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Coronavirus in Lower Saxony and Bremen: 20-year-old is infected


The corona virus is spreading more and more in Germany. Lower Saxony and Bremen have now also confirmed the first cases. Local supermarkets are already reporting hamster purchases. Two other people have been in quarantine at home since Tuesday afternoon.

The corona virus is spreading more and more in Germany. Lower Saxony and Bremen have now also confirmed the first cases. Local supermarkets are already reporting hamster purchases. Two other people have been in quarantine at home since Tuesday afternoon.

  • Novel corona virus SARS-CoV-2 is spreading in Germany
  • First coronavirus cases confirmed in Lower Saxony and Bremen
  • Mouthguards and disinfectants partially sold out
  • Another person infected with coronavirus

Update, 3:35 p.m .: Another person in Lower Saxony has been shown to suffer from the new corona virus. It was a 20-year-old from the Ammerland district who had spent the past few days with his mother in Oldenburg , the Lower Saxony Ministry of Health announced on Tuesday. The young man and his mother were in quarantine at home . According to initial knowledge, the 20-year-old had participated in a carnival celebration in Palenberg near Heinsberg in North Rhine-Westphalia and was probably infected there. The authorities are looking for contact persons for the patient.

At Werder Bremen , precautions are also taken to protect against the corona virus. Since Friday, SV Werder Bremen has only been training behind closed doors. This has never been the case with the green-whites for such a long time. But Werder doesn't do this entirely voluntarily and now names the corona virus as the reason for it.

Update, 1:10 p.m .: The establishment of regional test centers in the fight against the novel corona virus is likely to be delayed in Lower Saxony . The diagnostic centers should be operational by the end of the week. However, this is probably not possible, said a spokesman for the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians of Lower Saxony ( KVN ) on Tuesday.

The biggest problem is the lack of protective clothing that is sold out on the market - but doctors in test centers must have protective clothing. Otherwise, doctors threaten to fail and be quarantined . The state of Lower Saxony, in coordination with the federal government , is checking whether there are reserves in the Bundeswehr or technical relief organization, for example.

According to the spokesman, it is possible that it will be faster to set up the test centers in individual regions. The 11 KVN district offices in the country should contact the 45 health offices. The aim is to find suitable rooms together. These could be health offices or KVN emergency services in hospitals, and rooms could also be rented. The second step was to find resident doctors or retirees who should be responsible for the tests on a voluntary basis . The test centers should only be for justified cases.

Corona virus is not a major danger for most children

Update, March 3, 9:30 a.m .:

According to the Lower Saxony State Association of Pediatricians, the new type of corona virus is not a major danger for most children . “In its complicated course, it mainly affects older people and patients with previous illnesses. Parents should keep this in mind, ”said association spokeswoman and doctor Tanja Brunnert from Göttingen.

According to Brunnerts, the pediatric and adolescent medical practices in Lower Saxony are currently experiencing a rush comparable to this season. "We see a lot of influenza, flu-like diseases, gastrointestinal infections, streptococcal infections and hand-mouth-foot disease." However, the fear of the pathogen SARS-CoV-2 , which can trigger the disease Covid-19 , leads to one certain uncertainty among parents.

According to Brunnert, doctors generally try to strengthen parents' self-confidence and to cope with banal infections of their children on their own. However, parents would often have to come to the practice with their little ones because they need a medical certificate for their employer. (AP)


The novel corona virus is not a major danger for most children.

© Andrea Warnecke / dpa-tmn

No new coronavirus infections on Monday in Lower Saxony and Bremen

Update, March 2, 8:30 p.m .: After the confirmed coronavirus cases in Lower Saxony and Bremen , no new infections with the pathogen SARS-CoV-2 resulted on Monday. So far, one case has been confirmed in Lower Saxony. On Monday, 94 samples were tested negative for the Sars-CoV-2 virus in the laboratory of the Lower Saxony State Health Office NLGA. In some cases, up to three samples per test person were examined, the state health office said.

The authorities in the state of Bremen announced that on Monday there were no new suspected cases as defined by the Robert Koch Institute and no further confirmed corona cases . (AP)

Coronavirus in Lower Saxony and Bremen: Authorities set up contact points for citizens

Update, March 2, 6:40 pm : The corona virus is spreading further in Germany . The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reports 157 confirmed infections (as of March 2, 3 p.m.) with the pathogen SARS-CoV-2 . Bremen and Lower Saxony currently each have one sick person .

The state government of Lower Saxony wants to set up regional diagnostic centers in the fight against the further spread of the novel corona virus . "In this way, we take the pressure off general practitioners in Lower Saxony and at the same time ensure that protective clothing for medical staff in these centers can be used as efficiently as possible," said Health Minister Carola Reimann (SPD). The Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians wanted to set up the centers in close coordination with the local health authorities.

The Bremen health authorities are establishing a central point of contact for questions about possible infections caused by the novel corona virus. Health minister Claudia Bernhard (left) announced on Monday that the position should be set up relatively quickly over the next two days and relieve ambulances, medical practices and offices. The general practitioners remained the first point of contact , according to Bernhard. (Dpa / jdw)

Corona virus in Lower Saxony and Bremen: There is little risk of infection for pets

Update, March 2, 2:45 p.m .: Despite the spread of the novel corona virus , according to an expert, there is hardly any danger from pets . The case in South Korea , where the pathogen SARS-CoV-2 is said to have been detected in a dog, has not been confirmed in the scientific literature, said Albert Osterhaus, virologist at the University of Veterinary Medicine Hanover, on Monday.

He considers the case "very reserved". It cannot be ruled out, but it is not likely that this is important for transmission to humans - if at all, through the skin and fur . There are corona viruses from dogs and cats , but these are other pathogens than SARS-CoV-2 .


According to experts, pets should not pose any danger in relation to the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen.

© Uwe Zucchi / dpa

Coronavirus in Lower Saxony and Bremen: New Details on Sick People

Update, March 2: The first patient infected with the new coronavirus in Lower Saxony is stable. The official doctor had personally called the 68-year-old, who was in quarantine in Uetze (Hanover region), a spokesman for the Hanover region said on Monday.

There were no other confirmed infections with the corona virus for the time being. Samples from nine suspected cases were tested. The data subjects had contact with the 68-year-old. The man was on a bus trip in South Tyrol with his wife. For security reasons, two primary schools and a daycare center in Uetze were closed on Monday.

Update, 6.30 p.m .: Meanwhile, the health department has identified eleven contact persons for the 58-year-old coronavirus sufferers from Bremen . Five, including two family members, were in quarantine at home. The other six are medical personnel who can continue working because of protective clothing.

In the evening, the spokesman gave the all-clear for further open suspected cases. The test results are negative - not a virus . That also applies to another person who was suspected of having Corona on Friday


The people from the region mainly buy pasta.

© Rene Traut / dpa

In the meantime, people have also made hamster purchases in Bremen and in the region. The supermarkets were very busy, the queues in front of the checkouts were long. Among other things, customers bought a lot of pasta, canned goods, flour and rice, employees of a supermarket in Bremen-Borgfeld reported. "There is hardly anything left of some goods, the shelves empty," a customer told our media group. The situation is said to have been similar in other shops in the region. Employees from medical practices reported that a number of patients are now wearing protective masks . (Gn)

Coronavirus-infected women are unchanged

Update, March 1, 3 p.m .: After the first confirmed coronavirus sufferers in Lower Saxony and Bremen , the search for contact persons of the two patients continues. The 58-year-old woman in Bremen , who was infected with the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen , remained unchanged . She reported mild symptoms, it said on Sunday by Lukas Fuhrmann, spokesman for the Bremen Health Senator.

In Lower Saxony , a 68-year-old man from Uetze (Hanover region) had contracted the corona virus. Hauke ​​Jagau, Regional President of the Hanover Region, said there are currently nine other suspected cases, mostly from the men's social environment. Reductions have been made, a result should be known on Sunday evening. Minister of Health Carola Reimann called for prudence . The aim is to prevent the spread. (AP)

Coronavirus in Bremen and Lower Saxony: New details on the outbreak

Update, March 1, 11.30 a.m .: There are new details about the coronavirus infection in Bremen and Lower Saxony . According to the health department, the sick woman from Bremen is a 58-year-old . She had returned from Iran on Thursday, as did another sick person who reported Hamburg. The Bremen native is isolated in the Bremen-Mitte clinic and has only mild symptoms, said spokesman Lukas Fuhrmann. In the meantime, the health authority has determined their contact persons, they are in quarantine at home, it said. The number of people involved was open on Sunday morning.

If there are other coronavirus cases , Bremen will deal with it as well, so: sick people to the hospital, contact persons in quarantine. There is "no need to panic at all," said Fuhrmann. In addition to the first case of illness, two other suspected cases and their contact persons have been in quarantine at home since Saturday, said the spokesman for the health department.

The 68-year-old man from the Hanover region , who was infected with the new coronavirus , had previously been in South Tyrol. That said a spokesman for the Ministry of Health of Lower Saxony on Sunday. On Saturday evening it became known that the man had last been to northern Italy, where it is likely that he was infected with the virus. So far, the man has been isolated. It is in good condition. (Gn / dpa)


Lower Saxony's Minister of Health Carola Reimann has released the first details of the coronavirus case in the region.

© Peter Steffen / dpa

Coronavirus cases confirmed in Bremen and Lower Saxony

Update, March 1, 9:15 am : After the first confirmed infection in Bremen , the state of Lower Saxony now has the first confirmed coronavirus case . A 68-year-old man from Uetze is infected in the Hanover region. He must remain in quarantine at home and, according to the authorities, is in good condition.


Klinikum Bremen-Mitte: There is a woman in the clinic who has been infected with the new corona virus. It is the first infected person in Bremen.

© Carmen Jaspersen / dpa

A woman in Bremen is affected , she also shows only mild symptoms and is in the Bremen-Mitte clinic. Both had previously been abroad: the man in northern Italy, the woman in Iran. (AP)

Everything important about the #Coronavirus # SARSCoV2 (for professionals) at, continuously updated

flow diagram
laboratory diagnosis
hygiene measures
infection control
Left @WHO @ECDC_EU @AuswaertigesAmt @bzga_de # Covid19

- Robert Koch Institute (@rki_de) February 24, 2020

Coronavirus in Bremen: Health Department confirms first infection

Update, February 29, 7 p.m .: Bremen now has the first confirmed case of an infection with the novel corona virus . The Senate of the Hanseatic City of Bremen announced on Saturday evening that it was a woman who had stayed in Iran until Thursday. The Bremen Health Office is in direct contact with her. The aim is to identify contact persons and take the necessary measures.

Update, February 29, 4 p.m .: The churches called on the faithful before the services on Sunday to exercise greater caution and attention due to the new corona virus. In view of the further spread of the pathogen, the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) advised its parishioners not to drink from the same goblet, for example during the sacrament.

Coronavirus reaches Hamburg

Update, February 29: 9 a.m . : According to the Hamburg expert Marylyn Addo , the spread of the novel corona virus is not yet a pandemic in Germany. "Up until a few weeks ago, we only had a few isolated cases that could be contained relatively quickly," said the head of the Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine section at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf of the German Press Agency. Now there are many infected people in several places, especially in North Rhine-Westphalia, and one does not know where the infection comes from. "In this respect, this is a more dynamic event that goes beyond individual cases," said Addo.

The happening is still relatively low grade at the moment. Most of the chains of infection can be traced. Overall, the situation is still well under control at the moment. Addo added: "We don't know where we will be in two months."

So far, there has been a confirmed case of coronavirus infection in Hamburg . The man apparently brought the Sars CoV-2 virus with him from abroad.

Coronavirus: Bremen education authority cancels school trips

Update, February 28, 5:30 p.m .: Bremen schools cancel school trips . A statement from the Bremen education authority states: " All school trips to Italy from public schools in the municipality of Bremen that begin until March 31, 2020 must be canceled." In addition, all other planned trips should be checked for cancellation and cancellation options.

Corona virus in Lower Saxony and Bremen: Protective materials are becoming scarce

Update, February 28, 4:30 p.m .: There has been a rush for pharmacies for days. Protective masks and disinfectants are sold out in many places in Bremen and Lower Saxony . But not only citizens, but doctors too are experiencing sensitive bottlenecks due to the spread of the novel corona virus . In many Lower Saxony and Bremen general practice, the protective materials are becoming scarce. It is currently difficult to reorder protective equipment against the pathogen SARS-CoV-2, such as protective gowns or a face mask - also because the bulk of it is produced in China , said the chairman of the Lower Saxony Family Doctor Association, Mathias Berndt, on Friday. In view of the increasing number of confirmed infections in Germany, Berndt called for a different approach to suspected cases in Lower Saxony. "" We need specialist practices where the diagnostics are done, "said the doctor.

Tip for possible coronavirus infections : If you think you have been infected with the new virus, you should first contact the family doctor by phone. According to Berndt, patients with suspected Sars-CoV-2 are usually summoned outside of normal office hours to take a smear. This is no longer practicable with increasing numbers of illnesses. "We have to separate patient flows," said Berndt.

Coronavirus in Lower Saxony and Bremen: Pediatrician infected at Hamburg University Hospital

Update, February 28, 12:05 p.m .: The authorities and hospitals in Lower Saxony and Bremen are still preparing for a possible outbreak of coronavirus . A crisis team has been set up in Bremen to assess the current situation. If the pathogen SARS-CoV-2 is found in a patient , prompt isolation is possible in the Bremen-Ost Clinic . There are 15 isolation beds available, explained Karen Matiszick, spokeswoman for the Klinik-Gesundheit Gesundheit Nord (Geno). If necessary, additional rooms could be created, it is said.

The corona virus has not yet arrived in Lower Saxony . However, the import of further infections to Germany must be expected, according to the information portal of the state government of Lower Saxony. In schools and daycare centers , employees should remind the children of regular hygiene measures , especially washing their hands. If a suspected case occurs in schools and kindergartens, the management must immediately contact the health department. (Jdw)

Coronavirus in Lower Saxony and Bremen: crisis team set up in the Hanseatic city

Update, February 28, 9:20 a.m .: There is currently no confirmed coronavirus case in Lower Saxony and Bremen . But now a confirmed case has occurred in Hamburg. An employee of the University Hospital Eppendorf (UKE) has tested positive for the pathogen SARS-CoV-2.


Lower Saxony and Bremen do not yet have a patient with coronavirus infection. The first man in Hamburg is now ill.

© Bodo Marks / dpa

Martin Götz from the health department in Bremen speaks of an incipient coronavirus epidemic in Germany . He anticipates further suspected cases in Bremen and the surrounding area in Lower Saxony in the next few days, Götz explained at "Buten un Binnen" on Thursday evening. There is no cause for alarm at all. Citizens should keep themselves informed and maintain good hand hygiene . A crisis team met on Thursday to prepare for a possible coronavirus infection in Bremen .


Coronavirus in Lower Saxony and Bremen: Authorities test suspected cases every day

Update, February 27, 1:25 p.m .: Lower Saxony and Bremen are still free of confirmed coronavirus sufferers . Nevertheless, suspicious cases are reported to the health authorities daily at the moment. The Lower Saxony State Health Office (NLGA) examines every day cases that are often related to the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in Italy . "Your number is in the single digits. We can process the samples promptly, ”said spokesman Holger Scharlach.

The state government in Hanover has been providing information on the corona virus on its own website since Thursday. The most important information for the public was gathered there. The offer is updated daily. (Dpa / jdw)

Coronavirus in Bremen and Lower Saxony: Every flu sample is tested for SARS-CoV-2

Update, February 27, 9.30 a.m .: According to the Federal Ministry of Health, there are 18 confirmed coronavirus cases in Germany as of February 26. Most people are now healthy again. The focus of the current coronavirus cases is in North Rhine-Westphalia and Baden-Württemberg. In Lower Saxony and Bremen there are always suspected cases , but no confirmed illnesses.


In Lower Saxony, all influenza samples are now also being checked for the coronavirus.

© Wang Jianwei / Xinhua / dpa

Nevertheless, the governments of the countries are preparing for an outbreak. Lower Saxony - Minister of Health Carola Reimann (FDP) has set up an expert group to coordinate public information, it said on Wednesday from Hanover. In the meantime, all samples suspected of being influenza are also being tested for the coronavirus in Lower Saxony. (Jdw)

Corona virus in Bremen and Lower Saxony: State governments are preparing for an outbreak

Update, February 26, 6:15 p.m .: Lower Saxony and Bremen are preparing more and more intensively for a coronavirus outbreak in the north. The Ministry of Health in Hanover convened an expert group on Wednesday with representatives of all areas of the Lower Saxony state government . "In view of the situation described, we are still preparing for various scenarios in Lower Saxony," said Health Minister Carola Reimann (FDP) in the state parliament. One of the goals is to coordinate public information. At the moment there are only suspected coronavirus cases in Bremen and Lower Saxony - no confirmed diseases.

Meanwhile, the State Health Office (NLGA) in Hanover is expanding controls. Samples of patients suspected of having flu are sent in from medical practices and are now also tested for the coronavirus pathogen SARS-CoV-2 . This should enable the early detection of infections, the authority said. (AP)

Corona virus in Bremen and Lower Saxony: countries on high alert

Update, February 26, 10.15 a.m .: The corona virus is back in Germany . There is one confirmed case in North Rhine-Westphalia and one in Baden-Württemberg. The authorities and hospitals in Bremen and Lower Saxony are on alert. The resident doctors must inform the responsible health authorities in the event of suspected cases .

Coronavirus in Bremen and Lower Saxony: countries cover themselves with protective clothing

In Bremen , the East Clinic is prepared to accept patients with coronavirus symptoms. According to the health department, 15 beds are immediately available there. The center for pulmonary medicine is also located at this clinic. In some cases, the SARS-CoV-2 virus leads to pneumonia, which can be treated there immediately.

In Lower Saxony , the State Health Office (NLGA ) provides information about the corona virus . Despite the cases of illness in North Rhine-Westphalia and Baden-Württemberg, the risk of further spread in Germany is estimated to be low . If patients with symptoms appear, resident physicians must contact local health offices to coordinate further action.

In order to be prepared for a coronavirus outbreak , Bremen stocked up again with protective equipment . The federal government and the European Union have now taken over the ordering of protective equipment, explains Martin Götz from the health authority. (Jdw)

Corona virus in Bremen and Lower Saxony: federal states are preparing for an outbreak

First report, February 25 : Hannover / Bremen - The coronavirus is spreading in Europe, the focus of the coronavirus epidemic is Italy. But there have also been confirmed cases of infection in Germany. Suspected cases have also been reported from the federal states of Lower Saxony and Bremen . The authorities and hospitals are preparing for an outbreak.

Coronavirus in Bremen: Several suspected cases have emerged

The health of the population posed by the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is currently estimated to be low, according to the website of the Bremen Health Authority. Otherwise, citizens should ensure adequate hand hygiene and proper hygiene when coughing and sneezing, it says.

As of February 25, Bremen and Bremerhaven had two suspected cases . A Bremen woman came back from vacation in China. The woman was brought to the Bremen-Mitte clinic with symptoms. Coronavirus was suspected in Bremerhaven of a dock worker who had previously had contact with shipyard workers from China. Both suspected cases were not confirmed.


The corona virus spreads in Italy. Authorities are also preparing for an outbreak in Lower Saxony and Bremen.

© Daniele Mascolo / XinHua / dpa

Coronavirus in Lower Saxony: woman with suspicious symptoms isolated

Several suspected cases of coronavirus infections have also occurred in Lower Saxony . A woman had been treated with coronavirus symptoms in the Aller-Weser Clinic in Achim near Bremen and isolated. After extensive investigations, it was clear that it was an infection with the flu virus. The patient felt better after a few days, reports *.

The Lower Saxony State Health Office (NLGA) now offers its own examinations to test samples for the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV2 . This means that shipping to the Charité laboratory in Berlin is no longer necessary. There is still no confirmed suspected case in Lower Saxony , the statement said. Lower Saxony's Minister of Social Affairs and Health, Carola Reimann , said of the possible danger to the population : "We are watching the increasing number of infections in China very seriously and are preparing for a possible spread in Lower Saxony, too, even if it will hopefully not be so."

The # Corona epidemic has arrived in Europe and one has to expect that it can also spread in Germany, said Federal Health Minister @jensspahn. It was not necessary to cordon off entire cities or areas.

- ZDF today (@ZDFheute) February 24, 2020

Coronavirus in Lower Saxony and Bremen: symptoms resemble a cold

The states of Lower Saxony and Bremen point out that suspected coronavirus cases are now reportable . This means that resident doctors and hospitals have to report patients with corresponding symptoms to the responsible health authority. Sick persons who have symptoms of coronavirus should first contact the family doctor by telephone, according to the Lower Saxony State Health Office. So a first clarification can take place.

The symptoms of coronavirus disease are similar to those of a cold with a cough and runny nose. In severe cases, lower respiratory tract infections and pneumonia occur.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network .

Rubric list image: © Wang Jianwei / Xinhua / dpa

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-03-03

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