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Economic crisis: EU countries can invest indefinitely - "This has never been done before"


The corona virus threatens the economy massively. The EU wants to support the economy with all its might and relaxes the budget rules. States can now invest indefinitely.

The corona virus threatens the economy massively. The EU wants to support the economy with all its might and relaxes the budget rules. States can now invest indefinitely.

  • Federal government wants to support small and medium-sized companies against the economic crisis
  • The EU is revising its budget rules
  • EU countries can invest in the economy indefinitely

+++ Update ticker +++

+++ 18.46 clock: In view of the expected economic crisis as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, the EU Commission wants to relax the budget rules. “Today, and this is brand new, we are activating the general alternative clause. This has never been done before, ”said EU Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen on Friday in a video published on Twitter.

Upon request, the EU Commission later said that coordination with the EU countries was still ongoing on Friday afternoon. The video, which was distributed in several languages ​​on Twitter, was initially put back. A short time later the video was online again.

National governments are allowed to invest indefinitely in the economy, von Leyen said in the video. In this way, they could assist companies "in this debt-free crisis". "To make this possible, we temporarily mitigate the otherwise very strict budget rules."

We have promised to do everything we can to support people and companies in the crisis. We keep our word: Yesterday we decided more flexibility for state aid. Today we are loosening the budget rules so that governments can pump money into the economy

- Ursula von der Leyen (@vonderleyen) March 20, 2020

A spokeswoman for the Brussels authorities had previously announced this step. The initiative has already been welcomed by the Eurogroup and the EU heads of state and government, she said.

+++ 15.57 PM: Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz wants to spend 70 to 100 billion euros to protect the consequences of the corona crisis. The Süddeutsche Zeitung reports. The money is to be raised through new debts.

Economic crisis is to be alleviated with billions

The debt brake in the Basic Law would have to be relaxed for such a supplementary budget. A corresponding decision is to be adopted by the Bundestag and Bundesrat in the coming week.

Among other things, a hardship fund over 40 to 50 billion is planned. This is intended to cover the operating expenses of small companies for three months and to acquire holdings in companies in need. In addition, loans should be able to be granted to companies in an “unlimited amount”.

Corona virus is causing the first new government debt in years

We need to act fast to manage # COVID19 impact.
As much as we can.
And in a coordinated manner.

We just adopted a Temporary Framework to enable EU countries to use the full flexibility foreseen under State aid rules to support the economy.
Watch @vestager statement ↓

- European Commission (@EU_Commission) March 19, 2020

EU relaxes budget rules

The EU also sets new rules for its member states. This means that states can now invest in their economy indefinitely. This was laid down in a new "escape clause", as the EU Commission announced.

+++ 14.19 PM: Germany is increasingly restricting public life in the fight against the corona pandemic - restaurants have fewer and fewer customers. This now has consequences for a well-known restaurant chain : Due to a drastic drop in sales in the Corona crisis , the already battered restaurant chain Vapiano has fallen into insolvency. The company announced on Friday (March 20, 2020) in Cologne. "As of today, it is clear that Vapiano will not be able to survive without immediate government support and will have to file for bankruptcy, which would result in the loss of 10,000 jobs worldwide," said CEO Vanessa Hall. According to Hall, Germany has 3800 jobs.

All 55 Vapiano restaurants in Germany closed

The board is now obliged to file for bankruptcy proceedings within three weeks at the latest. However, one wants to check carefully whether the insolvency proceedings can still be averted within the time limit - for example, through government aid programs announced in the corona crisis. In the past few days, the situation had developed so that "Vapiano currently generates almost no sales, while salaries, rents and operating costs continue to accrue," the company explained.

In Germany, all 55 restaurants operated by the group have been closed indefinitely since Thursday evening. According to Vapiano, “almost all of the more than 230 restaurants worldwide have had to close in the meantime.

Corona crisis: DAX with the fastest stock market crash in history

+++ March 20, 2020, 10:27 am: The downswing began about a month ago: On February 19, the German leading index DAX missed a new all-time high of just seven points and stood at 13,789 points at the close of trading. A good four weeks later in the middle of the corona crisis , the world looks very different - even on the stock exchange : The DAX has lost 39 percent of its value. Compared to previous stock market crashes , this is the fastest loss ever, reports the news magazine "Spiegel".

Never in its more than 30-year history has the most important German stock market barometer lost so much in value in just 28 days. March 9 will go down in history as the new "Black Monday" - the DAX suffered the highest daily loss since September 11, 2001 at 7.94 percent.


Coronavirus - A stock trader rubs his eyes on the floor of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

© picture alliance / dpa

Only in 1987 did things go downwards at a similarly rapid pace: According to “Spiegel”, the global stock exchanges lost 37 percent in 28 days. However, there was no concrete trigger such as the spread of the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus and the associated effects on the global economy.

In the meantime, however, the situation on the German stock market has calmed down somewhat: the leading index Dax rose on Friday (March 20, 2020) in early trading by 6.3 percent to 9153.31 points. On Thursday (February 19, 2020), it had already increased by two percent. “It would be premature to speak of a recovery.

But we see at least the first signs of stabilization on the stock exchanges, ”wrote analyst Thomas Altmann from asset manager QC Partners. In the four-week Corona crash, in which the Dax had lost almost 5,000 points the previous day, there were always signs of stabilization. However, this was usually quickly over due to ever new bad news.

The #DAX shows signs of recovery. However, the danger is that it will only fail briefly. The market will reach the first price target on the upside before the weekend, but the second point of reference is likely to be difficult:

- boerseonline (@boerseonline) March 20, 2020

+++ 8.20 p.m .: The growing risk of infection and the drastic economic consequences of the Corona crisis are forcing Volkswagen to close its plants in Germany from Thursday evening. The production of the core brand is also being temporarily interrupted in other European countries; this step is planned for several subsidiaries or is already in force. At the VW car locations in the Federal Republic, production is to be stopped when the late shift ends at 10 p.m.

Corona crisis: help for the self-employed

+++ 7:00 p.m .: Due to the Corona crisis, the federal government is planning an aid program with a volume of more than 40 billion euros in favor of small and solo self-employed. This was confirmed in government circles in Berlin on Thursday. However, details were still being negotiated between the ministries for economy and finance. Several federal states also presented aid programs worth billions.

Two million short-time workers expected

+++ 16.44 PM: According to the Federal Government, millions of workers are dependent on short-time work benefits due to the corona crisis . "It is assumed that 2.15 million cases of short-term economic benefits are received," says a corresponding ordinance from the Federal Ministry of Labor.

The Ministry expects an additional 1.15 million cases due to the coronavirus pandemic . A million cases would have been expected without the relief even under current law.

The government expects the Federal Employment Agency (BA) to spend 10.05 billion euros more. The decision to reimburse social security contributions is therefore 5.99 billion euros - the additional payment of short-time benefits itself is 4.06 billion euros.

Coronavirus pandemic: stock markets remain nervous

+++ 15.51 PM: After a weak opening, the US stock markets struggled on Thursday and turned positive. However, the tense situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic continues to prevent sustainable recovery. The leading index Dow Jones Industrial surpassed the 20,000 point mark and was recently 0.67 percent higher at 20,032.00 points.

The business climate in the US region of Philadelphia collapsed even more strongly than feared in March. The corona crisis is apparently getting more and more popular in the US economy. The regional central bank's indicator (Philly Fed Index) fell 49.4 points to minus 12.7 points in a month-on-month comparison. This is the largest decline ever recorded. The deficit in the US current account also decreased significantly in the fourth quarter. In contrast, the number of initial applications for unemployment benefits rose significantly last week.

USA: Donald Trump plans to pay money to US citizens

+++ 3.15 p.m .: According to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, the United States government is planning a quick cash payment to US citizens to mitigate the economic consequences of the coronavirus crisis . Mnuchin told Fox Business on Thursday that a cash benefit of $ 1,000 for adults and $ 500 for children is planned.

Donald Trump's government is currently negotiating with the U.S. Congress about a larger stimulus package that will pump up to $ 1 trillion into the economy. Direct financial aid for the population should be part of the package. Details are still the subject of the discussions - such as the question of who exactly should receive the aid and how high it actually turns out in the end.

Coronavirus: stock markets don't touch

+++ 3:01 p.m .: On Thursday, the US stock markets started to reverse. The tense situation caused by the corona pandemic continues to prevent sustainable recovery. The leading Dow Jones Industrial index recently lost 3.17 percent to 19,268.01 points after having lost more than 6 percent on Wednesday.

The market-wide S&P 500 last fell 2.79 percent on Thursday to 2331.12 points. The technology-heavy Nasdaq 100 dropped 1.28 percent to 7083.36 points.

Coronavirus crisis: Dax is not recovering

+++ 12.10 p.m .: The recovery on the German stock market collapsed on Thursday as so often in the past few weeks. Another emergency package from the European Central Bank (ECB) to alleviate the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic could not convince the markets. The Dax dropped 0.7 percent to 8383.70 points.

In the fight against the economic consequences of the corona virus pandemic, the ECB announced a nightly emergency program to buy bonds worth EUR 750 billion. It is supposed to be about public and private sector securities.

Extraordinary times require extraordinary action. There are no limits to our commitment to the euro. We are determined to use the full potential of our tools, within our mandate.

- Christine Lagarde (@Lagarde) March 18, 2020

"Extraordinary times require extraordinary action," ECB chief Christine Lagarde wrote on Twitter. Stockbrokers were cautious about the ECB's actions. "The impact of the measures remains to be seen," said economist Stefan Kipar from the Bayerische Landesbank.

Coronavirus pandemic: help for solo self-employed

+++ 10.41 clock: In the coronavirus crisis, the federal government is planning an aid package totaling up to 50 billion euros for the self-employed and other small companies. The German press agency learned this on Thursday from government circles.

The "Spiegel" previously reported that the federal government wanted to provide 40 billion euros for micro-entrepreneurs. Ten billion euros are therefore to be given as direct grants to distressed one-man businesses and micro-enterprises, the rest of 30 billion euros as loans.

The economic director of DIW Berlin assumes that there will soon be transfers: to solo self-employed people, small businesses and everyone who is involved in entrepreneurship but is not covered by the social system.

- DIW Berlin (@DIW_Berlin) March 18, 2020

Due to the drastic effects of the corona virus pandemic , many solo self-employed people fear for their existence - for example, musicians, photographers, artists, naturopaths, interpreters or nurses. Many shops had to close, trade fairs, events and concerts were canceled. Orders and sales of many solo freelancers have broken down.

Coronavirus pandemic: economy threatens recession

+++ 10.20 p.m .: The corona virus pandemic has also infected the German economy: The Ifo business climate collapsed in March. In March, the index value fell to 87.7 points, after 96.0 points in the previous month, the Ifo Institute announced on Thursday after preliminary calculations in Munich. This was the largest decline in the most important German economic barometer since 1991 and the lowest value since August 2009. The economic expectations of companies in particular have deteriorated sharply. "The German economy is falling into recession," commented Ifo President Clemens Fuest on the data.

Another sign of the crisis: According to the DIW, German economic output will shrink this year for the first time since the 2009 financial crisis. Due to the corona crisis , the German Institute for Economic Research lowered its annual forecast for gross domestic product on Thursday from a plus of 1.2 percent to a minus of at least 0.1 percent. However, this is a very optimistic scenario, said Marcel Fratzscher, President of the Institute. It could also hit the German economy much harder. Europe-wide, fiscal policy must do more to prevent a wave of bankruptcies.

Meanwhile, Bavaria's Prime Minister and CSU chief Markus Söder is demanding a government aid package of 100 to 150 billion euros to alleviate the consequences of the corona crisis for the economy. In addition, the Bavarian Prime Minister calls for the suspension of the electricity tax and the EEG surcharge. This would help many companies and ordinary citizens, said Söder on Thursday in the state parliament in Munich.

Corona crisis: Dax stabilizes after ECB aid package

+++ 10.05 a.m .: After the announcement of another Corona emergency package by the European Central Bank (ECB), the German stock market stabilized on Thursday. The Dax rose 1.9 percent in early trading to 8603.42 points.

In the fight against the economic consequences of the corona virus , the ECB has announced a 750 billion euro bond purchase program. It is supposed to be about public and private sector securities.

The MDax rose 1.6 percent to 18,192.91 points. The Eurozone leading index EuroStoxx 50 even increased by 2.6 percent.

Stock marketers were cautious about the ECB's actions in the morning. Prerequisites for sustainably stable markets are positive news about the development of the numbers of those infected by the coronavirus , it said.

Corona virus pandemic forces Lufthansa to the ground

+++ 09.21 clock: The Lufthansa group cuts its flight program even more because of the coronavirus pandemic . By April 19, only about five percent of the originally planned flights will take place, as the Dax group announced on Thursday. For the time being, around 700 of the Group's 763 aircraft remained on the ground.

The spread of the Sars-CoV-2 virus has put the entire world economy and the largest German airline “in an unprecedented state of emergency,” said Lufthansa CEO Carsten Spohr on Thursday. "The longer this crisis persists, the more likely it is that the future of aviation cannot be guaranteed without government aid."

The corona crisis is also forcing car manufacturers to take drastic measures: Volkswagen will close its plants in Germany from Thursday evening. Production is also being temporarily shut down in other European countries. At the locations in the Federal Republic, the last regular shift in production should end at the end of the late shift at 10 p.m. Initially, cars or components should no longer be manufactured for ten working days.

Coronavirus pandemic: ECB announces emergency buying program

+++ 19.03.2020, 6.45 a.m .: In the fight against the economic consequences of the coronavirus pandemic , the European Central Bank has announced an emergency purchase program for bonds amounting to 750 billion euros. 750 billion euros are earmarked for the purchase of government and corporate bonds, as the ECB announced at night. The program is intended to stabilize the euro and run at least until the end of the year. The program recalls the tremendous efforts of the ECB in the euro and sovereign debt crisis.

After an extraordinary conference call by the Governing Council, the central bank said it would do “everything necessary” to counter the “serious risks” of the corona crisis. So she was also ready to increase the 750 billion amount of bond purchases if necessary - "as much as necessary and as long as necessary".

The emergency program, called PEPP (Pandemic Emergency Purchase Program), should run until, according to the Governing Council, the crisis phase triggered by the pandemic is over, but at least by the end of the year, the central bank said.

"Extraordinary times require extraordinary measures," ECB President Christine Lagarde wrote on Twitter. There are "no limits to our commitment to the euro". The ECB is determined to use "the full potential" of its tools within its mandate.

Extraordinary times require extraordinary action. There are no limits to our commitment to the euro. We are determined to use the full potential of our tools, within our mandate.

- Christine Lagarde (@Lagarde) March 18, 2020

According to the ECB, PEPP should help all economic sectors to benefit from better financing conditions and thus be able to "absorb" the shock caused by the spread of the corona virus. This affects families, companies, banks and governments alike.

Corona virus pandemic: US auto companies temporarily shut down factories in North America

Meanwhile, the auto companies General Motors, Fiat Chrysler and Ford have closed their production in North America until the end of March due to the Corona crisis. This was announced by the three companies and the industry union UAW. UAW chief Rory Gamble said in a joint statement with Ford that the health of union members, their families and the residents of the places where the factories are located is protected. The pandemic has brought large parts of the automotive industry to a standstill worldwide.

DAX and Dow Jones again with a jet black day

+++ 20.21 PM: The Corona crisis continues to make raven black days on the stock exchange . The unprecedented almost four-week downturn on the German stock market continued on Wednesday. The Dax dropped 5.56 percent to 8441.71 points. The stabilization on the previous day is again waste. The losses since the start of the stock market crash in February now total over 5100 Dax points or almost 40 percent. The US Dow Jones index fell below the 20,000 mark.

There is panic on the trading floor, but the economy as a whole is also suffering severely. According to the Handelsverband Deutschland (HDE), the German retail trade is threatened by a wave of insolvency due to the ordered closings. "Massive sales shortfalls will destroy thousands of independent companies and millions of jobs," warned HDE President Josef Sanktjohanser in a letter to Chancellor Merkel. Large department and department store companies, specialist retail chains and thousands of medium-sized companies are massively endangered. The HDE puts the daily loss of sales due to the closing of shops at around 1.15 billion euros.

Corona virus infects the economy: Ryanair cancels almost all flights

+++ 15.05 clock: The Irish low-cost airline Ryanair will cancel almost all flights due to the coronavirus pandemic next Tuesday (24.03.2020). Then there will only be a very small number of connections between Great Britain and Ireland, the company said on Wednesday (03/18/2020). Ryanair justified the move with the massive restrictions on travel in Europe in the fight against the spread of the novel corona virus.

Concerns about the corona pandemic continue to shake US equity markets: after a brief recovery, they fell sharply again on Wednesday. After significant gains from the previous day, things went down again significantly. The leading index, Dow Jones Industrial, fell below the 20,000 point mark immediately after the start of trading.

Oil prices also continued to fall. Even though the losses were lower than on previous trading days, the prices for important types of oil have recently been at historically low levels. In the midday trade, a barrel (159 liters) of the North Sea variety Brent cost $ 27.84. That was 89 cents less than the previous day and the lowest value since 2016.

Corona virus affects global economy: DAX again with losses

Update from Wednesday, 03/18/2020, 10:26 a.m .: On Wednesday, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange reopened with losses after having recovered slightly the previous day. At the start of trading, the leading German index, the DAX, fell again by more than 3 percent and was a little less than 8,600 points.


The corona pandemic infected the economy - also in Germany. The ECB is now responding with an emergency purchase program.

© picture alliance / dpa / Wang Ying

DAX has lost almost 40 percent since the stock market crash

At the moment another case up to 8000 points seems possible. However, the next turning point for the stock market index is before that, at 8150 points. The highest levels were there in 2000, 2007 and 2008. Analysts are therefore particularly focusing on this area.
Overall, the DAX has lost more than 5,000 points since the market crash began, almost 40 percent of its value.

BWM also closes plants

BMW also has to close plants now. Production sites in Europe and South Africa are affected. The closure is scheduled to begin on Wednesday and will last until April 19. There will also be regulations on short-time work.

CEO Oliver Zispe is already expecting significantly less profit for the 2020 financial year. The reason is the slump in demand in all major markets. According to the group, the profit could halve. A closure at BMW had seemed unlikely on Tuesday. VW and Audi had already announced plant closings.

US President Trump is betting on helicopter money

Helicopter money is now said to help in the United States against the economic crisis. The money is to be paid out in the form of checks , which are sent to US citizens. The broadcast will take place in the next two weeks, as Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in Washington.

Finances: Olaf Scholz plans for the year 2021 with a black zero, despite the corona crisis

The sum of the planned money supply is not yet known, and the amount of the respective checks is still being determined, Mnuchin said. We are talking about an amount of $ 1,000 for several million citizens. Overall, the relief efforts are expected to total more than $ 1 trillion. On Tuesday, 850 billion were still under discussion.

Helicopter money got its name from a thought experiment by the economist Milton Friedmann. Originally it was about the neutrality of the money supply, today the word helicopter money is understood as stimulating consumption by the "unconditional" circulation of money by the state.

Slight recovery on the DAX on Tuesday

+++ 17.37 clock: At the end of trading, the DAX was able to make up ground on Monday. The leading German index rose by around 2.7 percent, but recently remained just below the 9000 point mark.

Last week's losers are now winners. By 5:30 p.m. Daimler gained 8.75 percent, RWE won 7.80 percent and BASF 6.77 percent. The biggest loser was Fresenius Medical with 4.51 percent.

Despite the slight gains, a real recovery is not yet in sight. It cannot be ruled out that the upward trend will only consist of profit taking. Analysts like Martin Utschneider from Donner & Reuschel say: "The DAX is still in crash mode."

Talking about stock exchange closings

Due to the strong fluctuations, some analysts suggested that the stock exchanges be closed completely. Stephen Innes, from AxiCorp wants to “pull the plug”. The model could be Wall Street, where trade breaks are repeatedly taken in the event of excessive daily losses, but longer-term closings would also be possible.

Stacey Cunningham, president of the New York Stock Exchange said via Twitter that she understood the concerns about the crash continuing. But the markets reflected investors' concerns and a closure could add to the panic. Therefore, the stock exchanges will probably remain open and the sell-off could continue.

Closing the markets would not change the underlying causes of the market decline, would remove transparency into investor sentiment, and reduce investors' access to their money. This would only further compound the current market anxiety. (3/3)

- Stacey Cunningham (@stacey_cunning) March 16, 2020

Update from Tuesday, March 17th, 2020, 3:11 pm: US President Donald Trump wants to take far-reaching steps to alleviate an economic crisis in his country. Trump wants to set up an economic stimulus package worth $ 850 billion. Details of the program are not yet known, but 50 billion are to be made available for the hard-hit aviation industry alone.

The Democrats' proposal to aid after the stock market collapse failed

Tax breaks for US citizens are also considered likely as part of the program. This was reported by the AFP press agency. Trump had previously advocated tax relief. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin is expected to campaign for approval in Congress. A Democratic proposal of 100 billion failed due to the Republican majority in the Senate.

Donald Trump puts aid package almost twice the size of the federal budget

During the financial crisis in 2008, the then U.S. government launched a $ 700 billion bailout. For comparison: All expenditure by the German federal government, the federal budget, is planned to amount to 362 billion euros in 2020.

Update from Tuesday, March 17th, 2020, 11:38 am: On the stock exchanges in Europe, there was a slight relaxation on Tuesday. In the meantime, the DAX showed a plus and briefly exceeded the 9000 point mark. The targets from Asia were even better, the Japanese leading index Nikkei increased by 5.28 percent.

ZEW indicator with the most massive crash ever

In the morning, the Center for European Economic Research ( ZEW ) published the latest data from its regular survey on stock exchange and economic expectations in Germany. The result is that the indicator has plummeted as it has not since its introduction in 1991. It fell from 58.2 points in February to minus 49.5 points, as the institute announced. The ZEW indicator indicated a correspondingly low level - with a lower fall - in 2011.

Car manufacturers stop production due to corona virus

The automobile manufacturers Audi and VW stop their production. On Friday, the last shift will be driven at VW in Wolfsburg. Audi will shut down production in "Ingolstadt, Neckarsulm, Belgium, Mexico and Hungary in a controlled manner," as the company informed its employees in writing.

VW wants to close its plants in Europe, despite the feared massive losses. The works council had pushed for a closure after the first confirmed cases in factories. For the time being, it is planned to shut down the plants for two weeks. Other manufacturers such as Daimler and BMW continue to produce. Unconfirmed images on social networks are intended to show how Daimler employees in Spain should have gone on a wildcat strike because of this.

Stock market crash: Dow Jones slumps 13 percent - worst loss for over 30 years

+++ 21:21: The US exchanges have experienced another black day because of the coronavirus pandemic . On New York's Wall Street, the leading Dow Jones index dropped almost 13 percent on Monday and ended at around 20,188 points. This was the sharpest drop since black Monday in October 1987. The Nasdaq technology index lost more than twelve percent.

There is great uncertainty among investors about the economic consequences of the corona virus crisis. The German stock index ( Dax ) on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange closed on Monday at 8742 points, which was 5.31 percent in the red.

+++ 6.50 p.m .: The stock exchanges in Germany were again weak on Monday. After an initial loss of more than 5 percent, the DAX continued to fall below 8500 points during the day.

Although the leading German stock market index rose again to just under 8,800 points, it remained below the important 9,000 point mark that it had broken down in the morning.

Almost only losers on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange

Adidas was one of the winners despite the stock market crash. The sporting goods manufacturer gained 2.19 percent on Monday. Wirecard AG also grew 1.18 percent, as did Bayer. The chemical company gained 0.16 percent. The losers on the stock exchange, however, showed clearer numbers. MTU and Volkswagen each lost over 12 percent in value, BMW and HeidelbergCement each over 11 percent.

The VDax, which shows volatility in retail and is also considered a “fear barometer”, reached a new all-time high. The index shows how strongly the prices fluctuate on the stock exchange. The higher the value of the VDAX, the greater the fluctuations and uncertainty. And the outlook remains bleak.

Weekly outlook: No end in sight yet. The corona virus paralyzes ever larger parts of the economy worldwide, the DAX continues to lose significantly. There are hardly any optimists left among the analysts.

- Frankfurt Stock Exchange (@boersefrankfurt) March 16, 2020

Stock exchanges in the US continue to point towards the economic crisis

+++ 4.30 p.m .: The fiasco on the US stock markets due to the coronavirus crisis continues. After trading was initially suspended for around 15 minutes on Monday, the Dow Jones Industrial dropped more than 12 percent after resumption. In the period that followed, the leading index recovered somewhat and was recently 8.10 percent lower at 21,306.66 points.

The market-wide S&P 500 recently lost 7.56 percent to 2506.06 points. The technology-heavy Nasdaq 100 was down 7.42 percent to 7402.19 points. Both indices initially also declined in double digits.

The measures taken by several global central banks initially missed their target. The market was said that an emergency action taken by the US Federal Reserve on Sunday is currently increasing fears of the magnitude of the ongoing corona crisis. The Fed surprisingly cut the key interest rate to almost zero percent and announced a package of measures in coordination with other central banks.

Central bank decision after stock market crash increases risk of economic crisis

The Fed's decision sent US bank stocks down again. The papers of industry representatives JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs listed in the Dow, for example, dropped by up to 13 percent. A low interest rate environment makes everyday business with loans, for example, less attractive.

Apple stocks came under pressure at minus 9 percent. The iPhone manufacturer had announced that it would close its 460 in-house stores outside of China for two weeks. The French competition authority has also fined Apple a good 1.1 billion euros for illegal distribution agreements.

Meanwhile, the aviation industry worldwide remained under pressure due to the corona virus. American Airlines, Delta and United papers lost between 10 and 20 percent.

+++ 3 p.m .: After massive price losses, trading on the US stock exchanges has meanwhile been stopped. Immediately after the start of trading, the Dow Jones Index fell by almost 10 percent to 20,935 points. The S&P 500 slumped more than 8 percent to 2490 points. The Nasdaq 100 was down a good 6 percent to 7502 points.

At these stands, the trade was frozen for 15 minutes. The Dow had risen by a remarkable 9.4 percent on Friday, but still had a sharp loss of more than 10 percent on a weekly basis.

BREAKING: Dow Jones plummets nearly 10% at opening.

- ABC News (@ABC) March 16, 2020

Corona virus triggers economic crisis: Dax rushes into the basement on the stock exchange

+++ 9.38 clock: massive losses on the stock exchanges in Europe. In view of the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, the German stock index ( Dax ) has plummeted again. At the start of trading on Monday in Frankfurt am Main, the Dax fell below the 9000 point threshold for the first time since 2016 and thus lost 5.57 percent compared to Friday's closing price. In Paris and London, too, the stock market barometers opened up significantly in the red.

In the further course of trading, the Dax initially further increased its losses on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange . Half an hour after the start of trading on the stock markets of the stock exchange, it stood at 8525.01 points, a minus of 7.64 percent. The last time the price was so low in 2013. In Paris, the CAC of the 40 largest companies was down 5.9 percent.

The stock market barometer in London slumped 5.3 percent, while in Milan a loss of 5.4 percent was recorded. The Madrid stock exchange plummeted by almost seven percent. In the previous week, the stock exchanges worldwide had recorded historical losses due to the spread of the novel corona virus.

Corona pandemic triggers economic crisis - European finance ministers discuss crisis package

Update from Monday, March 16, 2018, 8:01 a.m .: The heads of state and government of the G7 countries want to give a video conference this Monday (3 p.m. CET / 10 a.m. local time in the US east coast) to discuss how they are going to cause the coronavirus pandemic in the Can get a grip.

The finance ministers of the Eurogroup talk about a comprehensive crisis package via video (3 p.m.). The Cabinet Committee to Combat the Coronavirus Crisis met in the morning (11:00 a.m.) under the direction of Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU). Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier campaigned for understanding of limitations in everyday life.

The corona crisis has left its mark on China's economy, which has practically come to a standstill since the end of January. As the Beijing Statistics Office announced on Monday, industrial production in January and February declined by 13.5 percent compared to the first two months of the previous year - the strongest slump to date. With a minus of 20.5 percent compared to the same period in the previous year, retail sales also fell. Fixed asset investment plummeted 24.5 percent.

Corona virus triggers economic crisis: US Federal Reserve cuts key interest rate

Update from Sunday, March 15, 2020, 10:45 p.m .: Due to the spread of the corona virus, the US Federal Reserve is lowering the key interest rate to almost zero percent. The Federal Reserve (Fed) announced on Sunday evening (March 15, 2020, local time) that the key interest rate would now be reduced by one percentage point to a corridor of 0 to 0.25 percent. US President Donald Trump welcomed the move on Sunday. Trump had only said again on Saturday that he was not happy with the Fed rate.

Trump said the US shouldn't have a base rate higher than in other strong economies. “If you look at Germany, they are basically below zero, they are negative. There are many countries that are negative. Japan is negative. Germany is negative. Others are negative. And we pay higher interest rates. ”In the United States, concerns about a recession are growing due to the effects of the coronavirus. It was only in early March that the US Federal Reserve cut its key interest rate by half a percentage point to a corridor of 1 to 1.25 percent.

Update from Sunday, March 15th, 2020, 3:46 pm: After the more than turbulent week for the DAX and the stock exchange, the focus is on the coming days. As of Monday, this will bring the borders closed. A closure of the stock exchanges would now also be conceivable. There will be no interruption of trading. In any case, this mainly takes place virtually.

Corona crash: Germany in shutdown mode - stock exchanges could close

- THE SHAREHOLDER (@aktionaer) March 15, 2020

A meeting of the US Federal Reserve on March 17th and 18th could be more important - also for the DAX . What is being discussed is not yet clear. However, there is already speculation about what could be announced. A further cut in interest rates is expected, a guide value of 0.5 percent would be possible to further enable companies to borrow money cheaply.

The framework had already been reduced to 1 to 1.25 percent last week. This was an emergency measure to slow the stock markets from falling further as a result of the Corona crisis. Most recently, such a measure had been taken in the context of the 2008 financial crisis. It remains to be seen whether the expected rate cut will have a positive impact on the DAX .

Corona economic crisis: Fed rate cut met with criticism

Commentators had been critical of the rate cut. The Wall Street Journal said the rate cut only made it clear that the central bank could not provide any relief with its existing funds. Stephen Gallagher, an analyst at Bank Société Generale, sees the current risks mainly as a result of the corona virus , which have a short-term effect. Cheap money could help boost the economy and demand. However, if public life is further restricted in the USA, too, the demand will automatically be reduced. So it is quite possible that the DAX and the stock exchanges will continue to be rough.

DAX sentiment data expected

In addition to these decisions, various economic barometers provide an outlook on the mood on the German stock market and on the DAX . This mood is reflected in the ZEW index of the Mannheim Center for European Economic Research, which will be published on Wednesday. A drop from plus 8.7 to minus 23.4 points is expected. This means that among the up to 300 analysts surveyed for the index, a majority believes the economy is likely to weaken. The maximum value of the index is plus or minus 100 points.

End of a volatile stock exchange week

+++ 18.55 p.m .: The big crash seems to be over for now: The stock markets are trying to recover from the devastating Thursday (03/12/2020). The Dax remained on Friday (13.03.2020) after strong fluctuations, but a small plus. The leading German index closed 0.77 percent higher at 9232.08 points. On Thursday, given the fear of the rapid spread of the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus, the Dax closed with the second-largest percentage daily loss in its more than thirty-year history under the 10,000 meter mark. On a weekly basis, there is a minus of around 20 percent - this is also the second largest loss that Dax investors have ever experienced on a weekly basis.

DAX slightly calmed down after a turbulent week

Investors can look back on one of the most turbulent weeks in stock market history. Last black Monday, the Dax was down almost 8 percent in the face of virus fears and an oil price shock. Then on Thursday, despite a comprehensive aid package from the European Central Bank (ECB) for the euro area economy, the DAX slumped by more than 12 percent. Since the virus-related stock market crash began on February 24, it has now lost around 32 percent in value.

Corona economic crisis: EU growth could fall “below zero”

+++ 14.09 PM: According to the EU Commission, the economy in the European Union will shrink this year due to the coronavirus crisis. Originally, 1.4 percent growth was expected for 2020 - now growth will “fall below zero, possibly even significantly,” said a senior Commission official in Brussels on Friday.

+++ 12.42 PM: In the coronavirus crisis, the federal government wants to help companies with unlimited credit programs. Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) said on Friday in Berlin.

+++ 12.31 p.m .: Now the Federal Council has also approved the new short-time work allowance in an urgent procedure. The decision is intended to at least slightly offset the economic consequences of the corona pandemic.

The regulation provides for the following:

  • Short-time work is possible if at least ten percent of the workforce is affected by the coronavirus pandemic
  • The companies are to be fully reimbursed for the social security contribution of the employees concerned
  • Short-time work allowance is also possible for temporary workers

The # Federal Government has decided on a package of measures to support #companies in coping with the # Corona crisis. KfW will facilitate the short-term supply of liquidity to companies through loan programs. #CoronaVirusDEhttps: //

- KfW Bankengruppe (@KfW) March 13, 2020

+++ 11.18 PM: Now Federal Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier (CDU) has its say. Because of the corona pandemic, it does not rule out temporary government involvement in strategically important companies. Especially for companies from highly sensitive areas, Altmaier told the news magazine Spiegel.

Sales of the VW group were severely impacted by the corona epidemic. As the company announced on Friday in Wolfsburg, worldwide deliveries during the past month fell by 24.6 percent year-on-year to 546,300 vehicles. In the most important single market, China, they fell by almost three quarters (74.0 percent) to 60,900 cars.

Corona Economic Crisis: Joint European Drug Project?

However, he currently sees no large number of nationalizations coming, said Altmaier. “We will look very closely at the effects of bankruptcy and do everything necessary. Altmaier also wants to help the pharmaceutical industry, which currently sources many medicines from Asia. It is the right idea to minimize one-sided dependencies and to regain national sovereignty in sensitive areas, ”said the minister. "I can well imagine a joint European project for drug production".

Economic expert on coronavirus crisis: "There will be a clear setback"

Update from Friday, March 13, 2020, 10:48 a.m .: According to the Bundesbank, the corona pandemic will hit the economy hard . "There will be a clear setback in the short term," Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann told the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Friday). “But after the virus is contained, the economy will recover. However, it is currently difficult to predict when this will be the case. "

Corona epidemic: "The ECB's response is appropriate"

The current situation is not comparable to the financial crisis of 2007 to 2009, Weidmann said: "The crisis does not come from the financial system." In addition, the financial system is much better positioned today. There is no need to worry about the stability of the banks: "German banks have strengthened their equity and liquidity is plentiful in the banking system." Weidmann appropriately named the European Central Bank's (ECB) response to the virus crisis.

The ECB decided on Thursday to boost lending through cheap long-term finance for banks. In addition, the central bank will invest an additional EUR 120 billion in bond purchases by the end of the year. Interest rates remained unchanged. "We did what a central bank has to do in a crisis in the first place: we have provided the banks with a generous supply of liquidity," explained Weidmann. "This is how we counter the risk of a credit crunch."

The Bundesbank President emphasized: "The central banks are currently not on the first line of defense." Fiscal policy is required, possibly in the form of broader economic aid. "Precisely because of the budgetary discipline of the past few years, Germany has extensive scope within the existing European and national rules," said Weidmann.

Coronavirus crisis: Dow Jones experiences worst slump in 33 years

Update from Thursday, March 12th, 2020, 9:28 pm: The US stock index Dow Jones continues to roar in the face of the coronavirus crisis. The Dow Jones lost nearly ten percent, the worst slump in 33 years. The index lost around 2350 points on Thursday and stood at around 21,200 points after close of trading. This was the worst loss since the October 1987 stock market crash . The Nasdaq technology index and the leading S&P 500 index suffered almost as large losses.

Update from Thursday, March 12, 2020, 8:55 p.m .: The US Federal Reserve has announced that it will spend $ 1.5 trillion to support the markets. After a brief price increase, the Dow Jones and S & P500 fell back to the levels they had before the announcement. Both indices have thus recently fallen by more than 8.5 percent.

The oil price also continued to fall over the course of the day. The North Sea variety Brent lost over 8 percent, the WTI variety from the USA lost over 5 percent. Due to the fall in the price of oil, the value of the Norwegian krone also fell rapidly. The country's currency lost 3.81 percent against the euro, and the loss was over 4 percent against the US dollar . Norway's economy depends heavily on the country's oil exports.

Stock exchange: Dax with second largest daily loss since existence

Update from Thursday, March 12th, 2002 0, 5:45 p.m .: The trading day of the electronic platform XETRA in Frankfurt ends with severe losses for the DAX . The index lost over 11 percent compared to Wednesday. This is the second largest daily loss in the history of the DAX after 1989. With 22 individual values, the losses were more than 10 percent. The index last closed at under 9,196.95 points in 2013. The European EuroStoxx50 index lost around 10.4 percent by 5:30 pm.

There were no winners, just not so big losers. Linde performed best with a loss of 6.63 percent, followed by Beiersdorf (-6.98 percent) and Fresenius Medical Care (-7.66 percent). The biggest loser in the DAX was Daimler with a minus of 18.85 percent. Deutsche Bank lost 18.44 percent and Wirecard 17.92 percent. Commerzbank lost over 20 percent and is therefore in trend with bank stocks. These lost disproportionately.

Stock market: crashes in the USA, also in gold and Bitcoin

The gold price in euros also fell by over 3 percent. The cryptocurrency Bitcoin , which was traded for some time as "digital gold", lost more than 24 percent and fell below $ 6,000 a piece.

In the United States, trading ends at 10 p.m. CET. So far, there had been no improvement in the course of the day. The Dow Jones with the 30 most important values ​​on Wall Street recently fell by almost 9 percent to 21,531 points, the broader S & P500 also lost almost 8 percent to 2,528 points. Analysts believe that even deeper falls are possible.

Stock exchange: Prices continue to fall in the USA

Update from Thursday, March 12th, 2020 , 3:15 p.m .: The stock exchanges in the USA are now open. There, the downturn in the markets in Europe continued. The S & P500 dropped more than 7 percent, the Dow Jones even more than 8 percent. Both indices are suspended for 15 minutes shortly after the start, as they were on Monday. In the past four days, the Dow Jones has already lost profits over the past two and a half years.

This is intended to bring peace of mind to the trade and prevent loss that is too rapid. There is no corresponding mechanism for the DAX . Experts speak of the danger of the price falls becoming independent, since a large part of the trade is now automated . Algorithms react to sales with further sales. It is currently not yet possible to predict when the downward trend will stop.

Stock exchange: ECB is investing billions in bond purchases

Update from Thursday, March 12th, 2020, 2:17 pm: Europe's monetary authorities are taking a comprehensive package of measures to counteract the economic consequences of the corona virus crisis . The European Central Bank (ECB) is investing an additional EUR 120 billion in bond purchases by the end of the year.

In addition, particularly cheap loans should encourage banks to grant more loans and thus support particularly affected industries and companies. This is intended to help small and medium-sized companies in particular to deal with the consequences of the coronavirus epidemic .

When it comes to interest rates, the monetary watchdogs left everything for the time being at their meeting in Thursday in Frankfurt: The base rate in the euro area remains at a record low of zero percent, commercial banks must continue to pay 0.5 percent interest if they park money with the ECB .

Stock exchange: The Dax crashes - Lufthansa, Wirecard and Adidas also hit hard

Update from Thursday, March 12th, 2020, 9:48 am: The Dax is also going downhill. At the start, the Dax falls below 10,000 points on the stock exchanges . This corresponds to a minus of around six percent. Lufthansa is also badly hit. The shares fell below the 10 euro mark and made a ten percent drop. Wirecard and Rewe also suffered major losses.

The sporting goods manufacturer Adidas also feels the effects of the corona virus. The stock has fallen by six percent on the stock exchanges . The reason for the crash is the China business , which was previously very lucrative for the manufacturer. There, however, the business plummeted between late January and February due to the spread of the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus.

Stock exchange: Corona virus has further economic effects on stock prices

Update from Thursday, March 12th, 2020, 6:30 am: Concerns about the economic impact of the corona pandemic caused stock prices in Asia to drop significantly on Thursday. In Tokyo, the leading Nikkei index fell in the morning by 5.17 percent to 18,412.24 points. The broader Topix index fell 4.78 percent to 1,318.96 points. In Hong Kong, the Hang Seng index lost almost three percent. The oil price also fell sharply again.

The direct trigger of the sharp price losses were the announcements by US President Donald Trump to combat the corona crisis . Trump announced on Wednesday evening (local time), among other things, a 30-day entry ban for people from Europe. This means that economic activity would continue to decline, said AxiCorp analyst Stephen Innes.

The analysts were also disappointed with Trump's plans to contain the economic effects of the pandemic . The US president had only made an appeal to Congress to cut income tax. He also announced that tax payment deadlines for certain businesses and groups of citizens should be extended.

Coronavirus pandemic: worries cause stock prices to drop

Update from Wednesday, March 11th, 2020, 9:30 p.m .: Excitement on the US stock exchange again: In view of the global spread of the corona virus, investors separated from stocks on a large scale. The leading Dow Jones Industrial index continued to widen its losses over the course of the day, closing 5.86 percent lower at 23 553.22 points. In the past three weeks, the price gains were wiped out for more than a year.

Update from Wednesday, March 11th, 20:59: Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) is open to neglecting the principle of the black zero in the federal budget in the fight against the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus . "We do what is necessary," she says in Berlin on Wednesday. For example, the Committee on Budgets has already provided around an additional billion euros for measures against the spread of the coronavirus. In this situation it could not be asked every day, "what does this mean for our deficit".

Merkel made it clear that her priority was to fight the virus. Only “at the end” is looked at, “what does that mean for our household,” she said. "The other thing is now happening." At the same time, the Chancellor pointed out that Germany was financially "relatively robust".

Leading economists in Germany had previously called for extensive measures to avoid a recession. Among other things, they argued for a move away from the black zero.

Exchange on Wednesday: Dax is recovering slightly

The Dax went up by 1.35 percent to 10,617.10 points on Wednesday (11.03.20) until noon - the German benchmark index returned some of the profits from the morning. At the beginning of the week, the German stock market barometer had experienced the largest loss since the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, with a drop of almost 8 percent.

The hard-hit courses of many car manufacturers took a recovery course: Daimler, Volkswagen and BMW gained between 1.5 and 2.5 percent. The shares of the energy companies Eon and RWE also went up noticeably again, with profits of between 3 and 4 percent.

Stock exchange: On Tuesday, a US aid package fizzles out on Europe's stock exchanges

Update from Tuesday, March 10th, 2018, 6:00 p.m .: The announcements of US President Donald Trump largely fizzled out on European stock exchanges on Tuesday. After a very nervous trade, the German leading index Dax lost interim profits of almost 4 percent and closed 1.41 percent lower at 10,475.49 points.

After Black Monday in global financial markets, an expected US aid package to deal with the consequences of the coronavirus crisis has only impressed investors on Wall Street and in Asia.

Stock exchange: The Dax is stabilizing - just like the oil price

Update from Tuesday, March 10th, 2020, 9:59 am: It currently looks as if the downward slide from Monday on Tuesday will not continue. At the start of trading on the stock exchange in Frankfurt am Main, the Dax rose by around 0.9 percent to 10,724.98 points. Most of the 30 companies listed there grew slightly. In Paris too, the leading index rose by around 1.3 percent at the start of trading, and the FTSE 100 index on the London stock exchange was up 1.8 percent shortly thereafter.

As a result of the stabilization of the recently slumped oil price, the stock exchanges in the Gulf States recorded significant increases again - from three percent in Qatar to 6.6 percent in Kuwait. However, the Russian stock exchange started its trading week on Tuesday morning with a drop in the RTS index of more than ten percent.

Fear of the economic consequences of the coronavirus crisis has dominated the marketplace for weeks. In addition, in the past few days there has been a dispute between the large oil producers Saudi Arabia and Russia - Riyadh wants to reduce the production volume in order to stabilize the price, Moscow rejects this.

What it looks like in the USA will only become clear in the afternoon (CET). Wall Street hasn't opened yet.

DAX can hardly make up ground - prospects remain bleak

Update from Monday, March 9th, 2020, 5.50 p.m .: Trading on the DAX ends with a loss-making day. There was little recovery during the day. Shortly before the end, the leading German index was still down 7.01 percent.

Slight recovery in DAX and US indices

Deutsche Bank remains the biggest loser in the DAX with a loss of more than 11 percent and sank to a record low of EUR 5.61 per share. Shortly thereafter, the automaker Daimler followed in the DAX with more than 10 percent loss. Commerzbank lost around 13 percent.

Some courses in the US recovered during the morning. The S & P500 narrowed its losses to 5.50 percent recently. The Dow Jones industrial index lost more than 6 percent and the NASDAQ technology index rebounded to 4.62 percent.

Concerns about the DAX remain great

The volatility index V-DAX has risen sharply. This increased by 37.39 percent, at times even stronger. This suggests that investors remain nervous.

Some analysts expect further sales for Tuesday. The chief market analyst at CMC Markets, Jochen Stanzl, believes that the DAX can drop below 9,000 points.

Commodities fall at the close of trading on the DAX

The gold rate could not benefit from the panic. The precious metal fell 1.50 percent over the course of the day and stood at 1,458.07 euros per troy ounce at 5:00 p.m.

By the close of trading in Frankfurt, the oil price for the North Sea Brent dropped to $ 46.01, which was 8.46 percent less than the previous day.

Wallstreet resumes trading after a short break

Update from Monday, March 9th, 2020, 3:52 pm: After one of the most important stock indices in the USA, the S & P500 , was suspended for a quarter of an hour, it resumed. The stop was triggered automatically after the price plummeted 7 percent.

Another break would occur if the daily loss was 13 percent. If 20 percent or more slipped, the trading day would end prematurely. This is to prevent excessive losses and give traders time to reflect.

DAX starts the week with "Black Monday"

The German stock index DAX started the trading day on Monday with a significant minus. The DAX is facing the biggest daily losses since 1989. In addition to worries about a further slowdown in the economy as a result of the Corona epidemic, weak targets from Asia and the price war for crude oil were the reason. Traders speak of a "Black Monday".

DAX and other German indices lose more than 6 percent

The losers in the DAX were Deutsche Bank and Daimler, each with more than 12 percent losses. The largest German bank even temporarily lost over 15 percent. At 10,500 points, the DAX itself was around 22 percent lower than at its record high of February 19, 2020.

In the M-DAX , Commerzbank, semiconductor manufacturer Siltronic and wholesale chain Metro broke also by more than 12 percent. S-Dax and Tec-DAX were also in the red. All major German indices fell more than 6 percent by noon.

"Panic mode" on the stock exchanges and on the DAX

The economic outlook had deteriorated over the weekend. In Italy - the third largest economy in the EU - large parts of the economically strong north of the country are cordoned off. The financial metropolis of Milan is also located in the Corona protected area. Analysts only expect a recovery with a decline in new infections. This, in turn, is likely to occur only with warmer temperatures. Analyst Christoph Geyer spoke of a " panic mode " in a message from the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

Weak guidelines for the DAX from Japan

The Japanese Nikkei index lost over 6 percent on Monday, breaking the psychologically important 20,000 mark. In Japan, concerns about weakening domestic and foreign trade dominate the markets and have given the DAX poor guidance. At the same time, the yen rose as a safe haven against the US dollar, further putting the export-oriented economy under pressure. The Shanghai Stock Exchange and Hang Seng in Hong Kong had also given way.

Price war on crude oil is also weighing on the DAX

The price war for crude oil is also weighing on prices. The negotiations of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) had unsuccessfully negotiated over the weekend to cut production quotas. After the negotiations ended, Saudi Arabia cut prices more than it has in 30 years. This is intended to counteract falling demand as a result of an economic downturn caused by Corona.

After DAX crash: trading in the USA also suspended

As a result, oil stocks on the US market pretended to trade, sometimes with a drop of more than 30 percent . The S&P 500 fell 5 percent to the pre-IPO limit.Due to the developments, trading on Wall Street has been temporarily suspended .

In the meantime, the Mainz-based biotechnology company "BioNtech" is planning to develop a vaccine against the disease Covid-19 caused by the Sars-CoV-2 virus in cooperation with the "Fosun Pharma" company from Shanghai. *

Corona has given the economy an unprecedented downward slide. The good thing is that the economic crisis caused by the corona virus offers an opportunity for an unconditional basic income *. The comment.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

List of rubric lists: © Etienne Ansotte / dpa

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-03-20

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