infected with the novel corona virus has died for the first time. The Washington state health authority confirmed the death on Saturday. Meanwhile, US President Donald Trump caused a sensation with a curious corona thesis.

Update at 6.44 p.m .: The number of people infected with the new corona virus has risen to more than 1,000 in Italy , 29 people have died . This was announced by civil defense chief Angelo Borrelli a week after the current Sars CoV-2 outbreak was announced in Rome on Saturday.

Update at 16.55: In response to the spreading corona virus , Japan is now also reacting to major events. The Asian country canceled or postponed several of its traditional cherry blossom festivals. Among other things, the celebrations in Tokyo and Osaka are affected.

Corona virus: cancellation of major events - France is based on Switzerland

Update at 3:31 pm: Because of the corona virus , France has banned all major events with more than 5000 people . This decision was made by the Defense and Ministerial Council, Health Minister Olivier Véran said on Saturday. This measure affects, among other things, the half marathon in the French capital on Sunday. So far, 57 infections with the new Sars-CoV-2 virus have been confirmed in France. Switzerland and Italy had already decided to take this step beforehand. A particularly drastic measure was taken in the Italian Serie A.

Update from 2:47 p.m .: The United Nations is considering changes to its scheduled dates in view of the corona virus. All international meetings and conferences at the United Nations in New York should now be checked individually. The details of each meeting and the development of the situation would be taken into account, said UN spokesman Stéphane Dujarric on Saturday night in New York. The final decision must be made by the member states. You want to consult again on Monday.

Coronavirus: New infection in Denmark due to visit to Germany

Update of 11:25 a.m .: Denmark has reported a third confirmed case of infection with the novel corona virus. An employee of the university hospital in Aarhus was probably infected during a visit to Germany , the health authorities said on Saturday. At a conference in Munich , he was in close contact with an infected Italian, it was said. The man is now isolated in his apartment. The other two infected people in Denmark had recently been on a skiing holiday in northern Italy.

Scandinavia has so far largely been spared the new virus Sars-CoV-2 , which can trigger the lung disease Covid-19 . In Sweden, the number of confirmed infections rose to 11 by Friday evening. Norway registered six cases by Friday. Finland has so far confirmed three cases of coronavirus.

Coronavirus: South Korea is a new hotspot for infections

Update from 8.55 a.m .: The number of coronavirus infections in South Korea has skyrocketed . 594 new cases were registered within one day, the state health authority said on Saturday. It is the highest increase since the first cases of the coronavirus appeared in South Korea. At the same time, three other people died of Covid-19. The number of fatalities has increased to 16.

In total, almost 3,000 coronavirus infections have been confirmed in South Korea. This is by far the most cases worldwide outside of China .


The corona virus is on the rise in South Korea. Only in China are more infected people confirmed.

© AFP / -

Update of February 29, 8:42 p.m .: Bavaria is potentially at risk due to its proximity to Italy. This is what the current measures for corona virus protection in Bavaria * look like. US President Donald Trump, however, is changing a political date because of the coronavirus cases.

Coronavirus in Iran: Terrifying death toll

9:22 pm: According to a BBC report, at least 210 people have died in Iran as a result of the coronavirus epidemic . Most of the people in the capital, Tehran and the central Iranian city of Kom, were killed. The authorities dismissed the report, saying that only 34 people were killed. Last weekend, however, there were irregularities in the details of the authorities during the parliamentary election in Iran.

The Tehran Ministry of Health said Friday that eight more deaths have been reported in the past 24 hours. In addition, 143 new contagion cases have been identified, said Ministry spokesman Kianusch Jahanpur. This means that 388 people are now infected with the causative agent of the lung disease Covid-19 .

On Thursday, the Iranian Ministry of Health reported 245 infected and 26 dead. No other country outside of China has so many people died so far. If the official numbers are correct, the mortality rate in Iran would be extremely high . A high number of unreported infections is feared.

20:52: In France, the number of confirmed corona cases rose to 57 after 19 new infections were registered on Friday. Two French people have died from the coronavirus since the onset of the disease.

Coronavirus: The business of fear: Exorbitant prices for breathing masks on Amazon and Ebay

7:20 p.m .: Respiratory masks are becoming scarce in Germany due to the fear of infection with the corona virus . While the masks in pharmacies are becoming fewer and fewer, there are still numerous offers on internet platforms such as Ebay or Amazon - albeit at real exorbitant prices.

Because the corresponding FFP3 masks are sold out almost everywhere, prices for similar products are skyrocketing online. FFP2 masks (whose protection has not been confirmed) are available on Amazon at a price of € 149.90, FFP3 breathing masks cost € 199.90. For comparison: The hardware store chain Hornbach charges 65.70 euros for a pack of ten, which is equivalent to 193.33 euros less per piece .


A breathing mask of the FFP3 type costs just under 200 euros.

© Screenshot

An Amazon spokesman told "disappointed by unfair attempts to artificially increase the prices of basic products in a global health crisis." He also announced that he wanted to block such sellers.

Coronavirus: More and more cases in Europe - WHO responds

5.49 p.m .: After more and more countries report people infected with the corona virus, the World Health Organization (WHO) is now responding. In view of the growing number of coronavirus cases, the WHO set the risk of the virus spreading worldwide from "high" to "very high".

However, the fight against the spread of the novel virus Sars-CoV-2 is not yet lost, said WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on Friday in Geneva. "Containment starts with everyone," he said.


Ethiopian biologist Tedros Adhanom is the director general of the WHO.


Corona virus: More and more countries report infected people - including the Netherlands and Iceland

16:56: The coronavirus spreads worldwide and also in Europe: The Netherlands, Lithuania, Belarus and Iceland were also added in Europe.

The Dutch patient, who is currently in quarantine, said that he had previously traveled to the Italian region of Lombardy. In Lithuania, a woman has become ill who, like a middle-aged Icelandic man, has also recently been to northern Italy. In Belarus, an Iranian student tested positive for the virus.

4.30pm: Mexico has now announced its first coronavirus case . The Ministry of Health said that a young man in the capital Mexico City was affected, but his health was stable. His symptoms were more like a cold than pneumonia.

The man and five family members were isolated at the National Institute of Respiratory Diseases in Mexico City , as ministerial representative Hugo López-Gatell said. Another man in the northwestern state of Sinaloa who was in contact with the patient is therefore under official surveillance.

Corona virus: Number of infected people in Iran continues to rise - events canceled

1:15 p.m .: Iran , severely affected by the corona virus , is reacting to the spread with drastic measures. The number of infected people has recently increased from 26 to 34 - however, experts still expect a high number of unreported cases.

Friday prayers were canceled in several parts of the country. The Ministry of Health has also advised against all public events, such as weddings or funeral ceremonies. Schools and universities are temporarily closed . Cinemas, theaters and concert halls are also closed. Even sporting events, especially the football matches of the first and second league, either do not take place at all or without spectators. Most foreign airlines have canceled their flights to Iran .

Corona virus continues to spread: is there a global epidemic?

9.35 a.m .: Will the new corona virus spread as a pandemic all over the world? It is still controversial among health experts whether Covid19 * is a pandemic . However, it is already assumed in the financial markets. As the world reports, this is signaled by the prices of the so-called pandemic bond . This special bond was created by the World Bank in 2017 - in response to the Ebola crisis. The paper, which is to provide poorer countries with financial resources in the event of a pandemic, is considered an indicator of the global disease risk . the world continues.

The value of these special bonds fell sharply over the week due to the spread of the coronavirus . The price slide signals that the likelihood of a global outbreak is rated as very high by capital market players . According to an expert, stock market investors have meanwhile switched to “panic mode”.

In the United States, the fear of the coronavirus is spreading faster than the disease itself. Some US stars are now taking drastic measures to avoid becoming infected. Meanwhile, an expert on Maybrit Illner's corona virus talk (ZDF) lost patience.

Coronavirus is spreading: Now Nigeria is also affected - infections in Africa

Update of February 28, 2020, 7:12 a.m .: The new coronavirus has now spread to sub-Saharan Africa after North Africa: Nigeria's health authorities confirmed the first case of lung disease Covid-19 early Friday morning. The infected person was an Italian who worked in Nigeria and returned from Milan to the economic metropolis of Lagos, Health Minister Osagie Ehanire said. The case was confirmed on Thursday. The patient was stable and had no severe symptoms. One is in the process of identifying all the people the man has come into contact with since arriving in Nigeria.

Nigeria is the first country south of the Sahara to experience a Sars CoV-2 infection . In Africa, infections in Egypt and Algeria had previously been reported. Experts rate the risk of lung disease spreading in Africa as very high because the continent has close ties with China and health systems in many African countries are weak.

The first case of the corona virus in Germany came from Stockdorf near Munich. The man who is considered to be the first infected has now spoken about the time with the disease.

Coronavirus: Vice President of Iran falls ill

Update from February 27, 2020, 6:06 p.m .: Iranian Vice President Massumeh Ebtekar has tested positive for the new corona virus. According to the state news agency IRNA on Thursday, the 59-year-old is currently at home under medical supervision. All members of their team in the Department of Women's and Family Rights in the Presidential Office must now also be tested. The Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 had already been detected on Tuesday by Iradsch Harirtschi, the Deputy Minister of Health and Coronavirus Officer in the country.

In addition, according to a report by the news portal Rokna, an Iranian football player died of lung disease Covid-19. 23-year-old Elham Sheikhi, who also played on the national team, was ill last week and reportedly died in the city of Qom on Wednesday.

According to the Ministry of Health, the number of Covid-19 deaths in Iran rose to 26 by Thursday. A total of 245 people from different parts of the country had tested positive for the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus.

People are already bunkering food in Italy. People are now making hamster purchases in Germany too. Experts recommend these foods in the event of a disaster.

Update of February 27, 11:24 a.m .: Due to the coronavirus epidemic, schools in Japan will remain closed until the end of March. This is to limit the spread of the new virus as much as possible.

Meanwhile, new corona cases are reported from Switzerland and England. There, two more infected people were confirmed by the authorities.

Update from February 27, 10:05 a.m .: The corona virus has now also arrived in Iran and is killing more people there. According to information from the IRNA news agency, there are now 141 infected people in Iran. The number of deaths that the Covid-19 virus has claimed up to Thursday is particularly frightening. 22 deaths have now been confirmed by the authorities.

The number of fatalities worldwide increases to 2,804. After the province of Hubei , in which just over 2,641 fatalities were reported, Iran now ranks second among the regions with the most corona deaths. The number of infected people worldwide rises to over 80,000 thousand.

Coronavirus: United States and South Korea postpone joint Seoul maneuvers

February 27 update, 8:33 am : Due to the spread of Covid-19 lung disease in South Korea, the armed forces of the Asian country and the US are postponing their spring maneuver indefinitely. The decision was made with a view to South Korea declaring the highest warning level for infectious diseases, said the joint troop command on Thursday. The shift was not easy, it said.

The decision affected the March commando exercise, which was carried out last year under the code name "Dong Maeng" (Alliance), said a spokesman for the US Armed Forces Korea (USFK). The United States has deployed 28,500 soldiers in South Korea to deter potential threats from North Korea.

Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said on Monday that both countries would be advised on Covid-19 to reduce joint military exercises. Over the night of Thursday, the number of new cases of infection with the Sars-CoV-2 pathogen in South Korea rose by 334 to 1,595. So far, 21 members of the South Korean armed forces have been diagnosed with the new corona virus .

US soldier infected with coronavirus

Update from February 26, 11:33 am : A US soldier stationed in South Korea has been infected with the corona virus. On Wednesday, the U.S. forces reported a first case of the novel virus at a base north of Daegu. South Korea has the highest number of coronavirus infections outside of China. On Wednesday, the authorities reported 284 new cases, bringing the total to 1261, killing twelve people.

Corona virus in China: Hong Kong is fighting the corona crisis

February 26 update, 10:45 am : Hong Kong issues cash to its citizens. All residents permanently registered in the financial metropolis will receive 10,000 Hong Kong dollars (1180 euros) in cash, as Finance Minister Paul Chan announced on Wednesday. The city government has made a total of $ 120 billion available in the fight against the economic consequences of the epidemic.

The government in the financial metropolis hopes that people will spend more money again after spending cash and thus stimulate the local economy. The Hong Kong economy is facing an "enormous challenge," Chan said. It is possible that the economy will collapse by up to 1.5 percent due to the corona virus crisis.

First corona virus case in Brazil

Update of February 26, 5.55 a.m .: As the Brazilian Ministry of Health announced on Twitter, the first coronavirus case in Brazil was probably registered on Tuesday. It could be the first case in South America.

Coronavirus in Iran: Iran's coronavirus officer himself contracted Covid-19

Update of February 25, 2:26 pm: According to official information, 95 people have been infected in Iran so far, 15 people died of Covid-19. The country's deputy minister of health has now been infected with the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.

"I have been a Corona since last night," said Iraj Harirschi in a video message on state television on Tuesday, as the dpa news agency reports.

Corona virus: Tense situation in China - Apple is still opening stores

Update of February 25, 9:37 a.m .: The situation in China remains tense after the outbreak of the coronavirus: the death toll has risen to 2663 , the number of detected conoavirus infections (Sars-CoV-2) has climbed to 77,658.

Apple started reopening its stores in China on Tuesday, reports the dpa news agency . On the iPhone Group's website, 23 of the 42 stores in China were marked as open. However, Apple asked customers to wear face masks in stores and to have their temperature measured when they entered . Because of the outbreak of the disease called Covid-19 , Apple closed all of its stores in China in early February.

In South Korea , the cases are concentrated in the city of Daegu and the province of North Gyeongsang in the southeast of the country. The government is currently reviewing “maximum quarantine measures” for the region, including restricting movements for people, a spokesman for the ruling Democratic Party was quoted by the national news agency Yonhap, reports the dpa news agency.

Coronavirus: South Korea is looking for so-called super-spreaders

The greatest number of cases of infection is among followers of the Christian sect Shincheonji Church, which is strongly represented in Daegu. Members of the sect account for more than half of all cases in the country. The authorities are investigating whether the infections may have originated from a so-called super- spreading agent. Possible transmission routes of the virus between cult members and a clinic are also examined. 100 patients and medical personnel from a hospital in Cheongdo were tested positive for the Sars-CoV-2 virus.
The authorities assume that the sect members were infected during a mourning ceremony for the late brother of cult leader Lee Man Hee. The celebration took place in a hall of the clinic a few weeks ago.

Update from February 24, 4:40 p.m .: After twelve coronavirus cases in Iran and the first case in Afghanistan , several infections have now been confirmed on the Arabian Peninsula. The Ministry of Health in Kuwait said that three people who had returned to Kuwait from the city of Mashad in Iran were found to have Sars-CoV-2 *. The first cases in Bahrain and Oman were also people who came into the country from Iran .

The United Arab Emirates therefore decided to take a drastic step and prohibited travel to Iran and Thailand .

The international spread of the corona virus has meanwhile also had an impact on the German economy. And politics is alarmed. Health Minister Jens Spahn now spoke of the beginning of an epidemic that Germany was facing.

Corona virus: spreading in more and more countries - Is there a lack of protective suits in clinics?

Update of February 24, 1:55 p.m .: Around 3,000 health care workers in China have now been infected with the corona virus. As the picture reports, the majority of those affected come from Hubei Province . It is believed that there is a lack of protective equipment for Covid-19 , the image continues.

Coronavirus: Number of people infected in Iran is increasing - First case in Afghanistan confirmed

Update from February 24, 10.30 a.m .: In the meantime, the number of people infected with Covid-19 in Iran has increased to twelve people. As reported by the news portal Khabar-Online, a total of 47 people tested positive for the corona virus on Monday.

The first coronavirus case has also been confirmed in neighboring Afghanistan . The victim lives in the province of Herat in the west of the country. Afghanistan has temporarily closed its border with Iran.

The two states of Bahrain and Kuwait on the Arabian Peninsula have also confirmed the first cases of the coronavirus *. The Ministry of Health in Kuwait said that three people who had returned to Kuwait from the city of Mashad in Iran had been diagnosed with the coronavirus .

Meanwhile, the corona virus is spreading in Europe in Italy. This is where the search for the first infected person - "patient zero" - begins.

Coronavirus: China postpones session of National People's Congress

Update of February 24, 9:50 am: China has postponed the annual meeting of the National People's Congress because of the corona virus . It should have started in Beijing on March 5. This step was announced a week ago. The Parliament's Standing Committee has now formally approved this decision. There is not yet a new date for the plenary session, in which around 6,000 MPs would have attended.

It has never happened in China's recent history that a meeting had to be rescheduled. The annual meeting of the National People's Congress is considered the most important political ritual of the year. The cancellation of the event was also justified by the fact that many of the MPs fought "at the forefront" against the spread of Covid-19 .

Corona virus: number of deaths in China skyrocketed - Major outbreak in South Korea

Update from February 24, 7:38 a.m .: The number of deaths from the corona virus has skyrocketed in China. The health commission reported another 150 new Covid 19 deaths in Beijing on Monday - more than ever in one day. With the 150 new deaths, 2592 deaths are to be mourned, the number of infected is on Monday to 77.150.

Also in South Korea, where a major outbreak is developing, two new deaths from the lung disease and 161 newly discovered infections were reported. There are already 763 infections and seven deaths in South Korea. No other country outside of China, where the Sars CoV-2 virus broke out in December, has seen more infections reported.

Corona virus false alarm on the burner

Update from February 24, 7.28 a.m .: Due to the suspicion of the corona virus, a train from Venice to Munich was stopped on Sunday evening. The Eurocity was able to continue shortly before midnight after the all clear was given. 500 passengers were stuck at the Brenner for several hours. hours later

Update from February 23, 10:32 p.m .: Train traffic between Austria and Italy ceased on Sunday evening. The reason: two women showed coronavirus symptoms.

Update of February 23, 5:00 p.m .: After three people in Iran recently died from the so-called coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 , Turkey has now taken drastic measures to prevent it from spreading.

Health Minister Fahrettin Koca announced on Sunday that Turkey's border crossings with Iran will be closed. In addition, according to Koca, no aircraft coming from Iran will land in Turkey from 8 p.m. local time (6 p.m. Central European Time).
No case of corona infection has been officially reported in Turkey yet, according to the latest figures, the situation in Iran is becoming increasingly uncertain. A ministry spokesman recently spoke of 40 infected people.

Coronavirus: number of people infected in Iran increases to 40 - three more dead

Update of February 23, 3:40 pm: Three more people have died in Iran from the new lung disease Covid-19 . According to the Ministry of Health on Sunday, the number of dead patients infected with Sars-CoV-2 in the country rose to eight. The total number of people who tested positive for the virus rose from 28 to 40, according to Ministry spokesman Kianush Jahanpur on Iranian state television.

Corona virus: "Critical moment" in South Korea - country calls the highest warning level

Update of February 23, 11:20 am: After the rapid spread of the novel corona virus in the past few days in South Korea , the government has announced the highest warning level for infectious diseases. President Moon Jae In announced the decision, according to his office on Sunday. A critical moment in the fight against Covid-19 will be reached in a few days, Moon said. The central government as well as the local governments should not hesitate to take unprecedented countermeasures.


The situation in South Korea is becoming increasingly worrying given the rapid spread of the novel corona virus.

© picture alliance / dpa / Lim Hwa-Young

According to the health authorities, the number of Sars-CoV-2 infections in South Korea rose by 169 to 602 during the day. The number of pathogen-related deaths had increased from four to five.

Corona virus continues to spread: Iran closes numerous universities and schools

Update of February 23, 9:50 a.m .: The spread of the corona virus in Iran has significantly restricted everyday life in the country. According to the Ministry of Health, schools and universities have been temporarily closed in several cities. Cinemas will remain closed until further notice, and theater and concert events have been canceled. The games of the first football league will be played as planned, but without spectators.

According to the Ministry of Health, there are 785 suspected cases nationwide, 28 of which tested positive for Covid-19. So far, five patients have died from the disease. New infections and deaths over the weekend have not yet been reported.

Coronavirus: South Korea reports drastic outbreak

Update of February 23, 7:23 p.m .: The situation in South Korea is becoming increasingly worrying due to the rapid spread of the novel corona virus : On Sunday, the country reported two more deaths from the lung disease Covid-19. So far, four people have died from the disease in South Korea. The number of newly infected people rose by 123 to 556 cases - the second highest number outside of China.

Daegu - the fourth largest city in South Korea with 2.5 million inhabitants - reported more than 90 new cases on Sunday alone. With that, the total number of cases in the city rose to 247, said the mayor Kwon Young-jin. "The scale of the crisis in Daegu and North Gyeongsang Province is serious," said Kwon, who advised the locals to stay in their homes.

The authorities reported 97 more deaths from China, the epicenter of the virus outbreak, on Sunday. All but one died in the hardest hit Hubei province. The number of new infections reported has been stabilizing for a few days. According to the authorities, almost 77,000 people are infected with the virus, and more than 2400 people died as a result.

In around 25 other countries, including Germany, a total of around 1100 infections were detected. In Italy, a dozen cities are now being quarantined.

Update from February 22, 5:35 p.m .: After the coronavirus spread in Italy within a very short time, the fear of further infections is now spreading in the country. All information about the corona virus in Italy can be found here. *

Update from February 22, 3:52 p.m .: In Japan, the Sars-CoV-2 virus was subsequently found in a passenger of the cruise ship "Diamond Princess" who initially tested negative for the new corona virus. The Japanese television broadcaster NHK reported late Saturday evening (local time). The Tokyo government in her 60s allowed the woman in her 60s to leave the ship after the two-week quarantine ended, along with hundreds of other passengers who tested negative on Wednesday. They were allowed to go home by public transport. This decision had been misunderstood by experts.


Cornoavirus in South Korea.

© dpa / Im Hwa-Young

Germany and other countries, on the other hand, once again quarantined their compatriots after returning them to their homeland. Japanese health minister Katsunobu Kato had to admit on Saturday evening (local time) that his ministry had failed to carry out the necessary virus tests on 23 passengers before disembarking. He regrets the "mistake", Kato was quoted by the Japanese media. One would ensure that such a mistake does not repeat itself.

Corona virus: Another death confirmed in Iran

Update from February 22, 2:55 p.m .: Another person died in Iran from the consequences of the corona virus. According to the Ministry of Health on Saturday, the number of dead Covid 19 patients in the country increases to five. In addition, the number of patients tested positive increased from 11 to 28.

The reports caused uncertainty in Iran a few weeks before the Persian New Year celebrations on March 20. Many people fear that there are far more dead and infected people than is known to date. Disinfectants are sold out in almost all drug stores, pharmacies and supermarkets in the capital, Tehran.

The Ministry of Health is trying to calm people down. Media have been asked to coordinate reports on the virus with the ministry. According to the government spokesman, an information center for media is also to be set up in the Ministry of Health.

Coronavirus: doubled the number of infected people in South Korea

Update of February 22, 12:35 pm: After the outbreak of Covid-19 lung disease in South Korea, the number of infected people in the country has more than doubled within 24 hours. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 229 new cases over the course of Saturday. After 142 cases overnight, 87 were added by afternoon (local time). The number of people who contracted the disease that first broke out in China rose to 433 in South Korea. So far there have been two deaths related to the Sars-CoV-2 virus.

Coronavirus: Two deaths confirmed in Italy - Several cities cordoned off

Update of February 22, 11:54 a.m .: Another person died in Italy who was suspected of being a coronavirus infection. It was a woman in the northern region of Lombardy, said a spokesman for Italian civil protection on Saturday.

The night before, the authorities reported the death of a man in Veneto who was suspected of being infected with the Sars-CoV-2 virus. The 78-year-old pensioner had previously come to a hospital in the province of Padua for complaints not related to a suspected coronavirus. Both cases were treated as coronavirus deaths, even though final confirmation of the first positive tests for the virus was still pending.

In Italy, the number of people infected was 29 on Saturday: 27 in Lombardy and two cases in Veneto, including the dead 78-year-old. In ten municipalities in Lombardy, schools and most of the shops were temporarily closed and residents were asked to stay at home. Major events such as services, carnivals or sports events were prohibited. Similar measures were also prepared in Veneto to prevent the virus from spreading.

The corona virus now even has an impact on Italian football. Amateur games have already been canceled - will Serie A follow?

Coronavirus: First death in Italy confirmed - situation in clinic comes to a head dramatically

Update of February 22, 8.25 a.m .: A man died in northeastern Italy's Veneto, who is considered a suspected case of a new infection with the Sars-CoV-2 virus. The President of the region, Luca Zaia, said on Friday of the Italian news agency Ansa. The man was one of two elderly patients in Veneto for whom suspected infection with the pathogen had not yet been officially confirmed.

Corona virus: Passengers from cruise ship "Diamond Princess" landed in Berlin

Meanwhile, several ex-passengers of the cruise ship "Diamond Princess", which was quarantined in Yokohama, Japan for two weeks due to the corona virus, have arrived in Berlin. On Saturday morning, people landed on board an Italian plane in the military section of Tegel Airport, as the Federal Foreign Office announced on Twitter.

There they should be picked up and examined by an official doctor. Authorities say that returnees should be isolated at home for two weeks.

The returnees had been on the "Diamond Princess", which had been quarantined until Wednesday due to the rampant virus. Several hundred passengers fell ill and were taken to hospitals where two of them died. 970 negatively tested passengers have left the ship since quarantine.

Coronavirus: China reports more than 100 virus deaths

Update from February 22, 7.59 a.m .: According to official information, another 109 people have fallen victim to the novel corona virus in China. In addition, the number of newly confirmed infections with the pathogen Sars-CoV-2 rose by 397 to 76 288 cases, said the health commission in Beijing on Saturday.

By far the largest number of deaths and infections were reported again from the particularly severely affected province of Hubei, where the lung disease called Covid-19 had originally broken out in the city of Wuhan. Outside the Chinese mainland, 15 deaths and more than 1,300 infections have been confirmed, 16 of them in Germany.

Coronavirus: Out of Control in South Korea?

Update of February 22, 7:50 a.m .: After the outbreak of the lung disease Covid-19 in South Korea, the number of infected people has skyrocketed for the third day in a row. As the health authorities announced on Saturday, 142 new infections with the novel corona virus were added overnight. The number of cases recorded rose to 346 - more than anywhere else outside of China, where Covid-19 broke out in December.

In South Korea, the authorities also reported that there was a second death related to the Sars-CoV-2 virus on Friday. Accordingly, it is a 54-year-old woman who was infected. She died after the transfer from Daenam Hospital in southeast Cheongdo to a clinic in the coastal city of Busan. The day after, a man who had been treated in the same clinic in Cheongdo had been diagnosed with the virus after death.

The majority of the new cases continue to focus on and around the southeastern city of Daegu. According to the authorities, more than 100 infections were associated with the Daenam Clinic and a Christian sect. 38 other members of the Shincheonji Church of Jesus in Daegu and other places were infected.

The authorities suspect that the rapid spread of the virus among members came from an infected 61-year-old sectarian. Despite the symptoms of the disease, she initially refused a virus test.

Update of February 21, 9:01 pm: In Italy, 14 people are infected with the corona virus. Five clinic employees are also affected. These were infected when the coronavirus had not yet been identified as the cause of an illness. The 38-year-old Italian, who unwittingly spread the virus , was in serious condition at the clinic on Friday - his wife is also infected.

He has been in the clinic since Wednesday - since there was initially no apparent connection to China, he was initially not tested on Sars-CoV-2. This only happened when his condition worsened and his wife said that her husband had recently met a friend who had returned from China.

However, it was still unclear in the evening whether this man was actually the origin of the outbreak: the virus could not be detected in the man who had already returned in January. Neither did he have symptoms at any time.

After the 38-year-old Italian had tested positive, hundreds more tests were initiated by the hospital staff as well as in the family and acquaintances of the man. Until the evening, Sars-CoV-2 was also found in the woman and one of the patient's running partners, five doctors and nurses, three patients from the clinic and three older men who were customers of a café run by the 38-year-old's father.

Coronavirus: outbreak reported in Lombardy (Italy)

Update of February 21, 6:53 p.m .: The 15 returns from the Chinese province of Hubei are doing well. You returned to Germany from China on Friday. Meanwhile, the number of coronavirus infections detected rose sharply in South Korea and Iran. Italy also reported an outbreak in Lombardy.

A 38-year-old was in serious condition on Friday in the intensive care unit of the Codogno hospital, authorities said. A total of 14 people have so far been tested positive for Sars-CoV-2, including the pregnant woman of the seriously ill. As a precaution, a quarantine was ordered for at least 250 people to prevent further infections.

The outbreak of the corona virus in Lombardy has consequences for many people. Thousands of people in Codogno and two other places - Castiglione d'Adda and Casalpusterlengo - were asked to stay at home if possible. The mayor of Codogno, where around 16,000 people live, ordered schools, bars and other public facilities to be closed.

Coronavirus infections outside of China: WHO chief concerned

The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) is concerned about the increasing number of infections outside of China. "The time window to keep this outbreak under control is getting smaller," WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned in Geneva on Friday.

Nevertheless, he still had hope. "But if we miss the chance now, we have a serious problem," he said. "We cannot look back one day and regret that we did not make use of this window of time."

For one, there are more infections from people who have no connection to the particularly affected city of Wuhan in China, nor have traveled. On the other hand, he mentioned the increasing number of cases in Iran and the first case in Lebanon with a connection to Iran. "When you line up these points, it's very worrying," Tedros said.

Returnees from Hubei province affected by the corona virus have arrived: "Everyone is fine"

Update of February 21, 2020, 5:23 p.m .: The 15 returnees from the Chinese province of Hubei, particularly affected by the new coronavirus, are doing well. "Everyone is fine," said Stefan Brockmann from the Baden-Württemberg State Health Office. "We were able to receive them somewhat tired, but very satisfied." According to the German Red Cross (DRK), there are four families among the returnees. In total, there are ten adults and five children. The youngest is not yet a year, the oldest five years old.

The returnees will be accommodated in a quarantine station in a hotel in Kirchheim unter Teck (Esslingen district) for the next 14 days. According to the DRK, the families stay together, the other people are accommodated individually. Your only direct contact during this time will be DRK employees who have been specially trained for this.

Update of February 21, 2020, 3:55 p.m .: With the coronavirus patient in Italy, it cannot yet be said with certainty where exactly he caught the infection. The dpa previously reported a meeting with friends as the cause of the infection. However, this is only a guess, as has now been corrected. "At the moment we do not know where the virus originated from," explained Giulio Gallera, Lombardy's health officer.

Only two coronavirus patients in Bavaria

Update from February 21, 2020, 3:07 pm: In Bavaria, only two of the originally 14 patients infected with the coronavirus are treated in the hospital. Another patient has now been discharged from the Munich Clinic Schwabing, the Bavarian Ministry of Health said on Friday.

All 14 Corona cases in the Free State were related to Webasto, the automotive supplier from Stockdorf. A Chinese colleague had introduced the pathogen during a business trip in January. Some employees were infected, and relatives also got infected in some cases.

Corona virus: Passengers expected in Germany

Update from February 21, 2020, 1:52 pm: The returnees from the Chinese province of Hubei, which was particularly affected by the new coronavirus, have landed in Stuttgart. The plane with the 15 passengers touched down at Stuttgart Airport at 1:20 p.m. on Friday. The Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Social Affairs confirmed the landing.

Coronavirus: The situation in Iran is also coming to a head

Update of February 21, 2020, 1:23 pm: According to the Ministry of Health, two more Covid-19 patients have died in Iran. "In the last few days there have been positive test results in 13 other coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 patients and unfortunately two of them have died in the meantime," ministry spokesman Kianusch Dschahnpur tweeted on Friday.

Already on Wednesday two patients in Qom died from the lung disease Covid-19 caused by the virus. It is said to be two older men who were brought to the hospital with breathing problems earlier this week. Both were found to have Sars-CoV-2. According to the local authorities, those affected have not been abroad recently and have even been outside their hometown of Qom. They also had no contact with Chinese tourists.

It was the first infection recorded in the country. Since then, special measures have been taken in Qom. All schools and universities in Qom have been temporarily closed and the Ministry of Health has sent teams of experts to the religious city 140 kilometers south of the capital Tehran. In addition, the city's nearly 1.2 million residents were asked to avoid unnecessary physical contact.

Corona virus: politician with drastic measures

Update from February 21, 2020, 12.25 p.m .: After the violent protests in Ukraine, the Ukrainian Minister of Health Sorjana Skalezka has now decided to take an unusual step.

She said she would go into quarantine with the 45 Ukrainians and 27 foreigners who had been brought to Nowi Sanzhary in central Ukraine after a stay in China, she said on Thursday evening. Citizens of the city had previously attacked the buses with the Chinese returnees with stones.

"I will spend the next 14 days with them in the same premises, under the same conditions," said Skalezka, referring to the people who had been brought to Ukraine from the Chinese metropolis of Wuhan, the epicenter of the coronavirus epidemic , "I hope that my presence will calm people in Nowi Sanzhary and the rest of the country."

At the same time, the Minister of Health expressed her shock at "the panic and rejection" that was evident in the attacks on the Chinese returning home. "These people are our compatriots," Skalezka wrote on Facebook. "We live in the same country and have to take care of their health and safety." Most of the foreigners flown to Ukraine come from Latin America.

Coronavirus: condition of a patient in Italy deteriorates dramatically

Update from February 21, 2020, 11:58 a.m .: In northern Italy, a 38-year-old coronavirus patient is in a very serious condition in the hospital, as authorities said on Friday. The man was infected in Italy when he met a friend who had come from China. The latter has now been tested positive for the virus called Sars-CoV-2, wrote the Ansa news agency, citing Giulio Gallera, Lombardy's health officer. The 38-year-old infected patient is reportedly treated in isolation in the hospital in the small town of Codogno in the province of Lodi. His wife and another person were also infected and were in the hospital. The returnee from China was in the hospital in Milan.

At Codogno Hospital, doctors, nurses and other patients are tested for the coronavirus, Giulio Gallera explained. Contact persons were asked not to leave their apartments for the time being.

Update of February 21, 2020, 10:14 a.m .: The arrival of the returnees from Wuhan is apparently delayed. As the German Red Cross explains on Friday, the plane with the passengers is expected to be in Stuttgart around 1 p.m. Previously, the machines should make a scheduled stop in Paris.

The passengers are German citizens and their relatives from the Wuhan area, which is particularly affected by the coronavirus. They are said to have been abroad for a long time and to have no permanent residence in Germany. The returnees are to be examined at the airport. They are then taken to a quarantine station in the Esslingen district.

At the DRK, around 40 employees are responsible for the case. It had already operated a quarantine station in Germersheim (Rhineland-Palatinate) and is currently looking after one in Berlin.

The corona virus caused a sad incident in Munich. Two Chinese women were hostile to the coronavirus. The police took the perpetrator with them.

Update from February 21, 2020, 8.45 a.m .: The arrival of a machine in Stuttgart with returnees from the Chinese city of Wuhan, particularly affected by the new corona virus, is delayed. The aircraft with 15 people is expected to arrive around 12 noon, the German Red Cross (DRK) said on Friday. According to the plan, the travelers should stop in Paris. The authorities assume that the passengers are healthy. The health authorities are prepared for the arrival of people, said a spokesman for the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Social Affairs.

The returnees were still being examined at the airport. Then they should be brought to a quarantine station in the Esslingen district. The DRK had already operated a quarantine station in Germersheim (Rhineland-Palatinate) and is currently looking after one in Berlin.

Meanwhile, violent outbreaks have occurred in Ukraine. Dozens of protesters clashed violently with the police outside the hospital in Nowi Sanzhary on Thursday. The police dissolved crowds of people who had tried to block the access of the buses with the people who had been removed from the central Chinese metropolis of Wuhan.

The demonstrators lit several fires and broke at least three panes of the buses. Hundreds of security forces were deployed, a local AFP official said. The six buses with the 72 people who flew out of Wuhan - 45 Ukrainian citizens and 27 foreigners - arrived at the hospital despite the protests, as videos in the Ukrainian media showed.

Update of February 21, 2020, 6.49 a.m .: According to official information, a further 118 patients died of the novel corona virus in China - there are now 2,236 reported deaths in the People's Republic. Within a day, the number of infections detected rose by 889 to a total of 75,465, the health commission said in Beijing on Friday. However, experts expect a much higher number of unreported cases.

Almost half of the officially confirmed infections with the Sars-CoV-2 virus were reported from the particularly severely affected province of Hubei in central China. The rise was lower for the second day in a row after China changed the way statistics were counted again.

Clinical diagnoses of lung disease in Hubei are no longer counted as proven infections. In future, the infection will have to be confirmed by a DNA test in the laboratory. The province had only started counting diagnoses last week based on a combination of factors such as lung pictures, physical condition and epidemiological history.

Experts had previously complained that the DNA tests were often faulty and did not detect infections. By initially counting clinical diagnoses, the numbers rose rapidly. After the counting method was changed again, there was a corresponding decrease in newly reported infections on Thursday.

Coronavirus: German cruise ship passengers are flown out

All Germans remaining in Japan on board the “Diamond Princess” cruise ship are flown to Berlin on an Italian plane. As the German press agency in Tokyo learned on Friday, the departure is scheduled for Friday evening at 10 p.m. local time (2 p.m. CET).

The ship had been quarantined for two weeks in Yokohama, Japan due to the novel Sars-CoV-2 corona virus. A German couple from Hesse had tested positive for the pathogen and is in the hospital. Another German wants to stay in Tokyo with his Japanese wife from Munich for a few more days. The remaining six passengers from Germany travel with other Europeans by plane from Italy. The machine will first make a stopover in Berlin, it said.

Update of February 20, 2020, 7:58 p.m .: Accompanied by riots, dozens of Ukrainians from the Chinese city of Wuhan arrived in a quarantine station in central Ukraine on Thursday evening. Several panes of the buses were thrown in while driving, as live pictures on Ukrainian television showed. There was initially no information about injuries. The police had to clear a burning barricade for the convoy.

Hundreds of people had demonstrated against returning for fear of the new Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus . They were partially armed with iron bars. Stones flew. Several hundred police officers were deployed to calm the situation down. Local residents had blocked a connecting road to the quarantine station .

The quarantine station is located in a sanatorium of the Ukrainian National Guard in the village of Nowi Sanschary, almost 300 kilometers east of Kiev . The Chinese returnees arrived there in the evening. The area was completely cordoned off.

The Ukrainians had previously been flown out of Wuhan along with other nationals. 45 Ukrainians and 27 nationals from other countries were on board. All passengers must stay in the sanatorium for the next two weeks. No Sars-CoV-2 infection has been reported in Ukraine to date.

Coronavirus: New Wuhan returnees fly to Germany - state of emergency in South Korea

Update from February 20, 2020, 6:34 p.m .: The German Red Cross (DRK) is expecting a flight in Stuttgart this Friday with returnees from the Chinese city ​​of Wuhan, which is particularly affected by the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus . The DRK will take over the supervision on behalf of the federal government, said a spokesman for the aid organization on Thursday in Berlin . The spokesman did not provide any further information on the number of people . A spokesman for the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Social Affairs said that the health authorities are prepared for the arrival of people. At first the Southwest Broadcast had reported about it.

According to information from the German Press Agency, the authorities assume that people are healthy. More than a dozen people are said to be flying to Stuttgart. The machine therefore comes from Paris and is expected at Stuttgart Airport in the morning. Upon arrival, the travelers are to be examined and then taken to a quarantine station in the Esslingen district.

Update from February 20, 2020, 2:45 p.m .: Several German passengers of the cruise ship "Diamond Princess", which has been quarantined so far, are apparently to be flown to Germany soon. As Bild with reference to health senator Dilek Kalayci explains, an airplane is expected in Berlin Tegel on Saturday. Passengers who previously tested negative for the virus should initially remain in quarantine for 14 days.

Incidentally, the corona virus could also have a devastating effect on global passenger air traffic. An industry association made a grim forecast on Thursday.

Coronavirus: 40 worshipers infected - state of emergency in South Korean metropolis

Update from February 20, 2020, 10:57 a.m .: For fear of an uncontrolled spread of the novel coronavirus Sars-CoV-2, the residents of the South Korean city of Daegu are to stay at home for the time being. It was a recommendation from Mayor Kwon Young Jin, a spokesman said on Thursday. If possible, the residents should not go outside. Around 2.5 million people live in Daegu. South Korea's health authorities had previously reported 31 new cases of infection in the country, 30 of them in Daegu and North Gyeongsang Province in the southeast.

The number of previously confirmed infections in South Korea has thus increased to 82. 48 of the recorded cases were reported in the Daegu region. Twenty-three of the newly affected people therefore contracted a patient in Daegu. It is believed that a total of 40 of those previously tested positive for Sars-CoV-2 came into contact with the woman when they attended a Christian sect in Daegu. At first it was unclear how the woman got infected.


The corona virus has reached South Korea.

© picture alliance / dpa / Kim Jun-Beom

Coronavirus: First death in South Korea - number of infected people increases dramatically

Update from February 20, 2020, 10:41 a.m .: For the first time, a person died in South Korea who was infected with the novel coronavirus Sars-CoV-2. The person was treated in a hospital in the southeast city of Cheongdo, the centers for disease control and prevention said on Thursday. The exact cause of death is still being investigated, said a spokeswoman. It was not initially known whether it was a man or a woman.

In the meantime, the number of infections in South Korea rose by 53 to 104 within a day. First, 31 new cases were reported in the morning. This week alone, more than 70 confirmed infections with the causative agent of the lung disease Covid-19, which first broke out in China, were added in South Korea.

The corona virus does not stop at Formula 1 either: There was already a rejection in China, and now a German TV broadcaster must take drastic consequences when racing in Vietnam.

Corona virus: two fatalities on cruise ship - also Munich on board

Update from February 20, 2020, 9:31 a.m .: Almost 3,000 people had to be quarantined on the cruise ship in Japan, now the first two fatalities on the ship are to be complained about. Two Japanese infected with the virus initially tested positive on the ship, and were taken to a hospital shortly thereafter. Both people died there. The two victims are said to be an 87-year-old man and an 84-year-old woman from Japan, according to the Japanese media.

Up to the previous day, 621 infections had been detected among the people on board the cruise ship. All of those affected came to hospitals. The government said the disembarkation of the approximately 3,000 people on the ship would take at least until Friday. According to RTL, a passenger from Munich was among the first 443 people to leave the cruise ship's quarantine.

Meanwhile, the number of infected and dead continues to rise. According to official data, the number of infected people has increased by 394 people to a total of 74,576 people. Around 2,128 people are said to have fallen victim to the virus by now.

Corona virus is spreading - climax only in late February?

Article of origin from February 19, 2020: Wuhan - The SARS-CoV-2 virus, known as corona virus, appeared in the Chinese province of Wubei in early December 2019. Since then, the virus has been spreading rapidly. China is taking drastic measures to stem the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and to stop the new lung disease Covid-19 . Authorities have largely cordoned off the province from the outside world.

Chinese doctor Li Wenliang was one of the first to warn of the mysterious lung disease . However, according to his account, the Chinese police tried to silence him. The young ophthalmologist died of an infection in early February.

The number of coronavirus deaths in China has officially increased to more than 2,000. A total of 74,185 people have contracted the virus. Experts do not expect the Covid19 epidemic to stabilize until the end of April. The peak of the coronavirus outbreak could therefore probably be reached in late February. This was the result of calculations by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. The travel restrictions around Wuhan were also taken into account in the peak calculation of the team around the mathematician Adam Kucharski.

Scientists are working flat out on a vaccine against the virus *. But developing a vaccine is a lengthy and tedious process that can take years.

Check out this post on Instagram

Today, WHO announced the name for the new coronavirus disease: COVID hyphen one nine - COVID-19 We will use # COVID19 on our social media channels from here on

A post shared by World Health Organization (@who) on Feb 11, 2020 at 12:49 pm PST

Coronavirus outside of China: WHO sees no reason to panic

The World Health Organization (WHO) emphasizes that the novel virus affects only a very small proportion of people outside of China. In Germany, 16 infections * with the novel corona virus are known. The first coronavirus cases were known in Bavaria * in connection with the auto supplier Webasto.

Over 540 people were infected with the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus on the cruise ship "Diamond Princess". After a 14-day quarantine, the first passengers were allowed on board on Wednesday (February 19). In Cambodia, the cruise ship "Westerdam" is affected by the corona virus.

Because of corona virus: Russia imposes an entry ban on the Chinese

Russia has imposed a temporary entry ban on the Chinese because of concerns about the introduction of the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus, the news agency dpa reported on Wednesday. As of this Thursday, all planned entries for work or for tourism and study purposes are affected, according to a decision by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. Russian media described the unusual step of such a "total ban" on Wednesday as unprecedented.

The Chinese government recently took an unusual measure over an article about the corona virus. Because the opinion of a journalist from the American "Wall Street Journal" according to the Chinese government is said to have a "racist" heading, three correspondents were expelled from the country for the first time in recent history of China. Now there has been criticism of this step.

Experts believe that global expansion is possible, but advise to be calm and prudent. As with the flu and all other pathogens causing respiratory infections, washing hands, keeping a distance and having the correct cough and sneeze label is important for personal protection against infection. Hamster purchases, as now supposedly made by a man in Tyrol, are considered exaggerated - however, households should always be equipped with a basic need for food supplies.

The Robert Koch Institute and the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) have compiled all information about the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. The situation is getting worse in Europe. On Tuesday, the EU health ministers meet in Italy for a crisis meeting. The question remains: is Germany prepared for an emergency?

According to official information, 15 people have died of the corona virus in Iran. Now the direct coronavirus officer is apparently also ill.

The first case of the corona virus in Germany came from Stockdorf near Munich. The man who is considered to be the first infected has now spoken about the time with the disease.


Rubric list image: © AFP / -

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-03-01

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