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Corona virus in Bavaria: Söder plans drastic restrictions - borders are also closed


The corona virus dominates the global headlines - there are also hundreds of infected people in Bavaria. Now there is a third death in the Free State.

The corona virus dominates the global headlines - there are also hundreds of infected people in Bavaria. Now there is a third death in the Free State.

  • The corona virus * continues to spread.
  • There are already hundreds of infected people in Bavaria - and three dead.
  • CSU boss Markus Söder decided on Sunday to introduce drastic restrictions.

Update, March 15, 3:18 pm: Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) has announced new measures, as reports. After the schools and daycare centers, all public facilities and restaurants are now to close. In some cases, shops should also no longer open. The food supply remains intact, however, and pharmacies remain open.

Coronavirus: The number of infections in Bavaria continues to increase

Update, March 15, 1.45 p.m .: The number of people infected with the coronavirus in Bavaria continues to increase. The Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety reported 886 confirmed cases on Sunday (as of 12 noon).

With 471, there are the most registered infections in Upper Bavaria, of which 187 cases in Munich, 74 cases in Freising and 42 cases in Starnberg. There are now three deaths in the Free State.

Corona virus in Bavaria: Now there is a third death

Update, March 15, 1:10 p.m .: Now there is the third death related to the corona virus in the Free State. This was announced by the Ministry of Health in Munich. "According to the Neu-Ulm district office, a death is an over 80-year-old patient with previous illnesses," said a ministry spokesman. The man had died on Sunday night.

Corona virus: Second death in Bavaria confirmed - BRK calls crisis case

Update of March 15, 11:45 a.m .: Bavaria has the second death related to the corona virus. It is an 86-year-old woman from an AWO retirement home. On Friday she was admitted to the Kempten clinic with shortness of breath. This was announced by the AWO-Schwaben on Sunday to the dpa.

The health office in Kempten informed the home that the illness and death of the woman was caused by an infection with the virus . According to the nursing staff, the 86-year-old in the retirement home had shown no symptoms of the disease until Thursday. It is now proven that two people in Bavaria have died of Covid-19 . Nationwide, nine people died of the disease.

Corona virus crisis: wave of helpfulness in the Free State

Update, March 15, 9:01 am: In the middle of the Corona crisis , an important event is pending all over Bavaria this Sunday (March 15): the local election .

Prime Minister Markus Söder ( CSU ) once again stressed on Friday (March 13) that the local elections will take place as planned regardless of the spread of the corona virus. The necessary precautions have been taken. A few days before the local elections in Bavaria, however, there was a clear increase in postal voters in many places. Larger election parties for Sunday evenings have been canceled due to the Corona crisis .

Coronavirus: the number of infected people in the Free State continues to rise - Bavarian Red Cross declares crisis case

Update from 7.42 p.m .: The corona virus paralyzes public life. However, it also shows how well people in Germany and Bavaria hold together - for example in the form of help offers on Facebook. Lea Welling (33) founded the Facebook group "Corona-Help Würzburg" on Friday. A day later the group had over 1,000 members. "That's insane! I am overjoyed to see how many people are coming to help! “, The pedagogue is happy in a telephone conversation with the Bavarian Radio (BR).

People in the group can offer help or ask for help, for example childcare or shopping. In the meantime there are already similar groups in other regions, for example in Kitzingen, Schweinfurt or Main-Spessart.

Corona virus: the number of infected people in the Free State increases - Bavarian Red Cross declares a crisis

Update from 5:18 p.m .: The corona virus continues to spread. The Bavarian Red Cross (BRK) has therefore been taking measures to maintain services for weeks. As the BRK reported in a press release, the developments surrounding the corona virus suggest that further efficient and pragmatic decisions will be necessary in the near future. BRK President Theo Zellner therefore declared the crisis in the Bavarian Red Cross at 4 p.m. on Saturday (March 14).

“This challenge for society as a whole challenges us. Special measures will undoubtedly be necessary, ”says Theo Zellner. "We will all move closer together and have to focus more on each other." The necessary crisis management will be managed by the country's managing director Leonhard Stark. It also says: “He uses a task force that operates according to the rules of the German Red Cross. The associations are obliged to help each other. If necessary, this can also be supported by instructions. "

Coronavirus: 681 infected in Bavaria - castles in the Free State closed

Update. 16:28: In Bavaria, the number of confirmed infections with the corona virus continues to increase. So far, 681 people in the Free State have tested positive for Sars-CoV-2 , as the Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL) announced on Saturday (as of 1:00 p.m.). That is 123 more cases than the day before. Public life stood still in many areas on Saturday. Neuschwanstein Castle and the other castles in Bavaria and the casinos have also been closed since the weekend.

Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) is planning a government declaration in the state parliament on the coronavirus crisis. The date for this is the next plenary session next Thursday (March 19), as a government spokeswoman said on Saturday.

Söder also called for the Bundeswehr to be used more to fight the corona epidemic. "We should consider involving the Bundeswehr more. She has to help with nursing staff, doctors, laboratory facilities and capacities in her hospitals, ”the CSU chairman told the newspapers of the Funke media group. "In view of this crisis, this is essential."

Coronavirus in Bavaria: Operation of the Zugspitzbahn stopped for the time being

Due to the corona virus, the Zugspitzbahn will cease operations until Monday until further notice. "The Zugspitze is closed and the Garmisch-Classic area too," said a spokeswoman for the Bavarian Zugspitzbahn Bergbahn AG on Saturday. All mountain railways are affected by the precautionary measure. Public transport between Garmisch-Partenkirchen and Grainau will remain, however, it was said. The number of visitors to the ski areas should already be limited on Sunday.

The Alpen Plus areas Brauneck, Wallberg, Spitzingsee and Sudelfeld also end the season early on Monday.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: 681 people infected in the Free State

Update, 1:55 p.m .: The number of people infected with the corona virus in Bavaria has continued to increase. As reported by the Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL), the number on Saturday (March 14) at 1 p.m. was 681 people who tested positive . That is 123 more cases than the day before.

With 364, there are the most registered infections in Upper Bavaria, of which 178 cases in Munich, 51 cases in Freising and 34 cases in Starnberg.

Corona virus in Bavaria: Markus Söder is planning a government statement - the date is set

Update, 12.50 p.m .: Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) is planning a government declaration on the coronavirus crisis in the short term. The date for this should be the coming Thursday (March 19).

So far, around 560 people in the Free State have been infected with the corona virus. An 80-year-old man died in a clinic in Würzburg.

Corona virus crisis: After the first death in Bavaria - Söder is now making unusual demands

Update, March 14, 10:15 a.m .: In the fight against the coronavirus pandemic , Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder ( CSU ) is now calling for greater involvement of the Bundeswehr. "We should consider involving the Bundeswehr more," says the CSU chief. The Bundeswehr should "help with nursing staff, doctors, laboratory facilities and capacities in their hospitals ". This is "essential in view of this crisis". This is an unusual requirement - the Bundeswehr only intervenes on a large scale in special situations . Each request for administrative assistance to the Bundeswehr is first forwarded to the "Territorial Tasks of the Bundeswehr" in Berlin by the responsible civil authorities via the respective regional commands. There is then a legal review and evaluation . Each application for administrative assistance is discussed and decided on in individual cases.

According to the Bundeswehr , it is already helping circles and municipalities in the corona crisis . "Essentially, it is currently about providing laboratory capacity, medical protective equipment such as masks and gowns and support with medical professionals," said a spokesman for the Bundeswehr .

Söder also advocated lowering taxes quickly. “Halving the electricity tax would be the right step. The implementation of the Renewable Energy Sources Act is also urgent. Tax cuts have the advantage that they take effect immediately, ”said the CSU boss .

CSU boss Markus Söder is the driver of the coronavirus crisis * - Munich's Merkur editor-in-chief Georg Anastasiadis wrote in a comment. His current actions could even bring him the chancellorship.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: Ministry of Transport has drivers stop selling buses on buses

Update, 9:34 pm: The transport companies in the MVV regional bus service play it safe. To reduce the risk of infection for passengers and staff and to limit the spread of the corona virus, bus drivers are temporarily no longer selling tickets on the bus.

"The MVV, together with the authorities in the MVV regional bus transport, the transport companies in the MVV and the other transport associations in Bavaria, decided to stop ticket sales by the drivers," says a message. “Health comes first - for both passengers and staff. That is why it is correct that bus drivers no longer sell tickets for the time being. The entire public transport system is of crucial importance for our society. With these and other measures, transport companies are helping to ensure that their employees stay healthy and that public transport continues to use them ”, Bavaria's Transport Minister Kerstin Schreyer is quoted as saying.

Coronavirus: Therme Erding is closed by the district office

Update, 9:17 p.m .: bang in Erding. The Erding thermal baths will be closed by the district office with immediate effect, as * reports.

Update, 8:24 pm : The corona virus continues to cause a stir in Erding as well. At a screening site, patients were waiting to be smeared, and some expressed their displeasure. That is also why District Administrator Martin Bayerstorfer appeared before the press at 4 p.m. yesterday - and promised improvements. *

Update, 6:35 pm: The corona virus keeps the world in suspense. All schools in Bavaria will remain closed until April 20. A Munich university is now causing displeasure among its students. *

Corona virus in Bavaria: schools remain closed

Update, 4:41 p.m .: The corona virus continues to slow down Bavaria. As of Monday, all schools, daycare centers and crèches across the country will be closed for the next five weeks - the Easter holidays will start in Bavaria on April 6th. The state government also imposed extensive requirements on Friday for visiting hospitals, old people's homes and nursing homes. On Sunday, the local elections are supposed to take place despite the increasing number of infections. Nationwide closings of restaurants, bars and restaurants as in other countries are not planned.

"Since there are no medicines, we are dependent on taking other measures to slow the spread," said Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) in Munich on Friday. He emphasized that the next five weeks would be "crucial" to contain the infections. Whether the measures should be extended is being continuously evaluated.

Söder has an important request: Even if younger people usually do not have to fear serious consequences from an illness, all solidarity must apply to the protection of the elderly in the country. "We know that it's a really tough test," said Söder. The Free State makes every effort to keep the burden on everyone as low as possible. Nevertheless, it is important that everyone reacts calmly to all difficulties, despite all the preparation "it will also jerky in the first few days".

Corona virus in Bavaria: there are more hamster purchases

Update, 3:29 pm: After the announcement of school closings and other restrictions, there are more hamster purchases in Bavaria. After the topic ebbed over the course of the week, purchases on Friday had picked up again after the news, which worried many people, said a spokesman for the Bavarian Trade Association. However, it also plays a role here that weekend shopping is typically done on Friday and unsettled customers now buy more.

"It is not the case that panic buying is taking place across Bavaria," emphasized the spokesman. However, some supermarkets may occasionally sell items. Basically, the supply of goods in Bavaria is secured. "There has been no turmoil in the fight for the last toilet roll in any Bavarian supermarket," said the spokesman. After the first hamster purchases, delivery frequency and quantities were increased. The trade will also feel the school closings among the staff, said the spokesman. "But we can handle that."

The problems in other areas of trade beyond the daily supply are more dramatic. Because there are fewer customers in fashion or electronics stores, there are 30 or even 40 percent slumps, the spokesman said. "This is dramatic, especially for small businesses."

Coronavirus in Bavaria: 58 more people infected

Update, 3 p.m .: A further 58 people in Bavaria have been shown to be infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus . The State Office for Health and Food Safety announced on Friday. The number of infected people in the Free State increases to at least 558 people. This figure includes the first 14 infected people who were connected to the auto parts supplier Webasto, but are now considered healthy again.

Update, 2:15 p.m .: In the meantime, a help group with the name "Voluntary help for risk groups - Corona - Passau area" was founded in Passau.

The basic idea is that voluntary helpers take on activities for risk groups. This includes, for example, older people and people with previous illnesses. Possible uses include purchases or visits to pharmacies.

Update, 1:13 p.m .: To prevent supply shortages, Bavaria has lifted the Sunday driving ban for trucks from now until March 29 inclusive. "Our goal is that the shops and companies can be supplied with goods in the best possible way," said Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU).

Corona virus in Bavaria: Söder calls for tax cuts

Update, 12:52 p.m .: Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) calls for tax cuts to cushion the economic crisis triggered by the coronavirus epidemic. "We are in an economic shock," he said after a top talk with the Bavarian business associations in Munich.

The state government will do everything possible to prevent the economy from coming to a standstill. For example, they are working on a “Bayernfonds” that could support companies in payment difficulties. Söder spoke of "maximum liquidity support" . Citizenships of 100 million euros have already been committed .

Update, 12.08 p.m .: As Deutsche Bahn announced on Friday, long-distance traffic to Italy will be discontinued due to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus .

International rail traffic to Italy is affected. Direct connections to Italy are no longer possible. The railways are responding to instructions from the authorities. These are expected to apply until April 3.

According to the information, the regulations also apply to long-distance connections to Italy from Bavaria . These now end in Austria. There have so far been no restrictions on international train traffic with neighboring France, due to the corona virus.

Update, 11.50 a.m .: Due to the spread of the corona virus, the SPD canceled its extraordinary state party conference on April 25 and 26 in Straubing.

"The developments of the past few days clearly show us how much we bear responsibility for our society together," said the state chair, Natascha Kohnen, on Friday in Munich. "It is our duty to do everything to stop the further spread of the coronavirus."

The appointment should be made up later in the year. An appointment decision is only made when the situation has relaxed, according to Kohnen. The Bavarian SPD, which had been deeply in crisis for years, wanted to advance its content and organizational modernization at the special party conference in April. There should be a comprehensive package of measures for this.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: RKI welcomes the ban on visits to old people's and nursing homes

Update, 11:34 am: Lothar Wieler, President of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), has welcomed the nationwide school closings in several federal states.

Wieler also welcomed Bavaria's requirement to largely prohibit relatives from visiting family homes and nursing homes . "This is a very sensible measure, " he said. The RKI president confirmed that the current priority is to slow the spread of the virus and to protect risk groups such as old and sick people.

According to the latest figures from the RKI, there are currently 500 people infected with the coronavirus in Bavaria .

Update, 10.50 a.m .: The press conference, in which the school closings and other measures in the Free State * were discussed, has now ended. At the conference, Markus Söder also announced his decision that all events of 100 people or more should no longer take place. So far, only events with over 1000 people * have been prohibited by the Free State.

Corona virus in Bavaria: Söder comments on continued wages - "very important"

Update, 10.40 a.m .: CSU boss Markus Söder wants to talk about the regulations on continued wages at federal level because of the coronavirus crisis . The Bavarian Prime Minister assumes that school closures will occur everywhere in Germany. The topic is a national challenge . That is why it will be absolutely necessary to talk about continued payment of wages - that is "very important".

Corona virus in Bavaria: Spread has an impact on football games

Update, 10.25 a.m .: The spread of the corona virus also has an impact on amateur football. The Bavarian Football Association has decided that there will be no official game operations throughout Bavaria this weekend.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: Minister of Health comments on hospitals and nursing staff

Update, 10.10 a.m .: Bavarian Minister of Health Melanie Huml (CSU) now explains that there are around 4,000 intensive care beds in clinics and in hospitals in the Free State for the treatment of particularly sick patients. If an attempt is made to increase this number, more nursing staff will have to be generated, Huml added. An important step is the postponement of operations that are not absolutely necessary. In this way, more staff can be provided for urgent cases .

Corona virus in Bavaria: First death in the Free State - Söder comments on restaurant closings

Update, 10:01 a.m .: While the catering industry in Belgium is being closed across the board, such measures are currently not planned for the Free State , Markus Söder further announced. The spread of the corona virus is certainly an “existential challenge” for the catering and hotel industry. Solutions would have to be found here, the Prime Minister continued.

Corona virus in Bavaria: First death in the Free State - Söder announces far-reaching decisions

Update, March 13, 9:35 a.m .: As Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) has now announced, the Free State of Bavaria largely prohibits relatives and nursing homes from visiting due to the spread of the coronavirus .

Starting next Monday (March 16), all schools in the Free State will also be closed *.

Corona virus in Bavaria: First death in the Free State - Söder warns of economic infarction

Update, 7:00 p.m .: Events with fewer than 1000 participants can be canceled in Bavaria due to the corona virus . Minister of Health Melanie Huml (CSU) referred to this on Thursday evening. At such events, the local authorities carry out a precise risk assessment.

The basis for this is a criteria catalog of the Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL). This catalog includes a points system where a cancellation or postponement is recommended the more points a planned event gets. In the case of events with more than 500 people, based on the LGL's risk assessment, the recommendation to the local authorities to cancel or postpone the event based on the number of participants alone.

Various criteria would be checked for events with fewer than 500 participants. This includes the origin of the participants, the premises or the question of whether there are risk takers like the elderly or people with previous illnesses in the audience.

Huml emphasized: "In Bavaria, the principle applies: All events that are not absolutely necessary should be canceled or postponed." Events with more than 1000 participants have to be canceled, as has been known since Wednesday.

Meanwhile, the search for "Patient 0" continues. A trail allegedly leads to a Bavarian coronavirus patient.

Corona virus in Bavaria: First death in the Free State - Söder warns of economic infarction

Update, 4:55 pm: Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder ( CSU ) warned of "smart management" in the coronavirus crisis and warned of serious consequences for the economy "Results are decision-oriented," said the CSU chief after a meeting of the prime ministers of the federal states in Berlin. "It must not lead to an economic corona infarction ."

You have to “ think about smart management . That should be based on the financial and euro crisis, "continued Söder .

Coronavirus in Bavaria: First death in the Free State - details become known

Update, 4:25 p.m .: Now the first details on the patient infected with the coronavirus *, who died in the Würzburg Clinic , were announced by the Bavarian Ministry of Health. It is an 80-year-old man with previous illnesses. The patient was also in need of care.

What previous illnesses the man suffered from is currently not yet known. There is still no precise information about other backgrounds.

Read also: Coronavirus - Why Germany could threaten "Italian conditions" in a short time

Coronavirus in Bavaria: First patient died in a clinic in Würzburg

Update, 4.10 p.m .: A patient infected with the coronavirus has now died in Bavaria . The 80-year-old had previous illnesses and died in the Würzburg Clinic. This was announced by the Ministry of Health in Munich.

Corona virus in Bavaria: Large-scale school closings are imminent - Söder with a statement

Update, 3:50 p.m .: Large-scale school closings are expected to occur in Bavaria . Markus Söder wants to announce an official decision tomorrow morning (March 13). "I do not rule out school closures for Bavaria *", Söder confirmed at the margins of the Prime Ministers' Conference in Berlin.

Corona virus in Bavaria: negative effects on self-employed

Update, 3.15 p.m .: The corona virus already has negative effects for self-employed entrepreneurs in Bavaria - this is the result of a survey by the Association of Self-Employed Persons (BDS). Almost 80 percent of the small and medium-sized companies surveyed complain about a drop in sales .

The companies said they had supply chain problems or employees were down. However, only nine percent of entrepreneurs consider the situation to be “ existential ”. More than 1000 companies were surveyed. The majority of these come from the craft, trade and service sectors.

The cross-sector trade association had surveyed small and medium-sized companies in Bavaria in a flash survey . More than 1000 companies responded within 20 hours. The majority of the self-employed interviewed come from the skilled trades , retail and service sectors .

Coronavirus in Bavaria: Another 134 people in the Free State have been shown to be infected

Update, 2:55 p.m .: In the meantime, a further 134 people in Bavaria have been shown to be infected with the corona virus. This was announced by the State Office for Health and Food Safety based in Erlangen.

In total, there are at least 500 people in the Free State who tested positive for Sars-CoV-2 . This includes the first 14 infected people, all of whom were related to the automotive supplier Webasto from Gauting-Stockdorf. They are now considered cured and have already been discharged from the hospitals. Also included are three Bavarians who tested positive outside of the Free State.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: Minister Huml infected with roll call at Munich Airport

Update, 12.45 p.m .: An employee of SGM - the security company at Munich Airport mbH - also tested positive for the corona virus. The employee, who was assigned to the last shift on March 6 in the late shift on the central control point in Terminal 2, comes from the Pfaffenhofen district . He probably also infected his private environment with the corona virus.

Austria's first coronavirus death occurred in Austria. A man from Vienna is affected.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: Minister Huml with appeal - psychiatrist: "Will panic even more"

Update, March 12, 11.30 a.m .: In the BR special show about the corona virus , which was shown on Wednesday evening (March 12), the Bavarian Minister of Health Melanie Huml appealed to the responsibility of the citizens. She spoke of the Free State's decision that events with over 1,000 people had been canceled. At events with fewer visitors, everyone has to consider whether to go or stay at home.

"The federal level recommended the 1000 and we are implementing it very clearly. We also recommend postponing or canceling events between 500 and 1000 people. And that you really think about what is necessary at the moment, ”said the Minister of Health .

As far as the registration of the infected is concerned, there is still room for improvement, Huml continued in the BR program. Mobile test centers are to be used in other cities. For example, they could be housed in buses.

Read also on Corona holidays for all students? Experts warn of major risks in school closures across Germany

The psychiatrist and expert on anxiety disorders , Borwin Bandelow, also spoke in the special program. "The panic, fear is more contagious than the virus itself," he said. However, he assumes that people's fear of the coronavirus * will also subside. "I think there will be a little more panic , and at some point there will be a point where some people will calm down again," said the psychiatrist. This point was reached after about four weeks - "even if the danger has not yet been averted."

Corona virus in Bavaria: economic appeal to the federal government - "is really about survival now"

Update from 20.39 clock: The Bavarian radio broadcasts tonight a special about the corona virus . Melanie Huml, the Bavarian Minister of Health, speaks in an interview with moderator Ursula Haller about the corona virus. She stressed that it could be that school closures could also take place in government districts in Bavaria. This scenario cannot currently be ruled out.

Corona virus in Bavaria: security officer infected at Munich Airport

Update from 6:20 pm: A security officer at Munich Airport tested positive for the corona virus . The government of Upper Bavaria confirms this on request.

Update from 17:13: The Bavarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BIHK) demands this week from the federal government a decision to defer companies in need by Corona their tax liability until the end of May. Chief Executive Manfred Gößl said on Wednesday at a forum with Economics Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) in Munich: "It's really about survival now!"

If the decision came in April, "it is already too late for thousands of companies". With regard to the default interest demanded by the tax authorities despite zero interest, Gößl made it clear: "Of course we cannot pay 6 percent interest on this tax deferral!"

Altmaier referred to the recent cabinet decisions to provide liquidity aid to affected companies. The question of interest "is on our screen". The expectations are all very understandable. He assumed that large companies would also take help. Together with Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD), he would "send another signal this week," announced Altmaier.

Corona virus in Bavaria: Vortex around video conference - Corona virus topic

Update from 15:58: whirlwind around the Ministry of Interior and Health in Bavaria. The reason is a freely accessible video conference. * There was the corona virus topic.

With the spread of the new corona virus in Bavaria, the focus is increasingly on older people. Even though the majority of the proven infected people in Bavaria are middle-aged, experts agree that there is a risk , particularly for older people with previous illnesses . The Minister of Health advises on special vaccinations, the Minister of Social Affairs wants to gather associations for a meeting. Meanwhile, the number of infections detected has continued to increase.

Minister Carolina Trautner wants to promptly invite charities and local umbrella organizations to an open exchange. When and where remained unclear at first. The CSU politician emphasized that she takes the concerns and fears of the elderly in particular very seriously.

Video: Bavaria cancels all major events due to corona virus

Coronavirus in Bavaria: Elderly people must be informed about the dangers

Health Minister Melanie Huml (CSU) emphasized that it is very important that older people are well informed about the dangers of the new coronavirus. "Because, according to the Robert Koch Institute, the risk of a serious illness increases steadily with age, especially from 50 to 60 years." For this reason, your ministry has drawn up a special leaflet with recommendations for old people's and nursing homes . This includes, among other things, instructions to protect both residents, staff and visitors to old people's homes and nursing homes from respiratory diseases.

Huml also recommended two vaccinations for older people: one for flu and another for pneumococci. This does not offer direct protection against the disease Covid-19, which the virus called Sars-CoV-2 can trigger. But if someone is already ill with their lungs, it would be particularly dangerous for them to be infected.

The District Office Ostallgäu decreed on Wednesday that visitors are no longer allowed to enter old people's homes and nursing homes, but also hospitals. "We know that this is a drastic measure for many patients and residents, but we cannot make any other decision," said District Administrator Maria Rita Zinnecker (CSU). There are exceptions, for example, for medical visits or those of craftsmen or relatives in an emergency.

Corona virus in Bavaria: hospitals are feeling the effects

Original article from March 11, 2:06 p.m.

The corona virus continues to dominate the headlines worldwide. There are also numerous infected people in Bavaria. The Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL) has now recorded 366 cases in the Free State (as of March 11, 12 noon). The LGL lists all the cases “that are reported to the LGL via the reporting route through the Bavarian health authorities”.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: Seven cases in the district of Regensburg

There is a new corona virus case in Regensburg , among others. It is the seventh confirmed case in the county. This is a 57-year-old man who is being treated in hospital. His family environment was isolated at home for 14 days, as the Passauer Neue Presse reports.

The day before there was another case in the district: a child from the Lappersdorf high school is infected. The school is therefore closed until March 23rd. This is how many schools and kindergartens in the Free State are doing - here is an overview. *

Corona virus: Numerous school dropouts in Bavaria

Numerous events in Bavaria must also be canceled after the Free State has banned events with over 1,000 people. This affects not only football and ice hockey games, but also concerts, such as that of Andrea Berg in Nuremberg . You can find an overview of canceled events in our ticker. *

Coronavirus in Bavaria: Man steals whole box with masks from a hospital

Bavarian hospitals clearly feel the effects of coronavirus. In some hospitals, protective clothing could be tight in the coming days, a spokesman for the Bavarian Hospital Association said in Munich on Wednesday.

The need for protective glasses, masks or gloves is already greater in hospitals than in medical practices, for example. France, where several large manufacturers are located, has also issued an export ban. Because of this, orders were canceled from January, the spokesman said. Other hospitals are better equipped. "I think the jacks will help each other."

In addition, massive disinfectants and protective masks are stolen. "Visitors, patients, and perhaps employees also empty dispensers on toilets or tear whole bottles out," said the spokesman. In a Munich hospital, a man ran away with a complete box of disposable masks that stood in the entrance area for visitors. There is "hysteria and panic in the population".

Corona virus in Bavaria: hospitals in the Free State well prepared

Overall, however, the Bavarian hospitals are well prepared for the situation, as a spokesman emphasized. He knew nothing of operations that had been postponed or postponed due to the epidemic - even if it could happen that the surgeries that could be planned in the long term would be postponed. But emergencies are always operated on.

There would also be enough capacity to isolate patients. It is helpful that some cases can be treated at home. In addition to the usual staff shortages and hotspots such as Freising *, where there are a relatively large number of people affected, the workload is kept within limits.

So far, clinic employees have not yet been infected to a degree or in quarantine that would have consequences for the company. But all of these are just snapshots, said the spokesman (as of Wednesday afternoon). Forecasts are very difficult these days.

There is a drive-in test facility * in Munich, and a second one is also to come. Only people who have been identified by the health authority as contact persons for confirmed infected people are tested there. *

In the meantime, the virus is spreading in Europe and killing the first victims in Mallorca and Poland. Turkey has now confirmed the first infected - however, critics doubt the government's information. A video is broadcasting on the Internet showing a heartwarming action in Italy.

* and are part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

Corona virus spread is turning public life upside down worldwide. But in this country there is a virologist who keeps the panic at bay.

with dpa

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-03-15

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