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The outbreak of new coronavirus pneumonia (commonly known as Wuhan pneumonia) continues. Four new confirmed cases were reported in Hong Kong today (14th). One of the 59-year-old confirmed patients lived in Hengtai Building, Fuheng Village, Tai Po. He and a couple of confirmed group members of the "Egyptian Circus of Egypt" lived in the same apartment. Authorities said that the source of the infection was unknown, but they lived in the same building, fearing that it might be related to the throat and the situation in Hongmei House, Changkang Village. Therefore, at about 7 pm, the lecturer Yuan Guoyong of the Department of Microbiology, the University of Hong Kong, Huang Jiaqing, director of the Center for Health Protection, and Zhang Zhujun, director of the infectious disease department of the center, arrived at the Hengtai Building to learn about the situation. Huang Jiaqing, Yuan Guoyong and Xie Zhanhuan, deputy director of the Environment Bureau later held a press conference at 9:30 pm, mentioning three confirmed cases of Hengtai Building, living in two high-rise units near the rooftop, 3413 and 3213 respectively. Therefore, it is not ruled out that the residents of Room 3213 who had an earlier onset, their feces virus passed through the exhaust pipe of the excrement canal, and then discharged to the rooftop after being atomized, and then returned to the 34th floor unit due to the "turbulent effect" when the wind speed was not high. The patient is sick.

Social News

Written by: Chen Jingqi, Zhang Jiamin

2020-03-14 23:48

Last updated: 2020-03-15 00:49

The outbreak of new coronavirus pneumonia (commonly known as Wuhan pneumonia) continues. Four new confirmed cases were reported in Hong Kong today (14th). One of the 59-year-old confirmed patients lived in Hengtai Building, Fuheng Village, Tai Po. He and a couple of confirmed group members of the "Egyptian Circus of Egypt" lived in the same apartment. Authorities said that the source of the infection was unknown, but they lived in the same building, fearing that it might be related to the throat and the situation in Hongmei House, Changkang Village. Therefore, at about 7 pm, the lecturer Yuan Guoyong of the Department of Microbiology, the University of Hong Kong, Huang Jiaqing, director of the Center for Health Protection, and Zhang Zhujun, director of the infectious disease department of the center, arrived at the Hengtai Building to learn about the situation.

Huang Jiaqing, Yuan Guoyong and Xie Zhanhuan, deputy director of the Environment Bureau later held a press conference at 9:30 pm, mentioning three confirmed cases of Hengtai Building, living in two high-rise units near the rooftop, 3413 and 3213 respectively. Therefore, it is not ruled out that the residents of Room 3213 who had an earlier onset, their feces virus passed through the exhaust pipe of the excrement canal, and then discharged to the rooftop after being atomized, and then returned to the 34th floor unit due to the "turbulent effect" when the wind speed was not high. The patient is sick.

Schematic diagram of the poisoning effect of the spoiler effect of Hengtai Building, Fuheng Village (Hong Kong 01 drawing)

The Director of the Centre for Health Protection Huang Jiaqing (second from right), Chair Professor Yuan Guoyong (first from right) of the Department of Microbiology, HKU, and Xie Zhanhuan (third from right), Deputy Director of the Environment Bureau, held a press conference at 9:30 this evening to explain the Hengtai Building incident. (Photo by Zhang Jiamin)




Exhaust pipe cut off for couple unit confirmed by EGYPT

Huang Jiaqing said tonight that the two previously confirmed cases of the Egyptian delegation, namely cases 119 and 124 (one of the confirmed couples of the Circus Egyptian Mission) lived in Unit 3213, Hengtai Building, Fuheng Village, and the 59-year-old man confirmed today Case No. 140 resides in 3413 units in the same building. Yuan Guoyong said that the cause of infection in the three cases involved has not been found at this stage, but after inspection by experts, he found that the unit's throat design and construction did not violate the rules and comply with legal requirements.

Yuan Guoyong pointed out that it is a problem to cut off the exhaust pipe and cover it with adhesive tape in unit 3213. However, the design of other drainage channels and zinc trays is not a big problem. Therefore, it is emphasized that this time it is not a replica of Amoy Gardens, nor is it an upgrade. Incident at Hong Mei House, Cheung Hong Estate, Moon Tsing Yi. He continued to explain that because 3213 units had earlier onsets this time, rather than the upper-level units in Kangmei Building, the lower-level units had a confirmed diagnosis.

Residents living in rooms 13 and 14 on the 29th to 34th floors

Yuan Guoyong believes that it may be a household of 3213 units. Feces are atomized during toilet flushing, and the virus is transmitted to the roof through the exhaust pipe. The virus should have been diluted, but the air has a turbulent effect on the patio due to wind. When the wind speed is not high , Then return to the floor unit near the rooftop, enter the unit through the window, causing residents to be infected. This effect generally affects 5 floors. Therefore, for the sake of prudence, the Protection Center considers that it is necessary to isolate the residents of the 6 floors below the gas pipe. Therefore, all residents living in the 13th and 14th rooms on the 29th to 34th floors will be arranged to enter the quarantine center.

As for the same single resident on the 1st to 28th floors, the Architectural Services Department will continue to inspect the pipes of the unit tonight. If the resident feels unwell, they will be sent to the hospital immediately. If there is no problem, they will not need to stay in the quarantine center. Deep throat saliva samples are tested to see if they are infected.

Refers to a property that is not a replica of Amoy Gardens or Hongmei Building

He emphasized that this incident was not a replica of Amoy Gardens; it was also different from the case of Kangmei Building in Changkang Village, because Kangmei Building was diagnosed by residents in the upper unit, and the lower residents were infected. In contrast, in the case of Hengtai House, it was confirmed by the couple on the 32nd floor. The man in the floor was infected, and the direction was opposite.

[New Crown Pneumonia in Fuheng Village] A newly confirmed patient was added to the Hengtai Building of Fuheng Village. The two patients who lived with the Egyptian delegation lived in the same seat and reported to the unit. The authorities sent an investigation. Yuan Guoyong, Huang Jiaqing, Zhang Zhujun and others were present. (Photo by Li Zetong)


The throat should be at least 2 meters from the rooftop.

Xie Zhanhuan added that, in general, the polluted water points will go down and there will be less upwards. However, the cause of the transmission of infection in Hengtai Building cannot be found at present, so the spoiler effect cannot be ruled out. He went on to point out that most of the exhaust pipes would be 2 to 3 meters above the rooftop, but the pipes involved were short or triggered the spoiler effect, so they started investigations. He pointed out that the 13 and 14-room households involved in the incident used the same patio, and therefore considered that it was more appropriate to evacuate the residents with a higher risk of infection first.

For residents living in high-rise buildings or worrying about the effect of spoiling, virus-laden air returns to the house. Xie Zhanhuan said that the pipes need to be close to the rooftop to be able to return to the house. However, it is explained that the pipes in most buildings in Hong Kong are more than 2 meters away from the rooftop, so the disturbance effect is not large. Raise the throat by 1 meter.

Xie pointed out that Hengtai Building in Fuheng Village was formerly a public housing estate, but after it became a tenant housing project, most units have been sold, and private units accounted for the majority. Since the Kangmei Building incident in Cheung Hong Estate, Tsing Yi, most rental units have been inspected. Of the 11 HD units in Hengtai Building, some have been modified and have been revised; other units are private units, so it is unknown whether they have been modified The Buildings Department will inspect the units involved. If there is a risk of leakage, residents will be sent to quarantine.

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New crown pneumonia

Source: hk1

All news articles on 2020-03-14

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