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Corona virus in Europe: experts in Spain with dramatic appeal - there is a risk of total collapse


Europe is increasingly strangled by the corona virus. There is hardly any public life left. The number of victims continues to rise.

Europe is increasingly strangled by the corona virus. There is hardly any public life left. The number of victims continues to rise.

  • The Coronavirus * largely paralyzes public life across Europe.
  • The states are responding with correspondingly rigorous measures to contain the infection chain.
  • There are even curfews in more and more countries.
  • Here you will find the basic facts about the corona virus and the corona news from Germany. You can also find current case numbers in Germany as a map. The following recommendations for corona protective measures are currently available.

Corona threatens Europe: Spain threatens collapse of the health system

Update of March 21, 9:29 pm: Spain is badly affected by the Corona crisis ! According to John Hopkins University, Spain now has over 25,000 infected and 1,375 corona deaths .

The health system is working at the limit and is about to collapse as the picture reports. According to this, numerous scientists, epidemiologists and molecular biologists are calling for "total" isolation of Spanish citizens. If this isolation is not implemented immediately, the health system "around March 25th" could collapse .

According to the report, the experts presented the demands in an open letter and called for only those people who would work in the health sector to be driven to work.

A two-week curfew has been announced across the country - it was enacted last Sunday.

Corona virus in France: victim numbers increased by 112

Update of March 21, 8:16 p.m .: New figures from France : Unfortunately, the death rate of coronavirus deaths took a big leap there and rose by 112 to a total of 562. The Ministry of Health in Paris announced this . According to figures from Saturday, 14,459 people were infected, 1847 more than the previous day. France imposed a curfew on Tuesday.

Corona pandemic in Europe: new Slovak government sworn in with respirators

Update from March 21, 7.42 p.m .: Crazy times! The Corona pandemic resulted in a curious photo of the new Slovak government in Slovakia.

The members of the new Slovak government have been sworn in with protective breathing masks and gloves . Prime Minister Igor Matovic and his cabinet members took their oath of office on Saturday in Bratislava with President Zuzana Caputova. The 47-year-old head of government assured that his government would "rule with and for the people". The focus will be on combating the corona crisis and corruption rampant in Slovakia.


Overshadowed by the Corona crisis, the new government has taken office under the conservative entrepreneur Matovic in Slovakia.

© dpa / Jaroslav Novák

Corona pandemic in Europe: Turkey also imposes exit restrictions

Update of March 21, 6:33 p.m .: Turkey also responds to the corona crisis with a nationwide exit restriction! However, this is aimed at people who are older than 65 and have a chronic illness.

The Turkish Ministry of the Interior announced the measure on Saturday - the regulation should take effect from midnight . The number of infections in Turkey is currently 670 - nine people died as a result of the viral disease.

Corona crisis: Airplane from China with 500,000 breathing masks on board in Greece

Update from March 21, 6:20 pm: In view of the worsening corona crisis , a plane from China with 500,000 respiratory masks landed in Greece on Saturday. Greece's development and health ministers, Kostis Hadzidakis and Vassilis Kikkilias, were at Athens International Airport to accept the cargo, a photographer from AFP news agency reported.

According to the ministers, the delivery is "an offer" from China's state electricity company State Grid and Greece's Admie, a power company in which State Grid has a 25 percent stake. According to Greek airport employees, the plane came directly from China .

The masks are mainly intended to be distributed to hospitals . Greece's health system is suffering from chronic problems and has been further weakened by the debt crisis. There is a lack of medical equipment, especially masks, in the hospitals.

EU Commission on Corona Crisis: "Vital to implement measures"

Update of March 21, 5:13 p.m .: The EU Commission is urging member countries to take drastic measures in the fight against the novel corona virus . "It is vital that measures to enforce social distance are implemented early, decisively and quickly , " Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides told "Welt am Sonntag". This is the only way to slow the spread of the virus and reduce the pressure on health systems .

At the same time, the EU Commissioner called on the Member States to improve cooperation in the crisis. Measures taken by individual EU countries could "have a negative impact on others' attempts to contain ," warned Kyriakides.

The Commissioner says she knows "how difficult it is for governments to make such far-reaching decisions for millions of people whose daily lives and economies are affected". She also knows how difficult it is for people to "live in the new reality that changes their everyday life and routine in this way". At the moment, however, it is an extraordinary public health crisis. "That is why these measures are necessary."

Corona in Europe: Macron gains popularity in crisis

Update of March 21, 3:55 p.m .: French head of state Emmanuel Macron has become significantly more popular among the French population due to his corona crisis management . Macron's reputation rose 13 points compared to the previous month, according to the latest "Harris interactive Epoka" survey for LCI television. Accordingly, 51 percent have expressed their trust in the head of state. According to the opinion institute, such a surge in popularity is rare. The 42-year-old has been one of the country's most unpopular presidents . Since the Covid 19 outbreak, 12,612 people have been infected until Saturday, 450 of whom have died from the virus.

Update of March 21, 3:42 p.m .: The first corona patient died in Finland . As the health institute announced, it is an elderly person. In the afternoon, 531 cases of infection with the Covid-19 virus were known in Finland. 17 patients had to be treated in the hospital.

Corona virus in Europe: animals conquer empty cities - pigeons in Milan, wild boars in Barcelona

Update of March 21, 3:25 pm: In the corona crisis , animals are spreading more and more in the areas that are actually populated by humans. From Milan, for example, eyewitnesses report how pigeons congregate on the deserted cathedral square - looking for food. Similar in Spain: A video circulated from the holiday center Benidorm in Twitter, in which a woman is followed by a large group of white pigeons after shopping. Commentators said the images were reminiscent of Alfred Hitchcock's thriller "The Birds".

Another side-effect: animals that normally roam in rural regions dare to go back to the centers of the metropolises - this is what happened in Barcelona . Wild boars have even been spotted in the center . Usually they live in the hills of the Serra de Collserola outside the metropolis.

In Venice , people posted pictures and videos of channels that appear cleaner than usual and return to the fish . “Nature is taking back its space,” write users of the Venezia Pulita (Clean Venice) group. In Milan, swans caused a sensation in the so-called "Navigli", an inner-city canal system.

Also in a really human space reserved two penguins moving. In the Lithuanian Maritime Museum in Klaipeda , the two went on a tour of discovery with their zookeepers through the halls , as a video published by the museum on Facebook shows. You can see how the two seabirds waddle past aquariums with fish and frolic with their keepers in front of the pools.

Corona virus in Europe: many countries impose curfews - the number of infected people is increasing

First registration from March 21, 3 p.m .:

In many European countries, the same picture emerges on streets and public places at the beginning of spring: yawning emptiness. The reason is the rampant corona virus , which encouraged politicians to issue curfews. This remedy has already been used in France, Spain or Belgium . In Bavaria and Saarland, too, citizens are only allowed to leave their home for compelling reasons.

The infectious disease has spread so rapidly across the continent that tens of thousands are ill within a month. The death toll has long been four-digit - and continues to rise rapidly. The big problem is that there are far too few test options *. In addition, many infected people do not have any symptoms * and are therefore not noticed at all. We are currently researching worldwide under high pressure for a vaccine *.

It was particularly hard hit in Italy, in whose northern regions the hospitals have long been hopelessly overcrowded. There are also a relatively large number of cases in neighboring Austria - probably in connection with ski tourists during the past few weeks - but Chancellor Sebastian Kurz is unequivocally intervening there. On the other hand, according to experts, Great Britain may face a similar number of victims as Italy, which is also related to the ailing health care system.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.


List of rubric lists: © dpa / Javier Carbajal

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-03-21

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