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US primaries: US Senator Warren throws down after Super Tuesday - now a duel begins


In the "Super Tuesday" preliminary decisions for the US election 2020 have been made. Joe Biden won the important pre-election day and now warns his competitors.

In the "Super Tuesday" preliminary decisions for the US election 2020 have been made. Joe Biden won the important pre-election day and now warns his competitors.

  • The primaries for the US presidential election are entering a hot phase.
  • March 3rd is " Super Tuesday " - Democrats vote for their candidate in 14 states, including California and Texas.
  • As a favorite for the role as a Trump challenger in the 2020 U.S. presidential election, Bernie Sanders has been widely traded. But surprise winner Joe Biden overtook him.

Super Tuesday in the USA: Warren gets out

Update of March 5, 2020, 5:10 p.m .: According to media reports, US Senator Elizabeth Warren is leaving the Democratic presidential race. Several US media reported on Thursday that the left-wing politician was throwing in the towel after her poor performance on Super Election Day "Super Tuesday". Multi-billionaire Michael Bloomberg had already ended his election campaign on Wednesday. This will make the Democratic presidential race a duel between former Vice President Joe Biden and left Senator Bernie Sanders. Meanwhile, 70-year-old Warren had been considered one of the most promising candidates for the Democratic presidential candidacy. However, it did poorly in the primaries that have been running since the beginning of February. On "Super Tuesday" she was unable to win in any of the 14 states that voted on Tuesday - not even in her home state of Massachusetts.

Super Tuesday winner Joe Biden with clear warning to competitors

Update of March 5, 2020, 8:11 a.m .: Former US Vice President Joe Biden has warned his competitors about the presidential candidacy of the US Democrats against a destructive election campaign after his winning streak at Super Tuesday . "We cannot allow these primaries to turn into a campaign of negative attacks in the coming weeks," said Biden on Wednesday (local time) in Los Angeles. Because that would only benefit President Donald Trump , but not the four remaining applicants in the Democratic race.

US election: Joe Biden made a spectacular comeback at Super Tuesday

Promising Democrat candidate Biden made a spectacular comeback at Super Tuesday. After not looking good for most of the previous primaries, the ex-vice president was now able to claim 10 of the 14 states that voted on Wednesday night (CET). His only serious competitor is left Senator Bernie Sanders . Also in the running are Senator Elizabeth Warren, who no longer has a realistic chance of being nominated, and Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, who has no chance.

10:57 p.m .: Former US Vice President Joe Biden has also prevailed against his rival Bernie Sanders in the state of Maine in the state elections of the opposition Democrats. Biden is just ahead of Sanders with 34 percent of the vote, who comes to 32.9 percent , several US media reported. Biden had already won elections in nine other states on Super Tuesday, making a triumphant comeback.

US election campaign: Trump attacks Bloomberg after retreating on Twitter

5.40 p.m .: After Mike Bloomberg's surprising withdrawal from the US election campaign, incumbent US President Donald Trump fired a real Twitter fireworks display against his previous rival.

"I could have told him a long time ago that he didn't have what it takes," Trump told the Twitter community . Bloomberg would have saved a lot of money without the candidacy and would now support Joe Biden (Trump calls him "Sleepy Joe" on Twitter) to save his face.

Mini Mike Bloomberg just “quit” the race for President. I could have told him long ago that he didn't have what it takes, and he would have saved himself a billion dollars, the real cost. Now he will pour money into Sleepy Joe's campaign, hoping to save face. It won't work!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2020

US President Trump, who referred to Bloomberg in his tweets as " Mini Mike Bloomberg", did not give the billionaire a bad hair. Withdrawing from the candidacy was probably "the worst and most embarrassing experience of his life," Trump conjectured.

Mini Mike, "Three months ago I entered the race for President to defeat Donald Trump, (and I failed miserably!).

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2020

And Trump can't help but make another malicious comment. He cites a quote from Bloomberg in which he announced he would beat the incumbent in the election. He adds in brackets behind it, "and I failed miserably."

Mini Mike, "Three months ago I entered the race for President to defeat Donald Trump, (and I failed miserably!).

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2020

But neither Michael Bloomberg nor the other presidential candidates are currently Donald Trump's greatest opponents *. The US President is currently fighting a completely different crisis.

Hammer in the US election campaign: Mike Bloomberg leaves the election campaign

4:40 pm: Due to his poor performance on "Super Tuesday", US presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg throws in the towel. The billionaire said he would support Joe Biden in his campaign. The 78-year-old announced his decision on Wednesday.

Super Tuesday in the USA: Donald Trump attacks opposing candidate Warren

2:06 p.m .: After primary elections were held in 14 U.S. states during the Super Tuesday in the U.S. , US President Donald Trump sharply attacked the democratic candidates Elizabeth Warren . She had been very disappointing in the primaries and is far behind favorites Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders. It was "selfish" that she would not give up her application for the presidential candidacy of the Democrats, Trump wrote on Twitter on Wednesday.

Trump continued to criticize that she had no chance of getting anywhere near a win, and her candidacy would only harm Bernie Sanders. The president further claimed that Warren's remaining in the running for candidacy was part of dark machinations with which established Democrats wanted to prevent Sanders' success.

Super Tuesday in the USA: results are still expected in two countries

11:34: After Joe Biden took the lead in Super Tuesday in nine US states and Bernie Sanders is number one in three states, the results are still pending in two states . In California, Bernie Sanders is in front, in Maine there were initially no predictions about a winner on Wednesday night. But according to unofficial results, Biden was very close to Sanders there, reports the dpa.

9.53 a.m .: Ex-Vice President Joe Biden celebrated his surprising triumphal march at Super Tuesday in front of his supporters in Los Angeles - even though he is currently not in the lead in California. "We are very lively," Biden called on the evening of Super Tuesdays (after American time) to voters in the metropolis on the US west coast. He also wanted to send a message to everyone who has already declared the campaign of the 77-year-old dead. "This campaign is taking off," cheers Biden. In fact , Biden has so far won nine of the 14 states that held primaries on Tuesday. The official result is still pending in California - but forecasts indicate that Bernie Sanders will win the race there .

Super Tuesday in the USA: Biden is the surprise winner, Bloomberg disappointed

9.10 a.m .: While Joe Biden is the big surprise winner at Super Tuesday , the important pre-election day for Democrat candidate Michael Bloomberg was extremely disappointing . Despite an elaborate advertising offensive, he has so far been unable to win a single state . According to projections, it was only in front in the US- American Samoa area .

In some U.S. states, Bloomberg on Tuesday was at least above the 15 percent hurdle it takes to get delegate votes at all. The former New York Mayor can therefore secure at least individual delegate votes. However, US President Donald Trump immediately took advantage of Bloomberg's setback to tease the Democrat. "By far the biggest loser today is Mini Mike Bloomberg," Trump wrote in a Twitter post. Bloomberg wasted $ 700 million and got nothing but the nickname "Mini Mike" and the complete destruction of his reputation , the US President continued to scoff.

The biggest loser tonight, by far, is Mini Mike Bloomberg. His “political” consultants took him for a ride. $ 700 million washed down the drain, and he got nothing for it but the nickname Mini Mike, and the complete destruction of his reputation. Way to go Mike!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2020

Super Tuesday in the US: Biden wins in Texas and now leads in nine states

8.27 a.m .: After Joe Biden has officially won the US area code in Texas , he now takes the lead in at least nine of the 14 states where Super Tuesday is elected. His biggest competitor Bernie Sanders is number one in three US states and is also forecast to be in California . However, the final results in California and the state of Maine are still pending.
8:10 am: Former US Vice President Joe Biden has been forecast to win the area code in the important US state of Texas . This was announced early Wednesday morning by NBC and Fox News. The result was officially announced five hours after most of the polling stations in Texas were closed, the Guardian writes. Texas is one of the most important states on Super Tuesday alongside California. On the one hand because it sends 228 delegates, and on the other hand because the state is also seen as a guide for the nomination of the democratic presidential candidate, the Guardian continues.
7.55 a.m .: New forecasts from two of the most important states for the US primaries, California and Texas , are available. In both countries, the respective favorites were able to extend their lead. In California, it is the left senator Bernie Sanders . He now has 29.5 percent of the vote, Joe Biden currently only 19.5 percent . In Texas, Biden is currently 33.2 percent, ahead of Sanders, who has 29.3 percent of the vote. Overall, Biden has been the clear winner of Super Tuesdays so far.

Super Tuesday in the USA: Biden is clearly ahead of Sanders

7.40 am: As current figures on the Guardian website show, Super Tuesday high-flyer Joe Biden currently has 414 votes in total, which corresponds to 48 percent. He is thus clearly ahead of left-wing Senator Bernie Sanders , who currently claims 337 and thus 39 percent of the delegate votes. Third place is by far Elizabeth Warren. It has 40 votes (five percent), but has never played a significant role in any state in Super Tuesday.

7.30 a.m .: Democrat Joe Biden apparently continues his winning streak at Super Tuesday . He also holds the top position in the state of Dallas. With 33.8 percent of the vote, he is in first place ahead of left Senator Bernie Sanders. Sanders has 26.5 percent. Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is well below with 16.6 percent of the vote.

Super Tuesday in the ticker: Donald Trump declared himself the winner in 13 countries

7.26 a.m .: While Democratic candidate Joe Biden seems to have been the big surprise winner at Super Tuesday in the USA, incumbent US President Donald Trump has declared himself the winner of all of his Republican Party's primaries in 13 states. On Tuesday evening, Trump thanked the voters of the countries concerned via Twitter.

This result is not surprising, however, because Trump has no serious competitor in the Republican ranks. That's why Republicans in several states have canceled their area codes. However, primary elections were held in Super Tuesday in almost every state where Democrats voted. Only in Virginia did the Republicans forego primaries.

7:10 am: Forecasts from County Harris have been published on CNN. So far, Joe Biden is clearly ahead of his competitor Bernie Sanders . So far, Biden has got 31.8 percent of the vote, Sanders has 26.5 percent . Michael Bloomberg is in third place with 18.5 percent .

Super Tuesday in the USA: Joe Biden thanks his team on Twitter

7:07: Joe Biden is confident of victory after his previous successes at Super Tuesday . On Twitter, the former US Vice President thanked his team in a video for the "incredible Super Tuesday". "Now is the time to focus on beating Donald Trump ," Biden wrote in his latest post. "With your help, we can get him out of the White House."

Team, because of you we had an incredible Super Tuesday. Now, it's time to focus on beating Donald Trump. We can get him out of the White House with your help.

Please chip in a few dollars to help us win this thing:

- Joe Biden (Text Join to 30330) (@JoeBiden) March 4, 2020

6.54 a.m .: Former US Vice President Joe Biden makes a spectacular comeback at Super Tuesday , which has had primaries in 14 countries since last night (CET) last night. The 77-year-old political center representative is predicted to win in at least nine of the 14 states that voted. His strongest competitor is left-wing Bernie Sanders , who is currently ahead of the pack in four states : Colorado, California, Utah and Vermont . California in particular is an important state in the primaries because it is where most of the delegate votes are cast.

6.30 a.m .: Now the first forecasts from Texas are known: According to CNN, Joe Biden is in the big US state with 30.2 percent, but his fiercest competitor Bernie Sanders is closely behind him with 28.3 percent. Third place goes to Michael Bloomberg with 16.8 percent.

Super Tuesday in the live ticker: Sanders extends leadership in California

Sanders continues to expand its leadership in California . According to dpa information, it is 28.6 percent, second place goes to Michael Bloomberg , for whom Super Tuesday has been a bitter disappointment so far. In California, it is 18.8 percent . Biden only has 17.3 percent and is in third place.

6:19 am: In Texas , the two favorites for the democratic presidential bid , Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders , are head to head according to the first US media reports. Meanwhile, Sanders' campaign team emailed supporters of the left senator as California winners. "We have always said that the night gets better the further it goes, and our victory in California is great," wrote campaign manager Faiz Shakir.

Super Tuesday - USA looks at Results & Delegates: Sanders is predicted to lead in California

However , it will take some time before final results are known in California . There, voting by postal vote also applies if it has the postmark of election day and is received by the authorities at the latest three days later. In addition, the counting of postal votes is likely to take some time. For example, the final state election results for the last election in 2016 were announced after more than a month.

6:08 a.m .: According to initial calculations by the US media, Bernie Sanders leads the Democratic area code in the most important state of California . On Tuesday evening, American time, Fox News already declared the 78-year-old a winner in the West Coast state. CNN and CBS reported more cautiously about a leadership by Sanders.

In California, Super Tuesday is about 415 delegate votes that will officially elect the party's presidential candidate at the Democratic nomination convention in July . Should Sander's victory be confirmed, it would be an important success for the left senator. In California, Sanders can rely primarily on the broad support among Latinos.

Super Tuesday in the USA: duel between Sanders and Biden

5.55 a.m .: A final evaluation of the results from all the voting states is probably only possible if a resilient result from California is available in a few hours - but it already seems clear that the Democrats are facing a duel between Bernie Sanders and the somewhat unexpectedly revived Joe Biden could run out.

The two remaining competitors will now also play a special role: Michael Bloomberg , but more than that, Elizabeth Warren will probably only be given outsider chances after this evening of Super Tuesday. Nevertheless, the opponents take voices from the two main protagonists and in some places also valuable delegate places.

An early retreat and an election recommendation for Biden (in the case of Bloombergs) or presumably for Sanders (in the case of Warrens) could possibly have a significant impact on the further race. However, according to her campaign team from early evening (US time), Warren wants to continue to compete in the upcoming primaries in Michigan, Arizona and Idaho after Super Tuesday.

Super Tuesday Polls & Results: Texas in the spotlight - Sanders and Biden almost on par

5.52 a.m .: The Democratic area code in Texas will probably drag on somewhat: As the TV station CNN reports, among other things, in Harris County - including the city of Houston - several voting stations remain open. There was a particularly large crowd in Texas. In addition, the exit between Biden and Sanders seems to be extremely tight. The current forecasts see both candidates almost equally in favor of voters.

5.35 a.m .: Now there is also a first vague forecast from California , by far the most important state of "Super Tuesday": After counting seven percent of the votes, Bernie Sanders is in the lead with 27 percent in the polls (polls). Explosive: Michael Bloomberg is currently in second place - Joe Biden is currently dangerously close to the 15 percent threshold with 17 percent.

If the ex-vice president falls under this mark, he could be left blank with the distribution of the 415 delegate votes. In the final accounts of the super pre-selection day, Sanders could still be the winner at the last minute.

Super Tuesday: Biden on the road to victory in eight states, Sanders in three - bitter evening for Bloomberg

5.12 a.m .: Joe Biden is currently at eight won states , Bernie Sanders at three . The race is still tight in the second largest and second smallest state after delegates: In Texas (228 delegates), Sanders leads Biden after counting 32 percent of the votes with 29 percent and three percentage points. In Maine (24 delegates), after evaluating more than half of the votes on Super Tuesday, the two candidates are even on par with 34 percent.

Elizabeth Warren and Michael Bloomberg could each receive delegates from one of the two states: Warren has 16 percent of the votes in Maine and 18 in Texas Bloomberg.

The billionaire, who started with great ambitions, should still be dissatisfied with the outcome of the evening. According to evaluations by the news agency AP Biden, taking into account all previous primaries, 327 delegate votes were certain, Sanders 218. Bloomberg is 25.

4.44 a.m .: The winning streak Joe Bidens continues: According to CNN and Fox News, the 77-year-old has also won the primaries in the state of Arkansas .

Biden celebrates at "Super Tuesday" - but experiences "fearsome" incident

4.38 a.m .: There was a short moment of shock at Joe Biden's speech: during the candidate's speech about the democratic presidential candidacy , demonstrators stormed the stage . Two women jumped onto the stage every few seconds - apparently they were animal rights activists. Joe Biden's wife stood between her husband and the women before security guards pulled the jammers off the stage.

Obviously there was no danger to Biden. Journalists from the TV station MSNBC, however, described it as "terrifying" that the incident could even occur.

4.25 a.m .: Joe Biden was almost euphoric in front of his supporters in Los Angeles regarding the forecasts for the outcome of Super Tuesday in several states. "It's a good night!" Cried the candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination - "and this isn't called Super Tuesday for nothing," he added. "We are extremely lively," said the former US Vice President, with loud expressions of joy from the audience. Biden had ended the first area codes in the rear.


A euphoric Joe Biden in Los Angeles on the way to the podium - accompanied by his wife and sister.


Joe Biden also has some tips for Donald Trump in his luggage. The US president has no empathy for the people of the country - he "does not have the values ​​with which your parents raised you". "It now needs a president to heal the country. And I will do that, I promise you, ”Biden tells his supporters.

4.22 a.m .: A first interim conclusion of "Super Tuesday": Joe Biden is currently forecasting victory in seven states, Bernie Sanders now in three. Sanders will probably be able to get the majority of votes in Utah as well, Biden is now predicted to win in Minnesota. Whoever may feel victorious by the two opponents at the end of the day will also largely depend on the result in California - in any case, a duel between the two politicians actually seems to be in the offing.

"Don't defeat Trump with the same old politics": Sanders combative despite mauve "Super Tuesday"

4.10 a.m .: Bernie Sanders has spoken out combative for his campaign in front of supporters in Vermont despite the so far sluggish outcome of " Super Tuesday ". "We will win because people will understand that this is our campaign - and that it has the best chance of beating Trump. You can't defeat Trump with the same old politics, ”said Sanders, cheering the audience. He said he wanted to "fight the greed of Wall Street, the greed of the pharmaceutical companies, the greed of the insurance companies".


Bernie Sanders at his “Super Tuesday” speech in Vermont.


"I don’t know what’s going to happen tonight - but we’re doing well in Texas, we won Colorado, and I’m optimistic we can win later in California.” California has the largest package of state delegates, who participate in Super Tuesday. However, results are expected in a few hours.

4:00 am: A big loser in “Super Tuesday” is Elizabeth Warren - according to a report by the New York Times , the senator is currently below the fifteen percent hurdle required to win delegate votes in ten of the twelve states already counted. In her home state of Massachusetts, too, she will probably only achieve third place.

USA: Sanders can still win on "Super Tuesday"

3.38 a.m .: But Bernie Sanders is now also on the way to his first successes of the election evening: In Colorado , the self-proclaimed "democratic socialist" is quite clearly in the lead after counting 20 percent of the votes. And even in the important state of Texas , Sanders could gather the greater part of the 228 delegates - first forecasts see him in the front, if only with six percentage points before Biden and ten percentage points before Bloomberg. Five percent of the votes are currently counted there.

3.35 a.m .: In the US Democratic primary, ex-Vice President Joe Biden is also believed to have won in the states of Tennessee and Oklahoma . The 77-year-old won the so-called Super Tuesday, according to US media, in at least five of the 14 states in which elections were held. Biden is also forecast to win in Virginia, North Carolina and Alabama.

Trump declares himself the winner in seven Republican primaries

3.09 a.m .: Today's "Super Tuesday" is also a vote for the Republicans in some states - President Donald Trump has already declared himself the winner of the polls in seven states. Trump thanked voters in Tennessee, Massachusetts, Oklahoma, Alabama, North Carolina, Vermont and Maine on Twitter on Tuesday night. While the race for the candidacy of the US Democrats is still completely open, Trump has no serious competition in the Republican ranks.

The Republicans have therefore canceled their area codes in several states. On Tuesday, however, they held primaries in almost all " Super Tuesday " countries. The Democrats had primary elections in 14 states on Tuesday, and the Republicans in 13.

"Super Tuesday": Bloomberg suffers a setback - and attacks Trump

2.35 a.m .: Michael Bloomberg , who has been largely unsuccessful at "Super Tuesday", is optimistic when he appears before supporters regardless of the results. He uses the attention for attacks on Donald Trump - it is now necessary to act against firearms violence, to end the "tweeting from the Oval Office" and to unite the country, says Bloomberg, among other things.


Michael Bloomberg on “Super Tuesday” in West Palm Beach.


The broadcaster MSNBC comments Bloomberg's results with sarcasm: The billionaire who by far spent the most on his election campaign "clearly does not get the night he paid for," it says here. "It doesn't go as planned," CNN also quotes a Bloomberg supporter.

2.32 a.m .: Arkansas is now also on the map of the states in which the counting is running. The first results after one percent of the counted votes on Super Tuesday indicate once again that Joe Biden won . Remarkable here: Michael Bloomberg is currently in second place. If the first data are confirmed, then Biden will receive the lion's share of the 31 delegate votes with far more than 50 percent of the votes.

USA: Joe Biden after victory in Super Tuesday victory - Will the "Joementum" become a reality?

2.22 a.m .: After the first results transmitted from Masachussett , Joe Biden could also have won the race there . Just one percent of the votes are counted there - however, after this interim result, with 34 percent of the votes, Biden is comparatively clearly ahead of Sanders, who currently ranks 26 percent of the votes. Elizabeth Warren is listed at 22 percentage points. The “ joementum ” that the campaigners of Barack Obama's former vice president have claimed to have made in recent days may prove to be real.

2.07 a.m .: In North Carolina , the picture is sharpened about the possible distribution of the 110 delegate votes for the nomination congress of the Democrats . Joe Biden should have received a good third of the votes, Bernie Sanders a quarter. According to the news agency AP, Michael Bloomberg is 16 percent of the votes after the first counted votes and could also get some delegates here on Super Tuesday.

Super Tuesday: Next win for Biden in Alabama - open race in additional states

2.05 a.m .: A whole wave of further forecasts is known at this moment. According to information from the CNN TV broadcaster, Joe Biden has probably also won the Democratic area code in the state of Alabama . 52 delegate votes are at stake here

There will be very close results in three other states on Super Tuesday: In Oklahoma (37 delegates) and Maine (24), the demos do not yet want to decide on the basis of the post-election surveys whether Bernie Sanders or Biden have won. In Elizabeth's Warrens home state of Massachusetts (91), the senator could even contest the victory of her two opponents. An open three-way fight seems to be taking place here.

1.45 a.m .: The polling stations have closed in another US territory: Michael Bloomberg apparently won the Democratic area code in American Samoa . Six delegate votes are to be given here.

Super Tuesday in the US: Bitter news for Bloomberg - more accurate numbers from Virginia and Vermont

1.36 a.m .: A closer look at the forecast results in Virgina and Vermont is now possible. Apparently, Sanders and Biden have each won fairly safe victories. According to data published by the AP news agency, Joe Biden won a whopping 56 percent of the votes in Virgina and Bernie Sanders 22 percent. In Vermont, the result is almost the opposite - but after counting only two percent of the votes. In Virgina 39 percent of the votes are counted.

The first vague result from Vermont looks bitter for Michael Bloomberg, who started with high hopes: he even seems to land behind Elizabeth Warren . In Virginia, too, it appears to land below the 15 percent hurdle that allows it to receive a share of delegate votes.

1.30 a.m .: Now there are also figures from North Carolina - according to initial forecasts, Joe Biden wins Super Tuesday. 110 delegates are dispatched from the state; however, as in the other states, proportional to the percentage of votes of all candidates who come over 15 percent. He has meanwhile commented on journalists on the result of Virginia: "It feels good," he said to journalists. He is now "optimistic".

"Super Tuesday": First bang - a candidate lands a great victory

1.00 a.m .: Now the election evening is picking up speed: The first results are available, the polling stations in the states of Virgina and Vermont have closed.

The first little bang in Virgina. According to initial forecasts, Joe Biden will take the victory here. The state sends 99 delegates to the nomination convention. In Vermont, however, Bernie Sanders will probably win on Super Tuesday. In his home country, the liberal democrat - based on the leftist style common in German - was able to assert himself.

The first numbers can be seen as a setback for Bernie Sanders. The previous favorite had campaigned massively here too, but Biden will probably still have the upper hand. However, it is still unclear how many of the respective total number of delegates will go to the candidates.

"Super Tuesday": positive signs for Joe Biden?

Update of March 4, 2020, 0.39 a.m .: There are still no first results of the Democratic primary in 14 US states. However, the CNN broadcaster is already publishing the first non-result-relevant findings from the exit polls , similar to the practice of going to the polls in Germany. One of them is: Many voters only made their decision in the days leading up to Super Tuesday. Accordingly, almost half of the respondents in Virginia said so.

The Guardian sees this as a potentially positive sign for Joe Biden. The ex-vice president, who had started poorly in the primaries, had recently received the support of several candidates who retired from the race, including Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, and ex-MP Beto O'Rourke, popular in Texas.

“Super Tuesday”: Tornado meets Tennessee - polling stations stay open longer

11:59 p.m .: The weather does not mean well with the voters of the US Democrats on " Super Tuesday ": The state of Tennessee and last but not least its capital Nashville have been hit by a tornado. This will also have an impact on the continuation of the election night. Affected polling stations will remain open for an hour longer, five “mega sites” even three hours longer. Accordingly, results from Tennessee will also arrive later - namely around 6:00 a.m. German time.


A tornado raged in Nashville - destruction can be seen in the Germantown district.

© AFP / Jason Kempin

Incidentally, the first figures from other states are expected in an hour. Then the polling stations close on the east coast - including in Bernie Sanders' home state of Vermont . In Virgina, too, the Democratic preselection ended.

Start of "Super Tuesday": Bloomberg is groping

11:11 p.m .: Michael Bloomberg is getting a lot of attention on this “Super Tuesday”: The billionaire is entering the race for the democratic presidential candidacy - and could almost say goodbye to it despite the allegedly $ 500 million advertising campaign. If the votes of the centrist Democratic voters go to Joe Biden in large quantities, it will be foreseeable for Bloomberg.

In the meaningful Tuesday, however, Bloomberg started by stepping on a blunder. When asked by a journalist for a performance in West Palm Beach , the new applicant for the 2020 candidacy did not know the field of his competitors correctly. "If there are only three candidates, at worst you can be third," said Bloomberg, according to the Guardian when asked about his expectations for the day.

Bloomberg apparently acknowledged the reference to Amy Warren's still valid application with "confusion", the website continues. "I didn't realize she was still there - is she?" Was the response from the former New York Mayor .

"Super Tuesday" for the US election 2020: First polling stations open - race between two candidates is emerging

9:56 pm: New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg says he wants to stay in the race for the democratic US presidential nominee even if he is defeated on Super Election Day "Super Tuesday" . "I have no intention of leaving," Bloomberg told journalists in Florida. The aim of his campaign is to win, he emphasized.

However, the media billionaire admitted that he did not expect a big victory in the vote in 14 states this Tuesday. "I have no expectations for today," he said. "But we will have a decent number of delegates."

Looking at his opponent Joe Biden , Bloomberg said, "Joe takes voices from me." Biden and Bloomberg are both considered moderate applicants. Former poll favorite Biden did surprisingly poorly in the first primaries, but won a clear victory in the vote in South Carolina on Saturday.


Campaign in the United States - Biden

© dpa / Richard W. Rodriguez

However, polls for Super Tuesday recently saw the left Senator from Vermont, Bernie Sanders , clearly ahead. The 78-year-old is likely to win in the populous state of California, among others, where 415 delegates are awarded.

With "Super Tuesday", Bloomberg is only getting into the Democratic primary race. The 78-year-old, who skipped the first four primaries, has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on the campaign and has moved up to third place in nationwide polls.

US President Trump doesn't care who his opponent will be in the presidential election

9:20 p.m .: Donald Trump said in Washington on Tuesday that he would take on any democratic candidate . "Whoever it is, I don't care." He is also "very happy" to stand with any possible democratic candidate for TV debates.

Trump's own nomination as a Republican candidate is certain. He has no serious in-party competition. Republicans therefore do not hold primaries in several states. But on “Super Tuesday” they will vote in almost all affected states.

"Super Tuesday" for the US election 2020: First polling stations open - race between two candidates is emerging

3:49 pm: The " Super Tuesday " in the USA has started. The first polling stations in the primaries in the race for the presidential candidacy of the US - Democrats opened on Tuesday at 6 a.m. local time (12 p.m. Central European Time) in the US state of Virginia. 14 of the 50 US states will vote on who will challenge Donald Trump on the democratic side. These include large states such as California, Texas and Virginia, which are important for the delegate votes.

Ex-Vice President Joe Biden got a huge boost shortly before "Super Tuesday" : Eliminated applicants Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar and Beto O'Rourke called on their supporters to support the 77-year-old's candidacy. However, the left senator Bernie Sanders has been at the top in nationwide surveys and continues to lead after the previous four primaries. Biden and Sanders are currently the most promising candidates.

Today's the day! If you're in a Super Tuesday state, head to to confirm your polling location and make sure to get out and vote.

- Joe Biden (Text Join to 30330) (@JoeBiden) March 3, 2020

The most important competitor Bidens from the moderate warehouse is only now entering the race: the multi-billionaire and former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg (78) is on the “Super Tuesday” for the first time on the ballot papers.

Bloomberg had announced his candidature very late and had not put himself forward in the previous primaries. According to US media reports, he spent hundreds of millions of dollars of his personal fortune on commercials to score points on Tuesday. His cutting is eagerly awaited. Like Biden, Bloomberg is part of the moderate Democratic camp. The primaries run until June.

"Super Tuesday" for the 2020 US election: Buttigieg withdraws candidacy

Update of March 3, 2020, 9.33 a.m .: Pete Buttigieg surprisingly withdrew his presidential candidacy on Monday and has now promised support to former Vice President Joe Biden . "We need a policy that is about decency," said the politician on Monday evening in the United States during an appearance with Bidden in Dallas, Texas. And further: "This is what Joe Biden has practiced all his life." Buttigieg also called on all his supporters to stand up for Biden's candidacy . Biden thanked his former competitor for this tailwind. And another ex-candidate is now among Biden's sponsors: Democrat Amy Klobuchar also withdrew her candidacy for the US presidency and stood behind Biden .

US election: “Super Tuesday” favorite is Bernie Sanders - he is ahead in polls

The favorite for the highly anticipated “Super Tuesday” is still another: left-wing Senator Bernie Sanders . Sanders saw polls on the eminently important pre-election day as a top candidate in California , the most populous state in the United States. In addition, the 78-year-old has already won the primaries in the states of Nevada and New Hampshire . In Iowa he was very close to Buttigieg, who has now retired.

On “Super Tuesday”, around a third of the nearly 4,000 delegate votes will be given today to nominate the presidential candidate. In addition to California, elections are held in Texas and twelve other states . But only after the pre-election marathon at a party convention in July did the Democrats nominate their Trump challenger.

US election: Buttigieg announces its withdrawal shortly before "Super Tuesday"

Update of March 2, 2020, 6:50 am: Pete Buttigieg should withdraw his application for the presidential candidacy of the US Democrats shortly before " Super Tuesday ". This was reported by several US media, citing sources around the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana. In the area code in South Carolina on Saturday (February 29), the 38-year-old had a disappointing 8.3 percent. He was only fourth. Former Vice President Joe Biden emerged as the winner .

After Buttigieg's withdrawal, six applicants would be in the race for the Democratic presidential candidacy before Super Tuesday. In addition to Sanders (78), Biden (77) and Bloomberg (78), these would be Senator Amy Klobuchar (59), Senator Elizabeth Warren (70) and Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (38).

Incidentally, in addition to the US primaries, elections are currently also taking place in Israel. In advance, serious allegations against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's party caused a stir.

US presidential election: Biden creates massive surprise, Trump mocks - and gets a return carriage

Update of March 1, 2020: Former Vice President Joe Biden has won the US Democratic primary in the state of South Carolina - and may have initiated a turnaround in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination.

After counting 99 percent of the votes on Sunday, the 77-year-old came to 48.4 percent, leaving Bernie Sanders' previous favorite far behind. The win gives Biden a tailwind before the important "Super Tuesday", in which elections are held in 14 states.

"We won - and we clearly won", Biden celebrated his victory. A few days ago, the media and experts had declared his candidacy dead. "You have put our campaign on track to defeat Donald Trump," Biden called to hundreds of cheering supporters in South Carolina's capital, Columbia. South Carolina is symbolically important: in the past decades, the Democrats have mostly been the candidate for the presidency who previously won in the southern state.

Sanders congratulated the election winner. "You can't win everything," he said at a campaign event in Virginia, where "Super Tuesday" will be voted on Tuesday. The 78-year-old focused his followers on this: "And now - now we're tackling 'Super Tuesday'".

After Biden's clear election victory, US President Donald Trump asked new competitor Michael Bloomberg to leave the race. Biden's victory in South Carolina "should be the end of the joke from an election campaign by" the "little" Bloomberg, Trump tweeted. Bloomberg's campaign team, on the other hand, dryly emphasized that Bloomberg had not put himself up for election in South Carolina.

I would find it hard to believe that failed presidential candidates Tom Steyer, or Mini Mike Bloombeg, would contribute to the Democrat Party, even against me, after the way they have been treated - laughed at & mocked. The real politicians ate them up and spit them out!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 1, 2020

Preliminary report on “Super Tuesday”: Will Bernie Sanders become a Trump challenger in the 2020 US election?


Bernie Sanders was a favorite for the Democratic primary a few days before "Super Tuesday".


First report from February 24, 2020:

Washington / Sacramento - The primaries for the presidential election have been running in the United States for a few weeks now - but it is only on March 3rd that things really get serious. Then the " Super Tuesday 2020 " is coming. A great day especially for the Democrats who are looking for a challenger for incumbent Donald Trump .

The Democrats are elected in 14 states . It is about a third of all delegates who will finally officially elect Trump's challenger in July. The Democrats are currently split between a left wing and a moderate wing and are arguing over who has the best chances against Trump in November.

US election 2020: Michael Bloomberg steps in - first preliminary decision expected on "Super Tuesday"

At the same time, the race of democratic applicants will be even more exciting on “Super Tuesday”. Multi-billionaire Michael Bloomberg, who entered the race late, will be on the ballot papers on Super Tuesday for the first time since the primaries began.

The primaries are held in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, California , Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas , Utah, Vermont and Virginia. American Samoa is also elected outside the US. In addition, the primaries begin with Democrats living abroad. For the past three decades, the Super Tuesday winner has always won the Democratic presidential nomination.

Presidential election: "Super Tuesday" is approaching - Sanders is the favorite in the pre-deciding round

The main favorite for the post as Trump challenger is currently Bernie Sanders . He had clearly won the third Democratic area code in Nevada. The state plays only a minor role in the number of delegates sent to the presidential candidate at the nomination party convention. However, Nevada's population structure, with a larger proportion of black Americans and Latinos, comes much closer to the structure of the entire United States than Iowa or New Hampshire.

However, Sanders is now increasingly attacked by its competitors. In a heated TV debate by the opposition Democrats, the 78-year-old senator was repeatedly the target of violent attacks on Tuesday evening. The main allegation was that the self-proclaimed " democratic socialist " frightened moderate voters - and therefore had no chance against incumbent Donald Trump in the November election.

"Super Tuesday" on March 2nd: Trouble about possible Russian interference in the presidential election

Former New York City Mayor Bloomberg launched the first frontal attack against Sanders right at the start of the debate, which was held a week before Super Tuesday. Russia's head of state Vladimir Putin is in favor of a re-election of Trump and therefore wants to help Sanders to run for office - so that he is then defeated against Trump. "Bernie will lose to Donald Trump," said Bloomberg.

In fact, the latest Nevada area code was overshadowed by renewed suspicions that Russia wanted to influence the US election campaign. Sanders confirmed that he had been informed that Moscow was trying to support his application. Shortly before, however, the media had reported that US intelligence agencies assumed that Russia would help Trump to be re-elected . Russia was convinced that the US intelligence agency had interfered in the 2016 election campaign - in favor of Republican candidate Trump.

Primaries to the 2020 US election: Biden with his back to the wall - Warren, Klobuchar and Buttigieg under pressure

Of course, Sanders and Bloomberg are not alone in the hallway: ex-president Joe Biden wants to prevent Bloomberg from losing his rank after his failed preselection start. Barack Obama's former second man has already suffered some painful defeats in the previous elections before Super Tuesday.

Senators Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar and former Mayor Pete Buttigieg must prevent them from losing touch with the top group. One thing is clear: After Super Tuesday, the field of applicants, which is very large with a total of eight Democrats, should clear up.

fn / dpa / AFP / cia

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

Rubric list image: © AFP / LOGAN CYRUS

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-03-06

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