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On the way to an emergency government? President Rivlin will meet Prime Minister Netanyahu and MK Gantz | Israel today



President calls on the two for an urgent call to promote unity government • After a round of talks with faction representatives at the President's Residence, he declared: "We will delegate the government to Gantz tomorrow afternoon" • Lieberman stressed: "Everything agreed between blue and white - Likely for us"

After meeting President Reuben Rivlin with members of the various factions who will present his candidacy on Sunday, President Reuben (Ruby) Rivlin, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Blue and White Chairman MK Benny Gantz for an urgent meeting. According to estimates by political parties, the president will try to promote a unity move between Netanyahu and Gantz tonight. Following the round of consultations, Rivlin said he would lay the government train on MK Gantz tomorrow afternoon.

As mentioned earlier, today's round of consultations were held by representatives of the Knesset factions at the President's Residence in Jerusalem. During the day, President Reuben Rivlin will meet with members of the various factions, who will present to him the identity of the candidate whom he will recommend for assembling the next government. MK Benny Gantz has so far accumulated 61 recommendations, including members of Israel Betinu and the joint list.

More on:

Netanyahu has proposed unity or emergency government; Gantz: "Anyone who wants unity does not reject his sentence"

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However, it is unclear whether he will be able to form a minority government with the outside support of the joint list in light of the opposition of at least three members of the central-left bloc: Yoaz Handel, Zvika Hauser and Orly Levi-Abaxis. The latter mentioned today that she would not recommend any of the candidates.

Meanwhile, President Rivlin invited him to an urgent meeting tonight with Likud MK MK Benjamin Netanyahu and Blue and White MK MK Benny Gantz regarding the possibility of forming an immediate government. The three will be appointed in the president's apartment and the meeting will be documented by GPO only. Accurate schedules will be distributed later, materials will be distributed at the end of the meeting.

The right-wing factions, Labor-Bridge-Meretz, Israel Our House and Torah Judaism in recommendations to the president // Photo: GPO

Israeli House Speaker MK Avigdor Lieberman met in the afternoon with the faction, MK Oded Forer, for a meeting to be held with President Reuben Rivlin. In Israel, our house decided to recommend Benny Gantz. Regarding the identity of the prime minister, Lieberman emphasized that "everything that is agreed between blue and white and Likud is acceptable to us."

Following meetings with Likud and Blue delegates, the President's Residence arrived at the joint list and recommended Blue and White Chairman Benny Gantz as their prime ministerial candidate.

MK Aida Toma-Sliman said following the President's recommendation: "As we promised - we are doing what it takes to block Netanyahu and bring about political change. We have proven that the common list and just demands of the Arab public cannot be ignored. We have entered this unified election and we are coming to a united recommendation. "

Representatives of Torah Judaism recommended Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister. MK Moshe Gaffney Hammer in an appeal to Rivlin: "We are in favor of an emergency government to deal with the existing situation, but it is important to us that whoever heads this government will be Benjamin Netanyahu. He will be the one to deal with this difficult situation. "

President Rivlin said at the start of the consultations: "We are in the midst of extraordinary confrontation, Israeli war and global struggle with the treatment of the Corona virus. I would like to thank the medical and emergency teams very first and foremost in the battle against the gulf. I want to strengthen patients and their families in these simple moments It is important that we adhere to the rules and instructions.

"This is a test time not only for the health and economic system but also for us as a society. More than ever, Israel's success in dealing with the crisis depends on our civil society. We must avoid hysteria. This is an hour when we need to provide ourselves with a positive routine and interest, an hour when we need more. That you are responsible for the adults and the elderly who live around us. This is our spirit. If we keep it, it will protect us, "Rivlin said.

The President added in his speech: "We are more committed, in light of the urgent need for the government, to hold vital democratic procedures even in an emergency. The consultations we hold today are a direct continuation of the elections in which we all participated, all citizens of Israel. The counting of votes, meeting with the various factions Their position regarding the imposition of the mandate for government assembly.

"I must remind you and all of us elected, the president is a representative of all Israeli citizens. The president does not constitute the government but the Knesset. In the consultation process with the factions, the president's role is to find out who is the most likely Knesset member to form a government. A viewer watching the news these days understands that this is a test time and that these are not ordinary consultations, and I urge all faction representatives to understand that we should now set up a government as soon as possible to lead our people at this complex time.

"The establishment of the government may involve the formulation of interim arrangements for the coming months, but I have no doubt that this is what the people expect from its leaders at this time. In this spirit, and with respect for the people's decision as expressed in the election, I will exercise my discretion as president."

The president said this morning that "according to the practice, the president will meet with the faction representatives, heed their recommendations and after the final round of consultations with the entire faction will declare a member of the Knesset tasked with the task of assembling the government," they added in the president's house. "As soon as the president entrusts the government's work to the elected Knesset, he will have 28 days to form a new government in Israel, under the Basic Law: The government will be required to extend the process, under the authority of the president, to grant an additional extension of up to 14 days under the law. ".

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2020-03-15

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